Losing to the darkness of the...

By amkrugdanext

128 15 1

Alexandria and Lucas, Ryder and livie... Everything was set in stone until Ryder met dria everything then fel... More

Losing to the darkness of the dance
Chapter 2: Ryder
Chapter 3: Lucas
Chapter 4: livie
Chapter 5: Alexandria

Chapter 1: Alexandria

30 3 0
By amkrugdanext

August 19th, 2002

               Moving day...I'm now about to board the plane, since my father has just bought a new hotel in New York. This isn't the first time- no it's going to be the 8th time since I've had to move to a different state and another school. But to be honest I was pretty used to it.I never made friends because I knew eventually I would have to leave them, so what was the point? I knew this year would probably be no different. I'll join a dancing academy and I'll keep to myself just like all the other years.

I closed my journal and slid the pen into the spiral, and got up from my seat . Are plane was now boarding...which meant it was moving time. Another year or two of dedicated dancing and then it'll be back to moving to another state. I followed my father onto the plane and sat down on the cushioned seat.

"Hun you know we still need to talk about scho-"

"No, I already know the procedure dad....I go to a dance academy like always" I cut him off.

"That's what we need to talk about....Instead of an academy I thought it should be a change so I enrolled you into Rosemary High School" 

"B-but dance" My voice cracked 

"Don't worry Alex you'll still join a dance team just not a dance academy" I breathed a sigh of relief 

"But i'm going to a....public school then?" I couldn't believe that I was going to go to a public school! I haven't went in well never! I've always done dance and was home schooled...

"Yes" he turned away from me which meant he was ending the conversation. I still coudln't believe this! He didn't even bother to ask me about it!

Six hours later we were off of the plane. Everything was so bright and noisy and completely different from California where I last lived. It was only 7 at night and everyone seemed to be out in the streets. I looked over to my dad "Soo....Where to?" I asked.

"To the flat" He said looking around

"And  where would that be?" I asked looking towards the place where he was looking. Which was a huge business building." That's not it is it?"

"Oh no! we have to get a cab" he furrowed his eyebrows "or we could walk"

"I shook my head "no! I'm not walking with this big suitcase" I looked down at my suitcase then back up at him and  narrowed my eyes.

"Okay "I'll get a cab then" He looked around and then put his index finger and thumb into his mouth and blew making a perfect really loud whistle. I never understood how to whistle like that, but then again I could barely even whistle with just my mouth. A yellow cab started to pull up in front of us and then parked, the trunk popped open and my dad and I put are suitcases into the trunk, then got in. Dad gave the cab drives the address of the building and the driver sped off.

Just like at the airport everything was so bright, and crowded. I wonder if I would ever get used to this I thought. Just then the cab pulled up in-front a large building, it was even bigger than the building I saw earlier. It was probably a 15 story building, it had a whole bunch of windows and balcony's. I turned toward my father " What floor are we on?" I asked

"The 14 floor" He said giving the cab a crisp 50 dollar bill. I frowned but then shrugged my shoulders opening the car door. I got my suitcase out of the trunk and walked inside the building. I walked to the front desk with my father and waited for him to tell the front desk his name. I followed him to the elevator and watched as he pushed the 14 floor number. The elevator stopped just on the 14 floor number. I sighed when the doors opened. I followed him to the last door at the end off the hallway.He opened the door with the key card and stepped inside.

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