Collide | August Alsina | on...

By theeinterlude__

67.3K 3.2K 1.9K

It's true that opposites attract but that doesn't mean it will be easy. More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
On hold..
Hello Again..


2K 126 38
By theeinterlude__

Antonio and Amber in the multimedia

Bitch...this Forever and a Day Ep.. AUGUST..AUGUUUUUST I was not ready..bitch I got Control on repeat and that's on mf period! Go stream ❤️

🎶 Girl I lose self control when you losin them clothes, I don't tell when you show all you gotta say is go then we losin control yeaaah then we losinn control yeaaaaaah, losin control.. 🎶

-Finish the lyrics if you a real one :) -


The next day I slept in waking up around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. A nigga was tired and having Kaidens energetic ass running around here didn't help at all. Thankfully Cha' had came and got her late last night. She could've slept over I aint mind but she had school activities to go to.

After showering and getting myself dressed for the day. Davonte hit my line saying he was going to pay this Trevor cat a visit. Of course I was tagging along because I didn't want the nigga to end up killing him and land up in jail.

Once he was in the front of my place I grabbed my gun tucking it into the waistband of my black jeans then grabbed my phone and house keys.

The nigga started honking as I walked irritating me, "Aye don't honk at me like I'm some bitch" I spat opening the car door and getting in.

"Fuck up nigga" He laughed before starting to drive.

"You know wea he at?" I asked.

"Yup" He nodded "Why is this nigga so hard headed man I told this fool ta' stay from round ha'"

"Well shit, maybe she ain't want him to" I said shrugging.

"Don't matta he should've listened to what the fuck I said now I gotta whoop his ass" He gritted through his teeth.

"Aight man just don't kill em" I warned.

"Wasn't planinn' on it'" He said slowing down when we came near a gas station. "Thea his dumb ass go" He mumbled.

I looked out the window and I saw a group of about four or five young niggas chilling on the curb. They were joking and laughing while sharing a blunt, too bad Davonte was about to put an end to all of that.

"And then all these niggas posed' to be sellin' right na' man they must think imma joke." He snapped.

"Chillat bruh' just do what you came hea' to do and I'mma watch from the car and step in if I got to" I said while retrieving a blunt from my pocket and sparking it up.

"Aight" He left his phone in the car and hopped out, I opened my door ajar so I could hear everything while placing the blunt to my lips and inhaling the harsh smoke.

"Wassup y'all?" Davonte smirked walking up to them.

I assumed the dark skinned slim and tall one was Trevor because he instantly froze and passed the blunt off.

"Look D' we was just kicking it for a second" A different nigga said.

Davonte put his hand up stopping him from saying anything else "I ain't on dat shit today. I just wanna spit a couple words to T, get up nigga"

Trevor slowly got up shoving his hands in his pockets "I ain't do shit to ha' Davonte" He said quickly.

"I ain't ask that did I?" He said "My question is why the fuck is you still round' my cousin getting ha' in shit when I told yo ass ta' stay away"

I was surprised that he was remaining calm because knowing him and his temper I expected him to start swinging off the bat, shit I would.

When Trevor didn't say anything Davonte grabbed him by his hoodie slamming him against a metal fence "Did I not ask a question mufucka?!"

Spoke too soon..

"Aight bruh chill!" He yelled "She still wanted ta'  chill wit' me so I wasn't gon say no my bad!"

"Mhm right, so what happened when you left ha' alone at that damn party!" He snapped still keeping his grip on him.

"I ain't leave ha ass she left me and went ta' go fuck that nigga when I was sparking up!

"Shouldn't have said dat" I mumbled to myself, right then Davonte swung his right fist catching Trevor in the jaw. Causing the other niggas to step back a little.

He swung at him three more times until he was on the ground "So you mean ta' tell me' you wanna be round ha ass so bad but you ain't think to check up on ha afta the fact you noticed she was gone nigga! Yo so called friend tried to take advantage of ha!"

"I ain't kno' man I ain't kno'" He pleaded covering his face with his hands.

"Yeah nigga you ain't!" He snarled kicking him in the side " You gon take yo ass to the school tomorrow and apologize to ha! Since I obviously can't keep ha' away from you, you betta not fuck up again nigga or I will kill yo ass." He kicked him again.

"Aight!" He groaned clutching his stomach.

"Pussy ass nigga" Davonte frowned stepping over him and making his way back to the car.

As he got in Trevor's friends came to his aid helping him stand up. I shook my head and Davonte started to drive "Wanna head to the trap?" He asked like he ain't just whoop someone ass.

"Might as well" I chuckled lowly.


