Unexpected Late Night

By rachel_dulay

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{completed} cover by @ mahgadahling Chloe Fisher, The radiant, talented up and coming ballerina preparing fo... More



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By rachel_dulay

joellane I got off the plane and was sent this with the text saying 'catching up on sleep before daddy comes home and plays with us😊' I'll be home soon I promise.
tagged chloelane

liamken wow this is cute, it's all from chloe I bet.
luciefisher precious boys!😭
jgardiner272 the sass with that hand, that's definitely from you.
frederikanderson31 You've got two goalies in the making😉
morganriley no no no, you've got some leaders there bro.
officalcarltonthebear Can I hold them? Please?😀
dtbrown28 has chloe not bought leaf baby onesies??? Cause I'll be the first.
stephlachancee They are adorable, my favourite boys.
williamnylander girlfriend stealers at like week 5😂
marner_93 use to it, chloe was stealing her way before the twins so I'm not surprised.
breyana_matthews I cant wait to hold them!!!
chloelane 😊

"Cassidy hello?"I ask as I exit the hotel room, Liam in front of me.

I hear my sister chuckle "you should know I'm watching Lucy Gardiner kick your wives ass in her first work out"

"Oh that's right, I forgot Lucy came up to help chloe into a workout routine" I say.

Chloe and I had talked a couple nights ago and she was very much in the zone of body shaming herself, Lucy took action. I had assured she looks beautiful but for someone who's always been working out, she was not having it so I'm not even surprised that Lucy is kicking her ass.

"How badly?"

"Bad"I cringe as I enter the elevator.

"Why are you watching then?"

"I'm not so much as watching, I'm babysitting the boys"

"Ah, how are the boys?"

"Asleep, Notning too fun"

"Well they ain't walking or crawling yet so"

"When are you coming home because frankly I'm so tired of chloe talking about you"I laugh and shake my head.

"She talks about me?"

"Evidently in her sleep too" I smirk.

"This is my last game, I'll be home really late tonight"

"Why are you guys doing a red eye?"

"Because were tired and wanna come home?" She laughs.

"Alright fine, I've gotta go" I say goodbye to her as I exit the elevator.

After practice as I was checking my phone it truly did look like chloe was getting her ass kicked but she looked like she had enjoyed it,

chloelane thanks for taking the time to come back up to Toronto and kick my ass over my none existent post baby body. I missed you.
tagged lucygardiner

unknown108 chloe gave birth like what almost 6 weeks ago and it looks like she didn't even have twins.
luciefisher jeez.
marner_93 hi Lucy!
sydneyesiason Hi hot baby momma😉
mattymarts17 Joel collect your girl.
kalanileblanc that's my best friend.
travisdermott where are my brothers??
alexanderfisher We've missed Lucy. Yes we Have.
cassidylane I enjoyed watching your ass being kicked but I especially enjoyed watching the boys.
It still felt weird coming home after a road trip to no Chesnut getting excited the second I open the door, that was one of the things that I still had to get use to. It was quiet and I for sure knew I had to be even more quiet because everyone was sleeping.

I set my bags down beside the door and slowly walk to the fridge not even wanting to turn on the lights. I opened the fridge and spotted some bean Greek salad. I wasn't as hungry so I pulled that out and answered a text from Liam.

As I finished up and placed the bowl into the sink, I slowly walked towards the bedroom and mentally cursed as I immediately walked in and one of the boys started crying. Chloe stirs in bed and I quickly place a hand on shoulder, she jumps a bit and looks back at me "it's okay, I'll get him"she sighs and relaxes back into the bed. I kiss her cheek and walk over to her side where Bennett was crying, Simon was fast asleep.

I slowly pick up Bennett "he's probably hungry"Chloe mumbles "I'll take him and feed him"She tells me. I nod and sit on the bed, handing him off to her.

"How was the flight?" She asks.

"It was okay"I say and lean back on the headboard, looking over at Simon. She leans back into me and I kiss the side of her head. "We're doing the annual family skate next Monday"

"How do you expect the boys to go into the ice?" I chuckle softly and look down at Bennett.

"I'll ask mom to tag along so she can watch them for awhile"

"Fine by me"she nods.

"Man that was the longest two weeks of my life"I sigh and she smiles, laying her head on my shoulder. "I feel like they've grown so much"

"Really?" She asks and I hum.

"You miss two weeks of their first month and like I feel like they should've been walking" she rolls her eyes.

"That's not how that works but okay" I squeeze her thigh.

"How have you been? During the nights?"

"It's been okay, a little rocky at the start but I've come to learn that thank god that they don't wake up at the same time to feed. Bennett usually wakes up first"she says and we both look down at him "and then Simon will hmm like 3 hours later?"

"How do they not wake each other up?" I ask, she shrugs.

"I'm just thanking that they don't wake up at the same time" She sighs.

"I'm sorry"


"Just because you had a baby and then I left like how many weeks later and I just"

"Joel, it's fine really. We worked out a system that thankfully was successful. And plus your job requires you to go away, I wouldn't have married you and had kids with you if I knew I couldn't handle it" she says and I turn her head to me.

"I frickin love you, you know that right?" She nods and I kiss her on the lips before kissing her forehead.

"Your making breakfast tomorrow"I chuckle.

"Wouldn't have it any other way"I nod and she kisses me.
"Smells good in here"I hear, I had woken up later then usual. Exhaustion washing over me from the late red eye and staying up with Chloe with the boys. I look at the clock on the stove and it was almost ten.

"Your up earlier then I thought" I say to chloe as I wrap an arm around her and kiss her cheek.

