U N H O L Y - [Sweet Pea]

By curvaparabolica

559K 12.1K 2.5K

NO TRANSLATIONS ALLOWED "Pure sin, that's exactly what he was". Published II | II | MMXVIII More

A/N: Lesson in Unholy
A/N: Pause (No biggie)


4.6K 127 5
By curvaparabolica

A/N: Shocked by the news of Luke Perry. I understood that he was an amazing person, on and off set and I loved him as Fred Andrews. May he rest in peace. My deepest condolences to his family and beloved ones.

     Sweet Pea had never clenched her this tightly. Sweet Pea has never cried so hard before. Kate let it all happen, she let him crush her within the tight embrace of his arms and she let him cry on her chest. "Anyone but Fangs". He had muttered while they were seated in his trailer that had been filled with such loving thoughts and gestures before. "I know, Pea". Kate said, a lump heavy in her throat while her fingers moved through his jet black hair. He was angry and hurt at the same time, a mixture of emotions that made him lock up in everything he wanted to do. The cool way FP had brought the news, almost as if it wasn't important, almost as if he knew this was going to happen. "I can't just sit here like a coward and do nothing". He lifted his head from her shoulder and she took his face in her small hands, his pure chocolate eyes clearly bloodshot. "You're not a coward for crying". She said, but he shook his head. His hands were warm and they covered hers while keeping them on his face. 

"I don't want to sit here while I can beat up the real scum of the Southside. I'm sure your brother would help me". Sweet Pea jumped up now and Kate looked at him from her position on the sofa. "You heard Jughead, it's a suicide mission, especially when you go alone or with two people to a whole gang". Kate said, not wanting him to go out there all alone. The Serpent moved the back of his hand angrily over his cheeks, the sadness and the hurt passing while raging anger replaced it and was louder than any other emotion in his body. "Pea, stop". Her voice sounded resolute in the words she just spoke. "I don't want you to have any more sleepless nights. I don't want to lose you either, I don't know how crazy those Ghoulies are, but I've seen Penny. You know Penny. Please". Kate stood up and neared him, her hands cupping his cheeks, which she could barely reach because of his height. Sweet Pea felt his heart rate going down at the warm touch of her hands.

"I understand that you're sad and hurt, Fangs meant so much to you as a friend, as a brother. But fighting those people won't bring him back". She softly said, her sky blue eyes filled with worry, almost forming a complete contrast with the dark brown that filled in his irises. "And don't ever, ever call yourself a coward". Kate finished and she felt him relax a bit more, the uptight feelings and frustrations slightly sliding off his broad shoulders. His hands moved over her waist, eventually to the small of her back to press her against himself. Kate curled her arms around him while Sweet Pea almost crushed her ribcage with the way he wrapped her up in his arms, his nose buried in her hair and his head leaning on her shoulder. His fingers twirled into the material of her shirt, his knuckles white from how hard he was grasping it and she let him, hearing his heart beating beneath his shirt and his leather Serpent jacket.

     "Jug?". Betty asked when she picked up the Phone, her eyes looking empty passed Archie who stood in front of her. Sheriff Keller just cuffed her father and put him in the backseat of the police car. "Betty, I'm happy to hear your voice". Jughead sounded. "Me too, Jug. You have no idea". Betty sighed, she had met Jug at the Wyrm, but because of the discussion that had risen there, she hadn't told him about everything that happened tonight yet. "I just wanted to let you know I love you. I'll never stop loving you". Jughead said and it made her frown at the tone he said it with, as if he was leaving and not coming back for a while. "What are you saying? Where are you". Betty asked in confusion. "Where is he?". Archie asked, just as confused and worried as she was.  "I'll see you soon". Was his answer and he ended the call. Betty looked down at her Phone she saw the call was over and she looked back up at Archie, not sure what was going on, but the feeling in her stomach told her it wasn't going to end well.

She dialed Kate's number straight after, asking if she knew or Sweet Pea knew where he had gone and Sweet Pea could sense straight away that he was going to the Ghoulies and to Penny. It was a simple decision then, all the Serpents gathering to find their leader. "Goddamnit". Jax had scolded, his fist almost breaking the table when he slammed it down. "One minute that kid is out of my side". He grunted in anger, not because he didn't like Jughead. In his eyes, they were just kids and kids shouldn't come to the idea to sacrifice themselves. Especially not when the Sons were ready to help, planning out to observe and see where the snake lady went to take care of her later, but they barely even got the chance to help before Jughead took matters into his own hands. Kate and Sweet Pea met the others in the Southside, everyone with a motorcycle riding out to find Jughead and the Ghoulies.

