By AdemKorkmaz7

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"And if whatever trees upon the earth were pens and the sea was ink, replenished thereafter by seven more sea... More


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By AdemKorkmaz7



"And if whatever trees upon the earth were pens and the sea was ink, replenished thereafter by seven more seas, the words of Allah would not be exhausted. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. "

(Lokman/27) That is what we are talking about. When talking about the owner of the judgement and wisdom, we need to think a thousand times and a million times.



His name is ALLAH


Adem Korkmaz

Hicran Yayınları 7

Book Series


Publisher Hicran Magazine


Kültür Sanat ve Edebiyat Dergisi

GSM: 0535 517 78 29


In the name of Allah.

The most Exalted.

The Most Merciful.

I seek a refuge in Allah from the devil, who is far from the mercy of Allah by the wrath in the world and in the Hereafter.

I seek a refuge in Allah in my life and in Hereafter.


Allah, it is not possible to tell this meaning. If you put a pencil on the earth and gather all the people together and start saying that write meaning of Allah, they would never finish even they have an eternal life.

While this is the case, a pencil like me has put a title like this.

We can describe only with Qur'an.

He is Allah;

"And if whatever trees upon the earth were pens and the sea was ink replenished thereafter by seven more seas the words of Allah would not be exhausted. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. " (Luqman/27)

That is what we are talking about.

When talking about the owner of the judgement and wisdom, we need to think a thousand times and a million times.

This small booklet is prepared to reveal the first thought.


It must be known that Allah is Samet. He does not need anything. Qur'an constantly tells this meaning. This is why surah of Ihlas is legendary. To give the space to Allah or time or meaning are not correct..

We must think very well about this point;

He is non-created.

It needs to be created so that we can understand it. This means that; If we search for the unseen we are condemned to a mountain, avoid not created because we do not know its inefficiency and timelessness. In the background, we are the prisoners.

Avoid the words of space and time from Merciful Allah.

We should believe in Allah and accept like that.

Because Allah does not need to be believed.

We need Him to believe.

You have a look around all the objects that your eyes see that you will understand nothing will be destroyed. If you use all the technological tools, even if you use all chemicals, nothing is destroyed. They will return

To another thing.

It is not possible to exist thing. Death is not a transformation. This truth must stand before us with all its nakedness and must understand what Man has become and what he has sent to the Hereafter.

Qur'an 59/18:"..Let every soul look what it has put forth for tomorrow."

As human we do something

For the Hereafter. Everything we do has a connection until the moment of death.

It is not possible to take a new growth or a new momentum after death.

Your thoughts, your ideas, your intentions, your beliefs and your words, of course increase like a tree.

"...A good Word like a good tree whose root is firmly fixed and

and its branches high in the sky." Qur'an 14/24

That's why we should speak the best of the word in a sincere way with all our strength.

And tell My servants to say that which is best." Qur'an 17/53:"

Because all the people are waiting for the words, the conscious, which is washed with their thoughts, ideas and intentions.

"To Him ascends good speech and righteous work raises it." Qur'an 35/10:

As you read in verse, it is mentioned about the journey and rise of words.

Human is actually a kind of production and production machine. He has created his own paradise or his hell by taking from Allah.

That is the importance of recognition of Allah and the importance of the issue of freedom.

Because the Hereafter and the world at the same time as a tree on both the soil and the soil is experienced like being on the ground. If we exemplify, the human is still busy with the soil. But like a glorious tree with its berries and branches above the ground people are evolving. Those who are not righteous are growing towards the fire under the soil. Every person takes something from Allah and sends them to the future.

And he will live eternal with what he receives. So he should look at what he sent. "O you who have believed, fear Allah. And let every sould look what it has pur forth for tomorrow." Qur'an 59/18

Try to understand the verse! And fear from Allah. Look what you sent! By looking at what we send, we can understand why we should be afraid of Allah.

Allah and Closeness

With the style of human perception, which is very incomplete, there is also an ARSH ALA in the center of the universe.

