The Gurdians Of The City Seas...

By Brandonthegsd

63.3K 995 1.2K

This is a story about a human boy named Zack, he lives in a world where human and furry live together and all... More

The Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Valentine Special Chapter
Chapter 11
Question Answerd
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 10

2.6K 46 31
By Brandonthegsd

I was in a class with Noah and Luke and we are so bored.

The class is finally over and now it's time for lunch time, we run to the cafetaria and grab some lunch, when we found a seat we then sit and eat our lunch.

"So what are you guy's doing after school" Luke asks, me and Noah just gave each other a smile and Luke gave us a face of confuse

"How about we go to the mall and hang out Drago and the other's will be there" i said

"That sounded like a great idea, i'm in" Luke said smiling

"Great" Noah said. when we were talking then a white otter showed up

"Hey cutey how about you and me go on a date after school" he said getting close to me

"I'm flaterd but no thank's" i said but he then grab my hand

"Come on, i know you like me" he said getting close to my face, i try to let go of his hand but he just tighten his grip, his face is getting closer to me

"FIRE BALL" we all turn our head and saw a huge fire ball dashing toward us

"Look out" i then push him out of me "ICE BARRIER" i then make a huge ice wall and hold back the fire ball

When the fire ball is finally disapered i then look at the person who shootet it and i saw that it was Drago with a red face and smoke coming out of his face, he than walk's to the otter and he grab the otter on the shirt

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING TO MY BOY FRIEND!?" Drago yelled angrily and he was about to punch that guy but i stoped him

"Drago stop he didn't hurt me and i'm not your boyfriend remember" i said, he then let go of the otter and then the otter run to the school hallway in fear

"He didn't hurt you did he?" Drago asks and he then check for some injuries

"I'm fine and he didn't hurt me" i said

"That's a relive" he said, he then take a sit and he put me on his lap and then he open his lunch "please feed me" he said giving me his lunch box

I just let out a sigh and take his lunch box and start feding him, he looks so happy. After the lunch end we all then go to our next class and wait till the school end's.

~~Time Skip~~

The school has finally end's and it's time to go to the mall with the other's, i grab my bag and go to the parkinglot and there i saw the four Gurdians with Luke and Noah

"You ready to go Zacky?" Chris said and i nod my head.

When we arrive at the mall we then go to the starbuck and order a large size choclate chip cream.

"let me pay yours Luke" i said giving the money to the cashier

"You don't have to Zack" Luke said

"It's alright, you don't have to worry" i said with a smile and he said thank you and i nod my head. So we go sit near the window and wait for our drink's, when our drink's arrive we just drink and talk about what happen's at school today and when i told them about earlier the four Gurdians go crazy and almost go after that guy but i stoped them.

When we're done, we then go to the bakery and look for some cookies. When we found the cookies we then pay for it and it look's like Luke likes chocolate cookies. I then pay for me and Luke's cookies, Luke was about to said something but i stoped him and then i paid for it and we start walking around the mall.

Sometimes the girls or boy's will stare at the Gurdians or maybe wink at them but they just hold me close to them and kiss my cheek to show them that they belong to me
And the girl's or boy will gave them a sad look and then leave

"I'm hungry" Khai said resting his head on mine

"Me too, i know a nice place to eat let's go" Noah said grabing my hand and i can see the Gurdians are glaring at him.

When we arrive at the place Noah just drag me to and i saw it was a steak restoraunt, we then enterd the restoraunt and order 7 steak's, and when our food's arrive we all then ate the steak.

When we all are done i then nod to the other's and they nod back and Luke is giving us a look of confused

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom now" Noah said and then he enterd the bathroom but i can see him sneaking out form the restoraunt

~~30 Minutes Later~~

"What took him so long?" Luke asks looking at his watch

"I think it's time now" i said and they all nod their heads except for Luke

"Time for what?" Luke asks confused

"Come in now Noah" Chris said and then Noah came in with a Birthday cake


"Thank's you guy's" Luke said with a tear on his cheek

"Make a wish Luke" Tyler said, Luke then makes a wish and then he blows the candle and we all clap our hands

"Let's cut the cake" Khai said with a smile and he was holding a knife to cut the cake

We then cut the cake and we talk, eat the cake and laugh. It was happy day for Luke

This chapter is special for my best friend Lyoko3650 because today is his Birthday. Happy Birthday Lyoko3650 God Bless you and wish u all the best. Happy Birthday

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