Love, Love Me Do (Beatles sto...

By KathleenMarieAisling

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Charlene McCarthy is a normal seventeen year old Irish teenager from the year 2012. One day, while out playin... More

Chapter One - Hurl On the Head
Chapter Two - Drunken George
Chapter Three - 16th August 1962
Chapter Four - Explanations
Chapter Five - Brian Epstein
Chapter Seven - Radio Interview
Chapter Eight - We Can Work It Out
Chapter Nine - Humiliation, Confessions And A Jealous George
Chapter Ten - Ringo, You Naughty Boy
Chapter Eleven - The Truth's Out
Chapter Twelve - Meeting The parents (part 1)
Chapter Thirteen - Meeting The Parents (part 2)
Chapter Fourteen -Snot's Up
Chapter Fifteen - Decisions To Be Made And Talk Of Kidnap
Chapter Sixteen - Commitment Issues
Chapter Seventeen - Love Me Do
Chapter Eighteen - All A Dream
Chapter Nineteen - The End

Chapter Six - Private conversations

2.4K 73 36
By KathleenMarieAisling

~ Charlene's P.O.V ~

Paul, Ringo and I were in George's room, which we had locked George out of, I wasn't talking to him, obviously. At first I wouldn't talk to any of the boys, but I couldn't stay mad at them for long; Paul had only been concerned because of how his mum had died and to be honest he was the 'Cute One'. Then there was Ringo, he was too childlike and his eyes were too adorable to be angry at, I just had to forgive him. John. . . Well, John. . . Er. . . Honestly I didn't know why I forgave him. . . Oh, I know, maybe because he wouldn't leave me alone and stop cracking innuendos until I forgave him, only then did he leave me alone, and decided to keep George company.

"Char, why won't you forgive George?" Ringo enquired.

"Um. . ." The truth was I didn't actually know why I was mad at George, I scrambled, searching for a reason to be mad at George. "He's acting like he's in charge of me!" I blurted, I don't know where it came from, and childish as it sounded, it was true.

"He kinda is though," Paul said, sounding as though he questioned my sanity. "I mean you are his 'girlfriend', aren't you?"

I scowled, "Much to my chagrin," honestly, I didn't want to be George's 'girlfriend', I'm not such a great actor, people will know we're not really together.

Paul snorted and rolled his eyes. "Oh come on! You like George, it's so obvious."

I just about turned into a tomato, that's how embarrassed I was. "W-What? No, I don't! Don't be so ridiculous, Paul!"

"Ha ha ha," Paul giggled. "Some one's a little defensive, eh Ringo?"

"Definitely, Paulie," Ringo agreed, joining in with Paul's giggling.

"I do not like George Harrison!" I continued to deny, but as I already said I can't act.

"Ah come on, just admit it, Char!" Paul exclaimed. "You can't lie to save your life, you know that, right?"

"I know," I sighed.

"So," Paul rubbed his hands together. "You really do fancy Georgie, eh?"

There was silence for a moment, before I reluctantly agreed with Paul, "Yeah," I nodded. "Just a bit."

"I KNEW IT!" Paul and Ringo both shouted in unison.

"Shh!" I hissed anxiously, worried in case George and John had heard them from the sitting room. "Don't tell anyone," I didn't what would be worse, them telling George I liked him, he'd never feel the same, he could get any girl he wanted, I have more chance with Mark Campbell than with George. John couldn't find out because he'd just tell George and tease me for however long I was stuck here for.

"How about John?" Ringo asked.

"Nope," I shook my head.

"How about George?" Paul asked coyly, exchanging a mischievous smirk with Ringo.

"NO!" I frantically shook my head.

"Why not? He likes you too," Paul looked confused.

"He doesn't like me," I muttered, flopping back onto George's pillows between Ringo and Paul.

"He does," Ringo insisted. "It's obvious."

"What makes you think that?" I closed my eyes.

"The ways he's acting, he doesn't get angry with you either," Paul said. "There's something else too, but I'm not saying no more."

Before I could force him to tell me what he was talking about the door swung open, revealing none other than George Harrison.

George took one look at the three of us lying on our backs, with our arms behind our heads on his bed, before he burst out laughing.

"Hey, George," Ringo waved, a big goofy grin plastered across his face.

George raised an eyebrow, "Threesome, huh?" he asked huskily, grinning slyly.

"Oh yeah, man! Charlene's a great fuck!" Paul enthused, I could have sworn I saw George's jaw clench angrily and his knuckles turn white.

"Paul!" I exclaimed, annoyance dripping heavily from my voice.

