A Death Penalty

By ErzaSenju

26.9K 769 162

She hails from meteor city, just as her fellow spiders. Now one might ask, How can the legs remain loyal to t... More

Hunter Exam Begins
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 4 pt 2
Phase 5
A promise
Heaven's Arena.

The end of the exam

1.9K 61 4
By ErzaSenju

"It is? Oh. Alright." I replied, standing up. As much as I would love to continue to talking to Gon, who can't even respond, supporting killua would be better. Especially since I might have to kick illumi's ass. Assassins are honestly the worse. They think their feelings get in the way, when really its their lack of emotions that fuck them over. Killua excluded. His family hasn't been able to weed all of the emotions out of him. He obviously cares about Gon, and expresses his emotions for others far more than I've seen any other member of his family do. I left flick in the room with Gon, and joined kurapika to watch killua's fight.

"You better do what you're told Illumi. I'd hate for your father to be after me." I whispered, knowing he couldn't hear me. I arrived just in time to see Gittarakur taking out his pins. When they were all out his face morphed, and his hair grew and changed. I watched silently, disgusted. "I heard you stabbed Mom and Milluki." Illumi said. To me he seemed mad, or at least annoyed, but his voice gave no hint of emotions. To me I felt his aura, which he was preparing to release.

"Maybe." Killua said. I laughed internally. Typically Kill. "She wouldn't stop crying." Her? I met her briefly but she's as deadly as the rest of the family. She cried? "Of course she would. Any mother would if their son did that." Leorio grumbled next to me. I shook my head. She's no ordinary mother. "She was just so happy." Illumi said.

"Huhh??" Leorio gapped. Kurapika sweat dropped. Of course she was happy. I would hate to have a mother like her. Mine was much preferable.

"Her son's finally growing up. Of course she still worries about you, so she sent me to follow. I need a licence for a job, so I took part in the exam myself. I didn't know you wanted to be a hunter though." He continued. Killua looked conflicted, and scared.

"I.. I don't really want to be a hunter. I just felt.. Like taking the exam." Killua trembled. I scowled at the sight. My fists clenched. How dare they.. Your own damn family should never make you that scared. Ever!

"Oh. That's a relief. In that case, I have some advice for you." Illumi said. He let his bloodlust out. His aura incased killua, threatening his core. Killua began sweating, he was petrified. What a horrible older brother. An older brother should make you feel safe, like no one could hurt you. That's how Apollo made me feel. When he himself wasn't being the dick. Killua didn't deserve this family. More like his family doesn't deserve him. Illumi stepped closer to killua. I tensed, preparing to intervene.

"You're not cut out to be a hunter. You were born.. A killer." He said. My eyes widened. I understood now. This wasn't a fight, this was humiliation. This was an emotional torture session. A day in the life of Zoldyck training. Killua shook where he stood as his brother got closer.
"You are a puppet, kil. You need nothing, you wish for nothing."
"That's not true! I... I do want something." Killua denied.
"Oh? Enlighten me. What is it that you could possibly want?"
"I... I want to be Gon's friend."


He.... That's all he wants. Has he seriously been denied a friend his entire life? I grew up with nothing, physically. I had friends and a true family. Killua grew up with everything, but only physically. But he was left emotionally scarred. That's worse, to me. You can't help where your born, poor or rich, but it's up you and to those around you to nurture you. Killua was let down by those surrounding him since birth. A curse.

"You can't have friends, kil. That's how Dad and I raised you. Your only ability is to discern wether or not you can kill him. That's the only pleasure a killer can feel." Illumi said. It was a ruse. I know that much. But it still made me livid. How dare he say that. Leorio interrupted me. He stepped forward, only to be stopped by a guard.

"Killua! You dummy! Don't you see? You're already Gon's friend! How do you not know that?" Leorio shouted.

"He's right Killua! Gon thinks of you as his friend! You've already had so much fun together!" I shouted. Now, more than ever, killua needed support. Illumi looked over.

"Is that true?" He asked.

"Of course it's true!" Leorio growled.

"I see. I guess I'll just have to kill Gon then." Illumi said, slightly upbeat. I tried my very best to ignore his statement. Something snapped in me. Kill. Kill Gon. Gon. Gon. Gon. Kill?

I found myself outside. I don't remember walking there, but I knew I needed a deep breath. I put one hand over my heart, and another over my neck, where my spider tattoo was inked.

"Relax. Illumi is just being a dick. Calm down. Gon is fine. Gon is fine." I whispered. I remembered Gon, safely resting in his room. And strangely, the thought of Flick with him made me calm. Her, sitting on his bed, watching over him. It's going to be fine.

