De Uzumakifanfics

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Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born Great. Some achieve greatness. And others have greatness thrust upo... Mai multe

"Welcome Suckers"
Revenge Bish
Shit gets serious


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De Uzumakifanfics

Jayji and Ryder where watching as people settled down in the screening room (room? Sky? Cloud? No one knows.)

"Alright people!" She said, pressing down a button and speaking into a microphone, "Popcorn is there! No fighting aloud! Don't trust Snoutlout and please enjoy watching your future's!"

Everyone listened as Ryder suddenly said, "Fruitloops" and bowls of popcorn appeared around the room randomly. There was a scuffling sound, a sharp 'bada-boom-crash-screeeeoooo' and then it went silent.

Before anyone could question what happened the screen went fuzzy and the movie began.


[We enter the first scene. It's dark and there's an eiree feeling. A shadow slithers across the scene and the camera pans back to revel some kind of lair.]

Rapunzel squeaked and burried herself into her hair. Hiccup moves and sits next to her, the Vikings don't want him and he can't find toothless sooooo... Hiccup soon found himself also burried in hair.

Pitch smiled, relishing the fear.

[A voice calls out "Emma?" And the camera turns around to show Jack Frost. His white hair and blue eyes glow in what little light there is as he looks around.]

"Wow", Jack whispers, studying himself.

"Jack, you look funny." Emma says wrinkling her nose. Merida snorts at that and gets a glare from Queen Elinor. Glaring back, Merida stomps over to Jack and sits down.





[Jack twists around and runs towards the sound of his little sisters - Emma's - voice]

Any humor left over from before vanishes as everyone's reminded of what's happening on screen.



[We see Emma in a cage, tears running down her face as she reaches out to her brother. Jack is there instantly, pulling at the lock and trying to get his little sister out.]


(Comforting, Whispering) It's okay Emma. I'm gonna get you out just hold on.

Emma cries and turns around, burying herself into Jack.

[Suddenly we hear a dark chuckle. Jack looks up to see Emma frozen solid, eyes wide in fear. Shocked he takes a step back before crying out as his foot meets nothing. For a second, time slows. Jack is falling, and the camera shows Emma opposite him, watching him fall. She is free from the cage and a dark shadow is standing behind her grinning, when suddenly Jack thumps to the ground.]

[The scene abruptly changes as Jack shoots up gasping. He has brown hair and eyes. He looks around his room, everything is normal. Emma looks up at him from her bed.]

"Emma," Jack whispered, "Emma it's ok. I was just having a dream." Emma gives a tiny nod and turns around to watch the movie again.


(Yawns, tired) Jack?


(Gives her a shaky grin) It's alright Emma. I just had a bad dream.

[Emma nods and goes back to sleep. Jack sits for a couple seconds, thinking. He looks out the window at the full moon.]


(Whispers) It was just a dream.

North looks at the screen puzzled, before his eyes open in wonder.

"Manny iz talking to him!" North whispered excited to the other Gaurdians. They look back to him, shocked.

[The camera pans out from the window moving further away from Jack's house until all we see is the moon hanging in the sky. The words 'Rise of the Brave Tangles Dragons' appear. The sky changes behind the words as it goes from night to day. The camera begins to zoom across the sky, leaving the words behind as suddenly a dark shape flys past the camera.]

"Dragon." Astrid mutters, scowling.

Fishleg squeals in excitment, "but what kind?!"

Hiccup swears.


Yeah! Go baby!

[Hiccup and Toothless continue to fly while the camera continues to follow them. They do sharp turns and terrifying flips through the air before they level out.]

The movie pauses, Hiccup winces and looks over his shoulder to his red faced father.

"Hiccup!" Stock shouts, stomping over and grabbing him by the scruff, "how dare you side with those beasts!"

A low growl cuts them both off and everyone looks around warily. Suddenly, a streak of black tackles into Stoick. It's Toothless - he rears up - ready to strike when he is suddenly pulled off and being thrown across the room by an unseen force.

"Toothless!" Hiccup cries, running across the room to him. He helps the dragon up, checking him over. Gobber helps Stoick up and quickly begins to calm him down.

"Now see here Stoick, let's just try to calm down. The witch and wizard brought us here for a reason."

Stoick glares over at Hiccup - who is being wrapped up by an over protective dragon.

