The unknown mate [Discontinue...

By Jadedragon2000

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what if the tail bests in Naruto had children that were half tailed beast and half human find out what would... More

The unknown mate Ch.1
The unknown mate Ch.2
The unknown mate Ch.3
The unknown mate Ch.4
The unknown mate Ch.5
Authors note
The Unknown Mate Ch.6
The unknown mate Ch.7
Authors Note
The unknown mate Ch.8
The unknown mate Ch.10
The unknown mate Ch.11
The unknown mate Ch.12
The Unknown mate Ch.13
Authors Note

The unknown mate Ch.9

61 1 0
By Jadedragon2000

~A/N sorry guys for the long wait again but i tried to write the next chapter but somewhere along the way the entire fight scene was erased. I was too tired and lazy to try and write the whole thing again so i just skipped it and moved on and just to update you guys in the fight nora fought with her dad beside her and nora unlocked her third tail and killed about half of the ninjas that tried to kill her and now they are thinking of a way to hide nora again without sealing her away with her father again. That is about how far i got till the whole thing erased. Ok so back to the story~

Nora POV


Dad slowly got into a fighting stance in front of me it looked like he was nervous. I looked at him then at the group i stood next to dad with a fighting stance of my own then i looked up at him.

“Don’t worry dad this time i will fight for my place to live with you mama, itachi-ani and sasuke” i said as i looked back towards the group

“You truly grew up strong like your mother” dad said with pride in his voice

*time skip*

Once i killed the last ninja i stood above the body just below me then i turn around to see dad using his sharingan to get answers out of one of the ninjas that was still alive. I then looked behind me to see three white tails instead of the regular two i then looked at my hands and saw that my nails grew into claws and further up my arm i saw a small swirl on my arm like a tattoo that wrapped around my arm. I looked from my arm to the sky breathing in the scent of blood. I looked back to dad to see him slice the neck of the ninja he was talking to. I walked over to him.

“So  what did he say about the information and where he got it” i asked

“He said from some spy that has been in the village for over 3 years now”dad said as he looked to me

“Did he say who the spy was” i asked

“I’m sorry but he didn’t but now we need to find a way to hide you again i am sure there will be others that will come and kill you” dad said

“I understand dad” i said with my head hung low

“I’m sorry i wish there was some other way to keep them from finding you”dad said as he placed his hand on top of my head
“But dad i want to stay here in the village with you mama and itachi-ani and sasuke” i said as i hugged him tightly as tears formed slowly falling down my face

“I know but we will find a way to hide you even if you don’t want to be with kurama”dad said

*time skip*

I stood in front of mama and dad as i did my transformation to hide my identity. One the smoke cleared where i stood was a girl with pure black hair and black eyes she wore a baby blue kamido with a black sash tied around her stomach she wore black ninja boots and gloves. Her hair was short like mine but she didn’t have a mask on she also had a red mark on her right cheek. I looked at mama and dad for approval once they agreed to it i looked at itachi-ani and smiled. I looked back at mama and dad then i closed my eyes and focused on concealing my chakra to the size of a kid my age.  Then i opened my eyes to see mama and dad smiling at me i then turned to itachi-ani and hugged him then i looked to mama

“Mama can me and itachi-ani go into the village?” i asked with my puppy dog eyes

“Yes you may but be careful ok”mama said

I looked at itachi-ani and dragged him out the door but not before thanking mama. Me and itachi-ani ran through the village laughing and playing then we stopped at a dango shop me and itachi-ani ran inside. We both walked over to a table in the far right of the shop and waited for someone to take our order once someone came we both order the same thing then the waitress walked away. Me and itachi-ani just started talking about all different things then we laughed as well.

Once our food came we ate after we played our food we took off once again running through the village towards the training grounds. Once we got there we got in to a fighting stance to test each other on where we stand in different.    areas(like Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, ect.) Once we got in to our own stances we started with Taijutsu first then moved onto ninjutsu and lastly genjutsu. Me and itachi-ani where both tied in tiajutsu but with ninjutsu and genjutsu I beat itach-ani but the main reason I beat itachi-ani is because I went through hard training ever since I was 4 year of age but I am glad that itach-ani was able to keep up with me in our ninjutsu battle.

Once we finish with our little battle 5he sun was now setting so me and itach-ani begain to walk home talking about the little battle we had and if only dad had seen us. Once we got to the compound we walked to the main house and walked inside to be greeted be mama makeing dinner and sasuke was crawling around in the livingroom. We ate and went to sleep awaiting another day to come.

A/N sorry guys for the cheesy ending to the chapter but I really tried especially with me trying to stay on top of my classes I'll try and write the next chapter when I have more free time DON'T FORGET TO

~later pups

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