It is not possible to understand exactly because it is not created according to the our creation.

Our level of the understanding is not enough to understand what infinity is..

Are there unlimited and endless structures? The middle of the floor is exactly where we press the rest of the remaining circle is expanding. Something in the middle can not be infinite? It must be the absolute end of something with a head. Where does it go? A little bit more, we're going to miss the point!

Even the matter of the Hereafter is perceived as another place and we are glazed by the great facts.

There is also an Arsh Ala in the center of the universe.

In a boundless, infinite space, countless galaxies, countless stars, and countless suns rotate around the Arsh in an orbit. This situation is deeply linked to the case of the Kaaba. Even Mevlana had captured this meaning while doing whirling (Return). "

The most merciful who is above the Throne established." Qur'an 20/5

Arsh is under the control of Allah. The name of this publication, the Qur'an, inspired by inspiration, revelation, Allah's paintings, as well as signs. "And by the soul and He who proportioned. And inspired it with discernment of its wckedness and ts righteousness. He has succeeded who prufies it. And He has failed who instills it with corruption." Qur'an 91/7-8-9-10

Human, which he calls life, which he described as the meaning of perception, by the eyes, ear, skin, tongue, nose, which we call the name of the 5 sensory organs first reaches the brain. Then it is translated by the brain and reaches into the consciousness of "I". When this inspiration is naive, when it contains, it is described as revelation. "And you Lord inspired to the bee; take for yourself among the mountains, houses and among trees and in that

Which they construct." Qur'an 16/68

The verse is an example. The honey bee gets everything with revelation. This is also described in some verses as the color of Allah. "And our is (color) religion of Allah. Who is better than Allah in ordaining religion (color)?" Qur'an 2/138 What you see, hear, taste, smell everything you touch is directed by Allah. It is the inspiration / revelation and translated by your brain. This is explained in another verse : "And to Allah belongs the east and the west. So wherever you might turn, there is the Face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is all Encompassing and Knowing." Qur'an 2/115

The name of this situation is also called in Qur'an and those who perceive this publication and the scientific world aiming at this meanwhile, make the name

as the radial structure / energy / waves. And this is, without doubt, an absolute truth.

And this publication, this revelation that gives life to the worlds, giving life by Allah and He is closer to person than his jugular vein.

"..Biz ona şah damarından daha yakınız."Kur'an 50/16

With a magnificent art, no matter how far away it is. And all explanations are meaningful. Staying away from

Him is not according to the concept of space, but according to the concepts of blindness and deafness. His words like stay away from Him or be close to Him cannot be explained correctly.

On the anywhere of a planet, in the trillions of light-years ago, movement of the ant, we find Allah in the same center, the same proximity and in the same places in the World. Because outside, inside, time and place are only for people, not for Allah.

To think like that about Allah and to fit Him into this measure will lead us to the swamp, we call it as shirk.

A little boy can not be cute by himself. The moon shines in the night is not its own light, which belongs to the Sun. The Sun is same as the Moon. For example If we decide to live in the moon and leaves orbit out of the moon every month, it will condemn us to endless darkness.

And with wrong faith we will be lost in a doomed darkness. We must insist, love it, until we see the Sun and reach the Creator.

Love gives us power. You are a magnet against what you love, what you want. All your energies join you. "And to Allah belongs the east and the west.

So wherever you turn there is Face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is all Encompassing and Knowing." Qur'an 2/115

Love everything you see when you turn your face.

Your mother, your father, your brother, your land, tree, birds.

And if you love Allah with heart, you will not stay away and you will not lose eternal.

You are constantly receiving. Remember that you are in a state that surrounded by every angle! And see the behind of curtain and love him! Not only with words, do not hurt the curtain, do not break, do not swear, forgive... So that you will love Allah.

It is a situation for the idolaters to say Allah most of the time and to persecute people, animals, plants and trees. "If you asked them, Who created the heavens and earth and subjected the sun and the moon, they would surely say, Allah. Then how are they deluded?" Qur'an 29/61

When you read the verse, you feel chilly, right?

