Love Over Friendship

By CMC_98

199 4 2

Danielle Bradley and Tyler Peters have been friends for ages. While in Primary School, Danielle's feelings fo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

21 0 0
By CMC_98

"What about this one?" says Melissa holding up a short, sky blue, summer dress.

After every class, I saw Tyler. And after every class, he saw me. Every time he walked past me, for the rest of the day, he would smile and wink at me. I couldn't help smiling secretly in every class I had and I can't wait for tomorrow. After surviving the long car-ride with Melissa asking about every detail of my day with Tyler, we arrive at the mall. We have to find something decent to wear to the party. As any normal girl, I love shopping. Together, we go shopping at least once a week. After every school day finishes I usually go over to Melissa's house for a while or go shopping, but this is because I don't like to go home to see my parents, so I usually try to stay away from home as long as possible.

"Yer, I like that one. It matches your eyes."

"No, silly. I meant for you!"

"Oh, in that case than, no. I'd rather have it in a different colour like green or yellow," I say because I know light blue definitely won't suit me. It would have to be a dark shade of blue. Kind of the kind that resembles Tyler's eye colour, and I'm not just saying that because it's Tyler.

"Just please, try it on before you say anything because I think it would really suit you," Melissa looks at me with puppy dog eyes so I can't say no. And besides, the dress didn't look too bad and maybe the colour might look good.

"Fine," I say grabbing the dress and heading for the change rooms, "But if I don't like it I'm not coming out to show you!"

I find an empty change room and lock the door. Then I strip off and slip the dress on. I look up into the mirror. I study myself for a while until I come to the conclusion that I actually love the dress. The way it hangs loose on me and brings out curves that I'd never noticed before. Even the colour is amazing the way it matches with my light, brown hair and my fake, green eyes. My mind is already made up, I'm buying it. It is the perfect summer dress to wear to the party and now I can't wait till Saturday when Tyler gets to see me in it.

"Okay," I say opening the door, giving a smile and confidently saying, "How do I look?"

"You look beautiful! See, what did I tell you? You look stunning!"


After buying the dress and dropping Melissa back home, I drive home surprised to see dad's car isn't parked outside the house, even though he is usually home by this time. I walk up to the front door and turn the handle. I walk inside and shut the door behind me, then walk over to the kitchen and find mum preparing dinner.

"Hello," she says chopping up some carrots, "How was your day?"

"Good," and without wanting to talk to her anymore, or to ask where dad is, I walk up the stairs, into my bedroom, shut my door and flop down on my bed. I don't know how long I've been laying there but I soon feel myself drifting off to sleep.

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