We are waiting for you

By Riverdale_lover100

8K 186 44

After spending time with each other Alice and Fp are happier then ever. Especially after knowing they are exp... More

We are waiting
Are we really done?
Old friends
Will you be mine?
Baby shower
Last minute preparation

It's time

889 25 8
By Riverdale_lover100

Alice was in her 39 weeks. Her stomach was big and it was hard to sleep, eat and move. And the little boy's kicks weren't comfortable either. The kids were in school and Fp was at work. She was sitting at the dinner table drinking some juice and writing an article. She was stroking her stomach. She had been feeling pain in her stomach for the past few days. She drank her juice and continued to write. After ten minutes Alice felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She clutched her stomach.
- Owww shit.
The pain soon left and Alice continued to write until she felt the pain again.
- Owww
She stood up and then noticed that her pants were wet.
- Shit, shit

She quickly grabbed her phone. While dialing Fp she felt what now she knew was another contraction.
She put the phone to her ear. She tried to not panic.
He answered after a short while.
- Hi baby, he said.
- Hi, she said and hissed.
- Ali are you okay?
- Baby, she said and felt a contraction which stopped her from saying what she wanted.
- Yeah
- No, the baby is coming, she finally said.
- What!
- He is coming
- I will be there, I'm leaving now.
- Okay
- Don't close the call.
- Yeah okay.
Fp left work and went to his car. He drove as fast as he could home.

Alice sat down again at the chair and felt another contraction and hissed.
- Did hurt this much, she said and held her stomach. After around 10 minutes the door opened and a panicked Fp came in.
- Baby, he said and rushed to her.
- Fp!
He crouched beside her and took her hands in his.
- How are you?
She glared at him
- In pain, okay I got it, he said.
- Okay, can you walk? He asked her.
She nodded and got up. He immediately put his hand around her for support.
- The bag Fp
- Okay I will bring it.
He rushed up the stairs into their room and grabbed the bag they had prepared. He ran downstairs and to Alice side. He put his arm around her and they slowly started to walk to the car. Fp closed the door behind them and went to the passenger side. He opened the door for Alice and helped her into the car. He closed the door and rushed to the driver seat. He started the car and drove fast to the hospital. When they arrived and he parked the car, FP went out and to Alice side and helped her out and walk into the hospital.

They got help and were now waiting in a room for Alice to be ready to push. They had been here for around 3 hours now.
- shit, Alice hissed.
She was laying in bed and Fp was sitting next to her. He looked worried on her.
- He put a strand of hair behind her ear.
- You're going to make this baby.
She tried to smile. He stood up and leaned down and kissed her head.
- You're so strong baby.
The doctor would once in a while come and see how far she was.
- Uggh it hurts
- I know baby.
- But I have you, she said.
He smiled and gave her a quick kiss.
- Did you call the kids?
- Yeah I did and also Fred and Hermione.
- Are they coming?
- Yeah, when I call them.
Alice nodded as okay.
He saw the pain she was in. How could you not? She was dressed in a hospital gown and he knew she hated them. But he also knew she wouldn't think about that now. He thought she looked so cute. He wasn't there for their first born but hell if he would leave her alone in even a minute. So he sat beside her, giving her any comfort in any way he could while she got her contractions.

After another 4 hours wait the doctor came in and said that it was time to push. So Alice had now been pushing for about 15 minutes.
She leaned down the mattress after pushing a time. She was clutching Fp's hand hard.
- You're doing great Alice, her doctor said
Her head and hair were soaked with sweat.
- Now we need you to push in 3, 1 2 3
And Alice pushed. When she leaned on the mattress again she turned to Fp.
- This is your fault!
- What?
- This is all your fault! She said and pushed when the doctor said.
- Okay sure baby
- Why did you look so good when I went to see you! she cried.
- I'm irresistible, he smiled at her and she shot him a glare.
He could see the doctor and nurses smile. It's no doubt they had heard and seen weird things due to the exhausted women.
- Don't be smart with me Forsythe.
- Okay baby, okay

After around 20 more minutes of pushing Alice heard the doctor speak.
- This is the last push Alice okay?
- So in 3, 1,2,3, push!
And Alice pushed with all her powers. She crushed Fp's hand until she felt a realize and a baby cry filled the room. Alice feel down in the mattress panting! She was still holding Fp's hand. He went and kissed her forehead.
She felt him leave her and she could see him go to the doctors and cut the cord. He returned to her with a big smile.
- You did it baby, you did it.
She gave him a tired smile.
- Sorry about your hand.
- No it's okay Al.
She looked around for her baby.
- They are just going to clean him.
- Yeah I know.
If she looked exhausted before it was nothing to how she looked now. It felt like an eternity for her baby to come but it couldn't be more than a minute.

They saw the nurse come to them holding their baby boy in a blue towel. She placed him on Alice's chest. She saw her baby boy and instantly fell in love. She felt tears in her eyes and she didn't try to stop them from running down her face.
Fp reached out his hand and the baby took a grip on his thumb with his tiny hand. Fp looked at two of his favorite humans in the world.
- What about Wyatt Charles Smith Jones? Alice suggested.
Fp thought for a bit.
- I love it.
- My little warrior Alice whispered.
Fp smiled and kissed her head. Wyatt'a little hand was still holding Fp's.