Because everything around you says Allah.

He is watching you at any time and the eternal life is ofcourse not this World, is Hereafter.

The person that not believe in Allah is ungreatful, never feel happy, his all plans are based on a three-day life of the World.

He curse every passing passenger, bad words never fall from this tongue.

He never think that all things he is doing against to Allah, but he can not recognize about it.

People who forget Allah from life and put Him away, they are obliged to give His attributes

to other things.

And the positive energy of the universe is joined you that when

you truly love Allah.

This expansion is in the Qur'an that constantly conveys this message.

Therefore, Allah has deprived all those who are ungrateful and cruel and betrayer.

As a matter of fact, Allah calls upon believers in the Qur'an;

"Indeed, Allah defends those who have believed. Allah does not like everyone treacherous and ungrateful." Qur'an 22/38

All these explanations are definitly not enough, but very close to the true meaning.

You can't show the truth to people with all the nakedness. They always look for clothes.

They have idols by the name, leave their soul in the marsh and do not accept that.

Allah can be called by many names. So when you say Generous there is meant for it. You should think deeply.

If the cement, stone, plaster of a wall come together and create the wall, the attributes of Allah govern the life,the universe, the visible, invisible, known unknown things,sustenance, manage, create, form, exist.

This process flows into our lives by using 5 sensory means through revelation and inspiration.

Everything is in a magnificent order. All this thing should be thought and for the person who thinks everything is normal shoud be a machine.

From the balance of the Earth to the human body, extraordinary work is taking place. Every place is full of miracles.

Allah and Human

A magnificent being like a human has great goals. When human beings have the opportunity on the earth, they should always look for it and avoid hurting anything. The one who makes man worthwhile is Allah.

"And you do not will except that Allah wills." Qur'an 76/30

All people have a great power and power in the hands of this world. While the verse above is explained this power, the verse mentioned below explains it will be taken back on time. "Indeed, We offered the Trust to the sky, earth and mountains and they declined to bear it and feared it, but human bear it." Qur'an 33/72

That means having to be taken back by the Owner, which is to be returned. Using this power does not make it independent of-the-owner!

Man has found honor with this power. We should be afraid of the Lord of Heavens if we understand and recognize the trust. Akkah; the Qur'an also stated that they should see and discover their existence and evidence in their own heart.

"And in yourselves,then will you not see?" Qur'an 51/21

This is why Human is important. But the importance applies to only in this World not Hereafter.

To accept as Hz. Ali's expression is 'Service of the publicy that service to Allah'. It means to accept what has give to him.

We need to look for evidence in people's hearts. We need to see what is inside.

This measure will draw us to the line of compassion and in the eternal process that we call the Hereafter, it will draw between the real good and the righteous.

In our relations with people, we should not forget what is in their heart and should remember in any time.

Allah and Fear

Everything you feel, see, hear, belongs to Allah. Remember how this is reflected in the feeling of Self.

Fire , water, sand, soil... and there is an order for all.

Whoever wants to comply with this order will live on this way.

Whoever gets fire with him will be lit. It never change!

"...And never you will find any change in the way of Allah." Qur'an 48/23

The things you send to the Hereafter such as fire water mean What goes around comes around. And what you send from the World that you will take in the Hereafter. The example of this in the world is Quantum.

The Hereafter will be shaped through your words, ideas, beliefs, thoughts.

The biggest danger is ofcourse shirk.

Because fire you do not care about will not pity on you and will burn you.

The Shirk takes away the freedom. Remember Allah never persecutes anyone!

With words, with the intention of the body, transformed the self-existence itself will persecute!

"That is for what your hands have put forth. Because Allah is never unjust to His servants." Qur'an 3/182

So Allah never persecutes anyone. Then stop ruining your own life.

Do you know what you have done with your hand, what you offer?

