Do I Really Hate Him? (Lafaye...

By Artzee_Dorito

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"You've gotta move out soon, Lafayette. You're so annoying to have to put up with." "Oh, I'M annoying? Heh. Y... More

Chapter 1: Why Must It Be Him On My Doorstep?
Chapter 3: Why Does His Threat Affect Me In A Way That It Shouldn't?
Chapter 4: Why Am I Feeling These Feelings, Angelica?
Chapter 5: Confessing to Lafayette
Chapter 6: An Apology?
Chapter 7: An Explanation
Chapter 8: It's All Up To Them
Chapter 9: Her Too?
Chapter 10: An Innocent Heart Has Been Broken
Hey look

Chapter 2: This Has To Be A Horrible Nightmare

2.4K 82 236
By Artzee_Dorito

   I pressed my back against the now closed door, not being able to believe what Lafayette had asked me.

   There was no way I would let that happen. And my house was full enough as it was. I also didn't need my enemy living with me.

   My parents had heard our conversation and how I ended it, so they sprung up and dashed toward me. "Why did you shut the door on Lafayette?!" my dad asked.

   I gulped. "He asked to move in with caught me by surprise..."

   "That's no excuse to shut the door on your dear friend's face!" my mom shrieked, shoving me away from the door so that she could let him in.

   "Mom, I don't understand how you don't get this!" I said, making both my parents look at me curiously. "I hate Lafayette! And he hates me! So why are you two always trying to set up plans with him and his family?"

   "Because we love his family!" my mom said angrily. "And him!"

   "But I don't!" My face fell. "You're're not gonna let him live with us...are you..?"

   "Of course we are," my dad said. "He's a nice man, and he's practically like family."

   "Not to me!" I said, infuriated at my parents for agreeing to let such a stupid person stay with us.

   Although, if he does stay with us, I'll get to admire his muscles whenever I want, I found myself thinking. I then shook my head, utterly disgusted at myself for having those thoughts.

   "That doesn't matter!" my mom said. "He doesn't have anywhere else to go! You heard him! He chose this place as a last resort!"

   "There's gotta be someone else he can ask!" I stated. "What about that guy Alexander Hamilton? He wouldn't shut up about him the last time we saw him."

   "Darling, Hamilton wouldn't be able to provide for an additional human in his house," my dad said. "And also, if he wouldn't shut up about him, he probably already asked him."

   I groaned. "Come on, guys. Please try to see things from my point of view. Think of having to live with your legit enemy."

   "I would gladly live with my enemy if they had nowhere else to go," my mom said, a smile crossing her face.

   I rolled my eyes. "No, you wouldn't," I responded.

   "(Y/N), enough. Lafayette is gonna live with us, and that's that," my dad said.

   "But, Dad!" I pleaded.

   "No buts," my dad said, opening the door.

   I was hoping Lafayette had left, but to my dismay, he was still standing there. I groaned once again and began to bang my head against the doorframe.

   Ignoring the thump of my skull on the wooden doorframe, Lafayette smiled at my parents. "Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Washington! How are you?"

   I was hoping the increasing pain in my skull would drown out the sound of the conversation happening before me, but I could still hear everything that was going on. I should've just went up to my room, come to think of it. "Very good, son. And you?" my dad asked.

   Lafayette awkwardly looked down. "Ah...I am just...peachy, thank you." He looked back up at my parents as he said, " parents have kicked me out. They said that I must obtain a house of my own. So I was wondering if I could stay here until I am able to buy a house."

   My dad nodded. "Yes, (Y/N) told us about your...situation."

   My head really started to hurt from banging my head on the doorframe, so I finally looked up at Lafayette, ignoring the dizziness I felt.

   Lafayette subtly glared at me, and I returned the glare. After he finished glaring at me, his gaze moved to my dad. "So...can I? Stay here, I mean?"

   I looked up at my dad, giving him my famous puppy eyes. I hoped that those eyes would sway him to kick Lafayette to the curb. But why would it? My dad loved Lafayette more than me.

   My dad looked down at me, shaking his head once he saw my puppy eyes.

   Not giving me a chance to argue, he looked at Lafayette, smiled, and said, "Of course you can stay with us! You can stay for as long as you need!"

   A bunch of emotions filled me to the brim, and they could very well be deadly when mixed together like they were in that moment.



   Fear at what lied ahead.

   All being stirred inside of me with a gigantic wooden spoon.

   Relief crossed Lafayette's features. That emotion was the exact opposite of the emotions I was feeling. "Oh, thank you both! I canno--"

   The mixture of emotions became a bubbly acid that erupted from my body like a volcano. "No!"

   Everyone looked at me.

   It was my last chance to persuade my parents to not let him stay. I repeated a lot of stuff, but hey. Second time's a charm?

   "He can't move in with us!" I said loudly. "I will die if he does! I hate him so much!"

   "The feeling is mutual," Lafayette mumbled.

   I ignored that and went on. "We're gonna kill each other if he stays here! It'll be like the Revolution all over again!"

   My dad glared at me. "(Y/N), Lafayette is staying here whether you like it or not."

   I saw Lafayette smirk at me from the corner of my eye.

   Ignoring that Lafayette's smirk was kinda cute, I said, "Please, Dad." My voice was desperate.

   My dad shook his head. He then looked at Lafayette and smiled. "Please, come in, son."

   Lafayette smiled back. "Thank you for letting me stay with you guys," he said.

   "Oh, it's no problem!" my dad smiled.

   It was a big problem.

   For me, anyways.

   Lafayette walked inside, shooting another smirk my way as he passed me.

   I wanted to strangle that boy.

   I glared at him, then dashed up to my room and threw myself onto my bed. I let out a loud groan, cuddling my pillow.

   I could only hope that that whole situation was a nightmare.

   If it was...

   When would I wake up?

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