Unexpected Late Night

By rachel_dulay

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{completed} cover by @ mahgadahling Chloe Fisher, The radiant, talented up and coming ballerina preparing fo... More



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By rachel_dulay

TMLUpdates Last night the Lane family said goodbye to their lovely doggie. Giving all of our love and support to them during this hard time.

It wasn't until I skated onto the ice for practice that I noticed how tired I was. Chloe and I had gotten back to the apartment at around three am, she crashed immediately as for me I laid in bed for almost an hour or two realizing how quiet it was because usually I'd hear little feet moving from time to time but tonight was different. As I left for practice this morning, I had left with Chloe still sleeping. Steph said she would come over with Sam to keep her company.

Practice was always something that ended up cheering me up with all the energy and positivity the team gave out everyday it wasn't hard not to crack a smile.

"Top left!"Liam calls as he shoots the puck over to me, I angle my body to slap shot it towards the net but I scooped it to high and it ended up soaring above the net and breaking one of the glass just past Liam. The two of us immediately cracking up, a few claps were heard and sticks banging on the ice. Liam laughs as he starts to clear the glass, I skate over to Liam and throw my arms around him and we rough house before helping clear the glass and get back to practice.

It was after practice when most of us did some interviews. I did mine in the dressing room "So we got to see some light playful joking around today during practice"someone comments. I laugh and nod "what was going on there?"

I chuckle and shake my head, rubbing the back of my neck "Liam and I were working on some slap shots for fun and well i aimed to high and broke the glass"I shrug.

"Is it's your first time breaking the glass at practice?" Someone asks.

"I've always been afraid to but you gotta do it at least once"I shrug.

"Your friendship with Liam has always been something that Toronto has favoured, possibly uping Auston and Mitch. So how was the dynamic between you two evolved over the years?"someone asks.

"Uh I mean we have such a long history, going all the way back to OHL and everything. Being drafted into a hometown team with a long time friend was definitely something. I support him and vice versa. Our families are such great friends as well so it's been great getting to play in our home city together. And he's always around at my house and it's just a great time"I compliment.

"With your next game coming up against Tampa, how is it going to be welcoming Ben home?" Someone from the far back asks.

Ben had been sadly traded before our season started to Tampa Bay "it's definitely gonna be a special one, he's been such a great asset to when he was Leaf, he was one of the boys that helped us win a cup so I think welcoming him home for the first time since he's been gone it's gonna be an emotional night. Toronto loves him, our team still obviously loves him, it's definitely gonna be hard to see him in a different jersey and playing against us"I nod.

"Do you guys plan on catching up before the game?"

"Yea I hope so"I nod "he's one of my best buds. And no matter what time we play I'll always support him and I know he supports me too. I'll definitely be tackling him into a hug once or twice on the ice just for a smile. I mean when you get drafted into the same team your bound to bond with one another so he's a brother for life"I shrug after all the questions about Ben and Liam, we turned to regular interview questions.
"Sure you'll be fine coming to the game tonight?" I continue to ask as I tie my tie in front of the bathroom mirror.

"I'll be fine and plus, I'm going to the game with Steph. I'll see you there afterwards anyways. Will we be seeing Ben tomorrow?" She asks. I walk back into the bedroom and she throws me my suit jacket. I thank her.

"Yea, tomorrow for an early breakfast. I hope that's okay, also Liam is tagging along"

"That's fine with me, I kinda miss him"she sits on the edge of the bed.

"Okay I'm going, I love you"I lean down and tilt her head up, kissing her "and I'm sorry I wish I could've been here today"

"It's okay"she sighs "Steph and Kalani kept me occupied"I nod and kiss her again. "Now go and win a game"she flashes me a smile. I kiss her forehead.

"I'll see you later"she nods and I rush out of the apartment.

As I was entering Scotiabank, of course it was Liam and I walking together. We got ready and soon we were heading onto the ice for warm ups. Lately Liam and I did our warms up together, we shot a few pucks before going off to the side to stretch. I laugh at something Liam said and notice Ben skating over to us, stretching beside us. I stand up and grab a puck, practicing some puck handling.

I know most guys once their separated into different teams they don't normally converse like we are right now. And I knew every camera was on us right now. The three of us laugh seeming like Ben wasn't on a different team.