"Oh, baby, say my name like you did a few minutes ago," Paul moaned. I won't lie I was confused.

George was looking between Paul and I, amusement evident on his face, but his eyes held an entirely different emotion. Sadness? Anger? Jealousy?

I shook my head, I was being ridiculous, George didn't like me like that, therefore he couldn't be feeling any of these things, could he? What a stupid question of course he couldn't.

"And how was th-" I started to ask, but Paul had rolled over on top of me, pinning both my wrists above my head.

Smirking, he leaned his head close, so his mouth was by my ear, "Play along," he murmured quietly.

"Paul," I giggled, squirming slightly beneath him. "That tickles!"

"That's it, baby." Paul winked, leaning back into whisper in my ear, "Look at George," I could hear the grin in his voice.

I peeked at George from beneath my lashes, he looked angry. Angry being the understatement.

"He's angry," I oh so cleverly whispered to Paul.

Paul giggled into my neck, "I'd say more along the lines of furious."

"Paul, Charlene, stop fooling around," Ringo ordered sternly. "This isn't something you should do in public." Ringo was playing along with Paul's plan too. "Keep it for your bedroom, Paul, with no one around to bare witness."

My cheeks (as usual) heated up, "Ringo -" I started, catching George's eye; he looked just about ready to burst into fits of laughter by this point.

"That's a good idea, Rings!" Paul cheerfully exclaimed, clambering off me and onto his feet. "Come on out to my room, love," he reached out to pull me to my feet.

I hesitantly took his hands, we were going way too far with this whole make George jealous thing. Paul pulled me up into a sitting position, before George spoke up.

"Actually, Paul, I want to talk to Charlene."

"Okay," Paul shrugged, sitting back down beside me and wrapping his arm around my waist. "Talk." he said innocently, looking up at George with wide eyes.

George smirked down at him, "Alone."

"Oh," Paul still didn't leave the room.

"Paul," George pointedly eyed the door. "Get out."

"Aw," Paul pouted. "That's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair," George said bluntly.

'Too true, Georgie boy,' I thought.

"But, I won't listen," Paul insisted.

"Paul," George clenched his jaw. "Get out."

"Fine," Paul sighed, getting reluctantly to his feet. "Here I go, I'm leaving now."

"Yup," George grinned.

Paul sighed, "What sort of world is this? A man gets rid of his best mate, just so he can talk to some futuristic bird," Paul grumbled dejectedly. "Is there any justice left in the world?"

"Paulie," George called, probably feeling guilty for running Paul.

"Yes, Georgie?" Paul asked, making his eyes go wider than usual, I didn't even know that was possible, but it made him look even cuter than usual.

"Hurry up and get out," Paul grumbled as he stomped out the door.

Ringo nudged me and drew his finger to his lips, signaling for me to be quiet.

I nodded, silently confirming that I understood. I turned back to George and asked, "What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you," he said, approaching the bed and sitting down beside me, he sat in silence staring at me.

"Talk," I snapped, growing impatient

"I'm waiting for Ringo to go out too," he was still staring at me.

I thought he'd forgotten about Ringo, apparently not.

Ringo huffed as he got to his feet, "Fine," he stopped when he'd reached the door. Turning back to George, he started snickering, amusement dancing in his blue eyes. "Use protection."

Needless to say, I blushed, "Ringo, we're not -"

"We will," George smirked.

Ringo pretended to sob, "I'm so proud of you," he shot a wink towards me and George, before exiting and closing the door behind him.

Pressing a finger to his lips, George rose from the bed and flung the door open. "Ringo, Paul, go out to the sitting room," George shook his head. "And I'm the youngest."

"Yes, George," the boys mumbled, before heading off towards the sitting room, their heads hanging like a pair of naughty school boys.

"What do you want, George?" I asked, staring down into my lap, so I wouldn't have to meet George's brown eyes.

"I want to talk to you," George said, trying to catch my eye.

"So talk," I responded shortly.

"Char," George sighed. "Why won't you talk to me?"

"I am talking to you," I said shortly.

He groaned, "Oh come on. You know what I mean!"

"No, I don't," I lied, still refusing to meet his eye.

"Charlene," he said sternly, putting a finger beneath my chin and tilted my head, so I was looking him in the eye, his expression was neutral. "Tell me why you're vexed with me."

"I'm not," I denied, blushing a maddening red when I was forced to meet his gaze.

"No need to lie to me, love," he scolded, wagging his finger teasingly in my face.

How did he know?

"I'll make you a deal," George started, a small smirk playing across his lips, mockingly pretending to be deep in thought.

"What?" I asked flatly.

