The Cursed Alpha

By GoldMoona

2.4M 78.3K 8.8K

- Although this story is being rewritten, there won't major changes to the story just the grammar and the st... More

(0) Epigraph
(1) The Beginning
(2) The first werewolf
(3) More tragic than Romeo and Juliet
(4) Goodbye for now
(5) 30 shirtless Alphas..
(6) werewolves that can read minds?
(7) Day 1 at a rogue pack: not dead yet.
(8) Attempt 1 of trying to escape:Fail.
(9) The Renegade
(10) Just like beauty and the beast
(11) Retail Therapy
(12) What?
(13) Marked
(14) Connecting the dots
(15) Two weeks later
(16) The truth
(17) Nice to look at
(18) The Beast
(19) No Take Backs
(20) Close as strangers
(21) Magic comes with a price
(22) Alpha Heath POV
(23) Fate is a funny thing
(24) The side effect of kissing
(25) Surprise, I'm kidnapping you!
(26) cameron POV
(27) Let's give US a chance
(28) On My Mind
(29) Mate?
(30) Do you realise what you've done to me?
(31) Pack Meeting
(32) Thank you?
(33) Mated to the alpha of rogues
(34) Goodbye Again
(35) Going for a run
(36) I'm a monster
(38) Always expect the unexpected
(39) I was in the dark so darkness I became
(40) The worst is yet to come
(41) Brotherhood
(42) Luna of the rogues
(43) I've got the scars from tomorrow
(44) This is war
(45) It's a mate thing
(46) In the eyes of a teenage crystallised
(47) The Blood Moon
(48) Take all of me
(49) wake me up when it's all over
(50) Oh, sister, I will help you out
(51) What a heavenly way to die
(52) On top of the world
(53) Alpha And Luna
(54) The End
Author Note (read if you want a sequel)

(37) Closer

36.4K 1.3K 157
By GoldMoona

Chapter 37 (EDITED)


"Don't say that, "I frown

" you're not a-"I cut myself off because I would be lying if I said he's not a monster, he is to a lot of people, to the people he hurt, killed... He was to me but not anymore.

 Now I know that deep, deep really deep inside Andrés is a kind alpha. To me. 

"I believe it is my turn to ask you the questions" Andrés clears his throat " how old are you?"

"16" I answer

He freezes "you're so young" he growls " i'm sorry Amma, look" he looks pained "forget the curse okay? i didn't know you were so young-"

I shake my head "no, this is my destiny, if i don't break then it's over for you and the night-walkers"

"we don't matter"

"how old are you?" i change the subject

Andrés looks uncomfortable, i give him a look and the little twinkle in his eyes returns" guess," he challenges

hmm, " a billion years old?" I blurt out,

the alpha stops mid-walk and just stares at me for a while his brows creased in confusion, " you think, I'm a billion years old?" he questions

uh, yea? I thought he was as old as time... isn't time like a billion years old?

"answer, me, Amma" he growls clenching his jaw

"ah, yes" I gulp

"you're going to regret saying that"

Before I can ask him what he means Andrés grabs my waist and lifts me up and then he is jumping up.

"oh my goddess!" I scream closing my eyes shut and wrapping my arms around his neck tightly.

It felt like we were flying, but we weren't, Andrés was running by the sound of his bare feet hitting the damp ground, but he was running so fast that it almost felt like he was flying. I couldn't open my eyes, I knew that if i did i would get whiplash.

"hold your breath" Andrés yells, his hot breath fans my face and the butterflies come back,

wait- did he say hold my breath?! my eyes burst open and I notice that we're dropping from a cliff, I scream but it's quickly muffled by salt water.

The cold water pushes me down and i try to swim up but I don't know how to do that, i never learned to swim.

My heart starts beating frantically and i start to panic then I feel arms around me thankfully before i can really drown Andrés pulls me out of the water.

"oh my goddess" i heave coughing up the water

"what's wrong?" the alpha asks 

I hold on to him tight, afraid that if i let go i am going to drown again " i can't swim, please let's get out of here" i beg shaking, every minute i was in here, is a minute i could drown to my death.

