When We Met (Student/Teacher...

By countrygirlusa

3M 58.1K 7.1K

USED TO BE TITLED "GRADUATED" "Kiss me! I mean it! Kiss me! I'm not going to make the first move. You are! I... More

Authors Note!
chapter one-edited.
chapter two-edited.
chapter three-edited.
chapter four-edited.
chapter five-edited.
chapter six-edited.
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
Authors Note!
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
Author's Note!
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty; part one
chapter twenty; part two
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-eight; part one
chapter twenty-eight; part two
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one; part one
chapter thirty-one; part two
Author's Note - READ
chapter thirty-two; part one
chaper thirty-two; part two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chater forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
Author's Note- READ
Sequel, So We Meet Again (HAS BEEN POSTED NOW!)

chapter twenty-seven

47.9K 902 82
By countrygirlusa

So, here's the next chapter:) Wattpad wasn't working at all for me today while I tried to upload so I apologize that I didn't get to upload until later today! Anyways, I need to know what you think of this chapter because I still don't know what I think of this! What do you want to happen next? I'm still not sure what I want to happen! I'll try and upload a few more times this weekend since it's a three day weekend because of the holiday! Anyways, please don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE and FAN! :) Enjoy!

P.S. I'm dedicating this to my very best friend in real life Emmy, (lollylolly8894) because she's been supporting me all throughout this story and she even comes and brings me Starbucks when I'm tired and want to keep writing, bless her heart:)

P.P.S. There hasn't been any pictures of Nick in forever... so I uploaded one of him :)


Chalice came over at a quarter until ten to get ready for the party.

I was rummaging through my closet when Chalice knocked on my window. I let her in and went back to looking. I decided on a cute lacy dress and some cowgirl boots

“So there’s going to be a keg stand and if you decide to hook up with someone go all the waay upstairs, got it? Because the other rooms, are off limits,” Chalice said with a sneaky tone in her words.

“Oh and how do you know this?” I said flattening my dress and looking at her from the corner of my eye from looking in the mirror.

“I went to one of Ian’s parties.”

I turned to look at her. She did? And she didn’t tell me? I was kind of shocked.

“Yeah, you know, Friday, when you fake slept at my house.”

Oh, yeah, Friday. That night seemed so far away a lot had changed since that night.

I started putting a few curls in my hair while Chalice was reapplying her mascara.

“You and Ian would be cute together,” Chalice said just moments after I had told her everything that happened with Morgan.

I was so shocked by what she said that I burnt my ear.


“Sorry! But it’s true! I can already tell you two are going to be great friends!” she seemed so certain.

I rolled my eyes at my crazy best friend.

Ian lived pretty far out in to town. It took us about thirty minutes to get to his house.

If his car hadn’t said his parents had money, his house surely did! It was huge!

There was already quite a bunch of people at his house, but then again it was eleven and the party started at ten.

“Hey, cutie!” I heard someone call from behind. I turned around and saw a very adorable looking Ian.

“Hey, Ian.” I said as Ian pulled me in for a hug.

“Gosh, you smell yummy.”

“Hmm…yummy, that’s a lovely compliment,” I said jokingly.

“Yeah, that was a little cheesy,” he said blushing pulling away from the hug.

I saw Darren come up and grab Chalice’s hand and take her away from me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Ian. He held out his hand for me to take. His hand was so smooth against mine.

We walked over to a keg stand and a bunch of coolers with beers, cokes and waters.

“What do you want cutie?” I smiled.


“Really?” he asked handing it to me.

“Yup.” I said popping the cap off.

I used to be a major party girl before Darren and I broke up, but then when we did I stopped partying and drinking.

I chugged the beer. There was a burn in the bottom of my throat but I didn’t care. I forgot how much I used to love to drink. I walked back over and grabbed another beer.

“Woah, there!” Ian said chuckling as he sipped his.

“Let’s dance!”

“Okay,” he said leading me to where everyone else was dancing.

It wasn’t really a song you danced to more grinded to but I didn’t mind. All the while grinding on him I could tell he was getting pretty happy from the hard on I was feeling against my body. He pulled me up from grinding on him and stood me up straight.

“Addie, I’m going to go to the bathroom, can you behave yourself?” he asked chuckling.

“Duh, silly.” I answered giving him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed and walked away.

I saw Chalice and Darren sitting over on the couch and I went to go join my two lovebird best friends. I grabbed a beer and then sat on top of them both.

“Hello, best friends,” I said then took another chug.

“Adds, how many beers have you drunk?”

How many had I had?

“Just three.”

“Just? Addie! You’re the most lightweight drinker I’ve ever known! And you haven’t drunk in over a year, what were you thinking?”

“I was thinking I wanted to have fun, so don’t be a party pooper, Darren!” I complained in his face. He picked me up and he and Chalice took me outside.

“Put me down! Now!”

He did as I said. At least the boy listened to me.

“Darren, go find Ian and see where he’s at, k?”

He nodded and walked away.

“Good, no more party pooper,” I said laughing.

