𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 [on hold and...

By strawberryykatsu

6.3K 1.1K 529

"Izuku..." He rasped, thumb tracing over the abundance of freckles dampened with tears, his hot breath fannin... More

❉ Introduction❉
❉ Glossary/Information❉
Chapter One: Destined Partners
Chapter Two: Blushing Mess
Chapter Four: A Trip to the Mall Pt. 1
Chapter Five: A Trip to the Mall Pt. 2
❉ Very Late Birthday Special ❉
Chapter Six: An Unexpected Twist of Events
Chapter Seven: Temptation

Chapter Three: Spending The Night

520 124 57
By strawberryykatsu

(Under Editing)
Only You | Bakudeku
Chapter 3 | Spending the Night
Word Count | 2650

W A R N I N G S:
Profanity, More Fluffiness


"Boys, food's ready!!!" Inko's voice shouts out loud to catch their attention while stirring the steamy soup with a metal utensil.

Right after she announced that loud footsteps scrambled downstairs in less than a minute, followed by someone yelping right before a rather loud thud echoes across the room.

"Ow..." Izuku whines from the excruciating pain surging throughout his body.

"Watch where you're going, stupid Deku!" Katsuki growls quietly while standing over him after going down his last few steps on the stairs.

"Are you boys okay?" Inko questions from the kitchen, making sure that whoever fell is alright and not injured.

"Yep, I'm totally fine, Mom." Izuku says back in an impaired tone, trying to conceal the pain he's feeling from his upper body.

"Here, let me help you up. Come on." Katsuki offers a hand while sighing in disgust.

The greenette stares back at him, watching his right hand spread out while crouching down slightly with an irritated look on his face, as if he couldn't believe he was helping the nerd out.

Izuku blinks a few times, taking him a few seconds to realize what's happening since he been staring at the hand unsure.

Before you know it, he lifts his arm and takes it. Katsuki immediately hoists him up by using his strength and gets him back into stance.

"T-Thanks Kacchan..." Izuku appreciated his kind gesture, a little bit of blush appears on his cheeks.

"Don't thank me, nerd. Next time, just watch were you going." The ash blonde replies as he walks in their kitchen so he can feast on some food.

Izuku follows behind as he grabs a bowl from the table and begins serving himself some of his mother's homemade soup from the pot.


Dinner for everyone was delicious. The soup had enlightened their taste buds to the point of satisfying themselves and leaving their stomachs completely full.

Inko is still in the kitchen at this moment, cleaning up the rest of the dishes in the sink while both of the boys are relaxing themselves to some TV in the living room.

Izuku did insist on helping his mother, but she kindly refused his offer as she wanted him to have some more bonding time with Katsuki. So that's where they are now.

Nothing interesting was on as Katsuki kept switching between different channels with the remote in his hand, feeling bored and a bit annoyed from the lack of entertainment showing. While for Izuku, he was casually sitting next to him without any problems,  munching onto some chips.

"Tch, fucking ridiculous...Why isn't their anything decent on?!" The aggravated blonde mutters under his breath while continuously pressing the remote's button, glaring harshly at the screen with so much intensity; it could actually melt from his piercing gaze.

As minutes pass by, Katsuki continues flipping through the channels for a bit longer until the news comes on the flatscreen.

A young, middle-aged woman with long, brown hair and brown eyes was making an interview about the weather while standing outside in the rain.

It appears that the storm hasn't gotten any better since the rain in the background still is pouring cats and dogs on the screen as lightning scatters across the dark night sky.

"I'm Mia Kasai here, reporting to you live at downtown Musutafu-" She begins speaking her interview.

"Oh, the news is on." Inko watches from the kitchen, drying a few dishes while at it.

"From receiving updates about this extreme weather, it seems that this storm isn't getting any better. We seem to be in a severe thunderstorm warning throughout the entire night, so please stay indoors and make sure you have extra supplies in case of a power outage." The woman speaks into the microphone, struggling to hold her umbrella due to the strong wind blowing against her.