Ben reaches over and pushes Liam over and he goes tumbling to the ground with a laugh. The two boys beside me stand up and Liam cracks another joke and suddenly he swings his arms around both of our shoulders. Cameras were definitely on us now.

"My brothas"Liam laughs. We were soon called to our different sections and before we did, I give Ben a quick hug.

"Good luck bro, love you"I pat his back.

"Cheesy but love you too"He says before I skate away.

This was going to be a hard game.

My line stood at centre ice, waiting for the anthems to be sung. As they rolled the carpet out for the national anthems they showed a montage for Ben's welcome back. The video showed him being drafted and games in between leading up to us winning the cup with him. Ben was on the ice line up too so they put the spot light on him. He got a standing O, everyone was cheering and clapping. Our team joined in by banging our sticks on the ground.

Ben chuckles and claps along with the rest of the crowd, he waves to the crowd before it died down. Soon after the game had officially started.
"Well if it isn't Mrs Lane"Ben smiles as he stands up and hugs Chloe gently. Chloe chuckles.

"Hi Ben"she sighs. They pull away and I pull her chair out for her. Ben takes a seat beside Liam.

"Pregnancy looks great on you"

"My wife"I remind as I take a seat beside Chloe.

"Great game last night actually"Chloe comments.

Ben chuckles "oh yea it's great, I mean the welcome home was sweet. But it would've been sweet to kick these boys asses but their cup winners so" I roll my eyes at him "so like when's the baby due? Because I want to a book a flight to be here"

"Jesus really? Liam is already trying to get into the delivery room" Liam laughs and Chloe chuckles.

"What? This is the first Lane baby to come into this world"

"Christina and Lucy said that their ready to fly in whenever"Chloe laughs.

"I bet Joe wants it to be a boy"Liam winks at me.

"Actually"Chloe looks to me and I blush "he's kinda the baby is a girl, aren't you babe?"

"Really? Have you seriously gone all that soft since I've left?" Ben says. The waitress comes around and we all order.

"Yea a girl? Who the hell are you and where the hell is the boy that wasn't afraid to bodycheck someone into the boards without hesitation"

"It's gotta be chloe who's turned you soft"Ben says, gulping down his water.

"Is that a bad thing?" Chloe asks.

"Hmm no no. I love you, you know that"Ben smiles to my wife. "I'm just saying you've gone soft my man"

"Okay so what if I want girl? What's wrong with having a baby girl as our first kid?"

"Jeez"Liam laughs "he snapped"I shrug.

"Damn I'm just saying if you guys have a girl, she's never gonna date someone" Ben jokes, Chloe rubs her forehead.

"Damn straight"I wink at him.
After another long season I was about ready to hang up my skates for the offseason and close the door, the exhaustion was hitting him. It wasn't only because of hockey but because of how it was playoffs and my panic attacks got worse, I didn't want to worry Chloe so I hardly told her about them allowing her to give her the rest she needs.

As of right now, it's been a week since our gender reveal and we're having twin boys. To say I was ecstatic was beyond me, I mean I would've been happy with what ever the genders were, but two twin boys. We were definitely in for some trouble.

"I still can't believe we're having boys"Chloe sighs. Today the cribs were ordered and I needed some extra hands so I called over Alex and Liam and they were ready to help set them up. We were converting the guest room into the nursery, seeing as this apartment is big enough for the four of us until further notice.

"You guys are definitely in for some trouble"Alex chuckles. We had already set up one of the cribs and chloe being chloe, took pictures.

"Okay, I posted"Chloe chuckles.

"Now be a gem and look for some decor like you were supposed too" I joke to my wife. She rolls her eyes, she was seated in the chair we had placed in here for them. I didn't want her helping one bit.


chloelane After an emotional two weeks of having our gender reveal and converting our guest room into a nursery. I'm very excited (well Joel's more excited) to announce that we are expecting two beautiful and handsome boys. I'm way in over my head and in for some trouble but nonetheless I am very excited to be a mother to the most amazing boys ever I just know it. Is it October yet??
tagged joellane

cassidylane I can't believe the gender reveal party was actually successful
luciefisher jeez we did so good cassidylane
breyana_matthews awwww congratulations!!! Can't wait for them to have the best long line of aunt's!!
marner_93 I cried when the box revealed their boys.
jgardiner272 Henry is gonna have some playmates soon, congrats guys!
travisdermott I HAVE BROTHERS!!!😭😭😭
alexanderfisher the reveal was super cool.
samanthalane I wanna be like the third person to hold them.
liamken GET IN LINE!!!! samanthalane
christina.marleau AHHHHH!!!! I'm so upset the boys and I missed the reveal😭😭 can't wait to visit you guys soon!!!
lucygardiner 😭😭😭
mapleleafs future leafs I see??🤔🤔
stephlachancee I'm going to be one of their favourite aunts besides both of Chloe and Joel's sisters.

