
By ItsTooGreen

3.8K 50 31


Stranger [Part I]
Stranger [Part II]
Stranger [Part III]
Stranger [Part IV]
Stranger [Part V]
Stranger [Part VI]
Stranger [Part VII]
Stranger [Part IX]

Stranger [Part VIII]

116 4 2
By ItsTooGreen

I soared out of my bed, feeling happier than I'd ever felt recently. For the second night in a row, no nightmares had stalked my dreams, and I'd woken up early, having gotten more than enough restful sleep during the night. I stretched my arms up high above my head, enjoying the way my muscles tingled after remaining motionless for so long.

It was five thirty in the morning, and yet the skyline outside my window remained a mystic shade of deep blue. The sun had already begun to rise later in the day, and for a very small fraction of time I was tempted to jump back into bed and wrap myself up in the warm folds of my sheets. On second thought though, I remembered that I already had plans. After having had to bail and look like a sick mess for Zade the last time, I was convinced on making today end much differently. 

Seeing as I still had plenty of time, and it was much too early for Zade to be awake, I pulled the still warm comforter off my bed, and made my way silently into the hall. Before heading downstairs, I checked on Matt, only to find that he wasn't in his bed. On my way downstairs, I wondered if perhaps he had been in bed at all throughout the night. Sure, I had seen him walk into his room, and said goodnight, but how was that any proof that he'd actually slept? Maybe his "confidential job" had called him in early. How was I to know, when I'd become the last person to be told anything of importance by Matt about his life?

Before stepping out onto the front porch, I checked for a sticky note on the fridge from Matt, but there was none.

My spirits a little lower, I pushed on my boots with a little help from my right hand, making sure to keep my left wrist completely still. Perhaps it was Zade's hawthorn rope bracelet, pure luck, the temporary cast, or a combination of all of the above, but my fractured wrist already felt as though it was well on it's way to a full recovery. 

I sat down onto the cold stone of the top stair of the front porch, my comforter wrapped securely around my body, keeping me warm and protected from the frigid morning temperature.

I watched as dew hanging from the flowers that lined the porch would grow heavy, then drip quickly off the edge of a soft petal or green leaf onto the already damp earth below. 

The sun had only just barely begun to overcome the faraway horizon, and yet I marveled at the way the early morning sun rays split through the darkness and very few clouds above, lending some it's heat as well as a vibrant orange glow. I closed my eyes, focusing only on the smell of the wind around me, and wished that the sun might rise a little faster, not only for the light of day, but also so that I might see Zade a little sooner, and for a little longer.

My wish came true. Although the sun still rose at it's normal pace, the crunch of someone running on the long road before me woke me from my reverie. As I opened my eyes to spot the source, it's speed slowed, and whoever had been running, was now walking. 

Zade walked not much more than fifty feet away, his head hanging low, a pair of headphones in his ears. Before calling out his name, I watched him, enjoying how gracefully he moved, how strong and captivating he was in the dark, his pale skin contrasting with his surroundings. As I sat alone on the porch, the moment before calling him over, he looked up, almost as though he had known what I was about to do. 

He stopped abruptly in his walk, a look of surprise on his face as we made eye contact.

My heart skipped a beat, knowing that if only for a moment in time, he was looking at me and thinking about me too.

I watched as his expression changed from shock to complete happiness. He jogged towards me, pulling his headphones out, and within a few seconds had closed the distance between us. 

"I'm guessing you weren't exactly expecting me to be up, and sitting on my front porch this morning?" His eyes lit up, and I wondered if maybe it was because he was glad to see me earlier than he thought he would.

"Of course. It's just a little bit too early for a human girl to be up already, especially in the middle of September. It's a Saturday. You should be sleeping in, and getting ready for another week of school," he answered honestly.

"Human girl, huh?" I began, and started laughing. He blushed very lightly, and I wondered what I possibly could have said or done to make him embarrassed. After I had regained some seriousness, I looked up to him and smiled.

"Since I've been wearing your bracelet, I've been waking up earlier, sleeping better and overall, just feeling better, so I guess that explains how I'm up so early on a Saturday morning. And I'm home schooled, so I suppose that's why I don't exactly have a week to prepare for..." I finished, remembering how I had promised Matt I'd find a tutor today.

He nodded, looking a little surprised, then sat down beside me on the top step, his bare arms crossed on his knees, his head resting on one side onto of his arms, facing me. 

"So how are your studies coming along then?" He asked, and I felt unsure of how to answer.

"Well...that's just the thing. I don't have any studies to work on, or anything new to learn...My parents used to teach me, I have to find a new teacher," I finished lamely, having completely forgotten how I'd told him that I'd lost my family while I was sick, and not knowing how to say what was on my mind without bursting into tears before him.

"Oh, well if you have problems finding a tutor, I'm open to being your last resort. I was also home schooled, so I might know how to help. And I was always top of the class, figuratively, of course, but nonetheless." He smiled, and I couldn't believe how lucky I was. 

"Would you mind tutoring me?" I asked hesitantly. "It would mean a lot to me if I had a friend teach me." I watched as his smile faltered and returned so fast I hardly knew if I'd been imagining things when I had said the word "friend".

"Of course, it would be a lot of fun," he paused nervously, as if he was unsure if he should say what was on his mind or not, but then continued, "and, it would be a really nice opportunity to get to know each other a little more." He smiled at me confidently then, and I looked down, unable to keep looking into his piercing blue gaze, a blush creeping onto my features as I nodded in agreement. 

We sat in silence a short while, neither of us knowing quite what to say. In a rush, Zade stood up beside me, and I looked at him quizzically. The sun's rays had slowly crept up through the trees, and were now nearing both of our feet. He walked slowly backwards, keeping in the receding shadows. 

"Do you mind if we do something different today, Brynlee?" He asked, and I nodded. 

"Sure, I'm up for anything. What did you have in mind?" For the second time that morning, he appeared caught off guard, not knowing what to say.

"I'll call around seven or eight, is that okay, or is it too late to see each other...?" 

"No, it's fine," I answered, trying to hide my disappointment behind a smile. I began to wonder if maybe he'd just remembered he'd made plans with another, prettier girl for the day, and that's why we couldn't see each other again until the moon hung above us.

 He smiled, suddenly relieved, and the sight of him took my breath away.

"Great, I'll talk to you around then," and with that, he jogged off into a hidden path in the forest beside my house, heading in the general direction of his home, and was gone. 



I apologize for uploading so little, but my best friend Carly wanted me to upload tonight really badly, so I did, just for her :) <3

So here is the beginning of part 8, hopefully by early Friday morning the rest of it will be up too :)

Happy reading !

Ps: I really like comments and fans

Gaby :)


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