Hell and Heaven are two different directions. Hell is like down. Human condition progresses downwards. You must end this progress.

Avoid from lies, arrogance, horses, cruelty.


From gossip from bad thing...


From pride, from domineer, from insulting, despair...


From blessing your nationality, your gender, your village...

All this is enough to persecute yourself. And all of this is what you offer with your hands. Allah is not persecuting.

So be afraid of what you send!

Be afraid of Allah!

So take care of your words, thoughts, behaivours.

Bad behaivours start with bad thoughts.

Good behaivours start with good thoughts.

Allah and Destiny "No disaster strikes upon the earth or among yourselves except that it is in a register before We bring it into being.. In order that you do not despair over what has eluded you and not exult over what He has given you." Qur'an 58/22-23

Do not confuse Allah's wisdom with the people's wisdom which is known by people today.

Allah's Wisdom :

It means that in the past, now, in the future and even in a timeless manner, it will be known. From the point of inventions to topics such as strategy, it means that everything is known by Allah in the finest detail.

When we think of mathematics counted from 1 to 10, we also compare that Allah's wisdom to people's wisdom.

This is incomplete and defective.

We make the same mistake in all of Allah's attributes.

Then some people think that Allah will not know the future, and that He will not know the person you are going to marry etc...

On the contrary! Allah always knows, hearing the will, puts the will.

So we can say, every person is a book. And the Author of all the books are Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

Qur'an says : Read!" that means; Without swearing, yelling, gossip, condemning, we should read. Because our written book will be sent to the printing house with death, will come to the market in the Hereafter. Then we will understand better meaning of the Fate.

Please believe here. It is also recommended by Qur'an. And the pen as a great power is under the command of Allah.

On the other hand, Human is basically a very advanced robot. It is easy to know everything for people who know humanity very well. For example, you can know how many days after the food in a house will be exhausted, the person who cannot find food will tolerate hunger and how much time he will die as a result of hunger. If you have mastered all the events you know. Today, some psychologists understand human movements.

All information is well known by Allah. This is not even worth talking to.

Even no need to make an explanation, if you accept the Qur'an. You have to come to the line of the Qur'an. It is really funny to talk about the mystery while knowing the word in your mind with a few questions, which is a popular entertainment All-knowing tea cup game. Knowledge is something else.

Choice and preferences are something else.

"Whatever you conceal what is in your breasts or reveal it, Allah knows it." Qur'an 3/29

It doesn't matter what the truth is in this universe. What is important is how close and true you are to the truth of the goods.

What you believe in the World then you will find it, you will live it in the Hereafter.

And how much you believe when the truth is revealed, how far away you are from the measure of this truth, you will suffer that much.

Clouds flow by Allah not by wind. Birds fly by allowing of Allah not by wings. Things you're going to learn will be like that. If you already realized the flow of revelation, then you will understand them better.

Birds cannot fly on their own wings, you will learn that

the clouds cannot flow by wind, a tree cannot afford fruit by itself.

Use your mind! Believe with love, that it is Allah who manages this magnificent design.

When you do not believe it, you will find a great chaos where you go! Clouds that do not move at all, flightless birds, clouds that pour acid instead of water, and how much chaos you run, you will find that much trouble.

Whatever you believe, you will find it over there!

Yes, the belief you lived in the world then you wil find it in the Hereafter, it will be shaped.

If you think Allah is a system and no mercy in the system!

Then, there is no mercy in the system you set up.

And really, very difficult conditions will occur and you will live in it.

"And whatever strikes you of disaster, it is for what your hands are earned. " Qur'an 42/30)

And if you think there is no Allah and all is with coincidence!

Then you will find something of horror against yourself in the Hereafter.

Everthing is so simple and clean. Whatever you believe, whatever you think, you will find it!

Allah does not need us, on the contrary we need Him. And the believing of partnership of Allah will destroy eternal life, the Hereafter.

However, the only thing to be done is for unknown to say SubhanAllah.