It was the next day the kids and Fred and Hermione were visiting. Alice was asleep and Fp was holding his little boy. The door to their room slowly opened and the kids entered followed by Fred and Hermione. They all had balloons, flowers and teddy bears with them.
- Hey dad, Jughead whispered when he saw Alice.
Jellybean came up to him.
- Hey Jellybelly, he said quite.
Fred and Hermione stood silence and saw Fp with his kids. Betty slowly made her way to them.
- What's his name?
But before he could answer they heard a voice.
- Wyatt Charles Smith Jones, Alice tired said.
- Mom, Betty said and went to hug her mother.
- How are you Alice? Hermione asked.
- Tired but good.
- Congrats Alice, Fp, Fred said.
- Thanks, Alice said.
Fp went up to her and placed Wyatt in her arm.
- He is so beautiful, Betty said standing beside her mother.
- He is.
Betty could see her mother watching her baby brother with so much love in her eyes. Alice looked up at her.
- Do you want to hold him?
- I don't know, she said unsurely.
- It's okay.
- Yeah
Betty leaned down and slowly and carefully held Wyatt.
- He is so tiny!
Hermione and Fred walked up to her. Hermione touched his little hand and Wyatt took a stronghold of her hand.
She smiled widely.
- He is a strong one.
- Like his dad, Fred said.
Betty placed a small kiss on his cheek.
- I'm your big sister, Betty said in a baby voice.
- And this is your aunt Hermione and uncle Fred.
- Hi Wyatt, Hermione said.

Alice saw Jughead standing a bit away from the group.
- Jughead, do you want to hold him?
He looked at her when she spoke.
- Emm I don't know
- You can if you want
- Come on Juggie, Betty said.
Jughead walked towards his girlfriend.
- You can hold him, he told her.
- Come on Jug,
- I don't know how, he confessed.
- Just support his head, Betty said.
- She carefully placed Wyatt in Jughead's arms and made sure his arm supported his head.
- He really is tiny.
Fp watches his son with a big proud smile. He placed a kiss on Alice's head.

Hermione stood at the bottom of the bed. Her head was on Fred's shoulder and his arms were secured around her waist. They watched the two teenagers hold the little baby. She turned her head to Alice.
- He is perfect.
- He really is, Fred insisted.
Alice looked up at Fp and he nodded.
- We wanted to ask you something.
- What is it, Hermione said.
- We wondered if you two wanted to be his godparents?
- Are you serious? Hermione asked.
- Yes, we are.
Hermione looked at Fred.
- Yes of course! She said.
They both went up to the other couple and hugged them.
- Thank you, Fred said.
- We wouldn't have anyone else, Alice said.
- Just look out for Hermione, Fred warned.
- Why? Fp asked.
- She will spoil this child.
- Don't be silly Fred, I would spoil this kid no matter if I was his godmother or not.
- Of course, you will, Alice said knowing her best friend.

- Will they release you soon? Fred asked.
- Yes this afternoon, Fp answered.
- I can't wait to go home, Alice said.
- I know baby, Fp said and stroked her hair.
She leaned into the touch.
They heard a little cry and a panicked Jughead.
- Just bring him to me, Alice said gently.
Jughead came up to her and handed her Wyatt.
She held him close to her and rocked him.
- Did I do something? Jughead asked.
- No, I think he is just hungry.
- Oh okay.
- We should go, Hermione said.
- Yeah okay, Betty said.
She walked to her mother and gave her an awkward hug trying not to hurt Wyatt.
- Bye mom, just call if you need anything.
- Okay honey.
- Bye Fp, Betty said.
They all said their goodbyes and left the room.

Alice then fed their little baby. She then held him and watches him as he slept.
- We created something perfect, didn't we? Fp asked.
- We definitely did, Alice said.
- Our babies are cute, he said and stroked Wyatt's cheek.
- Don't expect another one anytime soon, she glared at him.
- Yeah I know, I know, he smiled at her.
- We have to be much more careful from now on, he said and gained a smile from her.
- But we do have an amazing family, she said.
- Yeah, I already had 2 beautiful children and now this little nugget.
- Yeah baby
- And I love our family so much.
- Me too, she agreed.
- I'm so glad this happened Fp.
- Me too
- That we had a chance, I don't regret getting with Hal, I can't because that means I would regret my girls which I don't.
- I know what you mean.
- But I'm so happy to have you in my life now Fp because I love you to damn much to not live with you.
- Baby, I love you and have done it these past 25 years.
He sat down on the bed and gave her a kiss.
- Lay with me, us.
She moved to make room for him. He kicked his shoes off and laid beside her. He laid his hand around her and she put her head on his shoulder. He places kisses on her head.
- I love you too so much, he said.
- Me too.
They laid there with their newborn baby and the three of them were soon fast asleep. Their little miracle was finally here and Fp and Alice couldn't be happier. They finally shared a child with the love of their life.


So finally the little baby is here. I have no ide how labor works so I apologize if anything is wrong. I hope you like it and let's welcome Wyatt Charles Smith Jones to our family.

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