I looked behind me at the doors. They lead right back into the room were two brothers fought. If I went back in, I'd probably kill Illumi. So I went back to Gon's room, to stay there until this phase was over. I needed to be with someone, but I also needed to be alone. Since Gon is unconcious, he's probably the perfect choice. I opened his door quietly. Satotz wasn't in. I closed the door behind me and sat down on the chair bedside, noticing flick sleeping peacefully on Gon. I leaned over and put my arms on the bed, resting my head on my arms. I tried focusing on meditation, but ended falling asleep like that.

I woke up to someone poking my arm. I opened my eyes and saw Gon, sitting up in bed. "You're awake." I mumbled. He nodded. "Come on. Let's go get killua." He said. I looked at him confused. "Go get?" I asked drearily. He nodded again. "Illumi freaked killua out so bad he ended up killing leorio's opponent and was disqualified. Then he left. I'm going to ask Illumi where he went so we can get him back." Gon explained. His tone was serious. I had never seen him mad before. I understood his feelings though. I was mad at illumi too, for making killua feel that way and for being a terrible brother. He hurt killua so bad, he went back home. The place he hates.

"Then let's go. Killua needs us." I nodded, getting up and stretching.

Gon Previous POV

I jolted awake from my nightmare, sitting up straight in bed. I looked around and saw that I was in some sort of recovery room. Bell was sleeping on my bed, with her hood down. Flick was sleeping next to me on the other side. I smiled. She really did care. That's when Mr. Satotz walked in and explained everything to me.

Bell POV

We stormed into the initiation room, opening the loud doors with a bang. Everyone looked at us, but said nothing. I stayed at the top of the stairs, and let Gon do all the talking. I walked down the steps, to the last bench where Illumi sat. "Apologize to killua!" Gon said. Satotz walked in and stood next to me.

"Sorry, but what for?" Illumi asked, clueless.

"You really don't know what you did wrong?" Gon questioned.

"Nope." Illumi said simply, still not even looking at him.

"You're not qualified to be his big brother." Gon clenched his fist.

"I didn't know I had to qualify." Illumi retorted. Gon gripped illumi's arm and flung him out of his seat. Illumi twisted so he landed softly on the ground.

"Friends don't have to either, he gets to choose!" Gon shouted. That's right Gon. You tell him. Gon squeezed Illumi's arm tighter. With his strength, I bet he was crushing Illumi's bones. Illumi just stood there, staring at Gon. "Tch, don't bother apologizing. Just tell me where he is." Gon ordered. Leorio and kurapika were staring in shock.

"And what are you going to do?"

"Its obvious, I'm going to bring him back!" Gon declared. I held back my desire to appluade.

"You make it sound like I've kidnapped my younger brother. He walked out of here of his own free will." Illumi stated. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Illumi had kidnapped killua. It seems like Illumi already has no problem ignoring killua's wishes.

"He left but not of free will. You manipulated him. That's the same as kidnapping!" Gon stated. It got me thinking. If he was manipulated by his family, where would they make him go? Back home of course. That's where killua went! Well then this is pointless, we should stop arguing with his psychotic family and just go get him.

"We were just dicussing that very matter, Gon." Netero stepped in. "We were dicussing the basis of killua's disqualification." He said. I stopped listening they were all just bickering. I growled.

"Shut up!" I shouted. I pulled my hood down, to show them my anger and resolve. "Wether or not it was just, killua's disqualification is absolute. Those who fail cannot pass. Killua didn't even want to be a hunter! If he so desires, he can take the exam next year. Right now we should be focused on getting killua back. I know where he is." I said. The room was silent. I huffed at them.

"Exactly right." Chairmen netero stepped in. "Let's continure with the orientation shall we? Beans, if you would." He said. A green bean looking charcter stepped forward and displayed a fake Hunter's license.

"This wonderful lincense will allow you into 90% of all countries that limit immigration, as well as give you access to 75% of all restricted areas in the world. You may use 95% of all puplic facilities with no cost at all. Banks will treat you as if you are a top rated company. You can sell it for enough money to last seven lifetimes, or keep it for a life of guaranteed luxury. Please be very careful. You wouldn't want it to be misplaced or stolen, since you won't get a replacement. According to our estimates as many and 1 out every 5 hunters loses their license within the first year. Your very first challenge as a licensed hunter is to protect your card at all costs. From here on out, you may do whatever you wish." Bean finished.

"Now that that's finished, all of you here have passed. Congratulations. From here on out, you are free to do as you please." Netero said. Satotz handed me my Hunter's license from beside me. I nodded in thanks, taking it and then pulling my hood back up.

"Alright. Gon, Leorio, Kurapika, let's go get Killua." I said. Gon let go of Illumi, and walked out into the courtyard.

