The After Party

By ADreamersWriter

204 12 8

Kayla wants to make Senior year, the year she goes to prom with her longtime crush. But making it to prom at... More

Locker Letters
Dressing Room
Case of the Monday's
Bus Stop
21 Questions
2 days until Homecoming
A Brand New Day
Untitled Part 13

Officer Saks

9 0 0
By ADreamersWriter

My parents are stunned. Hell, so am I. My dad shifts around in his seat uncontrollably. I can already tell that he feels like coming after me will make it better. I guess his hatred for me is an automatic outlet. His disdain for me is also easier for me to focus on than the fact that a police officer sitting down is telling me that my sister is or will soon be dead.

Why? Why across the street? I don't even know that I realize what it is I'm saying. I just allow myself to continue talking. Why did no one come here first?

My dad is pointing and yelling at me. That's not exactly the surprise of the hour, but what he is saying is. Officer Saks flinches and stiffens as if he is preparing himself to intervene, but he waits. How can you be more concerned with where they were more than my daughter. He hits himself in the chest as he says 'my daughter'. It is not surprising that he is so upset over Maria missing. It would be a surprise if he felt this strongly for my well – being. He and Maria got a long fairly well though. She kept to herself, but they would still have civil conversations about their days and things of the sort. It still does not make sense, his relationship with me that is. I am asking a perfectly sensible question and he is ready to snap at me.

She is my sister. I am shocked at all of this. I don't want any of it to be true Daddy. Why are you upset with me? I don't know anything. I wish I did though. Now that I have spoken I realize how shocked I sounded that he would talk to me this way. Maybe that will keep officer Saks from feeling like he is abusive -which he is not- not physically anyway. Adversely, I hope his outrage does not back fire and leave the police thinking that I am a prime suspect. I don't even dare to wipe my face as I realize how much I am crying. It just doesn't seem worth it right now. As compliant as I still feel when I am around my father I still hate showing emotions because of him. I do not like for him to see how much he affects me in this way.

Everyone let's calm down. I may have gotten ahead of myself by saying that. Let's all keep cool heads and talk. Officer Saks says in an authoritative and smooth tone. He eyes us all feverishly. I guess he was not expecting this when he came over to our modern day home.

My mom stands up and follows the officers lead as she tries to comfort my dad. Honey. It's alright. I'm sure she didn't mean to upset you this way. She is just a dumb girl. Let's talk about this with him alright. I love you. I'm here in this with you. He accuses me of not caring about my possibly deceased sister and she is saying how she loves him. My emotions are intensifying. I couldn't afford to live here if I were to say things I actually mean. I try to take deep silent breaths so it won't seem as if I have an attitude. Sitting down, I wrap my arms around myself as if it will contain everything I am feeling right now. I miss my sister and I hope she is okay, but I hate my parents. Right now, I wish it were them instead of her. I feel a pang of guilt at allowing myself to think it, but with how they treat me I am sure it goes both ways.

From the facts we have now, we have reason to believe that your daughter is in grave danger. He takes a breath and pauses as if he is bracing himself for any more unpleasant outburst. Unfortunately that is all we can say for now. He turns and looks at me. As to why we went there first, I also can't say. There are other victims involved. Though I must urge you to not embark on your own investigation and ask questions of others. Everyone's privacy is to be protected, and it would be the greatest help if you could bring any information to us, and leave the for the police and investigators to handle. We can't help but sit here in silence as we take in everything he is saying. Well, I am trying to take it all in at least. I can't say much for mommy and daddy – dearest sitting across from me. There are so many questions I want to ask. But if answering my questions was all it took this would all be over by now.

I apologize for my outburst officer. My dad tells him. I wait for him to find a way to blame it on me. We will comply with your wishes and offer any help we can for the safety of Maria. His eyes flickered to me for a brief moment as he spoke. Maybe he thought the officer would look at him as a suspect if he stayed angry. Yet, I have no reservations that he will pick back up when the Officer Saks leaves.

I understand these are tough times. I just gave you some hard news. Officer Saks tells him officially. Were you close to her? Do you know who she confided in the most?

Well, we are a very close family. My mom lies so easily, but she does it with a smile like a proper lady.

I'm sure you are ma'm. He shifts in his seat uneasily. He isn't buying that one. Kayla, as her sister, can you tell me anything? Who is her boyfriend or even her best friend, outside of the family that is. I am sure he meant it in a positive way, but for my humor I will take it as a dig at my mom.

She stayed to herself when it came to details like who she truly felt closest to and things like that. I say. Her boyfriend is Alden I think. But like I say she wasn't too open about those kinds of things. I do know that Alden still goes to my school, just in case you wanted to talk with him.

Our Maria is a social butterfly. She never likes to stick to just one group of people. Ever since she was a small child she flourished by being social and friendly with everyone. Wow mom pucker up a little more. Maria isn't here but she can feel the ass-kissing I'm sure. Oh, the things I would never dare say aloud. Officer, can you tell us anything else about our daughter. With all due respect you first said she is possibly murdered then that she is in grave danger. Did she do something with other kids nearby? Is there any evidence to prove that she is alive and well?

