Ocean Meets Forest

By space_boi_finn

27.9K 918 144

A Lexark fanfic. Elyza Lex : Born in Sydney Australia 19 years old Very good with any weapon and she grew u... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:

Chapter 11:

847 41 0
By space_boi_finn

Alicia POV:

"Good luck! " I hear as the doors behind me close. I can't help but smile at my amazing girlfriend. But then I am ripped out of my thoughts when my test number is called.

"Number 7 please make your way to the lot for your test. "

Well here goes nothing. I think to myself. I walk over to my bike and put on my helmet. I love my girlfriend. She makes me so happy. I could not have asked for a better woman.


"Soooooooo? How did you do? Well I mean obviously you did great I am the one who taught you how to ride. " Elyza said as she walked up and hugged me.

"Well I passed if that is what you mean. And you are a great teacher cause I passed with flying colors. " I was shocked that I did that. I never thought I had it in me to be able to do something this reckless.

"Well let's go out and celebrate then! " She grabs my hand and we walk out of the dealership together.

"You know I am going to miss not being able to hold you when I'm on a bike though."

"Awe don't worry babe you can still ride with me. I just want you to have a way to get around... and it would be fucking awesome if we just showed up to school on bikes. "I mean she had a point.


We pulled up to my house each on our bikes. We had decided after getting them we went to the mall and went shopping. Then Elyza took me to dinner and we just sat and joked with each other for about an hour before leaving. It ended with us sitting in the park looking up at the night sky looking at the stars.

"Babe we really need to get out more often. Like we really need to babe able to come out at least once a week. " Elyza broke the silence.

"I agree. We never really do the things other couples do and it sucks. Like I want us to have a movie date. And like go to a club or a party or something. And I know it is dangerous and all but as long as we are together we will be fine right? " I was kinda nervous.

Even though Los Angeles is supposed to be like the biggest gay Pride place ever it isn't. I have seen cases here where people have been murdered or just attacked for who they love.

"I feel the same. You know what let's go home and change then we should go like to the movies. Only if that is what you want. "

"Let's do it but we should walk to the movies. The theatre is only like a 20 minute walk from the house anyway. "


We went to the movies and I stole Elyza's Wildcats hoodie and threw on my grey sweats while Elyza stole my Soccer sweater and put on black sweats. We decided to watch Glass. It was a horror movie and I spent most of it cuddled as close as I could get to Elyza.

We finish the movie and are refilling our drinks when a random dude walks up behind me.

"Hey good looking wanna get out of here? We can end this night off right? " I can smell the beer on his breath.

"Sorry buddy but I am seeing someone. And they would not be happy. "I really was getting uncomfortable now so I walked outside only to have this dude follow me. I took out my phone to text Elyza that I'm waiting outside and so he will see I'm not interested.

Me: Hey babe I'm waiting for you outside.

Princess❤: Ok I will be right out just grabbing some more candy

She is under princess because she is my princess

Me: Ok please hurry it's cold and dark so I'm kinda creeped out lol

Princess❤: Ok I will see you in like 1 min

I put my phone back in my pocket and the man walks up to me again.

"So do you wanna get out of here. Clearly your boyfriend doesn't care if you are out here in this cold. " He is trying so hard but it's so annoying.

"Look dude I already told you I am not interested. What part of that got lost in translation? " I was so pissed now.

"Babe!" Thank fucking god Elyza is here now, "hey sorry it took so long that line was too fucking long. " She put her arm around me and I learned up to kiss her.

"it's fine but can we go now it's fucking cold. And we still have a 20 minute walk back home. And the sooner we get home the sooner we can just cuddle. " I tried to convince her to leave without telling her about the man who could not take a hint.

"Ok we can leave but I wanted to take you somewhere else special tonight. "She was too convincing.

" Ok fine but how far is it and is it in the direction of the house? "I really wanted to be close to home.

" It's like 5 minutes from here and yes it is in the direction we will walk to go home. So is that a yes? "She looked so exited to just take me out.

" Ugh fine you are lucky that you have the second best girlfriend ever. You are of course the first. "I kissed her cheek.

" Ok let's go princess. We have a long night ahead of us. But it is Friday so we can just stay up late and sleep in. But I have to be up by 1 because I have work at 2:30 and I am going to need to shower. "She said sticking her tounge out at me.

" Ok let's go babe and I am so exited to spend the day cuddled up to you because you are not going to work tomorrow. We are going to stay in bed all day and finish watching Wynonna Earp. "

"Ok fine but let's go now then. But then you have to make dinner tomorrow. And please don't burn the house down ok?" She grabbed my hand and we walked away.



Hey guys so I have major writers block and I need help coming up with ideas to use so comment if you have any ideas for future chapters.


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