And recognize 99 of Allah names, to say Allah and to leave beyond the point of being the most profitable.

Allah will not persecute anyone at anytime.

Believe in your life at least 99 attributes of Allah with love!


To associate will destroy people in both worlds.

And it is already a big problem.

In fact, finding Allah, reaching Allah...

All our performation should be on that.

Not to associate in Him. With a more understandable mean is the name of betrayal. It is the name of finding partners.

And do not skip without thinking on the way to the shirk.

Because it is the biggest danger.

There is two ways, to reach Allah or to other things. There is no third way.

For Allah is both the Punisher and the Merciful. He has coolness and fire.

This kind of danger for the Hereafter, also danger for ths World as well.

People who worship to money are do not love not people who do not have Money.

They do not respect, do not care about them, naturally insulting them and ultimately arrogance them, jealous desires, such as gossip at the center of their life and thy to do everything with their money.

And this feeling is too powerful that they even do not like themselves when they can not make money.

People who worship the authority insulting others. They are unnecessary, like bugs. And even up to the slave.

In the end, they despise even the children of families without authority. And all their thoughts are on it.

In this effort, the world consumes their lives. And they can do unbelievable things to have authority or to stay close to the owner.

And when they can not reach their aim they have serious problems by entering depression and sometimes seeing themselves as insects.

People who worship fame draws a line on glory and spend their life around this line.

Like us, non-famous people are worthless and insignificant. People away from this line is just number. Even a few million people death is not important.

Because the important point is the distance to the line. So they do everything to be at the center of the line and to get closeness to those in the center.

Those who do not reach fame are miserable with a sense of loss.

People who worship lust also same.

From friendship relations to working environments, they only think about lust. Evenon social media they do same and chat to people many hours on irrelevant topic.

They can not fit into the any shape. Nobody knows the sincerity of those who worship lust, including themselves. And no activity attract attention and is very boring.

And these addictions do not make them think correctly. Nevertheless, they can accept to be taken to the prison for their whole life. Those who cannot achieve the consent of lust having nonsense thoughts.

Exaggerated makeup, even nonsensical aesthetic operations, such as the ingenious unnecessary hidden habits can be shown.

And what they did not succeed they stuck in depressions, perhaps they have psychologist support.

At the end, people who have those illness if not Tawbah then can not come closer to Alah.

Because Allah will not forgive people who associates something except Him.

Becase they focus on this World.

Unfortunately, they will become the victim of their own greed.

Even you offer them universe they would not accept, because what is the galaxy, the central place, whether they can buy, they can sell ann many questions will occured.

Just to keep their money, authority they do not care about what Allah wants from them.

So they would refuse to have universe. Because they can not make money.

Islam aim is to grow up people to worship on Allah.

If people know how Allah has revived life through revelation, then may have understand Him.

Everything around them is lightining by Allah.

Allah bestows you with His generosity. Handsome young men you find, beautiful young girls, honest and good people, cute oldsters, to look at, to touch your children, all structures and lights painting by Allah.

With a deeper meantion, "What you see is from Allah,"

Human is not created only from body.

In fact, we should see the creator of people...

So that all things are painted and colored by Allah.

The verse below can explian it better :

Qur'an 2/138: "And say, we are colored by Allah. Who is colored better than Allah?"

If we associate then no one can help us in the Hereafter.

"And whoever is blind in this life to see the reality, will be blind in the Hereafter and more astray in way. " Qur'an 17/72

To pursue a team of sports clubs with passion or political parties will blind us to stay connected to this World.

Passion for glory and fame make us deaf against reality. Everything that is extreme, make us blind, deaf and dumb. Senses that given by Allah us to know Him should be used to reach Him. Whatever you are interested in then you focus on it.

People's idols between them and Allah make a serious obstacle. When you know all the players of the your favorite team with their life stories, but you do not know the information that will be needed in eternal life.

They do not think about the Hereafter.However, there is neither team nor party in the Hereafter. There is no concept in the Hereafter that you have set on earth with Allah!

