A New Era of Heroes || BTS x...

By Dina-soar

482K 29.4K 12.8K

BTS Superhero AU In a society where the term hero needs to be redefined by those who were least expected to d... More

Modern Hero
Company Tour
Free Time
Rules and Friends
Operation Persuasion
One Last Try
First Outing
At Fault
Lost Leaf
Mediocre is Great
No One Left Behind
Two, Three
Hell On Earth
Newspaper Famous
Bath & Practice
Being Heroes
Small Favor
Be Safe
A Hero's Smile
Secret Teamwork
Death of a Hero
Closer Together
Kill Me
Track Down
Gloomy Funeral
Safe Place
Under The Mask
Doctor Death
All Eyes on Silver
Robot or Baby
Without a Leader
Born Hero
Come Back Home
Life and Death
A New Era of Heroes
|| Author's Note ||
At The Park
Inside Joke
Later For Sure
Feeling Needed
In The Dark
Compliment Me
Seriously Love You
Rich Kisses
* Author's Note *


4.9K 366 190
By Dina-soar


Taehyung couldn't keep it to himself. After the group hug, he ran out of the training room to find everyone. He wanted them all to know he got control over his sense of touch. You were so proud of him! Namjoon smiled when he wasn't getting stared at by someone other than you or Hoseok. He was proud too. The two of you put a lot of hard work and effort in trying to figure out ways to help Taehyung. If Taehyung could, he would have shouted his success through the halls. That's what he wanted to do at first. Run around like crazy and letting everyone in the building know. Unfortunately, Bang PD and other faculty believe Taehyung has full control over his power already. The only two faculty members that know Taehyung's circumstances are Hoon-ssi and Dr. Ahn.

Yes, Dr. Ahn has joined the Big Hit family. It came as a surprise to some of the trainees while you were excited for Hoon-ssi. He got a famous doctor to accept a job here at a small company! There's nothing better than that. Namjoon was glad to have a doctor available for everyone's needs. The only thing he hoped for was that Hoon-ssi didn't flirt with Dr. Ahn too much. They still both had jobs to do. Right now, Taehyung was getting another checkup. The bandages were being removed today for good. It was mainly Namjoon who felt anxious about it. If Doctor Ahn said that Taehyung was good to return to normal activities, that meant everybody would get to practice outside again. Everyone has been itching to have a taste of the outside world again. Namjoon knew that but told Hoseok and you that he didn't want trainees getting upset with Taehyung if that wasn't possible.

Hoseok understood his worry and you did too. The orange haired boy promised that he would talk to anyone who had a problem with that. Meanwhile you stared at Namjoon for some time. The others should really get to see this side of their leader. Namjoon only ever speaks facts to the trainees. Everything he said is important and is never said with no purpose. With the way he behaves around the other trainees, he never states his feelings. Never saying he 'hopes' for something or revealing any kind of emotion. You nudged Namjoon, telling him he should tell this to Taehyung. Maybe the other boys as well. All Namjoon did was let out a sigh and patted your head. He truly was a big softie. Hoseok then joined in on petting you which was not too enjoyable.

Now everyone was scattered around the training room quietly. Taehyung and Dr. Ahn were sitting down on the ground. You sat on a pile of mats with Jimin right next to you. Namjoon and Hoseok leaned against the mats while Yoongi, Seokjin, and Jungkook were just standing. Hoon-ssi remained by the doors as Dr. Ahn finished up. Everyone was waiting to hear whether he was free to return to regular activities or not. Taehyung was already saying that he wanted to go back out there. He wanted to do his best be useful outside. Jungkook was already teaching the boy some taekwondo just in case. You created small knives for the boy and you were in the process of teaching him how to fight with them. There's more to them then just trying to stab someone or throwing them randomly.

"I'm all done." Dr. Ahn packed up his medical bag. "You're good to train again, Taehyungie."

"Really!?" Taehyung looked at him with a huge smile.

"YES!!" Jungkook threw his hands up in the air.

"I'm so ready." Hoseok chuckled, nudging Namjoon.

"Let's train hard." Jimin turned to you.

"Hell yeah." You gave him a high five. Namjoon look over his shoulder, seeing you two above on the mats.