"Alright. So where is killua?" Leorio asked. We all stood in a circle. Hanzo had already come up to talk about his country. I was interested, but focused on killua.

"He went back home, I know it. I've only been there once before, and not as a guest. Their estate is kukuroo mountain, and the surrounding land. The locals all know of it, so I'm sure they can point us in the right direction, but I forget which country it's in..." I explained.

"Well then we just to look it up. We are licensed hunters now." Kurapika said.

"Yeah. But I think I might have a faster way." I grinned, pulling out my phone.

Hey~ Which country is kukuroo mountain in?

I texted Machi. Her reply was almost immediate, as I expected.

The Republic of Padokea. Why?

Don't tell Danchou I asked, he'll worry. >~>

I'm still telling him. θ_θ


I sighed. Oh well, I got the information. I saw pokkle walking up to us.

"Hey, kurapika. Im sorry for arguing with you earlier. I was frustrated at my own match." He apologized. I blinked. That was brave of him.

"I know how you feel. Apology accepted." Kurapika smiled.

"That being said, is there anything you need help with? I've got this baby, so I can get you some info if you want." He offered. I racked my brain. Was there anything I wanted to know?

"Can you look up a man named Ging Freeces?" Gon asked.

"Ging? Gon, what do you know about Ging?" I asked. He gave me a confused look. "Almost nothing. Why? Do you know him?" Gon asked, getting excited at the end. "I.. I don't really know him. I met him once before. In a restaurant. He just finished a huge meal. The whole table was stacked with dishes. Turns out, He couldn't pay his tab. I laughed and payed it for him and we had a interesting conversation. It was..  Well. I'll tell you more later. Any info, pokkle?" I Asked, changing subject. I didn't want to reveal anything to this stranger.

"Well whoever he is, he's pretty damn important. This security is nothing to laugh at. Tough luck finding anything about him, all info is sealed airtight. Sorry. Anything else I can do?"

"Apollo Christen." I said. He nodded and typed away. My four friends looked at me, but I didn't met their stares.

"That's strange... Whoever that is, doesn't exist. There's no record of any Apollo Christen." Pakku said. I nodded.

"That's fine. I figured as much." I answered. Pakku said his farewells and left.

"Who is Apollo Christen? He has the same last name as you." Leorio asked.

"You heard him. There is no Apollo Christen. He doesn't exist." I stated.
"Anyways, Gon. You are Ging's little boy, right?"


"Are you looking for him?"

"Yep! It's why I became a hunter! It was so important to him to be a hunter, that he left me behind. I wanna know why." There was no anger or resentment in his voice. Pure hope.

"You want to see Ging? Well.. Ging doesn't want to see you. He told me so himself." I stated. Everyone gasped.

"He's kind of a dick, Gon. He doesn't want to face you. If he finds out you're coming for him, he'll run away. You're going to have to try extra hard to meet him. That's what he talked about when we met. He talked about you, a son he never knew. Although I don't know why. It didn't seem to be a particularly open subject. I feel like he had seperate motives for telling me about you." I stated. He might as well know the truth now.

"But.." Gon started. "That only makes me want to meet him more!"

"Good. That means you're mentally ready. But physically, no where close." I grinned. He pouted.

"Anyways. I've got the info we need and I've already booked our flight, although it'll still take three days to get there by airship. Our flight is in 5 hours. Pack up, we gotta go!" I cheered. We're going to get our boy killua back! Mr. Satotz walked over to us and requested to speak to Gon alone. Me, kurapika and leorio opted to go ahead and pack up whatever we had/wanted. Fortunately all we really had was the items we came to the hunter exam with. I withdrew plenty of money for our three day trip and waited for Gon to get back.

Unfortunately, we got stuck in traffic. Our car literally wasn't even moving. We still had a ways to travel and our flight left in 2 hours! We'll need at least an hour for security. Well maybe not, now that we're hunters.

"Come on guys, we don't have time for this." I called from next to Gon. Everyone agreed and hopped out of the car. I tipped the driver a bit extra for getting him stuck in traffic, but we needed to hurry.

"This kinda reminds me of the first phase, when we all met." Kurapika said. Leorio groaned at the memory. The first phase... When we all met. At the time I had no idea, that these adventures awaited me. That these people would become to close. It's only been a few weeks. Maybe friends are easier to make when they're meant for you.

"Yeah, except there's one thing wrong. We're missing an irreplaceable friend." Gon grinned. I felt his energy, pumped up and ready for anything. Such a long way we've come, and a long way I hopes to go still. With Gon. With Killua. With Kurapika. Maybe even Leorio. I hope this fun never ends. Little did we know, what kind of assasin family lie in wait for us.

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