The Monster Within

By starchild10

3.1K 81 20

Sequel to Turn for the Worst. Even though Emma is now safe, the trauma that she endured will not go away that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 58

39 1 0
By starchild10

"Mary!" David says in relief upon seeing his wife. He races into the hospital room and wraps his wife in the biggest hug. He is practically in tears with worry after he got the call from the station that his wife had been attacked. "Thank God you're okay!"

"I'm fine David, a little bruised, but I'm fine." While Mary Margaret is saying this to calm her husband down, she felt far from fine. The trauma of what she'd just endured is still haunting her to the point where her hands are shaking slightly from fear and anxiety. She had looked into the eyes of a madman, been choked into near unconsciousness and held at gunpoint. How her husband endured being at the bad end of a gun every single day of his life is beyond her comprehension.

David could see the bruising on his wife's throat where the monster had choked her. His hands curl into fists and he grinds his teeth. He fights back tears that are burning in his eyes and lets out an exasperated breath. He cannot believe that someone would have the balls to do this to his wife and his godson. He was going to kill this man if it was the last thing he did. No one touched his wife, and no one hurt an innocent child without expecting to be strangled by him. It was his version of justice for such a monster.

He shuts his eyes tightly and takes in a deep breath. He holds onto Mary Margaret tightly and gives her a kiss on the forehead. She then turns and the two of them kiss extremely hard. Both begin shedding tears over the fear of nearly losing one another. The teacher had been afraid that she might never see her husband or son again as that man bound her and locked her in the closet with Henry, while he took a screaming Sophie. She also feels unbelievable guilt over not being able to protect Emma's children. All the way to the hospital, she kept apologizing to Emma, but the blonde didn't seem to hear it as she was in her own little world of shock. She wishes that the gun hadn't jammed, and she wished that everything had been different, that she had defended herself and the children in her care.

When the couple breaks apart, the two merely touch foreheads as David holds her hands tightly, never wanting to let her go. The fear in his stomach burned like an inferno mixed with the rage that someone had choked his wife and could have easily killed her.

After a long time in each other's arms, the uniformed officer then turns to look at Henry, who sat in a hospital bed next to his wife. Emma sits in a chair next to him, almost in a complete daze, tears staining her face. He can see the bruising on the teenager's throat as well, feeding the fire in his guts. He was going to take down this monster if it's the last thing he did. David takes a deep breath and tries to appear calm for the boy's sake.

"Henry are you okay?"

The teenager nods slowly and willingly accepts a quick hug from David as well. Once the officer steps back, the man could see that Henry's face is as pale as the white walls of the hospital, showing how extremely spooked he was. His hands are shaking too from the pure fear coursing through his body. His mind keeps flashing back to what happened... it all went so quickly that it felt like a blur, one minute he was searching for the baseball bat, the next he's tied up with Mary Margaret in the closet, listening to the man's heavy footsteps and the frightened cries of his sister fade away as the monster took her. His stomach turns violently, so much so that he ends up turning and becoming sick in a bucket next to his bed. The nurses said that he was experiencing a serious form of shock; the boy had vomited once in the ambulance and so the staff had placed a bucket nearby in case it happened again.

David rubs his back as Henry dry heaves a bit and coughs. He is shaking like a leaf and all the officer wants to do is make him feel better. Emma seems to snap out of her daze to help her son, she hands him a fresh glass of water in order to avoid him becoming dehydrated.

"Take it easy Henry," David murmurs quietly.

"B-But... it's all my fault," he whimpers, wanting to take the glass of water from his mother, but his hands are shaking so much that Emma asks a nurse to get him a straw.

Emma's stomach drops out from under her, a new wave of pure guilt coursing through her body. Her knees become extremely weak, bile climbs up into her throat, and she cannot hold the glass for her son to drink from any longer. She quickly gives it to David and races out of the room. She frantically searches until she sees the sign for the bathroom at the end of the hall. Her legs are running on borrowed adrenaline as each step feels like an eternity, everything else is a blur to her as she hurries to the wheelchair accessible bathroom, hand clamped over her mouth. There might be voices and people around her, but she cannot hear them any longer.

She barely makes it before she collapses against the bowl and is violently ill. Everything that she'd been holding in for the past few months; the secrets, the guilt, the anger, the fear, everything surges through her body as her stomach empties itself into the toilet. Sweat beads on her forehead and tears stream down her face. It felt exactly like when she was in captivity having morning sickness with Sophie. It feels like she's expelling her guts to the point that nothing will come out, no matter how hard she forces it too. Her stomach feels empty and her mouth is disgusting, but it doesn't matter. It feels as though she's been stabbed with a red-hot iron spear, from her head straight through to her feet burning her insides. The pain is indescribable as she continues to dry heave and gasp for air. Her lungs no longer work and she's drowning in everything that's happened. She brought this on herself; she should have said something, fear should not have stopped her from trying to protect her family and now...

Emma collapses sideways onto the tiled floor, not caring if it was filthy or not. Her body no longer has the strength to stay upright, all the energy she had gone out when she threw up. Her frail frame begins to shake from the pain and the tears keep staining her face, rolling down into her blonde hair as she lays on the floor. Her ears are ringing, so no sound can enter, and her mind is a tangled whirlwind of horrible thoughts. She lets out an anguished scream, thinking there is no other way to express her throbbing grief and guilt. She gazes almost blindly into the fluorescent lights above her and she only hears her own heartbeat before everything goes black.


When Emma opens her eyes, she's in a dimly lit room. She's laying on a bed and there's an IV in her arm. Her head is pounding in pain, despite laying on a pillow and she can still hear her heart, threatening to break her chest with all the power her body can muster.

She begins to wonder how the hell did she get here and then she sees Elsa sitting in a chair next to her.

When the platinum blonde realizes that her friend is awake, she immediately stands up and wraps Emma Swan in a tight embrace.

"Oh my god Emma!" she squeaks, no longer able to hold back her tears. "Are you okay?"

At first, she says nothing, Emma realizes that her throat is raw, probably from the screaming. She turns to see a glass of water near her nightstand. Breaking from Elsa's hug, Emma takes a small sip of water and then begins to speak.

"What happened?" she asks, her voice still a bit hoarse.

"I was coming down the hallway to see you, Mary Margaret, and Henry, when you ran out of the room like it was on fire. I called out to you, but you didn't hear me, and I watched you enter the bathroom. Both David and I chased after you, only to find that the door seemed stuck. We heard you scream something awful, and David practically had to break the door down to get in. There was a heavy metal garbage can in front of the door, I think you might have knocked it over when you entered. We found you on the floor unconscious and David carried you to the nearest nurses' station to get help. They put you in a quiet room and gave you an IV to prevent you from becoming dehydrated."

"Where... where is everyone else... Henry..."

"Regina is with him. He was pretty scared when you ran out of the room like that, but she finally managed to get him to sleep for a little bit."

"And Mary Margaret?"

"She's okay, David is with her, so I stayed with you."

"Thank you," Emma whispers quietly.

"You're welcome, but what happened Emma? What made you get sick and what made you scream?"

Tears just well up in her eyes again and Emma just pulls Elsa into a tight hug, sobbing as she does so. While her friend has no idea what's going on, she provides the comfort the blonde needs.

Emma weeps heavily, still unable to get rid of the awful feelings that swirled around inside of her. These feelings would plague her for the rest of her life. She did nothing and now Sophie and Killian are in grave danger.

All she manages to say to Elsa is.

"It's all my fault..."

A/N: Thank you for the continued support from everyone and here is a new, very intense chapter for you. Please review.

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