"I'll work on planning an outside training time soon," Namjoon stated. Jimin grinned, getting excited with Hoseok. Namjoon slowly lifted his hand up at the pink haired boy. You watched the whole scene painfully. Jimin was too busy getting hyped with Hoseok that he didn't notice Namjoon wanting a high five too. Is this why Namjoon doesn't try to show emotions with them? Namjoon was beginning to awkwardly curl his fingers into a fist but you hurriedly gave him a high five. It was still weird though, but you tried. You giggled at the mess while Namjoon gave you a grateful look in his eyes. He then walked up to the center with Dr. Ahn and Taehyung. "We'll be practicing outside soon. Especially now that Taehyung has gotten control over his sense of touch."

"Yeah, Taehyung!" Seokjin cheered. He clapped his hands together. The others in the room joined in, but you did see Yoongi late on the clapping train. Not to mention, he didn't look too enthusiastic either. You did your best not to call him out since Hoseok was right there.

"Thank you, Dr. Ahn." Namjoon bowed.

"Please be safe when you do practice outside." Dr. Ahn smiled. "But I'm always here if I'm needed."

"Yeah, he is!" Hoon-ssi grinned. Dr. Ahn chuckled at his new co-worker and waved goodbye to everyone. You gave Hoon-ssi a wink before he and the doctor left. Hoon-ssi tells you about all the progress he's gotten. It's so fun seeing him excited about someone. The only thing the two of you worry about is if Dr. Ahn even plays for Hoon-ssi's team. That's the biggest worry at the moment that Hoon-ssi is a bit too afraid to find out. Once the door closed, Jimin jumped off the mat and ran over to Taehyung.

"We have to celebrate!" Jimin grinned.

"Cake?" Seokjin suggested. "I know a good recipe!"

"That sounds amazing!" Hoseok's mouth watered at the thought of the frosted desert.

"Can we celebrate by practicing outside?" Taehyung asked, getting laughter from the trainees.

"I like that." You nodded.

"We'll get to practicing outside soon. I'm going to have to find us a place though, so I request patience in return." Namjoon kept his hands behind his back. "I will inform you all once the location and enemies are set. Have your resistant uniforms ready. Rules for outside training will be retold when the time comes. Thank you."

"Put some emotion in it!" Seokjin crossed his arms.

"Thank you." Namjoon tried again, his monotone still the same.

"I guess." Seokjin shrugged. Hoseok made sure that no one called Namjoon a robot. Hoseok and you talked about the rude nickname. It got on both of your nerves. Though you guys spoke about it, you haven't brought it up to Namjoon. You didn't know his true feelings about it, but his eyes gave some of it away. Everyone in the room was smiling since it was a good moment. Everyone except Yoongi. His eyes looked dead as he looked over at Namjoon.

"Should we even take Taehyung outside?" Yoongi questioned. "He's only got one sense down and that's touch. How is that going to help us?"

"Hey now," Seokjin whispered at his friend in a scolding tone. That only annoyed Yoongi, earning the eldest a glare that made him instantly tense up.

"Well I'm learning how to fight up close from Jungkook and (F/n)," Taehyung remarked. "And if you say that's not good enough then what does that say about them?"

Yoongi's eyes narrowed on Taehyung. His scowl grew every time Taehyung said your name. He didn't seem to like the purple hair using you against him. Jungkook looked down, not wanting to be a part of the conversation. Hoseok crossed his arms and remained silent. He didn't think it was his place to say anything. There was only one person in the room who had a say since they were brought into this matter. Jimin waited for Namjoon to say something to defend his friend.

"Taehyung will be fighting with us. Dr. Ahn said he was free to return and I made everyone a promise." Namjoon kept a neutral expression. He wasn't on Taehyung or Yoongi's side as he spoke. "I also promised that we could train outside once again after Taehyung gains control over at least one sense."

"I get that, but—" Yoongi started again.

"If you get it then drop it," grumbled Taehyung. Yoongi stopped in his words to look over at the boy again. This time the glare was nastier than before. You felt a stab at your heart to see your two closest friends hating each other.

"Say that f*cking louder." Yoongi growled, taking a step closer.

"Nope!" Seokjin pulled Yoongi back.

Taehyung's eyes widened to see Yoongi was willing to make the fight physical. Jimin went behind Taehyung, standing there for comfort. Taehyung didn't fire back with anything else. He only stared down in disbelief. The tension between them continued to grow as the days went on. You knew Yoongi's hate would only grow stronger, but then there was Taehyung. He loved more than hated. This fight was probably draining him and you figured this was his peak. He won't be able to keep giving Yoongi dirty looks. Frowning, you wanted to sit both of them down and get a straight answer from them. Why in the world were they having this fight in the first place? It was so frustrating to see. Not to mention, it hurt you as well to see them behaving like this.

