Sin (BoyxBoy) 鉁旓笍 Book 1

Por sageskies

2.7M 103K 135K

Luke Ivy, son of a pastor. He's expected to follow the typical routine that his parents desire: Wake up, go... M谩s

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 31.5
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Thank you
Darker than Sin TEASER
Other Series

Chapter 17

55.6K 1.9K 1.6K
Por sageskies


For the first time in weeks, I didn't have to jump out of my bed because Luke was screaming at the top of his lungs because of his PTSD attacks or nightmares. He slept throughout the whole night with no problem... I know it's not a lot, but it really makes me happy. He's improving.

...Maybe it was because we made out last night. Maybe he just REALLY needed a lil' smooch.

''Do you think we will need these wipes at the church? Do you guys have any?'' Luke asked me before holding a container of table wipes up in the air. I couldn't help but smile in his direction as the question left his lips.

''I'd bring them just in case. We already cleaned the church top to bottom, but I'm sure there's already a mess... we are only going there to decorate. Are you sure you're alright with helping?'' I asked him. He nodded his head eagerly as he walked over to me with the container of wipes in his hand, placing them down on the coffee table before placing a hand on his hip.

I had meant to ask him last night when I got home from work if he would want to help the others and I set up for my uncle's birthday. Obviously, that didn't happen... so I asked him this morning.

My uncle is being fucking extra and decided to have this big birthday bash at the church tonight. The attire must be formal, the ballroom must be cleaned to perfection.... how old is the dude now? forty-six years old? I don't think he needs a birthday party. I love the guy, but... it's just so much work.

''It's something to do... It's not like I'm going to be doing anything. I'm still waiting to get enrolled in the online courses, I've basically cleaned every corner in your apartment-''

''I'm aware. It's never been this clean before.''

We spent the next hour getting together things we may need for the church. I assured him that we only needed a few things like wipes and garbage bags, but... he brought a lot more than that. Rags, paper towels, dusters, swiffers... he says there's no such thing as too much cleaning. I said that's a load of bullshit.

We sat in the car together on the way to the church, the sound of Luke humming filling my ears. It was his turn to put on the music he liked, so I had to listen to the 1975. We decided that each time we got in the car, we would take turns with who controls the radio or aux cord. I really didn't mind it, I'm just glad he doesn't like country music...

''Hey, Gabriel?'' Luke suddenly asked me. I mumbled a 'Hm?' in response, my eyes not leaving the road.

''What is the date today?'' He asked.

Things have gone by fast the past month, I haven't really kept track. I feel like everything is finally starting to slow down for once. The trial is over, his parents are finally locked up... yeah things aren't completely fixed, but we aren't running everywhere and constantly getting phone calls.

''I think it's... December second? is that right?'' I asked him. He gasped at my words, grasping onto his phone and immediately looking at the date himself. He began to laugh to himself quietly, shaking his head back and forth as he gazed at the phone.

''My birthday is coming up, I completely forgot about it... It's on the eighth.'' He told me.

''Don't worry too much about it, blondie. We had a lot of stuff happening in the past month. What do you want to do for your birthday? What do you usually do?'' I asked him. I was genuinely curious about what he did... I wouldn't be surprised if his parents did nothing.

''...Well, my parents wouldn't do anything for me. It's just the day I was born, really... my friends would get me some small gifts though.'' He said to me, his voice seeming distant.

Looks like I'm throwing a birthday party for him.

''...I wouldn't mind it too much though! Christmas is in December, so I would look forward to that-'' He continued. He stopped suddenly, a shaky breath leaving his throat.

''Hey... are you alright?'' I asked him. I gazed over at him suddenly- he was staring blankly at his hands with a distraught look.

''Yeah, I'm okay. I just realized that my parents won't be here for Christmas...'' He said with a faint laugh. He shook his head, lifting his gaze from his hands and finally looking at me. ''Silly, isn't it?''

''It's not silly at all. You're allowed to miss them, Luke... they are your parents, regardless of what they did. It's not like they have been in jail for ages now, it's only been a few weeks. One step at a time, alright?'' I reassured him.

''You could have Christmas with my family and I.'' I said with a smile. ''You're always welcome in our home.''

His frown slowly turned into a smile at my words. He crossed his arms across his chest, gazing at me with a playful look.

''What does your family even do for Christmas? I didn't know Satanists celebrated it...'' He admitted.

''We look at it as any holiday. It's just generally a Christian holiday these days. We use it as an excuse to get together and spend time with family. We exchange gifts, eat some good food... it's a nice time.''

''Oh yeah, and the human sacrifice to Satan. Can't forget about that.'' I added. I watched as his eyes widened in fear at my words, his face flushing bright red. I couldn't help but burst into laughter at his expression, forcing myself to look away from him and back onto the road.

''I'm kidding! Oh god, you should have seen your face. It was hilarious.'' I said to him as I pulled into the Church's parking lot. He finally began to laugh along with me after a few seconds, shaking his head back and forth with every second passing.

We pulled all of the cleaning supplies and decorations out of the car together. We definitely didn't need all of this stuff, but he insisted we did. I didn't have the heart to tell him otherwise.