"What ever the reason is," Stoick mutters, "it won't matter to me."

"Stoick!" Gobber says, shocked.

"No Gobber! He has sided with the beasts!" He scowls, "He is not a Viking. And he is not my son."

Hiccup blinks, shocked, and tears fall from his eyes. As the movie starts Hiccup is pulled into a hug by Emma. Jack and Merida following with Rapunzel hesitantly joining. They sat there, comforting him with Toothless settling around the five.

Both the King and Queen of Corona and Queen Elinor and King Fergus glare at Stoick and the Vikings but are ignored.

The movie starts again.


So bud, what do you say. Go back?

[Toothless lets a happy grumble as they bank sharply back to an island. The land in a cove where Hiccup quickly hops off of Toothless. Hiccup gives Toothless a wave as he runs out of the cove. We follow Hiccup to his house in the villiage.]

"Wow" Rapunzel whispers, it looks just like one of the fairytail pictures from her books brought to life.

Hiccup gives her a watery smile, "It's home."

[The camera looks through his window to see Hiccup grab a bag and a notebook. He turns to leave when suddenly his wardrobe bangs open, startled, he drops his notebook which lands on his foot.]


(Grabbing his foot) OW! Ow! Owowowowow!

"Ha!" Snoutlout laughs, "Useless all the way through."

"Oh yes," Said Merida, "And yee would know all abou' being useless wouldn' ya?"

Snoutlout goes red but doesn't answer.

[A sudden groaning directs Hiccups attention from his sore foot to the wardrobe. Softly the bottom of the wardrobe slides open and a chest slowly rises up before rumbling to a stop. Cautiously Hiccup walks over to the chest, sore foot forgotten.]

[The camera moves to look over Hiccups shoulder. Inside the chest we see a book, a folded piece of parchment and a letter addressed to Hiccup. Reaching over Hiccup openes up the letter, eyes skimming over it before he gasps. Suddenly he slams the chest shut, grabs it and races out of the house.]

Everybody held the breath, wondering what was happening.

[The camera skims out. We briefly see Hiccup running towards the cove before the camera is racing towards the sky again. It continues across the ocean before we see land and race across it. We finally stop when we pass through a cave and are shown a tower. The camera moves through the window to see a girl.]

Rapunzel squealed happily as she says, "It's me!" Rapunzel parents give her fond looks and she sends them a smile over Toothless head.

Emma gasps, "So pretty!"

[The girl is wearing a pink dress and has hair that is metres long, stretching out and curling around the room. She - Rapunzel - giggles and turns her head towards the camelean sitting on her shoulder.]


This is it! This is it Pascal! I'm gonna do it! I'm finally going to ask her!

[Pascal gives her an encouraging nod, before running down her hand onto the wall where he blends in. He gives Rapunzel another nod before she turns away, waiting.]


Rapunzel! Let down your hair!

The King of Corona frowns, "Who is that?" He muttered to his wife.

"I don't know Frank, but it sounds familiar." The Queen of Corona answers.


Coming mother!

Merida snaps her head around to Rapunzel, "Mother?!"

Rapunzel sighs, "She's not my real mother, I know that now."

Gothel curses in every language she knows.

[Rapunzel runs over to the window and puts her hair onto a hook, letting the rest fall down. We see a hooded figure grab onto Rapunzels hair before Rapunzel begins to pull the hooded figure up. The hooded figure arrives in the window and throws her hood off revealing Gothel. Gothel moves forward and brings Rapunzel into a hug.]


There's my darling girl! I just have to ask, how on earth you do all that work every day?


(Smiling, embarrassed) Oh! It's nothing.


(Singing) Then I don't know why it takes so long!

[Rapunzel flinches, hurt, and Gothel let's out a laugh.]


I'm just teasing, don't take everything so seriously!

Jack scowls and crosses his arms over his chest, "I don't know her but I already don't like her."

[Gothel moves over to the mirror, putting down her bag and admiring her reflection. The camera switches over to Rapunzel who is looking unsure about herself, she glances over to Pascal, who gives her a thumbs up. Rapunzel gathers her courage and walks up to Gothel.]


So, mother. Tomorrow's my birthday and what I really want this year is - (mumbling) - actually what I've really wanted every year-


Rapunzel! Enough with the mumbling! You know I hate the mumbling. It's just all bah ba blah ba blah. Im just kidding! You know I love you!

