The Adventures of Bilbo and T...

By GandalfsBeard

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The bits of "There and Back Again" which Bilbo never told anyone. Now that Bilbo and Frodo have set sale for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

317 13 2
By GandalfsBeard

By daybreak the storm had ebbed. The rain was light and the sun peeked through a few cloud-breaks. The Hobbits joined Gandalf and Elrond for breakfast. Galadriel and Celeborn were nowhere to be seen.

"Friends, you look well. Clearly Hobbits have exceptional constitutions. Good Morn to you both. Bilbo, 'tis remarkable, we have not yet left the globe of Middle Earth nor shall we reach the Undying Lands for many weeks, and yet you grow younger by the day." Elrond said. His piercing gaze bore into Bilbo, then he smiled gently, softening his stern features.

"Yes indeed," responded Bilbo, "This sea-air and new adventure have quite reinvigorated me."

"And I expect your anticipation of what you may find in Valinor offers some measure of inspiration too, does it not?" Elrond was still smiling, but Frodo could have sworn he winked at Bilbo. Bilbo shifted uncomfortably and grimaced back at Elrond.

"Oh….erm…yes…Yes indeed. I'm…er…rather looking forward to the Gardens of Lorien (among other things)."

"You'll need all your strength then Good Hobbit. Come, break your fast, and regain your vigour."

Bilbo and Frodo needed no encouraging. They delved right into the piles of food in front of them; stacks of pancakes drenched in syrup and butter, porridge, honey, blackcurrants and cream, smoky rashers of bacon, sausage links, shredded fried potatoes, fried eggs, and thick slabs of buttery toasted bread, finished off with a flagon of steaming hot tea and cream.

Hunger satisfied, the Hobbits took their leave. It was still raining, but they had no desire to return to the cabin just yet, so they ambled about the decks exploring all the nooks and crannies of the ship. Frodo was now certain that the ship was bigger on the inside than out. After a couple of hours, they finally found themselves in a storeroom in the aft of the ship.

They each sat upon a stack of grain sacks facing the rear window. The rain and wind had picked up again, and the wake of the ship zigged and zagged up and down the surging swells. Moments later the Hobbits were busy devouring second breakfast. Frodo hurried through his corned beef sandwich, beef and mushroom pie, blueberry scone, and orange. He was anxious to prod some more of the story out of Bilbo.

After the Elf-Wine and Pipe-Weed, Bilbo returned to his tale.

"Let's see now…where was I? Oh yes…ahem, harrum…Under the Oak-tree. That's right. We woke up to a crisp, clear, icy morning. A few sips of the Miruvor rejuvenated our bodies and spirits, and we were finally able to move our frozen fingers. After a hasty kip of Lembas (I think I had five or six), hazel nuts, and some forest berries, we were off again."

"An hour later we were out of the snow, and I couldn't be happier to start warming up. I could hear a rushing sound in the distance that drew nearer as we clambered down the slope. We had to dismount and walk much of it, but down-hill is much quicker of course."

"We passed around some rocky ledges and emerged around a copse of trees and there on our immediate right was an amazing sight, a magnificent triple Waterfall that began somewhere high above us. I looked down, but it was difficult to see past the jutting outcrops. The path through the rocks and trees switch-backed many times, and I was wondering when we would reach the bottom."

"Finally, we came to a wooded plateau of sorts. Tauriel and I worked our way through the trees, and there, there was an incredible view of the triple falls many hundreds of feet up as they cascaded straight down separately, then bounced off the rocks, until they one by one merged into one Waterfall."

"The falls ended in a large pool on the plateau, mini rainbows forming where the sun hit the misty spray of the churning falls. Snapdragons, daisies, periwinkles, wild roses, lilies, more varieties of flowers than I can name adorned the Garden (for that is what it was, a Fantastic Magical Garden). Butterflies and Ladybirds flitted to and fro. Crabapples, Cherries, Pear trees and more were in full blossom, and as the light breeze showered petals down upon us the trees seemed to fill with more than there were before."

"Opposite the falls, at the far end of the pool the water turned into rapids, as it tumbled and snaked down the rest of the slope into the Greenwood. More's the pity there's no such things as Unicorns, for if ever a Garden deserved one, this one did. There was no question that this was one of the most Sacred and Enchanted places on Middle-Earth outside of Lothlorien (though the gardens at the House of Elrond would have given them a run for the money)."

"'Iuan Aelin, The Enchanted Pool,' said Tauriel softly, her eyes shining with joy. 'This is it Bilbo. Its waters can purify even broken spirits, but only those with Strong Hearts can bear it. Come, let us bathe and cleanse our bodies, souls, and spirits.' All thoughts of modesty were banished. We stripped ourselves to the skin and entered the pool. I simply can't describe the feeling Frodo. I could have burst with peace and gaiety. I tingled from head to toe. We washed, we splashed, and we romped. Our laughter rang through that little Sanctuary. And Tauriel, oh Tauriel, she was so beautiful. She seemed to embody every sensual joy of that Garden in her own body and spirit."

"After what seemed a lifetime, we emerged from the pool. Without dressing we simply snuggled into our fur blankets and fell asleep in each others arms under a Great Willow. When we awoke that evening, the Garden was transformed into a Magical Grotto, bathed in Silver Moonlight and the light of a thousand Golden Fireflies. Oh, I could almost imagine that they were tiny Fairies as told of in children's stories."

"We made love that night under the full moon, and thus sealed our Sacred Union." Frodo gawked at his Uncle. Bilbo raised his eyebrows. "Yes it was passionate, and that's all I'm telling you lad; a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell (well, not in detail anyway). You can just imagine how it went, if you must."

Frodo just kept staring at Bilbo in amazement. For the first time in his life he was utterly speechless. Then, all of a sudden, the rest of the world came back into focus. Frodo grinned

"Uncle Bilbo, you mean that was it? And you were married? What about a ceremony or ritual? What happened after? Why have I never heard of Tauriel before? You would have been the talk of Bag End, the whole Shire, if you'd come back with an Elf Wife."

"Yes…um…well, why do you think they called me Elf-Friend?" muttered Bilbo turning crimson. "Anyway, slow down, you're getting ahead of the story. You've only heard the beginning (well, chronologically speaking, the rest of the story takes place over many years, but might only just barely take as long to tell).

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