Light Up My Heart *Super 8/Ca...

By ghost_idol

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Light Up My Heart *Super 8/Cary Love Story*
2: Sorry, Joe
3: It's Called Silent Reading For A Reason
4: Explosions
5. Broken Cameras
6. Welcome To The Group
7: Why Do You Care, Cary?
8: I Like Fireworks Too
9: What Is Going On?
10: I've Lost Everything.....
11: The Night Before The End Of Sanity
12: So It Begin
14: Trapped
15: Cary vs. Charles vs. An Alien
16: Join The Club, Smartin
17:Fighting Aliens With Sparklers
18:The Pyromaniac and The Shy Girl
19: Epilogue

13: No More Miss Shy Girl

609 17 0
By ghost_idol

As Cary and I sit down with the other guys, we instantly are brought into an argument surprisingly lead by Joe. "It took her!?" Charles asked in shock. "Yes, it took Alice and we have to get back to town. We have to save her!" he practically yells. Well, someone is feeling heroic today. "Man, Alice is dead," Martin says. "She's dead!" "Don't say that!" Joe yells back. My eyes go wide and I grip Cary's arm tight. "Something took Alice?" I ask. "Her Dad said that this monster grabbed her.

Charles and I watched the tape from the crash we saw something crawl out of the wreckage. We think that the Air force was trying to transport this monster somewhere, but Mr. Woodward crashed it. We're not sure why, but we do know that this alien thing has Alice. We need to save her," Joe says. "It took her too," I tell Cary. He nods and sighs. "Wait, what?" Charles asks. Cary is about to tell him, but I put my hand over his mouth. "The monster took my Aunt Sara yesterday. We were standing right there when it happened," I say. The four other boys stare at me in shock. "What does it look like?" Preston asks.

"It's like triple the size of us, has at least four arms, and has a face that looks like it was shoved in a blender," Cary explains. "See? Double the reason to go!" Joe insists. "First of all, I want to actually live," Preston argues. He's always the one to wimp out when things get hard. I despise adventure, yet I won't back down for something this important. "What do you expect us to do?" Charles demands. "The town's closed and there's no way back!" "Look, I have an idea," Joe continues. "And I'm going back whether you're coming or not, which I really hope you do. C'mon guys!" "I'm in," I say.

Everyone turns to look at me again. I think that they keep forgetting I'm here. Well, I'm gonna make sure they remember me. No more Miss Shy Girl. Cary reaches behind him and grabs a bag that his Mom gave him. Apparently, she thought it had clothes and emergency supplies, but when he opens it up, its brimmed to the top with fireworks and explosives. "I've got six tons of explosives in here. Let's find this thing and blow it to sh*t!" I smile at his enthusiasm and that familiar glint in his eye that he gets when he has fireworks.

Charles eventually agrees (I'm guessing just because he doesn't want to get shown up by me) along with Martin. Preston backs out and decides to stay behind. "Okay, so we need someone to get us there," Joe thinks out loud. Suddenly, a thought clicks in my head. "Donny has a car! I can ask him," I volunteer. "That's perfect." I nod and stand on a chair until I spot him. I limp over to him and put on my 'innocence eyes' as I call them. It's where I make my eyes really big and look like a lost puppy. It's pretty effective actually. "Donny?" I say. He looks up at me. "What's wrong Little Crow?" he asks. To add extra effect, I let a couple tears roll down my cheeks. Yeah, I'm a pretty good actress.

"Sara is missing, I can't find her anywhere," I whimper. "I'm sure she's here somewhere...." "Last time I saw her, she was asleep on our couch. She took these sleeping pills and I think she's still there!" I start to to bawl and cry into Donny's shoulder. "It's okay, maybe you can ask one of the guards-" "They won't let me go back! She's going to die and it's all my fault!"

"Okay, calm down. Maybe I can drive you back..." I pull myself away and wipe the tears off my cheeks. "You will?" He nods and I hug him. Dang, I'm a good actress. "Oh, and my friends are coming with me," I say as I pull away again.

"Thanks Donny!" I turn and see that the boys were standing right there. "Let's go, guys." I act sad again and begin to cry a bit. Cary puts and arm around me as we walk out. I'm not sure if it's part of the act or not, but I definitely don't mind.

"Okay there are rules about being in my car," Donny says and we creep through the parking lot. "Where we going anyway?" Cary asks. "To the school. Woodward keep this box in the parking lot and I bet he has research in there on this thing," Joe explains. "We're going to find out everything we can about this thing and then we can find it and save Alice." "Okay dorks, no shoes on my upholstery," Donny says as he approach his car. "No one touches my CD's, got it?" As we all climb in, Joe keeps talking about how there must be something useful in the dungeon. Charles gets in first, then Martin, then Cary. Since there are only three seats, I sit on Cary and put my legs up on Martin's and Charles's legs since 'I can't get my shoes on the upholstery'.

During the ride, all four of the boys keep trying to talk at once. As usual. "Don't you think they already searched Woodward's house?" Martin asks. "Dude, this car is gnarly," Cary comments. "I was just thinking the same thing," Charles agrees. "No kidding," Donny says. "They probably searched his room, but not the dungeon," Joe replies to Martin. "Dude, this is sweet," Cary says and touches the seat. "Don't touch it!" Martin says. "Get your feet off me," Charles snaps at me. "Make me, dickhead," I hiss. He touches my leg and I scream, nearly making Donny swerve off the road. "SHUT UP!" Donny yells. "She's the one who started it..." Charles grumbles. "You're the one who grabbed my leg." "How does it look?" Cary asks. I hesitantly look at Charles before pulling up my pant leg to look at it. "Oh sh*t!" Martin and Charles both say. The cut still looks purple and red with the red strains up my leg, but now the white metal is wedged slightly deeper. "How the hell did you do that?!" Charles asks. "It wasn't me, dumb@ss!" Donny stops the car, seeing we have arrived at the school. He's probably clueless why we're here, but oh well. "So what, am I supposed to just sit here like a douche?" Donny asks. "Yeah, thanks so much Donny!" I say as we climb out. "You're the best!" I'm amazed that only a week ago, I would have never even have looked at these boys. And now I'm trying to kill a monster with them. Can my life seriously get any weirder?

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