The Adventures of Bilbo and T...

By GandalfsBeard

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The bits of "There and Back Again" which Bilbo never told anyone. Now that Bilbo and Frodo have set sale for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 10

241 7 0
By GandalfsBeard

The Hobbits had returned to their cabin after supper, and after the obligatory Elf-Wine and Pipe-Weed, Frodo pressed his Uncle to finish the tale.

"I can see I'll get no rest tonight if I save it for the morrow. Well, so be it Frodo. You may not get much sleep after you hear the rest of this now. But that is your choice. I, for one, shall sleep soundly having got this off my chest after not being able to tell anyone for 81 years."

"In August of 2967, after 26 happy years together with Tauriel, Gandalf arrived with Legolas and a small company of Elves from Elrond's House. I knew immediately that this was more than a social visit. Nevertheless, Tauriel and I did our duty as hosts to this unexpected party (which couldn't have been more different from the unexpected party that began all of my, and your, adventures). Despite the superficial cheer, it was evident that this would be a much more somber affair."

"After a rather magnificent feast—Glazed Ham, Roast Turkey, Stuffing, Roast Potatoes, Scalloped Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Shire Puds, String Beans, Carrots, Broccoli, Buttery Crumpets and Farm Bread, Slabs of Cheshire Cheese, followed with a variety of cakes, pastries and fruit tarts—I served the finest Elf-Wine, which was from a case we had received as a gift from Galadriel."

"The three Elves of Rivendell stepped outside after the meal to keep guard whilst Gandalf and Legolas brought us their grave news.

'You must beware Lady Tauriel and Bilbo, for Legolas has ill tidings from the Halls of Thranduil. Lord Andruil has fallen out with his father, the King. Before he was exiled from the House of Thranduil, he made many disturbing allegations about you two. Perhaps the story is best taken up by Legolas at this point.'"

"'Dear Bilbo, Lady Tauriel, my news is doubly grave. Though my father publicly disavowed my half-brother Andruil's accusations as Jealous Rantings, privately he nurses a desire to interrogate the truth from you both. He is troubled deeply that you may have violated Hallowed Ground, forbidden to all but Elf-Kind. Not to mention that he is disturbed that he may have granted you leave under deception Tauriel.'"

"'And also, since my half-brother departed with a few of his allies, it has been rumoured that he seeks to avenge himself against you and Bilbo. He hopes to bring you before Thranduil and regain his favour at your expense.' Tauriel and I looked at each other in dismay. This was the worst news possible. I made to question Gandalf, but he put up his hand to forestall me.

'Bilbo, Galadriel, Elrond and I have placed protective enchantments on the Shire and surrounding lands. As long as you do not venture beyond Bree you will be safe. But beyond that only your own wits and skills may save you.'"

"'I should mention that you still have many friends that you knew not amongst the Elves of the Greenwood, Lady Tauriel.' Legolas interjected. His gaze bore into her eyes, as if he could see her soul. 'If you should need to venture there for any purpose send me a message by The Great Eagle, and I shall endeavour to provide some measure of protection.'

'What would we need to come there for?' I squeaked in fright. Tauriel put a finger to my lips.

'I will tell you after our guests depart Dear One.' Then to Legolas she responded. 'I can tell you right now we will need your help, Legolas son of Thranduil. Please ask the Eagles to keep watch for us in the Greenwood. It will take us some time to get there, and it will be dangerous to travel in winter. But we must make haste if we are to be there by Yule time.'"

"Of course, I was most distressed by the news that we would be leaving the safety of the Shire for some unknown purpose. But I held my tongue as we bade our guests farewell. Gandalf, sensing my terror leaned to hug me and whispered in my ear.

'Fear not Bilbo, Tauriel is more than a match for the dangers that face you, And I dare say you are quite up to the task yourself. However, my spies and the Eagles shall be watching for you and shall alert me if anything untoward should befall you. I can travel quickly to your aide f the need arises.'

'Thank you Gandalf. Thank you so much. Your council has always brought me nothing but good fortune.' I smiled at my wife as I said this."

"We said our farewells; then Tauriel and I retired to the settee in front of the crackling fire-place. Tauriel saw my question hovering on my lips. She gave me one of her heart-melting smiles.

'Bilbo, we must journey back to the Source. Under the Full Moon at Iuan Aelin we must conceive our child. For his Destiny is Great indeed, and only the Grace of Eru will ensure his conception.'"

Frodo goggled at Bilbo, mouth agape.

"Wh…wha…what…? I…you mean…," sputtered Frodo, that odd thought he couldn't quite form floating in his head again.

"Exactly my reaction, Dear Boy; but Tauriel spoke no more of that. The next few days I giddily helped her prepare for the journey. We enjoyed the pleasures of hearth and home as much as possible in that time."

"It was August 29th when we left Bag End. We made our way for Rivendell. Tauriel had made me swear again to put on my Ring and stay out of danger should it befall us. We were in Rivendell by November 30th. Despite the heavy snows and our trepidation of strangers, our journey was relatively uneventful. We stopped again at Beorn's January 4th, but only spent two days there."

"From there we headed for the Old Forest Road. But from afar we spied a party of Elves guarding the entrance to the forest. There was nothing else to do but travel through the Hidden Paths that led us out of Mirkwood after we first married. It was treacherous going in the Snowy Woods, but we found ourselves at the first Mountain on the 20th."

"The morning of the 21st we rounded the mountain. Tauriel stopped up short behind a thicket and whispered to me to put on my Ring. Terrified, I complied immediately. She crept silently around the thicket until I could no longer see her. My heart thumped in my throat. I heard a cry, and without thinking I leapt from behind the thicket. I flooded with relief and took off the Ring. Legolas and two companions were greeting Tauriel. Indeed, they were the same two Elves who had abandoned Andruil all those years ago."

"They greeted us merrily, and feeling much better, we made our way to the Enchanted Falls. I was astonished when we reached the plateau of The Garden late afternoon. I had expected a wintry scene; instead, it looked just as I remembered it. As the sun set the blossoms, and flowers all became iridescent under the nearly full moon and the fireflies' warm golden glow lit the way."

"Legolas and his companions set up a perimeter at the edge of the glade, and Tauriel and I continued to the shelter of the Great Willow we had camped under so long ago. It felt good to sleep in her arms again in that Hallowed place. The air was as warm as a late spring evening."

"The next day dawned brightly to clear skies. Legolas met us at the edge of the Garden, and we broke fast with the Elves. Then we retreated back into the Grove. Tauriel and I renewed our vows in the Pure Waters of the Enchanted Pool. We spent the day in glorious lovemaking and napped under the Willow. When we awoke under the Full Moon, we were once again transported by the Luminescent Garden, resuming our rapturous intimacy, and continuing well into the night. Our passions exhausted, we slept more soundly than I can ever recall."

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