"Amma it's okay, i got you" the alpha speaks calmly  " just take a deep breath, okay?"

i nod and close my eyes taking a deep breath, when i open my eyes Andrés is staring down at me, he was observing me " we can go back if you want" he speaks eyes his still on me

"o-okay" i shiver

Andrés leans in slowly and I close my eyes waiting for the transportation to happen except the alpha kisses me.

 His lips touch mine my heartbeat slows down and i feel the world around us disappear, we're no longer in the water and i didn't care where we were as long as I was with him like this.

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. Our lips moved in perfect sync, I've never kissed anyone before Andrés that's why it was so unusual yet familiar for me to feel this comfortable when kissing him back, he felt familiar.

my back hits a wall and I open my eyes to see that we were back in the gym room, how- was it real? were we really there, in the ocean? it felt real.

then I realise that we were soaking wet, my shirt and pants were sticking to my body, Andrés was also dripping with water, I don't know how I didn't notice this while I was kissing him.

I pull away from the kiss "my love" Andrés groans at me for separating us. 

I blush "sorry"

" we need to change"I smile running my fingers through his black locks that were sticking to his forehead.

"I will be at the bonfire if you need me" he says after a few minutes of silence,

and with a flash, he's gone, I take a deep breath.. wow, that was, I don't even know how to describe what I am feeling right now.

I run my fingers through my wet hair, why do I feel lonely all of a sudden? was this because of Andrés?

I hope not because I don't want to be one of those girls that get so caught in their mate that if he goes to the toilet she feels the need to go also.

But every part of my body just wanted to be close with the alpha. I sigh and make my way to the bedroom.


After my shower I decided to change into shorts and a tank top, I was not going to leave the room tonight I needed to be alone and think.

The blood moon is so close and I think I am going to stay with Andrés.

I know that I don't know him very well but he is my mate and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

I lye down on the bed and stare the ceiling, the rest of my life, my long endless life with Andrés ... that doesn't sound so bad.

I wonder what our life would be like after the curse is broken, Andrés did say that they will not stay here so where will we go?

'it doesn't matter, as long as we're with our mate' my wolf sighs happily

"for the first time, I'm going to have to agree with you" I scoff

"who are you talking to?"

I sit up quickly to see a shirtless Andrés standing by the open window, I blush "no one, to myself" i lie

"hmm," the alpha smirks knowingly

His eyes land on the tray of food still on the bedside table " why haven't you eaten your dinner?"

"I'm not hungry," I tell him,

my stomach growls as soon as I say that, it's like my whole body is against me! I am not hungry why would it growl?!

Andrés climbs on the bed, and sit down resting his back on the headboard. Our arms brush against each other and I get a rush of the tingles.

"if you could have anything, what would like to eat right now?" he asks

that's a strange question and a hard one, i think about it for a second before i blurt out "a beef burger"

i haven't had one since i came here, just thinking about them makes my mouth water " what i would do for a bite out of a beef burger" I tell him

Andrés reaches over for the tray and places it in the middle of the bed " eat," he orders

I pout and turn to him "it's cold and I'm not that hungry"

"Amma," he says in a warning tone

okay, whatever fine. I reach for the tray and with a dramatic groan I open it only to see a burger and fries instead of whatever animal iris and Cameron hunted and cooked.

I squeal and grab the burger taking a bite "oh my goddess, yes"I moan without meaning to.

I look to my side to see Andrés clenching the sheets, is he about to shift or something?

I shrug and continues to eat the delicious burger, goddess one minute you're eating and the next you're not. I sadly stare at the empty plate.

I turn back to Andrés " I forgot you were still here"I joke grabbing the plate and placing it on the floor, after that, I join him and rest my back on the headboard " what are you doing here?" I ask

"it's my room" Andrés answers "and also it's my turn to ask you a question," he says

I raise my brow at him "what?" I gasp "no, it's my turn!"

he opens his mouth but I quickly cut him off " what is your favourite colour" I ask


"who's Heath?"

Authors note:

update, i caught the flu my from my cat.. is that possible? I think so and it feels like I'm dying.

until next time,

don't forget to vote!

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