"Hey, snake". Jax nodded towards Sweet Pea who was about to ride off. "Take care of my sister, will you?". He said, his jaw slightly clenching like he wasn't sure if he agreed with his words, but Sweet Pea nodded curtly at him and Kate gave him a gentle smile, her arms holding Sweet Pea's waist while she wore his helmet. The motorcycles rumbled through the night, riding into the darkness of hell that would reveal itself soon. It wasn't very hard to find the Ghoulies, since they weren't too subtle about hiding their traces. A couple of the Sons of Anarchy were there first and Sweet Pea parked his bike a bit further away from their bikes. "Stay here". He mumbled to Kate, who crossed her arms over each other. "No debating about it". He added, padding her helmet and speaking in a stern tone, looking at Toni to indicate to stay with her. "He just wants you to be safe". She softly said and Kate nodded with a sigh, not liking the idea of Sweet Pea going there on maybe his own.

She saw her brother's bike, assuming Chibs was with him, but they weren't around here. Sweet Pea took his knife from his pocket and waited before going around the corner. He held his breath when he turned and Jax was about to punch him square in the face. "Fuck you". He spat softly, causing Sweet Pea to chuckle. "They're walking around here, but they're like rats, quick, scum and almost invisible". Jax added, seeming to accept the Serpent was with him. "Why are you alone?". Sweet Pea asked. "Because I'm just like you, snake. I don't like seeing my people getting hurt". Jax replied, his jaw slacking. Sweet Pea didn't reply as he could smell a camp fire still burning and some Ghoulies were there. They behind a bush, briefly looking at each other. "No remorse". Jax mouthed and the Serpent nodded in response. A fight was next, the Ghoulies seeing them and it was four against two. Sweet Pea was surprised how well he and the man of mayhem could work together.

The Ghoulies barely formed a competition to them and Jax grasped one that was spitting out some blood. "Tell me where the other Serpent is". Jax commanded, Sweet Pea holding his knife against his throat. "Too late". He coughed with a psycho, toothy grin and Jax knocked him out afterwards, dropping him to the floor. "Where is he? Where's jug?". Betty ran to them, Kate following. Cheryl was there too, and Toni, who she held in her arms. Archie came too, the other Serpents as well. "Guys...". Archie nodded towards the foggy forest and a silhouette was visible. Betty held her breath when FP appeared, Jughead hanging lifeless in his arms. Kate's hand moved over her mouth and Jax curled his arm around his sister when they saw FP was crying. "We need ambulance". Betty said, her fingers shaking almost too much to dial the alarm number on her Phone. One of the Sons did it for here, while she kneeled down at Jughead's body, his eyes closed and his face covered with blood and bruises, cuts and everything else that almost made her not recognize him anymore.

Jax helped, rolling Jughead gently to his side to make sure he wasn't going to choke on the blood that might lay on his tongue and he listened closely to hear that he was still breathing, very slowly. Kate watched in shock, frozen in her spot how he tried to calm Betty down, telling her it was okay. Sweet Pea next to her was moving his hands over his face, through his hair, letting out a frustrated grunt. "I didn't want you to see this. I didn't think through of you being a part of who I am, who my gang is". Sweet Pea suddenly said and she shook her head. "Not now, Pea". She softly said and leaned into his frame, hiding her face from Jughead's body and Betty who was in tears. And once again he tightly held her in his arms. The ambulance took FP and the crew was leaderless, but Jax took over. "You should all go home. You can't do anything but wait at the moment for good news. And it will be good news". Even though he was from another crew, the Serpents listened and went home, searching their beds in the deep of the night.