He grinned, his eyes lighting up in amusement. "You don't lie to me anymore? You can lie to John, Paul and Ringo, anyone really, just not me."

"Don't you think highly of yourself," I taunted, I don't know why I was joking with George, not when I was supposedly angry at him. I guess I wasn't really mad at him, I was just trying to convince myself that I was, it was easier then having to face lack of romantic feelings towards me.

"Yes, yes I am," he winked.

I laughed and punched his arm playfully.

"Now that we've established that, yes, I am indeed big headed about myself, may I please continue with my proposition?" he asked, trying and succeeding to sound posh. If I had of attempted that, there's no doubt in my mind what-so-ever that I would of failed miserably, maybe it was his accent that sounded so posh? Nah, Liverpool accents weren't posh, that was London I was thinking of, the boys manager, Brian, had been from London, he had the posh accent to prove it. I came to the conclusion that George was just exceptionally gifted.

'Damn, is there anything this boy can't do?' I thought to myself. I've known Mark since I was born and have liked him for the last ten years, but I was falling hard and fast for the man sitting in front of me, even though we'd only met three nights ago and he was so drunk he couldn't even remember it, I already liked him more then I've ever liked any boy or man, including Mark.

George cleared his throat, "Char? Charlene?" he asked, waving a hand in my face.

I blushed, ducking down my head, realising I'd been staring at him longer than was appropriate. "What?" I asked my lap.

Again George placed his index finger under my chin and tilted my head, so we were both looking each other in the eyes. "I asked if I could tell you the deal I wanted to make you."

"Oh," I said, yep that's all I had to say, no apologies for blanking out on him, well, it's not like I could very well say: 'Sorry George, I got distracted by how you are. They don't make fellas like you in the future.' I was too embarrassed at this thought to say anything else, so I tried to nod, but couldn't as George still had his finger under my chin. "Yes," I managed to squeak out.

He chuckled, "Okay, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, you can lie to anyone else, just not me. Not only because I can tell when you're lying, but I'd also refuse to this," that's when he leaned down and his lips met mine. "That would really disappoint me."

'Me too, Georgie, me too,' I thought.

George pulled back and stared me in the eye again, "Will you stop trying to lie to me? I can tell when you lie, and I'll always end up catching you out."

"Hmm, I dunno, I'll have to think about -"

But I was cut off by George's lips on mine, I smiled into the kiss; I could get used to this.

When he pulled away he smirked, "My part of the deal is I'll stop listening outside of doors to private conversations."

My face colored slightly, was George implying that he'd been listening at the door throughout my entire conversation with Paul and Ringo?

He giggled like a naughty school boy and pointed a finger at me, "You should see your face!"

"George," I warned, ignoring his jibe. "How much did you hear?" I was anxious, I didn't want him to know that I didn't want to be his 'girlfriend'.

"Everything," he snickered, looking down guiltily, before asking seriously, "Why don't you want to be my girlfriend? I don't understand you fancy me, so why wouldn't you want to be." I could hear the genuine hurt in his voice.

'Well,' I thought. 'This is awkward.' "I didn't say that," I muttered, feeling embarrassed, George still had his finger under my chin, preventing me from looking away, I had a feeling that he was trying to read my eyes.

"Yes you did," he said frustrated. "You told Paul and Ringo, I was outside the door listening the whole time, remember? And, I thought you weren't going to try to lie to me any more because, lets face it, you're not the worlds best liar."

I gave him a withering look, "Okay, if you're finally done insulting my lying skills, care to let me explain.

George nodded sullenly.

"You know, for the ' Quiet One', you sure talk a lot."

"Only around people that I know," George scowled.

"Anyway, moving on, you heard me telling the boys that I didn't want to be your 'girlfriend' because there would be too much acting involved, which, as you already know, I'm shit at. Not once did I say I didn't want to be your girlfriend."

George looked baffled, like he was trying to grasp what I was saying. "So. . ." he said at length. "You want to be my real girlfriend, and not just my pretend girlfriend?" he seemed to struggle whilst phrasing that question, but looked satisfied enough once the words were out of his mouth.

Too embarrassed to speak, my cheeks flushing, I managed to nod, even though his finger was still resting beneath my chin.

"What was that, a yes or a no?" he asked, bending in so his head was just above mine.

"Yes," I whispered, wanting to feel his lips on mine again.

George furrowed his eyebrow together, his forehead scrunching up, "What was that?" he leaned down further, his mouth was just above mine.

I cleared my throat, "Yes," I said louder this time.

"Yes what?" he asked, cocking his head to the side, pretending to be confused, but I could see the amusement glinting in his eyes.