"Looks like we're stuck here for the night," Izuku says before popping another chip in his mouth.

"Ah, Katsuki, that means you have to spend the night here." Inko realizes what that meant as she enters the living room to join the two.

"Eh, it's fine for me I guess. The old hag wouldn't mind either." Katsuki blankly said.

"I'll call Mitsuki and inform her about this." She walks over to her purse, sliding her phone out of a pocket and speed dials a certain number to make a call.

"Hi Mitsuki, this is Inko. I'm calling you about..." Her voice fades away from exiting out of the room.

"You're sure you're ok with this? I mean, you practically hate me and pretty much wouldn't appreciate sleeping here with me." Izuku said when he turns to look at him, abandoning his bag of chips off to the side.

"Deku, if I had a fucking problem with you, I would probably be screaming at you right now. And plus, we used to have sleepovers as kids so I don't think it would be a bother doing it again."

"Heh heh, right..." He averts his gaze.

"Katsuki? Your mother said it's alright with her but make sure you arrive back home around 3pm tomorrow." Inko informs him when she returns back in the room.

"Thanks, Auntie!" The blonde shouts out loud.

"Oh and Izuku, can you set out the futon in your room? It's getting late and I think you boys should head to bed."

"Sure thing, Mom." Izuku shuffles himself off the couch, immediately starts to walk towards the stairs once his feet touch the floor and goes up to the next floor. While for Katsuki, he just switches the TV off and lazily drops the remote on the cushions.

Groaning a loud heavy sigh in exhaustion, Katsuki gets up from the couch and follows the nerd behind by slowly walking up the stairs, allowing his right hand to glide across the railing while at it.

Izuku twists his doorknob once again into his room, going straight in his closet to search for the necessities of setting up a futon. He grabs two piles of folded blankets with a pillow and places all of them down right next to his bed. Then, he lays everything out and begins his process of folding certain blankets to the correct spot on the floor, just like what his mother taught him as a child.

And by that, he finishes up his work by patting the pillow and smoothing out some wrinkles on the sheets.

"Oi, nerd. You done?!" A voice suddenly asks out of nowhere.

Izuku flinches from being interrupted and looks at the door to see who that familiar voice belong to.

"Gah-Kacchan! I-It's just you, heh." He calms himself down after seeing the blonde at his doorway, nervously scratching his neck.

"No, it's the Galactic Narnian Army that's here to arrest you." Katsuki sarcastically answers as he crosses his arms while leaning against the doorframe.

"W-What? Why?! I didn't do anything wrong!" Izuku starts panicking all over again.

"Because you've been scanned as a dumb nerd who has too much information crammed into your head." The ash-blonde decides to have a little fun with Izuku, a mischievous smirk plastered on his face.

"T-THAT'S NOT EVEN A CRIME!!" The flustered nerd never felt so confused in his life.

"PFF-HAHAHA!!! Oh my fucking god, Deku!!! I can't believe you actually fell for that crap!!" Katsuki clutches onto his stomach from all the laughter he's releasing, trying his best to keep it in but it was no use. Izuku's face wasn't helping him at all from how shocked and flustered he looks.

"K-Kacchan, w-why would you do that?" The greenette quietly said, his face was on the verge of crying a whole river.

Katsuki continues laughing like crazy, his stomach was starting to ache from it so he begins to calm his breathing down. Once he composes himself, he notices how Izuku looks hurt and his lip started quivering nonstop.

A pang of regret painfully hits his heart as Katsuki realize what he has done.

"Shit...H-Hey, Deku look. I didn't mean to be that harsh. It was only a joke. Don't take the wrong way." He stutters a bit during his apology.

Izuku's emerald eyes looks up to see his face, a few tears had already rolled on his cheeks. Now that made Katsuki feel even more bad, another heavy weight of guilt hits him hard.

He didn't actually think his words would hurt—even though he would always intend on doing that in the past—but that still doesn't mean he should continue being a total asshole to everyone. God, he should really watch his mouth if he ever wants to be friends with anyone.