They Gaurdians scowl, how could any mother treat her child that way? If only they knew.


Er, right. Sorry. So tomorrow's my birthday.


Ah ah ah! I distinctly remember your birthday was last year.


(Grins) That's the thing about birthdays. They're kind of a yearly thing.

[Gothel chuckles as she begins to unpack her bag. Rapunzel tugs anxiously at her hair as she suddenly says-]


I want to see the floating lights!


(Pauses) You mean the stars.

[Rapunzel throws her hair up and hooks it around a hatch. She gives it a tug and opens up a window, lighting up a chart of the stars.]


You see I charted the stars and there always constant, but these, they only appear on my birthday. And- and I can't help but feel as if- they're meant for me.

King of Corona - Frank - smiles at Rapunzel. "They are." He whispers.


You are not leaving this tower Rapunzel.


But mother-


No Rapunzel.


Please! I swear-



"God." Merida says, "she's even more con'rolling 'hen my mum."

[Rapunzel blinks, tears gathering in her eyes as she tried not to cry. Gothel sighs and sits in a chair, rubbing her temples.]


Great! Now I'm the bad guy.

[Rapunzel sniffs and turns away as she hurridly hides her tears. Gothel gets up and pulls the young girl into a hug.]


Is there anything else you would like for you birthday?

[Rapunzel goes to answer but pauses, she is staring wide eyed at a paint brush that's floating behind her mother. It floats over to a painting of Scotland and quickly circles a castle. Suddenly all of the magic seemed to drain from it and it falls to the floor making a clattering noise. Gothel jumps and begins to look over her shoulder when-]



Jack snorts, "Punzie, reminded me to give you a lesson in lying."

She nods then blinks, "Punzie?"

Jack shrugs, "Either that or blondie."

[Gothel stares at Rapunzel surprised.]


(Calmer) I would like some paints. The ones made from shells?


That is a very long trip Rapunzel. Almost three days!


I just thought it would be better then lights.

[Gothel pauses, considering]


(Sighs) I shall have to leave immediately.


I know.

[The scene changes to Gothel kissing Rapunzel on the forehead]


See you in three days time.

[The camera shows Rapunzel as she waves Gothel goodbye. We see Gothel turn and wave before the camera is again racing across the sky. We fly across the land before we see a horse race by underneath.]

[There is a loud 'chearing' sound as the camera catches up to the horse. We see a redhead - Merida - riding the horse....

"I's me!" Merida chears.

...As she goes she notches arrows and fires them - getting a bull's-eye everytime. There is a laugh before we see another horse race by.]


Mum! That's cheat'n!

Both Merida and Queen Elinor's mouths drop open in surprise, but for completely different reasons.

[Queen Elinor laughs again and continues to race ahead. Suddenly she pulls short, worried - staring at something we can't see. Merida pulls up next to her - laughing.]


(Stops laughing) Mum? Wha's wrong?

[Merida turns to see what her mother is looking and the camera follows her. We see giant thunderstorms , the kind that Dun' Brock haven't seen for centuries, on the horizon. Just above the clouds, peeking through, are the Northern Lights.]

Queen Elinor gasps, "Oh no."



[Abruptly Queen Elinor pulls the reigns of her horse and gallops back to the castle. Startled - Merida follows her. The scene changes to a room in the castle as Queen Elinor enters, mumbling under her breath.]


(Mumbling) How did this happen? The spell was supposed to hold him for a couple more centuries! I need to contact the Gaurdians!

Bunny pauses, how did she know the Gaurdians?

[Merida enters after her, looking annoyed]


Mum! Wha's wrong with ya?! It's just a wee storm!

[Queen Elinor looks at Merida for a moment before moving over to a cupboard. Carefully she pulls out a chest - similar to the one we saw at Hiccups house - and places it on the table. She opens it and pulls out a strange disk - also laying that on the table. She presses a button on the disk and smoke begins to pour off it. Shocked - Merida takes a step back.]

"What is happening?" Hiccup asked, making eye contact with Merida.




Once there was an ancient kingdom called Bahradi, that lived in peace and prosperity.

[As she speaks the smoke twists itself into the shape of a castle.]

Everyone gives explanations of shock and wonder as they watch.


