Call Me 'Possessive'

By -DeadRoses-

74.1K 2.8K 262

"Hey! Wait up! We've been socializing for a while, you know that right?" He hummed in response and continued... More



11.7K 257 26
By -DeadRoses-

Luke Hale moved into Miltown on June 18th and wished to be a shadow ever since. Yet, wishes never really came true for him. It had been the week prior to his move, that he had become the towns new hot gossip. Thankfully, he chose a place in which no one dared to roam.

Toby Ryan was the risk it all bad boy that parents looked down upon. A boy filled with mischief and charm, no one properly knew how to handle him. So once the gossip started spreading, he couldn't help but mock everyone for their interest in a stranger. Little did he know, he'd be most interested of all.

*T.O.B.Y pov*

This is it, it's finally the day in which everyone can shut the hell up with these rumors. They will finally find out if this new man is going to be:

A.) A sexy stud, with a bad boy side that's even tougher than my own. Doubt it, but okay people.

B.) A mysterious, book nerd who made girls quiver in excitement.

C.) A serial killer, hunting his next victim in this town. Ray got that one in a good handful of people's heads. Idiots.

Or, lastly, my conclusion,
D.) "An ordinary beefcake man who just can't lay off the juice, brah."

Anyways, besides that he was coming and I was ready to find out what my first impression of him was. My dad sold him his house so, he is actually coming over to my place for the keys, and a 'welcome to the town I hope you like it here!' speech that is a waste of time. Honestly, I don't understand why my dad has the keys either, you would think they'd have to go to his office or some shit.

"Toby! Get your ass out here and ready the new guy is coming over in half an hour!" My mother yelled causing me to groan and roll my eyes. Of course she'd be the one who wants a perfect family introduction with a newbie in town. I think her own ideal is awful, she couldn't have chosen worse people to try and pretend to play perfect family, than her and myself. It's an ongoing feud between me and the sea demon.

I grabbed my phone for a time check only to groan out even louder than before. It's 9:30 in the morning, we're lucky if I'm out of bed by 11! But, it's get into an argument now and waste the thick tension between us now, or wait until the new guy gets here so I could ruin her perfect family picture then... The latter it is. I rolled out of bed with a thud and crawled my way to my dressers. All I needed was a pair of pants and my leather jacket and I'm good. It was an outfit that I happened to look too good to be true in. All black, some rips in my jeans, and a tousled bedhead look, bam, another day another hot as fuck Toby Ryan. I only got to take about a half of a step out of my room before my ears started ringing from the shrieking.

"Hell no! Put your nice shirt on young man, or so help me lord I will beat you into the next century," Ursula the sea witch had threatened as she pointed a wooden spoon at me. I rolled my eyes quickly before stepping into the bathroom. Brush teeth, place in plugs, booger check, I'm all good.

I grabbed my blue flannel and put it on underneath my jacket leaving half of it unbuttoned and tucked in. I guess I'll add a little color, make everything come together, it's another look, but not the one I was going for.

"Is it really necessary for you to push your mother's buttons today? She just wants to be set for this man," my father sighed as he sat on my bed. I looked over at him with a raised eyebrow and just like that, he already knew my answer. He only sighed and shook his head.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have a bad relationship with my dad, it's actually really good whenever that bitch isn't in the vicinity. But it's an unspoken thing between us, not fat enough to be an elephant in the room thankfully.

"You've met him. Right?" I questioned.

"Yes. Yes I have, why do you ask?"

"What is he like?"

"You'll find out right now," he said before straightening his business tie and fixing his slacks as he stood.

"Nice talk," I grumbled as the doorbell rang and he left. I only rolled my eyes, what's so great about this guy anyways?

"Hello, hello come on in," I heard my mother greet I only smirked because I just want to ruin this to screw her over. So I did. I plugged my phone into my stereo and scrolled through before blasting Not the American Average by Asking Alexandria, not my favorite, but the best to piss someone off. I shouted along with it just to tune out my parents yelling.

"I see you cold
I feel you heartless
You stupid fucking bitch
You stupid fucking bi-"

There stood before me Satan's bitch herself.

"Are you fucking kidding me Toby? You scared him off, I hope you're proud of yourself. Get your ass up and go apologize to him and invite him over for a subtle and calm dinner," She growled, I swear she was a hybrid because she acts like an actual bitch sometimes.

I sighed and got up and went to go grab my phone.

"Nope, I'm restricting this from you for the time being," She said snatching my phone from its plug and leaving my room. I sighed and rolled my eyes before looking out my window to see my dad and I'm guessing the new guy in the backyard. A groan had escaped my throat before I left my room and made my way outside.

"I hope you like it here. Here is your key Mr. Hale," my father beamed before handing over the key to this Hale guy.

"Oh, nice of you to join us. This is my son Toby, Toby this is our newcomer," my dad introduced. By the time he started to turn around to face me the world went in slow motion and I think my heart stopped at the sight. Just the sides of his face did was a fucking masterpiece, a strong jawline, straight nose, little stubble along his cheeks. Then his face, my god his face made me mentally check if drool was seeping out of my mouth. He has these beautiful dark gray eyes, and such plump, soft, curvy looking lips. I wanted to grab his face and kiss the fucking life out of him.

The ladies won, seems like it would actually be option B, except they forgot to add sex on legs.

The glasses he wore was a definite plus because damn. He can rock them.

"I'm sure if you would like. My son here could show you around school when it starts back up," my father suggested.

Wait... He is going to my school? As a teacher, because that shit just doesn't add up if he is coming in as a student. Fuck. I watched as he licked his lips, I wonder what else he can do with his tongue. Maybe- Blue waffles, Blue waffles, boobs, titties.

"I'm fine. I- I'd prefer to be on my own," he spoke. Is he a fucking god? His voice was deep and smooth and powerful and can you imagine that at his- Spinach, Mom's back, Dad's overgrown toenails. He brushed past me and began walking out I quickly blinked and grabbed his wrist causing him to turn and look at me in bewilderment and just a touch of anger.

"Wait. My uh- my mom was wondering if you would join us for dinner?" I asked as he pulled his hand away as if my touch hand burned his skin. That's not new, but ouch.

He took in a shaky breath before stepping up to me causing my breath to hitch.

"Maybe another time-" he announced, before leaning in closer "Your little motivators didn't work by the way, you might want to compose yourself," he whispered, his lips ghosting the shell of my ear that caused me to bite the inside of my cheek. Oh god. He isn't so shy, now is he? That man has just rattled my bones with his absurdly hot self.

He stood up and left leaving me with burning cheeks and blood rushing down quickly with my Dad behind me who chuckled and patted my shoulder.

"Sorry son, but this boy is off the table, leave him be and he won't bother you,"

That's the problem. I want to bother him if that is what I get out of him. There was something about his tone that sent my world spinning in the opposite direction.

There was something this repressed, godly guy was hiding and I want to be the one to discover that.

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