"Look, I'm really sorry. It was rude of me to comment that way about you. Just please stop crying, I hate seeing you like that..." A tint of blush spreads across his porcelain cheeks when he realize what he said and nervously scratches his neck.

Did Kacchan just apologize?? This is so not like him. He would never apologize to anyone, especially to a useless Deku like me...

But why? It doesn't make any sense. Is he just toiling with me to satisfy himself again? No...the look on his face shows he actually means his words. He's really serious...

(I would recommend playing the song right now since I think it would fit the moment that's happening next and I literally thought of it while writing this portion of the chapter. Things might get sappy though. Just a heads up.)

"K-Kacchan...?" A weak voice of young Izuku says.

"Shh, it's okay Deku. I'm here now." Katsuki answers as he crouches down to meet his broken gaze.

"I-Is it over?" He struggles to lift up his beaten body.

"Yeah, they're gone now. I've taken care of them. But please stay down, you'll hurt yourself." The blonde calmly tells him in a soft voice, trying to ease the shaken self of his friend.

"Ngh, K-Kacchan...everything hurts." Izuku felt like crying again from the throbbing pain he's feeling.

Katsuki immediately caresses his bruised cheeks to wipe away the tears falling down on his face.

" I know, I know. You're going to be okay. Everything's gonna be fine now. Those losers have no idea who they're messing with." He states with a protective growl.

Izuku doesn't respond as he just melts into Katsuki's warm touch, his eyes fluttering close to the feeling.

"Don't worry, they aren't gonna hurt you anymore. Not on my watch!" Katsuki declares.

"W-What do you mean by that? You know they won't leave me alone. They'll just come back and hurt me again anyways..." The greenette sadly states the truth, looking down in shame.

"Oh they will. With me by your side, there's no doubt they'll ever leave a scratch on you again. Even though your a stupid, quirkless Deku, I'll be here to protect you because I'll be your #1 hero who will save the day."

Izuku just giggles from that statement, happy to hear that Katsuki still cared about his well-being, even if they weren't on the same speaking terms as before.

"Thanks Kacchan." He warmly smiles at him.

A shade of crimson flushes over Katsuki's cheeks as he sees how adorable Izuku looks like that. He was just starting to understand how feelings work or basically relationships in general, but he can't possibly think like that to his best friend. Can he?

"C-Come on. Let's get you up." He corrects his stance and raises his right arm to lend Izuku a hand. Izuku gladly takes it but winces in pain while being hoisted back up on his feet.

He still lacks the strength of standing by himself, so Katsuki wraps his arm around his shoulder and slowly walks their way out of the playground.

"You think Auntie Mitsuki will be okay if I come over??"

"I'm sure she'll love you coming over." Katsuki answers with a smirk, leading the both of them down the sidewalk towards the sun setting down the scarlet horizon, which is also the same direction to his house.





"Hey, Deku..."

"DEKU, ANSWER ME!!!" A voice screams to catch his attention.

"Huh!?" Izuku flinches, his mind had snapped him out of his train of thought from that sudden outburst.

"What's the matter with you?! You just zoned out there and started crying again." Katsuki said.

"O-Oh..." He realizes what's going on, the flashback that occurred earlier gave him some painful reminders of the past. The horrible beatings. Students constantly teasing him with their ridicule, just because he wasn't gifted to posses a quirk like everyone else. None of it ever ended throughout his childhood years.

Katsuki was the one who've stopped most of them around elementary, many of the children feared his explosive attitude and threats to kill them if they ever laid a finger on Izuku.

Especially since he had just received his explosion quirk, using it into harmful ways against anyone who dared to step into his way. But sadly, that all ended shortly around the beginning of 2nd grade since Katsuki had friends of his own and just abandoned him like a piece of junk.

Izuku couldn't bear any of the pain throughout the years Katsuki had caused, including from his previous classmates joining in the fun.

"I-It's nothing....don't worry about me, I-I'm fine..." More tears sheds down to his damp, freckled cheeks as he looks down to hide his face.