Oh, gosh, I feel woozy.

“He’s not being a party pooper, you’re just totally gone! Why are you drinking? Is it because of him?”

This caught my attention and I stopped laughing.

“Shut up Chalice! I don’t want to talk about him!”

“Fine, we won’t talk about him. But you need to get a hold of yourself! Got it?”

“Yeah, fine, I just need a breather,”

“Okay. Well, I’m going to go look for Darren and Ian; I’ll be back in a few minutes, okay?”

I nodded my head and cried.

I was an emotional, loud and annoying drunk and this is why I don’t drink.

Right then Ian walked out of his front door and sat next to me on the porch.



“Are you hungry, Addie?”

“A little bit,” actually, more like a lot.

“Come on.” He said holding out his hand.

“We’re just going to leave your house with all these people here?”

He laughed and smiled.

“Yeah and plus, I’d rather much be with you than at my stupid party.”

I smiled and blushed. Wait, I just blushed at Ian? Did I like him? No, it was just the alcohol, right?

He helped me up to my feet and we walked to his car, well, his SUV.

“What are you in the mood for, Addie?”

“I don’t know. But I am starving.”

He smirked and nodded.

“So, do you normally drink like this?”

I shook my head.

“Absolutely not.”

He turned to me and cocked his head and eyebrow.

“Eyes on the road, Ian,” I said pointing towards the road.

He turned back his attention to the road and asked, “Then why did you tonight?”

“I don’t know.”

Actually, I do.

“You’re a terrible liar, Addie.”

“Why do you always address me by my name?”

“It’s a beautiful name.”

“Do you always pick up girls like this?”

He smirked, “Nope. Now answer me.”

“I don’t know, I guess because of this guy.”

Why the hell was I telling Ian this? I just met him earlier!



“Okay, well tell me about this guy.”

“He broke my heart.”

“Ah, so tonight you were the broken hearted drinker?”

“I suppose so.”

He nodded and pulled into Waffle House. Thank God, waffles and syrup would definitely sober me up.

We walked inside and sat down at a table.

I saw a woman in her mid-thirties walking over to our table.

“Good morning, y’all. I’m Sammy and I’ll be your waitress, what can I get you two to drink?”

“Waters, for both of us,” Ian said and she walked away.

I looked at him and just smiled.



“So, Addie, how did this guy break your heart?”

Woah, Ian, you’re digging really deep, huh?

“You ask a lot of questions, Ian.”

“I know. Now tell me, please,” he smirked which made me roll my eyes.

Our waitress brought over our waters and walked away.

“Well, he told me basically that I was a mistake and he loved someone else and he wanted nothing to do with me.” I said casually taking a sip of my water, even though it wasn’t casual; I wanted to fall apart right there and just cry.

“Idiot,” he scuffed.

“Excuse me?”

Did he really just call me that?

“Oh not you! Him! He’s got to be a damned idiot if he said that to you, anybody would be lucky to have you.”

I blushed. Ian was so sweet.

Sammy walked back over towards us and took our orders.

“You’re too sweet, Ian.”

“I only speak the truth.”

I smiled. Was this boy real?

I finally reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone.

I saw five missed calls from Chalice and Darren and then eleven from Nick and a few texts from his as well.

Why the hell was he blowing up my phone and asking where I was?

“Chalice and Darren?” Ian asked.

“Yeah, did you not tell them we were leaving?”

“Nope, but anyways, since you got distracted by your phone, back to our conversation.”

Oh, God.

“Okay, what about it?”

“Does he go to our school?”

I guess you could say that.


His eyebrows raised.

“Do I know him?”


“I’m not sure.”

“You should make him jealous, make him realize what he;s lost.” Ian said looking into my eyes. I just realized how brown his eyes were. God, they were beautiful eyes.

“I don’t think he’d be jealous.”

“Oh, Addie, you’ve got so much to learn about us guys, he’d be super jealous, trust me.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter, anyways, because there’s not really much I could do to make him jealous.”

He looked at me and then looked away. What was this boy thinking?

“What Ian?”

“Well, I could pretend to be your boyfriend when he’s around.”

I choked on my water. Was he being serious?

“Wait, you’re right, that’s crazy, never mind.” He said looking hesitant.

“No, wait, Ian. It’s not that, it’s just, I can’t tell you who he is and stuff so it’s like he could be there at any point in time.”

“Oh, why can’t you tell me?”

“Too much drama.”

“I see.”

I can’t believe Ian mentioned it! I mean I do get along with him and it’d be believable, right? And he’s definitely cute! What am I thinking, though? I was just crying over Morgan earlier today!

When I didn’t say anything Ian finally did.

“Well, I was just suggesting it so it really doesn’t mean anything. Just let’s enjoy our time.”

Sammy brought over our plates and we started eating.

Would dating Ian make Morgan jealous? God, I hoped so. Wait, am I thinking about going through with this? This is crazy!

Ian took a bite and then looked at me. I was smiling and the I saw him smirk.