I wasn't able to take it, I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't play along with his little game anymore, I just wanted to feel his lips back on mine, so I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips back down to mine.

He smirked into the kiss, pushing me down onto my back on the bed. He nibbled on my bottom lip, and I let him in, his hands were running up and down my body, I liked it, I liked it a lot, it felt so right.

We pulled back for breath, George stared down at me, with his lovely smile, revealing his crooked teeth, "You still haven't answered me, yes, what?" he asked huskily, eyes smoldering. "Even though, if that kiss meant 'yes George, I want to be your real girlfriend, and not your pretend one,' well then it was the best answer any one's ever given me."

"Exactly," I breathed, my heart racing as I realised George was still straddling my waist.

He leaned back down and pecked me on the lips, "Then why don't you?"

"Why don't you?" he asked.

I was confused, and George wasn't helping much as he was kissing and sucking on my neck, distracting me from his question. "H-huh?" I gasped out.

I felt rather than saw George smirk as he suckled on my weak spot, causing me to arch up and moan loudly.

"George," I moaned. "Stop!" Of course, I didn't actually want him to stop, he must have known this because he didn't stop.

"Why don't you?" he whispered into my ear.

"Why don't I wh-what?" I gasped, arching my hips to meet his.

Much to my displeasure he stopped kissing my neck, he looked down at me smirking, he picked up one of my curls from the pillow and began twirling it around his finger. He sighed in exasperation, but I knew he was only joking because of the grin that was tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I feel weird asking this," he admitted, blushing bashfully. "Charlene, love, will you be my girlfriend?"

That's how he asked me, nothing fancy about it, not that I was complaining. "Yes," I giggled, blushing a bit.

"Oh, that's a relief," George pretended to sigh in relief, relaxing his shoulders and pretending to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

I giggled, not sure what to do now, George was only my third boyfriend, so I wasn't very experienced when it came to those sort of situations.

George raised an eyebrow from where he was still straddling me, legs still on either side of my waist. "What's so funny?" he asked, not giving me a chance to answer, before crashing his lips down on my own, but I didn't care.

We pulled away for breath before we were kissing again, I knew my lips were swollen and red by the soreness, but I liked kissing George too much to care. The kiss deepened, George slowly trailed his hand up my leg, until it was up under my dress.

I pulled off George's tie and unbuttoned his shirt, he helped me slide it off his arms.

He began to to zip down the back of the dress I was wearing, when a noise made us look towards the door.

"Aaaggh!" Paul and Ringo screamed, covering their eyes with there hands.

"Don't mind us," John grinned, winking at George and I, and wiggling his eyebrows.

I was momentarily shocked as was George, but as soon as I came to my senses, I turned scarlet, but remained speechless.

George shook his head, clambering off me and stood in front of me, shielding from the other three boys, zipping and buttoning back up his pants, and buckling back up his pants. I could only see the back of his head, so I couldn't see his reaction. "What the fuck are you doing in here?" George demanded angrily, I could tell by his voice that he was glaring.

"We were just checking if you two were alright, but you ruined my childish innocence instead!" Paul whined childishly, I heard him stamp his foot too, I also knew he had his bottom lip stuck out. I was pretty sure that Paul had no 'childish innocence' left in him by that point.

"I came to see if Charlene had you killed yet," Ringo said, his voice was slightly muffled; he probably had his hand over his mouth, pretending to be holding back the vomit. Even though, I bet he'd often walked in on worse.

"I came into give you two a condom," John explained, snickering. "We don't want a little Georgie running around, do we?"

'Oh my God!' I thought. 'Did he seriously just say that?' My face was still red from when the boys had burst into the room, so it didn't make much difference.

"Paul, your 'childish innocence'," George made air quotations with his fingers, "is long gone, that is if you even had any in the first place."

"True," Paul agreed, but I still didn't need to see. . . that, somethings are meant to be done in private, that being one of them."

"Last I checked my bedroom was the best and most private place to do those things," George argued.

"You should of put a sock on the door," Ringo said disgusted.

"Just go out," George ordered.

I heard three sets of feet make their way to the door.

"John," George called out.

"Yeah?" John came back into the room.

"I have my own condoms, keep yours they might come in handy," George said, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

John chuckled as he left the room.

"Sorry about that, love," George said, spinning back round to face me.

"It's okay," I said, standing up. "Zip me up?"

George smiled and zipped up the back of my dress, before putting on his shirt and tie. He took my hand and we left to join the others.


Authors Note: Long chapter for you guys. You're lucky that I love you so much because I'm uploading this at 2:25 a.m

Don't I deserve some votes?





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