"Oh trust me, this is late"I give her a confused look.

"This looks good, a potato breakfast taco?" She asks. I nod.

"Liam and I had these at one of the hotels and hell were they good, I found potatoes in the freezer so"She nods. "I've got coffee on the pot if you'd like to pour some"

"I think we've still got some fruit in the fridge"

"Mind setting the table then? I'll go get the boys and put them in their swing?" She nods and I exit the kitchen. When Christina had sent us the swing for the boys room it came with a second one and we decided to put it in the living room. I grab Simon first, cradling him gentle and move him to the living room, soon doing the same to Bennett. As I sat down beside Chloe she was checking her phone, Lucie had posted something.

📍Queen's University
luciefisher Cass and I's set up for midterms is so pleasing but we're loosing our minds here...... midterms=no sleep.
tagged cassidylane

samanthalane y'all better actually be studying.
marner_93 study grind.
breyana_matthews good luck babes! You'll ace those midterms!!!
alexanderfisher study hard girls.
cassidylane I think everyone can tell we're suffering by the large black coffee you have.
trevmoore8 jeeez a large black coffee??😱😱
auston_matthews I've never seen something more Canadian.
43kadri those big text books........
williamnylander study hard and I'll take you girls out for lunch soon.
alexnylander stay in your lane William.
stephlachancee good luck girlies!
joellane your welcome for those pens.

"You know what I think" I say to chloe, she hums.

"I think since I'm home and have the day off, you should go out and be with the girls" she laughs.

"You kicking me out?"

"I think you deserve a day out that's all"

"You sure you'll be fine with the boys?"

"I'll call Liam"

"Now I really don't trust you" I laugh.

"I'll see if Sam can come over too, how about that?" She sighs and casts me a long look. "I'll be fine"

"I'll go out for a late lunch, that's all"

"Fine by me"I nod.
Chloe had called Steph and now she, Chloe and Monique, Trevor's girlfriend had gone out for a late lunch. I take a seat beside Liam who was holding Simon, Bennett was asleep in the swing.

"So is Sam coming?" He asks.

"I'd think so"I nod.

"I can't believe you have kids"I roll my eyes and reach for my phone, I was happy to see that chloe was having a great time out with some girls. She needed just a couple hours to get out of the house.

📍Downtown, Toronto
chloelane My first time away from my boys, even thought I spent most of the time talking about them these girls never stopped me. Mom things I guess.
tagged stephlachancee moniquedommoe

marner_93 chloe is one of those mom's who never shut up about their babies but like we all love the boys so no one has the heart to shut her up.
43kadri What was the point of you commenting that?😂😂 marner_93
williamnylander I like ice cream.
samanthalane pretty girls!
stephlachancee if I had your kids, I'd never shut up. It's okay B!😂
moniquedommoe it was a fun day😊
kalanileblanc 😍

"I can't believe I have kids either so we're in the same boat" I say.

"They don't resemble you what so ever"

"Thanks"Liam pats my back.
Our first game back after our road trip was against Dallas, Texas. They were always a tough team so this game would be interesting. We knew we'd be getting a bunch of penalties because well when ever we played with them, they brought out our tough side. Like they say, the South vs the North I guess.

Chloe would still be at home watching the games with the boys until they were well old even to even sit upright on their own so it'd be awhile until they came to any of the games.

My line up wasn't taking ice first so I sat on the bench with Liam, coach was telling us something. Talking about how not to play too dirty, he didn't want many penalties tonight. We both agreed but knowing Liam, he'd be sitting in the box for a good while.

I nod at coach and he pats our backs before stepping away from us, I cast a look at Liam and he chuckles "don't be in the box for the whole game Alright"

"No promises" I roll my eyes.

The game was tough, it was definitely interesting to watch and be on the ice. We were definitely on our A game with a one point lead, quite surprisingly Texas was taking more penalties then us, which shocked us.

I was at the blue line as traffic was at our end of the net, I was waiting for the puck to come out of our end. One of texas' men were right beside me. The puck was out of our side and I skate forward to get to the puck but a few Dallas players raced to get to it as well. We fought for the puck towards the boards. I kicked it between my feet and Auston got it. I skated away from the traffic jam by the boards. Suddenly before I get back to the nets I was tripped and fell hard onto the ground, I heard a crack and groaned. The ref blew the whistle and I groaned turning onto my back, I ripped off my helmet and looked back a bit to see Liam and the guy I assumed who tripped me fighting.

I slowly stand up and one of the refs skate over to me, he follows me to the bench and asks a few questions.

I sit down on the bench and throw my gloves on the ground, one of the trainers was immediately at my side and had a towel for me. I could feel a panic attack slowing creeping up. The trainer asks me if I needed to step out and I nod. I stand back up and walk back to the dressing room.

We had waited until the blood had dried up to clean it up and check if it's broken. It was already swelling by the time we had cleaned up the blood. It was broken. I stepped back into the arena and sat down on the bench beside Kadri, he patted my knee as I was handed new gloves and a stick.

My nose was in so much pain but I pushed it aside for the last for minutes of the last period. We won, thank god.

I walked into the apartment that night and the living room lights were still on, I drop my bags gently and Chloe comes from the hallway "when I said go win a game, I didn't mean for you to get a broken nose"she smiles and I roll my eyes as I wrap her in my arms "does it hurt?" She asks tilting her head. I shake my head.

"No not one bit" I tell her with a smile. I lean down and kiss her.

"Well I can see your tired so come along" so tugs me into the bedroom.

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