“Fine what?”

“Fine, you’re my fake boyfriend, but there’s one condition.”

His smirk turned to a grin.

“We can’t tell anyone, not even Chalice and Darren, they’ve got to think we’re seriously dating.”

“I can keep up the act trust me,” he said still smiling as someone walked through the door.

We both looked over and choked on a bite of my chocolate chip waffle.

What. The. Fuck.

Nick and Morgan looked straight at us and then Morgan looked away.

“Hey! Nick!” Ian yelled.

Nick smiled and walked over with Morgan following behind.

“Hey, Ian, man, I haven’t seen you in forever!”

“You two know each other?” I asked shocked.

“Yeah! We go way back, you know him?” Ian asked pointing to Nick.

Nick slid over into my side of the table and I nodded.

“This is my ex-girlfriend,” Nick said throwing his arm around me. I blushed red. Oh, God.

Ian’s eyes shot open and looked at me curiously.

“Is this the one?”

“God, no!”

Nick turned to me and smiled, “The one what?” He said eyeing Morgan.

Please don’t do this to me, Nick.


Ian looked at me and then back at Nick.

“Well, Addie is now my girlfriend.” He said smiling.

“What?” Nick yelled and I glanced over at Morgan whose emotionless expression went to anger.

Was it working?

“Yeah, we’re dating, so move your arm off of her,” Ian said in a playful manor.

Oh how I could just kiss Ian right now for saying that! Wait! Did I just say I could kiss him? Oh, Addie, what’s wrong with you!

“Yeah, sorry man! Hey can me and my brother join you?” Nick asked pointing to Morgan who Ian just noticed.

No! Please say no Ian!

“Of course man! Hey, I didn’t know you two were brothers!” He said looking over at our professor.

Nick moved from sitting next to me and let Ian slide in while Morgan and Nick sat across from us.

“Explains a lot though,” Ian said taking another bite of his waffle.

Explains what?

“Huh?” Nick finally asked since we were all puzzled.

“You said Addie was your ex, damn, her and Professor Denson over here are always bickering. It’s like they were already acting like family!”

I smiled at the words of family with Morgan. Get a hold of yourself! Stop smiling! Be pissed! This man broke your heart!

“You can call me by my full name outside of school, it’s Morgan.” Ian nodded.

Sammy came back over and took Nick and Morgan’s plates.

“How long have you two been dating?” Morgan asked after taking a drink of his coke.

Oh, shit. What do we say?

Nick wasn’t stupid and neither was Morgan, I couldn’t lie and say like a month or something.

“Just a few weeks, right, babe?” Ian said throwing his arm around my neck and kissing me on my head.

His kiss didn’t give me chills like Morgan’s did. God, his lips looked so kissable! Don’t go there!

“Right.” I said smiling looking at Morgan.

“That’s weird.”


“Why’d you say something like that Professor Denson?” I asked looking at him with a little anger in my voice. I could tell Ian was a little pissed too by the way he tensed up.

“Well it’s just I’ve never seen you two talk in class, not once.”

Shit, he was right. I had just met Ian today, actually.

“That’s because we were on the down low at first, but now we’ve agreed we want to flaunt our relationship off to the world.” Ian said.

Morgan’s face looked ticked. Goal accomplished.

I smiled and Ian brought me into his chest and whispered something to me.

“Better to start practicing now, right?”

I giggled, he had no idea.

“Absolutely.” I pulled away to see Nick looking at me with his eyebrow raised.

“Babe, I’ll be right back, I’m going to the restroom, k?”


Ian left and it was just me and the Denson brothers.

“Addie what the fuck are you thinking?” Morgan asked me demandingly. Ugh.

“Oh, Professor Denson, what are you talking about?” I said batting my eyelashes.

“Cut the crap. I’ve been all around tonight looking for you when your parents said you weren’t home and I had no clue where you were! I want to explain myself to you!”

He was looking for me?



“That’s right, no.”

“Addie, give him a chance,” Nick said cutting in.

“Absolutely not! He doesn’t get to choose when he wants me and all that! No, I have feelings, too. It doesn’t revolve around Morgan Denson!”

Nick rolled his eyes and shut up. Since when does Nick shut up?

“Addie, why are you dating him?”

“I like him.”

Not like I like you, I wanted to add.

“No you don’t.”

“You can’t tell me who I like.”

“You don’t light up the way you do when I grab you or talk to you or touch you.”

This sent chills through my body which just made him smirk and cock his eyebrow.

Cocky asshole of a teacher.

“You know nothing, got it? I don’t want you anymore.” I was harsh, rude and mean when I said it. I almost believed it myself but I knew for a fact Morgan believed it because he stopped talking to me.

A minute later Ian was back.

“Did I miss anything?” he asked kissing the top of my head.


The boys talked about football and baseball and I just listened. Why did he have to say that to me? Now I can’t stop thinking about him. Ugh.

This jealousy and boyfriend thing was definitely going to have to go better from now on.

And when I decided that, I knew what I had to do next.

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