There are no Turkish, Kurdish, Arab, Armenian, English etc...

There is good and bad people in the Hereafter!

People live a blind, deaf and mute life because of the habits and similar things.

They cannot learn that the power of a tree to give a fruit is not enough, they are not thinking because of other passions. An apple created by Er-Rezzak and tasted by Allah.

But they search for the tree to give a fruit in the Hereafter. This search was described as a disaster in the above verses.

The name of this blindness is also described a lot of time.

Numerous similar examples exist around us.

So we must search for the truth like crazy people and pray for it and live with what we have achieved.

For understanding the Qur'an is most important source.

And it does not open itself to everyone...

Understanding of Qur'an

Qur'an: 56/79 "No one can touch the Qur'an except purified..."

Means, "Can not touch" for sure.

As far as we can understand by this provision;

1. Souls made dirty with interest, they can not touch and understand the Qur'an because they are not clean.

2. Souls made dirty with gossip, they can not touch and understand the Qur'an because they are not clean.

3. Souls made dirty with unfair and break people's heart, they can not touch and understand the Qur'an because they are not clean.

4. Souls made dirty with adultery, they can not touch and understand the Qur'an because they are not clean.

5. Souls made dirty with torture to animals, weak people, they can not touch and understand the Qur'an because they are not clean.

6. Souls made dirty with slander, they can not touch and understand the Qur'an because they are not clean.

7. Arrogance destroys people. So should be careful while checking information.

And arrogance is the most dangerous habit so they can not touch and understand the Qur'an because they are not clean.

8. Blanks job will make you tired and dirty your soul.

To pray for your favorite team to overcome opponent's team feelings is such as great power in 90 minutes... And if you do it for the Hereafter once you make an incredible journey to the unbelievable times of the great surprise.

People's souls are also becoming dirty as body so they can not touch and understand the Qur'an because they are not clean.

9. Passion for fame, money, for someone etc will make an obstacle for your soul so you can not touch and understand the Qur'an because you are not clean.

There is no difference between small or big goodness!

All is same.

So avoid to prejudices people and do good to them even they are not good. Look at their behaivors...

So purify your soul and get a chance to understand the Qur'an...

10. Kind of cheater also a dangerous habit and it will make dirty your soul...

11. Keep telling a lie will make your soul dirty and you can not undertstand the Qur'an.

It is possible to extend the list.

So try to understand the Qur'an. Discover what is imperfect of your.

Who knows you may have wrong information about something that you are sure about it.

Become merciful, hold it and make a Tawbah which is the most great thing in this World.


Death is awakens (Hz. Mohammad pbuh) : "People are sleeping and they will wake up when they die."

According to the Quran, human beings are the best of creatures.

Qur'an 95/4-5-6

"We have certainly created human in the best shape. Then We returned him to the lowest of the low.

Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, fort hey will have a reward uninterrupted."

There is no other entity in space that is more honorable than human. However, not everyone we see around us is also a human. It is a human candidate.

Because some of them act not as human even they are not aware of it.

Quran 9/8 :"

"They satisfy you with their tongue, but their hearts refuse and most of them are defiantly disobedience."

And those who believe in Allah and the Hereafter, who does not dehumanize, and who do righteous deeds, are created more superior the jinn.

So we know that we are in the best shape of the creation.

A sheep can not harm a wolf.

Or can not harm a lion.

And people are more superion than jiin.

Because their creation is different than eachother.

So we should understand all creation and should try to understand as much as we can...

Should speak to trees, birds, animals.

Should not judge people from outside.

Should try to understand and looking in their heart...

Should not prejudice anyone or anything...

So physical appereance should not be important...

A german, an english or a russian...

All of them homan and we should not prejudice them with their physical appereance...

So all is same... A tree, cow, ant, soil, the world, then moon...

Difference is, to be a good person and do good deeds...

A lemon, watermelon, and whatever you think...

All describes it's creator...

