Sweeter than Honey-Sarah Paul...

By brknfeels

107K 3.6K 266

You fall in love with your teacher Ms. Paulson and you start a relationship with her🖤 More

Meeting you🖤
English Lessons🖤
Just Friends🖤
First Date🖤
Loving you🖤
Happy Bday🖤
Meet the family🖤
First Fight🖤
I'll never leave you🖤
6 months🖤
Weekend at the sea🖤
Addicted to you🖤
School Sex🖤
School Trip 1-Sneaking around🖤
School Trip 2-The truth🖤
Romantic Date🖤
Roller coasters🖤
New York🖤
Caught and Fired🖤
I'm sorry🖤
Together again🖤
Moving in🖤
Will you say yes?🖤
Our New Life🖤

Ex girlfriend🖤

3K 94 6
By brknfeels

"Good morning, angel", Sarah whispers.
"Mmh.. five more minutes", you say turning around.
She giggles, immediately wrapping her arm around you, "It's late baby girl.. it's already eleven o'clock".
"I'm tired baby", you whisper.
She softly and slowly kisses your neck, caressing your arm.
"I wanted to take you to the aquarium", she says.
You turn around, "For real?".
She smiles, "Yes, I remember you said you wanted to go since you never saw one".
You hug her, "You are the best Sar!"
"I know, I know. Let's get dressed".
You get up, "Ouch!".
"What's up baby girl?", Sarah asks.
"My whole body hurts.. I can't feel my legs anymore", you say.
Sarah smirks, "Well I suppose I did a great job. Trust me, you will feel better in a couple of hours".
"How are you so expert?".
"Because I did this a lot of times", she smirks.
"Oh, mh yeah you are right", you reply. You think about it, you never did this to her.. she was for sure talking about her past. And this makes you jealous.
"Baby girl, what's wrong?", she asks.
"Nothing it's uhm, stupid".
"No, tell me. Please, you know I hate when there is something wrong between us", she says sadly caressing your cheek.
"When you said you did this a lot of times.. you were talking about your ex girlfriends right?".
"I-I.. yes, I was", she says looking down.
You bite your lip, "As I thought. I don't know Sar, I just got jealous at the idea of you having sex with someone else, you enjoying it.."
"Babe, I'm sorry..I didn't think about it", she says hugging you.
"I'm always scared that I'm not enough, what if I don't pleasure you enough? Or if someone, before me, made you feel better than I do?", you start to cry.
"No, baby, please don't cry. Hey, look at me", she cups your face with her hands.
"You are enough. You are perfect to me and you know that. No one has ever made me feel as good as you do. No one. And I don't talk only about sex. I've never felt this loved before and, I've never loved someone as much as I love you. Since I'm with you, I've never thought not even one time at my ex girlfriends, what we have can't be compared to any of my ex relationships. It's all different, from the way we treat each other's to the way we have sex, because we truly love each other. We are made for each other and we know that", she says kissing your forehead.
"I'm sorry Sar.. I said it was stupid, I get worried about things that don't even exist. You are my first relationship, my first time, my first love.. it's all different for me. I'm sorry", you say.
"Baby girl, you don't have to be sorry, I get jealous and insecure too. You know, you are young, when I see you with your friends I'm always a little worried", she confesses.
"I'm sorry if you feel like this babe. You know I love you so much right? I can't imagine my life without you", you kiss her softly.
"I know, but it's hard sometimes", she says looking down. You caress her chin and kiss her lips softly.
"I love you and only you", you whisper.
She smiles, "I know you do. And, I love you too".
"C'mon, let's go", you say taking her hand.
Sarah calls an uber and you go at the aquarium.
As you enter you feel a lot excited,
"Baby girl calm down", Sarah laughs.
"It's so beautiful! Thank you for bringing me here", you say running all over the place.
"Sarah look! Aren't they cute?", you say pointing the dolphins.
"They are!", she says giggling.
"But you are cuter", you say touching her nose, she laughs.
As you do the tour all around the aquarium, you see Sarah taking a lot of pictures of you.
"Babe stop it's embarrassing", you say blushing.
"Why? You are too cute and beautiful. I need a new wallpaper", she say giggling.
You roll your eyes smiling,
"Let's take a selfie", you say taking her phone.
You take a lot of selfies, you kissing her, her kissing you.
As you are watching the photos Sarah hugs you from behind, you sigh.
"What's wrong honey?", she asks.
"I wish I could save this photos too. I don't have even one photo of us on my phone".
"I know.. but it's dangerous, your friends could see them", she says trying to comfort you.
"I'm tired of hiding", you say turning around to face her.
"I understand, just a few more months baby.. then we will be free", she says kissing your forehead.
You take her hand as you finish your visit at the aquarium.
"I'm going to the bathroom baby", Sarah says.
"Okay I'll wait you here", you reply kissing your cheek.
After 10 minutes she comes back,
"Finally I started to get worried", you say caressing her arm.
"This is for you", she says taking out from her purse a little peluche of a dolphin.
"Sarah! That's the cutest thing ever omg!", you say smiling. You hug her tight, never wanting to let her go.
"Liar", you whisper to her, she laughs.
"What do you want to do now?", she asks.
"Maybe we can relax a little more at the beach?", you propose.
"It's okay for me", she bites her lip.
"Sar..", you roll your eyes giggling.
"What? I didn't say anything!".
"I know you too well".
"Yeah, you do", she softly grabs your ass.
"Not in public you dork!", you laugh.