"So like are you guys gonna paint?" Liam asks.

"I don't think we can"I comment "but even though I don't think the building will allow that, but I doubt we'll be here much long afterwards"

"You guys are gonna move?" Alex asks.

"We've talked about moving but as of right now the apartment can fit the four of us. If I get pregnant again then we're definitely moving"Chloe says from the chair as she scrolls on her laptop, hopefully looking for more decorations because I want this room done sooner then later because I don't want chloe to worry more.

"You guys are definitely having more" Liam smirks.

"I'll throw this hammer at you without any hesitation"I tell him and he raises his arms.

"I'm helping you build this so if you want your sons safe don't push it Lane"

"Uhh you better build those right or we'll be having problems Liam, like cutting your food shortages problem" Chloe threatens.

"Don't worry, I'm a king at reading instructs. They'll be safe" Liam smiles at her and she hums.

"Okay so I ordered more and I think that's all"Chloe announces.

"Are you sure?" I ask her, she nods.

"For now hopefully. But I think the nursery looks great right now"

It was true, we had bought both gender neutral decor for the nursery so it was looking great already. I assume chloe had just bought more like blue things to make it a more boyish themed nursery.

"Kalani said she's coming over with some Chinese"Chloe announces.

"That girl annoys me to the T but she brings food over way all the time so god bless her soul" Liam says. I chuckle.

"She's just been so use to bringing us Fisher's food so"Alex comments.

Just as soon as Kalani walked into the door, the three of us were finished building the cribs "thank god im so hungry"Chloe says practically drooling as she places the containers across the counter.

"I like just brought you a bag full of tacos from Taco Bell"Liam comments. I immediately shake my head at him in hopes he'll shut up.

"And your point is?" Chloe gives him a death glare.

"Just saying, but like it's not a surprise you loved food before you got pregnant"

"I wish I could kick your ass Ken"Chloe smirks at him as I grab a water bottle. Kalani chuckles and I smile at my wife.
"Chloe?" I say, slightly confused as I walked out of our bathroom and into our now empty bedroom. I step out and see her sitting in the nursery "You Okay?" I ask. She looks up at me with the biggest smile.

"Of course"

I chuckle "why are you sitting here in the dark then?" She shrugs as I lean on the doorframe.

"I don't know, just thinking about how different our lives are gonna be" I cross my arms and nod "do you think I'll be good mom?" She asks and looks over at me. I give her a confused face.

"Are you kidding? Of course you'll be a great mom. Your so good with kids Chloe. Christina's kids love you, Lucy's kid loves you. Why wouldn't you be a great mom?" I ask and walk towards her.

She sighs "I don't know, that's different I just play with them and stuff"she places her hands on her growing stomach "this is different, their my children and I have to raise them"I crouch down in front of her and grab her hands on mine.

"Chloe listen, you will be a great mom okay so don't put yourself down. You'll be a great mom to the most amazing boys"I smile and untwine our hands and place my hands on her stomach. I get down on my knees and lean forward a bit.

"Hi boys"Chloe chuckles "just wanted to pop in and say goodnight"I smile and look up at my wife, she was smiling down at me "also wanted to say that you my handsome boys will have the best family in the world"She laughs "You have the best parents"I wink at chloe "and the best aunts, uncles and grandparents. Now I've gotta say that we're a bit crazy and all but all the craziness will turn into love"Chloe pushes my hair back and begins to run her hands by it.

"Also I want you boys to know that no matter what, your mother and I will love you amongst all odds and like your mother says to me before every game I know you guys aren't even born yet and are twins but remember what you guys stand for and that we love you"I kiss her stomach and look up at Chloe. She smiles at me and I kiss her wrist.

"I love you"she tells me, I smirk.

"I love you too"

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