Describes Allah...

Physical appereance should not belie you.

But as human unfortunately we judge people with their physical appereance.

And it is not good and not correct.

Makes not sense their appereance if do not have a prejudice...

Then you will not be afraid of...

Hereafter ;

When you are about die, evil will try to play with you and you should be aware of that.

Because there is no any way to come back from the hereafter.

It's done!

Angels will ask you :

"Who is your creator?"

And what you did in this World and what you did sent from this World, will welcome you in the hereafter.

So you should be ready and should do good deeds and be a good person.

As human there is not way to understand that system.

Because it is far far way from our thoughts...

Because it is hidden for us to understand Allah and His creation ability...

We accept it as Allah teach us and inform us on the Qur'an and with following of Hz. Mohammad (peace be upon him)

And the real life is not this World we are living in at the moment.

The real life is in the hereafter.

The eternal life...

And what kind of life you have here in this World , and what you sent from here in this World is so important.

What goes around comes around...

So before the judgement day be aware of it...

Preare yourself for the Hereafter...

Because if you ignore that there is not Allah and we have only this World...

Then you will not be able to answer any questions that angels are going to ask you.

...And whatever you sent from this World to the Hereafer will welcome you.

Then you will see the reality.

So wake up!

And start to be a good person before it is too late!

Read Qur'an!

Learn how to read and to understand the Qur'an.

Surah en-nas is really a strong surah :

Qur'an 114 :

"Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind.

The Sovereign of mankind.

The Allah of mandkind.

From the evil of the retreating whisperer.

Who whispers evil into the breast of mankind.

From among the jinn and mankind.

It says :

I take a shelter to Creator of all beings.

So this World is realy so much important.

All is in this World.

All opportunity is available it this World.

For more information you can visit :

Also teach your family those all things and advise them to do good deeds.

So all your problems will end if you realize that the real life is not this World, the real life is in the hereafter.

Read, learn and teach!

Advise people to Show them the good and the best way.

Even they do not want to listen to you org et angry at you...

You continue to be a good person.

Allah knows better for sure.

"So trust in Allah"

Love of Mother

Allah gives mercy to mothers. If not how could they love their children that much.

So have a think if mothers are merciful for their childre so that Allah is the most Merciful and He has mercy for us.

And if we succes to get our book from the right side in the hereafter, we will see how much Allah is merciful for us.

You will see how Allah looks us like a merciful mothers that for their children.

There is no word to describe Allah's mercy...

At the end

So the knowledge is the power!

It is everywhere!

And evil is working all the time, at the any time.

So becareful!

So be aware of evil!

Say good words to people.

And if you do good deeds, if you say good words to people, then evil will run away from you.

So forget all bad things!

Forget what happened yesterday.

Because if you keep to be worried about past then you can not live a good life and can not say good words.

So if you do not want to spend your life for nothing, then be a good person and do good deeds.

"And tell My servants to say that which is best. Indeed, evil induces among them. Indeed, evil is a clear enemy to mankind." Qur'an 17/53

Because all comes from Allah and if you forget Allah then you can not overcome of evil.

You buy fruit from grocery and if you do not like it then you curse to the grocer.

You buy meat from buthcer and if you do not like it then curse to then the butcher.

You work all day long and buy a bread form market but your wife is angry at you just because a bread is not fresh.

You get angry at your wife just because she forgets to put salt in dinner.

Municipality employees are working so hard, to green vicinity of your city, but just because it is not your favorite party you do not like it.

You get angry at them and curse at them.

So if are not aware of evil,

Then you never feel happy inside you and you curse all the time and get angry at something.

And if you believe in Allah and put your trust in Him, then all will be better for you.

At the end,

What goes around comes around.

And do not forget;

Allah is very close to us.

"Allah is everywhere."

"And in yourselves then you will not see? "

Qur'an 51/21

So love eachother.

And before you die, try to learn more about Allah.

About His 99 names!

With Regards...

Adem Korkmaz

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