Izuku already knows he can be such a crybaby over little things but he doesn't want Katsuki to see him looking so pathetically weak as the blonde proclaims him to be.

Some shuffles approaches the greenette before a warm hand caresses his face. This sudden action startled the nerd as he looks up to meet his gaze with crimson eyes staring back him.

"K-Kacchan..." Izuku quietly whispers under his breath, frankly quite shocked on what's happening.

"You're not fine. I can see it through your eyes. Are you sure nothing is bothering you?" Katsuki surprisingly asks him in a calm, soothing voice, his face getting dangerously close to Izuku's while wiping away the tears with his thumb.

The smaller male just blinks a few times in response, noticing at there's something different with those red eyes. It wasn't filled with hatred nor pride; they were more like in complete deep concern for him. That's something new.

Izuku shakes his head to return himself back to reality again before sniffing a few times while wiping the leftover tears away.

"I'm fine, really. There's nothing for you to worry about." He looks back up again with reassurance worn on him.

"Are you positive about that or are you just trying to dodge the fucking question?" Katsuki quirks a questionable eyebrow as he crosses his arms over his chest again.

"Hahaha, yes I'm sure," Izuku laughs in a sweet giggle. "But, thank you Kacchan. I appreciate your sympathy to comfort my 'childish' behavior." He adds.

"D-Don't mention it..." Katsuki side-eyes him with a blush on his cheeks after realizing the sympathy he presented to Izuku.

"Well, come on. It's getting late. Let's get ready for bed." The greenette gets himself to stand from the floor, then walks over towards his bed to get himself comfortable.

"Y-Yeah..." The ash-blonde mumbles.


Izuku was fast asleep in his sheets, resting peacefully with no problems as he curls up his body on his left side. On the other hand, Katsuki was having trouble sleeping on the futon. He kept tossing and turning in discomfort on the floor, not finding a position to sastify himself to rest on.

Eventually giving up with a annoyed grunt, Katsuki decides to sit up and stare and the sleeping nerd up on his own bed. He furrows his eyebrows to glare at him, envied by the fact of him being able to sleep comfortably on a bed while he has to suffer through unbearable back pain from the hardwood floor.

Exhaling out a deep sigh, Katsuki throws his sheets off of him and he slowly rises himself to stand so he can go towards the door. Faint footsteps walks over the floor at a slow pace as Katsuki carefully searches for the door without any trouble from darkness clouding his vision.

He hovers his hand above what he believes to be the knob just before wrapping his fingers around it and gently twisted the door knob open; not wanting to risk waking the nerd up from any noise as he ventures to find a nearby bathroom to use.

Returning back a few minutes later, the blonde lazily enters back into the room while releasing a yawn and rubs his sore eyes. He couldn't care less of how he just wanted to fall back into bed from how exhausted he appears to be but, the blonde doesn't return back to his futon.

Instead, he notices that a portion of Izuku's bed is missing from the bright moon radiating its light through the window for him to see, so he just climbs himself on and pulls the blanket over him.

Relaxation finally surges though his body as he wraps his arms over something that he believes to be a pillow and slowly droops his eyelids to call it a night.

Little did Katsuki know that pillow was Izuku himself, sleeping on the other half of the bed without any disturbances from this newfound position. It's not like the nerd has a problem with it; it's actually quite comfortable to endure this warm blanket-like feeling around his body.

A nice heavy breath of air escapes past his nostrils as a wave of relaxation eases his tense body, allowing a gentle groan to emit from him and finally drift of to sleep. He couldn't believe what an interesting day is had been spending the night at his household with Katsuki Bakugou.



Phew, that was rough. I'm so glad I was able to complete this on schedule rather than last time. Hopefully everyone enjoyed some of the fluff I've added there cause we all need BKDK fluff to satisfy ourselves, right? Maybe it's just me...

But no worries, there are more coming your way in the next chappies. That's what I've planned. Anyways, we'll meet again (maybe if you continue and actually enjoy reading this crap) in the next chapter and possibly leave some feedback while you're at it. Later, min'na!


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