I do apologize for that ma'm. It was pure ignorance on my part to say that. I hope you will forgive my mistake. We have not found your daughter, but in investigating one case we found that she had been missing from school and it was suspiciously similar to a few others, which is why we fear the worse. My mom whimpers at his last statement. This could all just be that she has similarities to other people we are searching for and she is fine. We would rather be more sure than not. Unfortunately I cannot say more than that, for fear that it would hinder our case. I will keep you folks updated every step of the way though, I can assure you.

I know that as an officer he has to do his job and sometimes that means not telling people's loved one's everything there is to know but this feels wrong. I feel like he is hiding more than the typical stuff. He looks to be somewhere in his thirties so I am sure he has been doing this for a while now. How could he slip up and say that she was murdered. I'm sure that this sort of thing happens and people make mistakes. I am sure it could be a simple case of him bluntly discussing that as a possibility to his peers recently. I cannot fully understand how he could say that to the family, unless he for whatever reason suspected us. Heh, well if he did my dad has not helped at all.

My parents talk to each other in hushed tones about what to do or ask next. It makes me wonder if at times like these they even realize that other people can hear them when they get like that. Officer Saks nudges me a little as if to say we need to quickly have a hushed conversation of our own. Do you know of anything that could really help me?

I am glad that he's not falling for my parents Brady Bunch routine, but at the same time I feel awkward because I want to be able to offer something more. No. She stayed to herself. Ask her school friends what they know. She kept a lot to herself though. I pause and try to think of anything at all. I know she snuck out sometimes, but I honestly don't know where she went or who with. Okay at least that little tidbit makes me feel more useful.

It's confirmed when he nods at me with approval. He looks back over to my parents as if to check that we still have privacy. Are you okay here? He asks me.

If I ever had the opportunity to not be a part of this family anymore it could be now. What are the chances that an officer would have witnessed enough to be able to question if this is a good home for me. I could say that it's pure hell and look at him pleadingly to help me. Then again, I would probably just look like I was trying to flirt with him and come off like a complete weirdo. I'm fine. They don't actually hit me or anything. They just don't favor me is all. Well that is more honest than I intended for it to be. This is what I mean by being socially awkward. It's like I'm so starved to talk to new people that I just say anything. I am oddly comfortable talking to him like this though.

Do you know of any more or less private clubs or organizations she may have been a part of? Maybe something that seemed shady or very secretive that she would not have been allowed to speak of? He asks me.

Allowed to speak of? I get that he did not know my sister at all and that to a lengthy extent neither did I, but this is ridiculous. No. What type of thing are you thinking of. She wasn't a bad girl. She just liked to have fun. I realize my voice just barely goes above a whisper. I try to calm myself and watch my tone. My parents are just feet apart from me and I don't want them picking up on this conversation. Sorry. I don't know of anything like that. She liked to do normal rebellious stuff as far as I know. I remember smelling alcohol on her before. I really try to keep the part of about the alcohol low. What kind of clubs do you think she could have possibly been a part of that were so secretive.

I am just trying to cover all of my basis is all. You have been a big help though. Thank you. He looks back to my parents and eyes my dad a few seconds longer. And don't be afraid to use my card. He still doesn't believe that this is a safe place for me. I don't blame him. If it weren't for the fact that I will be off to college this time next year I would be begging for him to take me as he leaves.

My dad finally speaks to the officer again. How come the school didn't call us? How is it that it was noticeable enough for the police to find out but they didn't call us?

What my husband means is that we are very involved with her school and it is unnerving that no one would tell us she was no longer there. Wow, my mom will never stop taking up for him. This is too much. She takes up for him even when she should be asking about Maria. I shouldn't be shocked. She loves him more than all of us it seems. How long has she been missing officer? Finally she has something useful to say.

Nearly two weeks ma'm. The school did not contact you because we did not want to cause a panic or have rumors interfere during the investigation. We felt that doing it this way would be best for your daughter.

Two weeks. Two weeks? I think back to the girl at the mall. I have never wished to see someone I loved with a drug dealer, but now it would be no less than perfect. She may be in a bit of trouble later, but to know that she was okay this whole time would be great news. This would be the time to say what I think I saw earlier. It could also be one of the worst times since I am not one hundred percent sure about it either. It would be stupid of me to mention something I'm not sure of so late in this conversation. I wish my sister would have talked to me more. I wish I had a text from her or something, even if it was for me to lie and say she was fine. I hate not knowing. More than that, I hate thinking I may have saw her. If I could do it again I would have run towards that mysterious girl. I would have been completely sure. I want to know, and this pretend officer is playing around. This entire situation is making me anxious, because I feel like I could have stopped it. I know I could have prevented this from being an issue right now.

He gives his business cards out again. If you have any questions or know anything you think may help please contact me.

My sister is missing and I believe the police are afraid that my family may be a part of it. I actually look at his card now. Unfortunately, I may need it soon. It reads: 555- 5551.

Hm, seems legit.

He doesn't love her. He sees her as not even his child, because he doesn't care for her.

Officers full name

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