One Piece: Marines For Life

By ArcaneDystopian

23.2K 495 58

In this world, something happened in Luffy's childhood that changed his perspective on the world. Now his dre... More

One Piece: Marines For Life
Grandpa Garp
Alvida's Pirates
Shell Town
Kenbunshoku Haki
Shell Town Days (Part 1)
Shell Town Days (Part 2)

Welcome to Marine HQ

3.1K 68 5
By ArcaneDystopian

     Finally, after the long journey, Luffy was now able to see the outline of Marineford on the horizon. All of the recruits had been ordered to align in a special formation to display to the Admirals that they had been trained well.

     Captain Morino stood at the head of the boat, saluting the watching Marines. Rudolph stood behnd him, secretly wishing it was him at the head of the boat being captain. Luffy, in perfect formation, watched as the boat grew closer and closer to the HQ.

     And then the moment came when the boat pulled into dock and, after the officers, the recruits were allowed to step onto dry land. They were led past the watching marines into a great hall where waiting were two Vice Admirals, Doberman and Yamakaji.

     The recruits were called into formation and Luffy was standing in the front line. He saw Yamakaji smile and look at him, though he was always smiling he was obviously informed that the son of Garp was here and picked him out of the crowd.

     As the recruits hushed down they were introduced to the Vice Admirals, and then they began to speak.

     " Welcome new recruits, just by the fact that you are here means nothing. I have seenthousands upon thousands of men who were considered strong in their home towns and joined the marines thinking they would easily become big shot admirals. Now most of them have either gone home or been stuck as warrant officers for years," said Doberman

     " If you wish to defend the World Government then know that it shall not be easy, you will have to fight powerful pirates and go through grueling labor. No marine has ever become a Vice Admiral without having been through several near death experiences," said Yamakaji.

     As Luffy listened he heard some of the other recruits make noises in disbelief, as though the Vice Admirals were just trying to scare them. Luffy shook his head, they would never become distinguished marines.

     After hours of rules and codes that marines must always abide by and after receiving their standard recruit uniform, the fun part finally came.

     "Okay marines, now we will call you into one of the two rooms one by one where we shall rate your strength and skill and determine which Captain you will serve under."

     Luffy was lucky, he was in the front row and so it was not long before he was being called into the room. Because he was on the right side he would see Yamakaji instead of Doberman.

     He was lead into the room by a low ranked marine and saw only Yamakaji sitting there. He said nothing, waiting to be spoken to before speaking.

     " Name: Monkey D. Luffy     Age: 16     Birthday: May 5th     Height: 5' 7 1/2"     Hometown: Foosha Village     Mother: Unknown     Father: Unknown," said Vice Admiral Yamakaji, reading Luffy's application.

     Luffy wondered whether he was supposed to make some sort of comment and their was a brief moment of awkward silence.

     " Well, I am here to guage your strength so show me what you've got. Punch me anywhere you'd like, I promise that I won't fight back."

     Luffy wondered what the point of that was, if he didn't fight back there would be no way to guage his fighting skill, and when would it end?

     " Whatever old man, let's go! My punch is as powerful as a pistol!" shouted Luffy, finally feeling like himself again.

     Luffy reached out to punch him in the face but he dodged it. Luffy then jumped in the air and threw a melee of jabs at him but he managed to evade every single one. Luffy tried faking a punch to the face and instead kicking him in the stomach but Yamakaji only reacted to the kick and didn't pay attention to the fake punch, almost as if he had known exactly what Luffy was going to do.

     " You're going to have to do better if you wish to get a good grade," chuckled Yamakaji.

     Luffy clenched his fists and threw a bunch of random punches, not even thinking about where they would land. Many Yamakaji didn't even need to dodge, but two managed to hit him. For a moment Luffy celebrated his victory, but his triumph did not last as when he looked down at his hands, they were completely broken.

    " AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" cried Luffy, filled with searing pain.

     A crew of medical marines came in and escorted Luffy to the infirmary, all the while he was holding back tears.

     As he watched Luffy leave the room, the smile on Yamakaji's face grew wider and he began to laugh.

     " Monkey D. Luffy. Grade: A+. Looks like old man Garp raised a strong grandchild." said Yamakaji, just before calling in the next recruit.

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