Archie took Betty home, Cheryl joined Toni and Kate went back to Sweet Pea's trailer on the back of his bike. She was tired, scared and sad at the same time, a combination that made her want to sleep till it was all over. Sweet Pea had lifted her into his bed straight away, watching her drift away, wishing he could do that without his PTSD keeping him awake. He was still afraid that he'd hurt her, he was still scared that the things he had brough her into, wasn't good for her. He sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her curled up in his bed. He wasn't sure for how long he was seated there, watching her, guiding over her, till someone knocked on his door. Sweet Pea slowly stood up, not sure if he wanted to let her out of his sight. He made his way to the door, his fingers curled around the knife in his pocket. Sweet Pea relaxed when he saw the blond president of the Sons of Anarchy. "I assume she's here?". He asked without greeting the Serpent and he nodded in response.

"She's sleeping". Sweet Pea nodded in the direction of the back of his trailer. "Okay, good. It's been quite a night for all of you". Jax replied, shoving his hands in his pockets. Sweet Pea briefly looked over to the bearded man who was with Jax, but he sat on his motorcycle that stood a few meters away, looking relaxed he assumed it meant that Jax didn't see him as much of a threat anymore. "She seems to be happy with you. So, as the tough brother, I'll just accept it. From crewmember to crewmember. President to... Snake". A soft grin played with his lips and Sweet Pea let out a breathy laugh. Jax nodded and turned around, yet before he stepped on his bike, he turned back to Sweet Pea. "You know, we could use some help here in there back in Charming. There's a patch for you, if you're interested". Jax mentioned. Sweet Pea was a bit startled by what he said, not ever thinking Jax Teller would offer him that. "I appreciate it a lot". He spoke up. "But my family, as childish as they may be, are here. In unity there is strength". Sweet Pea nodded a thim and Jax hummed in approval.

"Tell my sister I'll say goodbye to her tomorrow". With that, the Sons of Anarchy sped away again. Sweet Pea closed the door with a soft chuckle, about to check up on Kate when there was another knock on his door. "I'm really not going to patch over!". He called, opening the door again and he was shocked by who he saw. Fangs looked back at him, saying nothing. Sweet Pea moved to hug his friend, not sure if he was hallucinating this. But Fangs was real, he felt real and not dead at all. "Ouch, Pea". Fangs patted his back with a cramped laugh, the bandaid was still wrapped around his stomach and it could hurt like hell sometimes. "What the hell? Get out". Sweet Pea looked down at his friend, grabbing his shoulders and almost shaking him till he was dizzy. "Fangs?". Kate her voice sounded and she was sure she was dreaming. "I'm so glad you're banging again". He sighed and laughed when Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. "Now I'm sure you're real". The Serpent replied. Fangs gladly wrapped Kate up in a hug and Sweet Pea closed the door of his trailer.

Fangs explained everything, how he healed in another room in the hospital that was guided twentyfour seven to make sure he wouldn't be target. Everyone had to believe he was dead and also to let the Serpents and their attention wander away from that what was the most important at the moment. "I'm sorry I had to do that to you". He whispered, knowing how hurt Sweet Pea must've been. "I'll just try to forget this and feel blessed that you're still alive". He smiled and briefly squeezed his friend's shoulder. "I'm also happy to see that you two are back to together. I wouldn't know what to do if I died while you were still fighting and never knew if you were a couple again or not". Fangs sighed and it made Kate laugh, leaning over to kiss his cheek and hug him again, glad Fangs was back. FP had talked him through everything as Fangs had visited Jughead in the hospital already. He told Kate and Sweet Pea that Jughead looked pretty thrashed, but it seemed like he was going to be okay. 

Fangs was staying the night with them and Kate had absolutely no problem with that. He was still healing and she didn't want him to wander back to his trailer or to another place in the middle of the night and that all alone. Fangs could have the couch all for himself and he was pretty content with that. Kate had exchanged some texts with Betty to ask how she was and Betty had given a short summary. She placed her Phone on the nightstand and felt the mattress sinking under Sweet Pea's weight. She turned to him when he was facing her and she gladly snuggled into his chest. "It's over. And it's going to be alright". Sweet Pea sighed, his arm draping over her waist when he pulled her close. Her fingertips trailed the serpent on his neck and his eyes closed when he felt her touch. His nose nuzzled against hers before he placed a kiss on her lips and he told her he loved her, once again. Because he did. He's never loved anyone as much as he loved Kate. 

Their relationship was strong and now her parents weren't there anymore to ruin it and to manipulate her, they were inseparable. His heart fluttered when she muttered the words back, her hand now resting on his heart that was beating for her.

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