"Taehyung, you may leave." Namjoon didn't look over at the boy.

"...w-why?" Taehyung asked.

"He didn't do anything wrong." Jimin pouted.

"I didn't say he did. I'm going to speak with Yoongi alone about this matter." Namjoon's eyes didn't leave Yoongi. "I suggest the rest of you leave too. Seokjin, Jimin, Jungkook, (F/n), and Hoseok."

"I'm staying." Hoseok shook his head.

"Me too." You wanted to be here for this.

Luckily, Hoseok didn't fight you on that. The two of you were simply staying here in case Yoongi says something he really shouldn't. Seokjin didn't fight back though. Instead he got all the three youngest members and took them out of the room. He felt it was best to leave the leader and his friend alone together. He would be taking them somewhere else to talk to them. Hopefully, cheering Taehyung up or calming him down. Whatever the boy needed. He would even have Jungkook and Jimin with him for comfort. Hoseok and you stood on the side lines as that left Namjoon and Yoongi alone. Yoongi walked over to the silver hair with his hands in his pockets. His tongue poking the inside of his cheek as he waited for his leader to speak.

"I can tell you don't have the best feelings towards Taehyung. May I ask why?" Namjoon immediately asked. Yoongi glanced over at you and Hoseok.

"It's just something between him and I," Yoongi answered.

"If so then why does it interfere with us?" Namjoon crossed his arms. "I don't understand why you feel so negatively towards Taehyung. Whatever it is, forget it. The two of you need to behave. We're meant to be in a team together. You're his hyung and mine too."

"Okay, but—"

"I can recall every moment the two of you have fought with one another. Each one is started by you. It's only natural for Taehyung to react back. Other than that, Taehyung is not the type to start a fight with you even if he feels upset with you." Namjoon interrupted the black haired male. He looked down at the boy, his tone strict. Namjoon was unafraid to castigate someone older than him. Yoongi looked to the side as Namjoon harangued him. "I'm not forcing you to apologize to Taehyung if it will only be a fake one. All I'm asking is for you to refrain from wasting time with pointless jabs. I will have the same discussion with Taehyung. The two of you need to have basic respect for each other and leave it at that. Whatever the problem might be, I cannot have the two of you still fighting when we practice outside. Your feelings towards each other will not get in the way under no circumstances. Do I make myself clear?"

"...d*mn..." Yoongi sighed.

"If one of you is in danger, I don't want you two to be stubborn. If Taehyung is in danger then you will save him like when he ran away. He will have to do the same. There will be no pettiness outside of this building." Namjoon voice was deep, making you feel nervous. Hoseok stayed silent as he watched his friend scold his hyung. Yoongi chewed on his bottom lip before finally looking Namjoon in the eyes. "You have to be mature and professional to be a hero."

"I'll leave my pettiness here then. But like you said, I ain't giving the guy an apology," Yoongi replie. "I just thought my concern was valid though. Taehyung may have his sense of touch, but he's barely been training with Jungkook and (F/n)."

"I do understand that." Namjoon agreed.

"He didn't fight during our first practice and he couldn't with the punks. I think most of us are a bit nervous to have him out there since if one of us isn't ready, that endangers all of us," Yoongi continued with his argument. You felt yourself getting frustrated. He was right at times but you didn't know what to think. Was this an actual concern for him or did he just not want to fight alongside Taehyung? "If there's a hole in the balloon, it will eventually come down. I just don't want him to be deadweight on us again."

"Deadweight!?" You snapped. "Yoongi—"

"Outside." Hoseok immediately grabbed you.

His hands gripped your shoulders tightly, so you couldn't escape from his hold. Namjoon only nodded at Hoseok who kicked you out of the room before you had the chance to say anything else. Hoseok closed the doors behind him as you scoffed. Well, this was to be expected. Hoseok raised a brow at you for suddenly cracking in there. You were doing so well too! The both of you were disappointed at yourself. It was just so hard to keep to yourself when some of the things Yoongi says are unfair. He may not hate Big Hit or being in a team as much, but he can't always have things his way. Hoseok made sure to bring you away from the door in case you tried getting in there again. That's not something you wanted to try though. Hoseok had speed on his side.

"What was that?" Hoseok tilted his head.

"I got upset. That's all." You pouted.

"Namjoon's got this. You saw! Yoongi has respect for him so he's gonna listen." Hoseok put his hand on your shoulder. "And don't worry. Sure, Namjoon might not understand feelings completely but he's still smart. He also keeps his promises. Taehyung is going to go outside with us anyway."

