Dark Flash

By CaitrionaRose11

22.7K 476 70

(This takes place right after the defeat of Devoe before everyone meets Nora and she reveals her identity (En... More

Alone With My Thoughts
They Call Me Blaze
Where's Barry?
The Thing's We Love
A New Suit
I'm Broken
Worried Looks and Blank Stares
Everyone's Gotta Start Somewhere
The Truth Comes Out
All Fun and Games
Why Can't I Remember?
Welcome Back Killer Frost
Not Fast Enough
Getting Through to Him
Lost and Found
Under the Floorboard
Cold As Ice
You Don't Understand


707 17 6
By CaitrionaRose11

"What is that for?" Barry asked. "What are you doing to me?" He was panicking a little. No one would acknowledge him and answer his questions. 

Caitlin went up behind him, without the syringe thankfully, and placed the memory transference device on his head. Cisco came into the room with the container with his memories. He then knew what was going on.

"No, no, please you can't. Don't put those back in my head!" Barry yelled.

"Why not?" Cisco asked.

Barry had tears coming down his face. He was angry. "Because they make me weak. You all make me weak." He looked around at everyone's faces, and they weren't buying it. Caitlin took the memories from Cisco and placed them in a small box thing that was connected to the device on his head. 

Barry finally calmed himself down and stopped crying. He looked into everyone's eyes, on by one. "If you do this," he began to say with a smirk, "I'll still be broken." He then began to laugh to himself. 

"Guys," Caitlin said turning to everyone. "It's a pretty simple process to put the memories back into his head but-" Caitlin said stopping.

"But what?" Joe asked.

"This is going to be very painful. Probably more painful than when Brainiac ripped them from his head."

"Snow, what are the side effects?" Harry asked.

"It's impossible to say," Caitlin said looking at Barry. 

"You're making a mistake," Barry said. 

Iris thought about what he said and then turned to Caitlin. "Do it."

Once the machine was turned on, Barry's whole body tensed up. He remembered the pain of his memories being taken, but this was so much worse. He started panting and sweating. The red energy flowed from the container, through the tube, and into the device on his head. 

Barry could feel it pouring into his head like he was reliving each moment over again. He was screaming at this point. He wasn't sure if he could handle it anymore. He wanted to give up. 

Everyone seemed concerned as to what this was doing to him. "Caitlin!" Iris said. "What's happening to him?"

"This is what happened when Brainiac took his memories," Cisco said. "There's no way around this." Everyone continued to watch in horror as Barry was in excruciating pain.

He could see his mom and dad, standing in the doorway of his first home, smiling at him. Even though all that pain, he found a way to smile. He shakily muttered out, "Mom? Dad?" before diving back into the deep pit of pain.

After a few minutes, the container was empty, and Barry was just laying there. He was breathing heavy, catching his breath. Everyone was on edge, wanting to know if he was ok. 

Iris walked up next to him and Caitlin removed the device from his head. Cisco and Harry let him out of the restraints, and he sat up on the edge of the bed. He let his legs hang there, and he looked dazed and lost. Behind his eyes, they could see he was somewhere far away. Cisco then unlocked the power dampening cuff from his ankle. He didn't even notice.

"Barry?" Iris said, placing her hand on his shoulder. That seemed to get his attention. He raised his head, looked at her hand, and then at her. Iris smiled at him, but he didn't. Without notice, he sped away. Nobody knew where. 

"Did it work?" Wally asked breaking the silence. 

Cisco sighed. "Yeah, yeah it did."

"Then why did he speed away?" Iris asked. Nobody could come up with an answer. Nobody except for Joe.

"I know," he said. "He feels even more broken now. He's consumed with guilt so he's trying to distance himself from us."

"And I know exactly where he would go," Iris said.


Iris, Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, Wally, and Harry all breached to the place Barry ran away to. 

"Why would he go here?" Harry asked.

"Because to him," Joe began, "this is home."

"I'm confused, what is this place?" Wally asked. He and Harry were both so confused.

"This," Iris began to say. "This is the house Barry grew up in before his mom was murdered."

Wally looked a little uncomfortable, as did Harry. They both knew about Barry's tragic past, but never actually saw the place of the event.

"Iris, I think you should be the one who talks to him. Even when he didn't have his memories, you were the only one who got through to him," Caitlin said.

Iris nodded and made her way across the street while her friends patiently waited outside. She walked up the stairs slowly and pushed back the door. At first glance, the house was dark. Nothing like she remembered from when she visited as a child. The only light was coming from the street lamps outside. She looked around the living room and saw nothing. She was about to go to the kitchen until she heard a floorboard creek upstairs. She made her way up and saw a light on in the room at the end of the hall. Barry's room.

She made her way down and looked in. It looked the same as it did from when they were kids. Some toy's on the ground, some clothes, and some pictures of Barry, his mom, and his dad. In the middle of the floor, sat Barry. His back was to the door.

"Barry?" she asked. She wanted to go to him but was hesitant. She wasn't sure what state he was in. He lifted his head recognizing the voice. He turned to meet Iris's gaze. He had tears streaming down his face. He was also clutching a book, The Runaway Dinosaur. He didn't say anything. Instead, he turned back around and looked at the book again.

Iris went down to Barry and sat next to him, placing her hand on his leg in comfort. He looked at it, but then back at the book. She didn't understand why he was so attached to it, but whatever the reason, it was special to him. She understood that much.

"Barry, we're all worried about you. You ran off earlier," Iris said. He heard what she was saying, but didn't respond or react. So she kept talking. "We want to help you, all your friends and family do."

Barry finally managed to speak, although Iris wasn't expecting this. He turned and looked her in the eye. "But all my family is dead," he said letting more tears fall. Iris felt like someone had just punched her stomach. 

"Barry you have people who love you here. Their waiting for you outside. I won't deny that you have lost people, but you still have a family," Iris said.

Barry turned and looked at the wall ahead of him. "After what I've done, you should all hate me. I hate me," he said. He was going to continue, but he got choked up. 

"We've all made mistakes. You can't be hard on yourself. It wasn't your fault," Iris said.

"But it was. Iris, even though I didn't have those memories, I still knew exactly what I was doing. There's a darkness inside of me. It's always been there. I just finally let it out," he said.

"Everyone's got some darkness in them," Iris said placing her hand on his tear-stained cheek. She turned his face to meet hers. "How we act on that though, determine's what kind of person we are." She smiled, and Barry tried to reciprocate that, but couldn't.

"You feel guilty, which means deep down, you didn't want to do those things. Which means deep down, you're still a good person," Iris said. Finally, Barry let out a small smile. 

"It just feels like everything that has happened to me, good or bad, is all happening at once. Every moment is being replayed over and over again in my head like I'm reliving it all over again. I don't know if I can take it anymore," Barry said. The smile faded again.

"Well," Iris said. "That's why you have friends and family. We'll help you. No matter what."


Back on the street, everyone was getting a little fidgety. Then Joe's phone beeped. 

"Guys, Iris say's Barry is gonna be ok. She'll meet us back at Star Labs," Joe said. Cisco nodded and opened up a breach and they all went back to Star Labs.

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