''My aunties and uncle are here today. Don't be intimidated by them, they are sweet people.'' I reassured him. He nodded his head with a smile as we walked into the church side by side.

The sound of Nyx and Eva immediately filled my ears as we walked down the stairs to the second floor of the Church. They were bickering with auntie Precious about something probably- ever since they were born they were known to do that. She was yelling back at them with her hands crossed over her chest.

''Nyx, you best be sharin' your toys with ya sister. I ain't gonna tolerate this bickerin' all day! You won't be goin' to uncle Darnell's party!'' She exclaimed. I heard Luke gasp by my side, immediately getting my attention.

''Who are those two! they are so cute!'' He exclaimed, pointing in Nyx and Eva's direction. I couldn't help but smile at him.

''Those are my baby cousins. You could say hi, you know... they have been dying to meet you.'' I said to him. He immediately walked over to my auntie precious, Nyx and Eva.

''Oh hello there! you must be Luke, it's nice to meet you!'' my auntie Precious exclaimed. She instinctively pulled Luke into a hug without warning, wrapping her arms around Luke's neck and pulling him down to her height.

''It's nice to meet you too, ma'am!'' He said. I couldn't help but sigh as I walked over to both of them, gazing at my auntie Precious with a look of amusement.

''Give the boy some room to breathe, auntie. What were you bickerin' about with the kids?'' I asked her. She rolled her eyes, pulling Luke out of the hug she had him locked in and placing a hand on her hip.

''They were yellin' about how the usual... who's toys were whos. They were also yellin' about how they needed somebody to play with, you know how you act like a big ass horse sometimes when you come over, carryin' them around on your back?-''

''He does what?-''

''Nothing, nothing! Don't worry about it Luke!'' I said in a hurry. The both of them began to laugh as my face flushed red. Nyx and Eva suddenly appeared at my feet, both of them holding up their arms for me to pick them up. I instinctively pulled them up in my arms, Nyx immediately pushing back the long curls from my ear and whispering in my ear.

''Hey... is that your boyfriend? He's really pretty! Do you think he will want to play with us?'' Nyx whispered to me. I raised an eyebrow at both of them with a playful smile lingering on my lips.

Eva nodded in agreement with her words.

''You'll have to ask him yourself, sweet pea.'' I responded to her, ignoring the first question. She nodded her head, her eyes looking over to Luke in a curious way.

Before they could ask him anything, my Uncle Darnell walked into the room. He smiled at me before gazing over at Luke, his smile leaving his lips. His eyes widened as he approached him.

''Luke... It's great to have you here, kid. You probably don't know me, but... I used to be great friends with your father.'' He mumbled to him. I watched as Luke's eyes widened at his statement, his face flushing at the mention of his father. I figured he wouldn't want to particularly want to talk about him...

''How?'' He asked in confusion. My uncle Darnell suddenly turned around, motioning for Luke to follow him. I let out a deep sigh at his actions, meeting Luke's confused gaze.

''He wants to talk to ya. It's okay blondie, we could start decorating when he's done tellin' you whatever.'' I reassured him. He nodded his head after a few moments, taking a deep breath before following my uncle into the ballroom.



''It's beautiful in here, sir.'' I commented, my voice surprisingly not coming out as shaky. I have to admit... I was nervous. Why did he want to talk to me?

''Aw, aren't you a sweet boy. It's pretty old in this ballroom... dusty too. I thought Faith dusted in here... those damn kids don't know how to clean.'' He said with a laugh. He motioned for me to sit down at one of the tables that sat at the right side of the ballroom- they were white tables with a red table cloth covering it. They looked very expensive and elegant... maybe even old.

You could tell he was an older man, but maybe in his late forties. He had a bald head himself, but... that's all that really made him look old. He was very tall and built- he was almost intimidating.

I guess it runs in the family.

''I just wanted to let you know that nobody in this family shuns you because of who your father was, Luke. You're not any different, you're not more or less... you're welcome here.'' He reassured me.

''I knew your father way, way back. Gabriel's father and I were best friends with him when we was kids. Your grandpa was a mean, mean man. Not only he didn't want us around his boy because we came from a satanist church, but it was also because we is black. Ain't that insane?'' He went on. I furrowed my eyebrows at his words, gazing down at the table cloth as he continued to speak.

...My father was friends with these people? At one point he... he wasn't the way he is now?

''What I'm trying to say is... we don't shun you just because of who your father was. In fact, we know him. We know what happened to him, but it doesn't give any excuse to him to do what he fuckin' did to you and your brother. You understand?'' He went on.

I didn't completely understand everything he was saying... but I felt like I could trust him.

''Also because of what happened with Gabriel's mama and daddy, I figured you'd be kind of guilty about that. You didn't do the crime, it was the bad people in that church your dad did-''

''...What happened to Gabriel's parents? I was wondering why they weren't here...'' I mumbled. ''Are they just coming later to the party?''

His eyes widened at my words. He leaned back on the chair, crossing his arms across his chest.

''I'm sorry kid, I didn't know that Gabriel didn't tell you. That's a talk for another day, alright? I'm sure Gabriel is looking for ya. Thank you for coming to help boy, I'm here if you need anything.'' He reassured me.

...I'll have to ask Gabriel later.

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