"You're not lying?" You look up at him.

"To you? Never." Hoseok grinned. You chuckled at that and nodded to yourself. Everything is going to work out. Namjoon's got this! Though...you took a step towards the training room doors, but Hoseok immediately stepped in your way. "No, no, no."

"Worth a shot." You sighed.

"Was it really?" Hoseok raised a brow.

"No..." You crossed your arms. "I just want to listen in!"

"You'll only barge in. That's what you're going to do." Hoseok shook his head.

"You don't know that." You scoffed.

"Oh (F/n)." Hoseok grabbed the sides of face, making you look at him. He squished your cheeks together as he kept you close to him. You probably looked pouty in his hands like this. Staring at him, you stayed still as he chuckled. "I know."

"Nom." You denied.

His grin only grew to hear how you sounded with your face squished. He knew what you meant though! Hoseok cooed at how cute you were, bringing you closer to him. Your face began to burn at his comments. The training room doors were kicked open. Hoseok looked over without flinching like you had. Yoongi had his hands shoved deep into his pockets as he stepped out. His tired expression changed the moment he saw Hoseok and you standing so close to one another. It also didn't help that Hoseok was holding your face. Yoongi came in between you and shoved the two of you a part. He made sure the two of you were five feet away from each other as improvement. Your face only became hotter to be caught like this. You always have to be caught in embarrassing situations like this. It's giving Yoongi the wrong ideas and you were beginning to get ideas of your own. Why was he reacting this way? There were certain explanations you avoided more than others.

"Everything okay, Yoongi-ya?" Hoseok smiled.

"Seriously? You heard what Namjoon said. We have to be professional and mature." Yoongi put his hands back in his pockets. He lifted his shoulders up, trying to shrink into his hoodie. Hoseok and you watched the male begin to walk off. "Don't cause scandals."

"Aw, you know I'm just friendly." Hoseok's bright smile stayed on his face. "Are you jealous~?" He sang out. Yoongi purposely choosing to ignore that last part as you felt your heart thump.

"You got the wrong idea!" You felt embarrassed. Hoseok only shrugged as you heard Yoongi grumble that the guy was too friendly. Letting out a sigh, you looked over at Hoseok who was already walking back into the training room to talk to Namjoon. He is incredibly friendly. But he's also been guilty of shamelessly flirting with you. "Oh Hoseok."


A few days passed and most of the trainees at Big Hit were losing their minds. Despite the building being a huge maze, it was beginning to get stuffy. No one has been given a free day for an entire month. It was hard to figure out if that was just the trainee life or if Bang PD was hesitant to let his trainees wander outside again. Either way, you wanted to stretch out in the fresh air. It was getting to the point where you asked Hoon-ssi how the sky looked. How did the sun feel on his skin? He saw everyone going crazy and rightfully so. Everything in Big Hit is painted white. There's not a dirty smudge anywhere which is some kind of miracle. The floors are white and spotless, the ceiling is white, the lights are white! You felt like this was some kind of sensory deprivation and isolation torture.

It's a good thing Hoon-ssi is friends with the trainees. The new trainees quickly warmed up to the man who would be having your backs no matter what. Since he saw the struggle amongst each of you, he immediately went straight to Namjoon. It's thanks to his efforts that Namjoon gathered you all into the gym and opened a window. He opened a window. You were this close to jumping out of that tiny slot. Namjoon left the room for a second only to find Jungkook lifting up Jimin who was trying to squeeze through. It's not fair. You were going to go second! You called dibs! It's not like the others are small enough to get through!

"I see all of you have become stressed by staying inside all the time," Namjoon started which got him a bunch of replies. He waited for all of you to stop groaning before picking up where he left off. "Hoon-ssi notified me that getting you guys outside should be a priority. That's why I finally have a set time and location for practice. A villain hotspot has been found. Crime happens at this place at a constant rate."

"Hell yes! Let's kick @ss!" Yoongi cheered.

"They don't stand a chance with us there!" Seokjin gave Yoongi a stinging high five.

"Finally!!" Jungkook shouted.

"I was so close to having a break down..." Hoseok sighed in relief.

"We're going tonight!?" Taehyung's eyes were huge.

"Please be tonight!" Jimin begged.

"Namjoon, I will do anything to stand outside for even just one second." You went down on your knees. Namjoon stared at all of you silently. He scanned your faces and it must have taken a lot out of him not to show his true reaction.

"Yes...tonight at six. Be prepared with your resistant uniforms. We're meeting in the training room," Namjoon stated, "So don't be late."

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