After the whole afternoon at the beach, you start to get ready because you have to go home.
"I'm so sad we have to leave", you say.
"I know, it's so beautiful when we stay together this long", she sighs.
"Why don't we eat dinner here? And then we drive home? At least we can stay together longer".
"That's a good idea, let's go to eat then".
You two go at the same restaurant from yesterday.
"I don't want to go to school tomorrow", you sigh.
"Me neither. You know that the new science teacher is flirting with me?", she laughs.
"He is what?!", you scream.
"Yeah, he always asks me out, he says that I'm beautiful..hot", she says.
"I fucking hate him. Why he doesn't leave you alone?".
"He doesn't understand that I'm gay", she giggles.
"Did he touch you?", you ask firmly.
"No baby, I would never let him touch me".
"Better for him. I swear the next time I see him-"
"You will keep calm and act like nothing happened", she says.
You groan, "But-"
"But nothing. You stay quiet and don't get you in trouble okay? Promise me?".
"I promise", you say rolling your eyes.
"Well, I am jealous too you know", she says.
"Of who?".
" your friend name".
You laugh, "For real?".
"Baby you are always hugged with her, always hand in hand..".
"She is my best friend, we treat each other like this for years. She has a boyfriend and trust me, she is super straight", you giggle.
"I know but I'm jealous anyway", she says crossing her arms.
"You are so cute when you are jealous", you say.
She sticks out her tongue to you then she laughs.
"Your meals ladies", the waitress says.
"Thank you!", you say in union.
"Oh shit", Sarah says.
You raise your brown, "What's wrong?".
"My, uhm, ex girlfriend is here", she says rolling her eyes.
"Where?!", you say turning around.
"Shh.. be quiet. There, the blonde one with the black and white dress", she says.
You look at her, she is a beautiful woman.
"Woah, she is hot-"
Sarah kicks your leg, "Ouch!", you say.
Sarah mumbles a 'shut up' and then you feel someone behind you.
"Oh, look who is here, Sarah!", the blonde says.
Sarah fakes a smile, "Hi Lily".
"It's been two years since I saw you", Lily says.
"Yeah well, you left me without any reason what did you aspect?", she chuckles.
You look at her with confusion.
Lily rolls her eyes,
"Past is past, I apologized many times. And who is she?", she asks pointing you.
"She is my girlfriend", Sarah says pissed.
You turn around to face her and you fake a smile,
"Y/N", you say.
"So you are for a little holiday?", she asks almost annoyed.
Sarah rolls her eyes, "It's our sixth months anniversary and Sarah took me here", you say proudly.
"Wow, you weren't this romantic years ago".
"People change", Sarah just says.
"I don't think so", Lily says staring at her.
"We all make our mistakes. And you should know that very well", Sarah replies firmly.
You sit there embarrassed, not knowing what to do or say. After an awkward silence, you hear Lily speak.
"It was nice to see you again, have fun with her", she says before going away.
"Fucking bitch", Sarah whispers after she leaves.
"Mh, can you explain me what all this was about?".
"Things from the past", Sarah coldly says.
"Oh", you look down.
You two eat in silence but you finally decide to break the silence,
"Why are you so pissed?".
"I'm not".
"Yes you are", you say almost screaming.
"I just need to use the bathroom", she says getting up.
You look at her worried, you know you had to do just one thing: follow her.
You run after her, she slams the door and she cries.
"Love, what's wrong?", you say hugging her.
"I hate her. I didn't want to see or talk to her", she sobs.
"I'm sorry", it was all you said. You knew Sarah needed her time.
"She made me suffer a lot. After she left me, I was a mess. I drank all nights, I got fired.. she left me with a fucking message and for no fucking reason!", she explains.
You caress her cheek, "I'm so sorry you suffered like this, I didn't know".
"Yeah, it's okay..".
"Do you.. do you still love her?", you ask with a tremble voice.
"Of course not, how can you think that?
Seeing her just reminded me of that hard period of my life", she says.
"It's just strange.. seeing you with your ex girlfriend, after what I've said this morning".
"I can understand. But babe, how many times do I have to say it? I'm yours, I'm madly in love with you", she says caressing your cheek.
"I know, I know", you whisper before pulling her for a passionate kiss.
"You really think she is hot?", Sarah asks breaking the kiss.
"Really Sar?", you laugh.
"I was just asking", she laughs.
"Do you?", you ask raising your brown.
"I think that you are hot", she says staring at you.
"That was the exactly reply I wanted to hear", you giggle pecking her lips. She rolls her eyes smiling as you go back at your table and finish your dinner.
Sarah drives at her apartment and as soon as you lay down in bed, you fall asleep, in Sarah's arms of course.

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