The kingdom had a fair and just King and Queen, who had four children that they loved and cherished. One day a trusted servant found the Kinng and Queen murdered, lying dead in their bed.

[The smoke shows two crowns floating in the air with four small hearts drifting underneath them. As Queen Elinor speaks the two crowns crumple and disappear, leaving the four hearts floating.]


The kingdom fell into darkness, the children where too young to take the throne and a dark sorcerer stole it. Casting the children out.

[The smoke twists and suddenly we see the children - three boys and one girl - crouching under the shadow of the sorcerer.]

Jack, Rapunzel, Hiccup and Merida shiver uneasily.


To save their kingdom the children begged Tsar Lunar to help them. Piting them, he blessed them with powers of the elements. The children where able to over throw the sorcerer and had families of their own.

[We see the children standing, reaching up to the moon when suddenly four beams fall down, striking the children. The smoke twists again and this time we see the children glowing, pointing at the sorcerer. Their powers rush out and hit the sorcerer as he crumples to ash.]


However they found that they could no longer use their powers and that instead their children had the powers laying dormant in their blood. For hundreds of years the families gaurded this secret, knowing that their powers may be needed to protect the world again.

[We watch as the smoke revels parents whispering to children, handing each other chests, passing down the secret. Story over - the smoke clears. We see Merida, looking slightly awed before she looks up at her mother.]

"Wow" Emma whispers.

"Wow, in deed lass." Said King Fergus, eyeing his wife.


Why are you tellin' me this?

[Queen Elinor places the disk back in the chest.]


(Calm) A great evil is rising Merida.

[Merida - exasperated - throws her hands up in the air.]


It's just a legend!


(Angry) Legends are lessons! They ring with truth!

"The amoun' of 'imes I've heard 'hat one." Merida mutters.




(Stern) Over the the next few days three individuals should arrive to our castle.


What's that got to do with me-


Find them. Bring them here.



"Ya never lis'en to me!" Merida shouts to her mum.

[Suddenly a servant opens the door and looks in. Sensing the tension between mother and daughter the servant hesitates.]


Your majesty. The king is asking for your presence.

[Queen Elinor nods before turning back to Merida.]


We will talk about this later.


But! What?! Ugh!

[Queen Elinor leaves the room. Annoyed - Merida flops onto the bed. She huff's before looking over at the chest, where a single flame imprint was glowing. The screen fades to black.]

Everyone where haveing varying amounts of thoughts.

If what Queen Elinor said was true, then why where they only just finding out?

Why they really destined to defeat this sorcerer, and if so, how much would it cost them?

The only thing they knew was that they would have to keep watching to find out.


In their seperate room Jayji and Ryder watched the proceedings with interest.

Jayji hummed and turned to Ryder.

"I thought I told you to get Valka as well?"

Ryder nods, "I did, she's just on a hidden cloud like Toothless was and like our main villain is."

Jayji shrugs, her purple hair bobbing up and down. Leaning forward she presses a button and leans into the microphone.

"Hellooooooo again!"

Everyone down below winces as they hear the obnoxious voice of Jayji again.

"Alright peeps! Your doing good! We're going to watch the next scene now!" She turns to Ryder and winks, "For our readers though, you're going to have to wait for the next chapter. Sozzels!"

Ryder sighs and looks into the camera like he's in the Office.

"Stop doing that!" Jayji cries, "You promised to stop makeing Office references I don't get!"

Ryder looks into the camera like he's on the office again.


In the screening room Fishleg leans over to Astrid.

"Any idea-"



Jayji watched the commotion of Stoick finding out about Toothless and gave Ryder her best shit-eating grin. As Toothless defended Hiccup, and attacked Stoick, she reached out and grabbed the air.

Quickly she threw Toothless across the screening room, away from Stoick, and very solemnly intoned, "Yeet."



"That's so sad," Jack murmers.

In the spectators box, Ryder sighs, "You know what's sad? We've gotten to the third scene and no ones eaten any of the popcorn yet."

"No one asked you Wizard!"


"I'm going insane," Hiccup murmered.

"Nope, I'm insane!" Said Jayji, appearing out of no where and cackling, "There's a difference between going and being there and honey, you're a long ways off the mark."


And with a dramatic voice he finished, "And thus, I died."

"What the heck?! Your still here though?!"

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