The next day


Sighing I hoped out of Davonte's car and grabbed my backpack. I didn't go to school yesterday because of the simple fact that I was embarrassed at what people were probably saying about me. No, Rell didn't attend this school but a lot of people were at the party so you never know. However, today I had to just suck it up because I had two important exams to take.

"Summer wait" Davonte said grabbing my arm.

"Yes?" I looked down.

"Keep ya head up aight?" He said lifting my chin "That rapey nigga don't go ta' this school right?"

I shook my head no.

"Okay then relax..anyone say anything to you whoop they ass simple."

I couldn't help at smile at his stupid self "Um did you forget where I grew up at? I can't fight."

He sucked his teeth "All I'm sayin is DONT be scared to slap a broad and you know if it's a nigga I'll—"

"Air this bitch out..I know you say it every time you drop me off" I laughed.

"Glad you kno' have a good day I love you." He said.

I climbed back into the car giving him a warm hug before hopping back out "Love you too."

I shut the door and placed my earphones in my ears before making my way in through the entrance. I kept my head up like Davonte said as stares came my way as well as some whispers that I couldn't make out.

I shook off the uncomfortable feeling I was getting and made my way to my locker. I put in my combination unlocking it the pulled out the two textbooks I would need shoving it into my backpack.

"Biiiiiiiitch!" I heard two loud voices scream before slamming my locker.

I snatched out my headphones staring at Amber and Antonio "Oh my god guys don't do that!"

"Sorry" They both said again.

I rubbed my forehead slightly staring at them blankly "It's fine."

"It's just you haven't answered our calls and we heard bout' what happened" Amber said.

Antonio nodded in agreement "And nah we don't believe that bullshit so what really happened?"

Just as I was about to explain I noticed Trevor walking through the doors and making his way over to us. He looked horrible, he had a busted lip and a black eye. I frowned at the sight of his face even though I was currently mad at him.

"Aye can I pull Summer away from y'all for a sec?" He asked looking straight at me.

"No nigga, you cannot" Amber said bending her neck at him and looking at him like he lost his mind.

"Guys it's fine..I'll catch up with y'all at lunch" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"If you say at my car I'm driving" Antonio said before they both walked off.

I put my back against the locker while he looked down at me "What happened to your face?" I mumbled.

He scratched the back of his neck sighing "Yo cousin wasn't too happy wit' me"

"Oh" I shrugged picking at my nails.

"Can you look at me?" He asked placing his hand over my head and against the locker.

Slightly rolling my eyes I did "What?"

"I'm sorry"

"Oh so after you yelled at me on the phone calling me all type of bitches and hoes you're sorry?" I scoffed "Don't waste my time and apologize to me just because you got beat up Trevor"

"Nah man fa real I'm sorry, I only heard what Rell had told me and when I tried calling you dat night you wouldn't answa so I went off the next morning when you called me back" He explained.

"Do you really think I'm that type of girl? Go out with one guy then leave with another?"

He shook his head quickly "I know you ain't and it's my fault for reacting like I did, I'm genuinely sorry let me fix it."

"Fix it how?" I mugged him crossing my arms over my chest.

"We can do sumn mo  in yo  element, like a real date" He suggested.

I twisted my lip looking away from him "I don't know if I want to hang around you anymore."

If hanging around Trevor meant being scared for my life then I wanted no parts of that. Of course I liked him bout not enough to go through that again.

"I can respect that I guess..will you at least think bout it?"

"We'll see"

He wrapped his arms around me giving me a hug "I'a take care of dat' nigga he won't botha' you again"


He pecked my check before turning and walking away. I took a deep breath before going the opposite direction and to my first class of the day.


Sitting across from Antonio and Amber we had all gotten our food and they were just dying for me to start talking. It was written all over their faces and how they were picking at their food not really eating.

"Okay..." I started.

They looked up and gave me their attention while I ran down everything that happened.

"First of all I'm sorry dat' happened to you Summer, niggas done lost they rabbit ass mind outchea'" Antonio said smacking his lips as he bit into his pizza slice.

"Yeah girl that's wack as fuck" Amber said scrunching her face up "I hope you not going on dat shitty ass date with Trevor"

"I'm not planning on it but I don't know" I sighed "He genuinely seemed sorry and I do like him"

"Well we can't stop you from anything but we can warn you that that nigga ain't shit" Antonio said "But I'll still support you"

"Period" Amber said doing the hand motion as well.

"Thank you guys" I smiled "I didn't think I'd have friends when I came down here but I'm glad that I have y'all"

"Well I am the realest bitch you could've ever encountered so" Antiono jokes sticking his tongue out.

"Ugh you're so annoying I swea'" Amber rolled her eyes. "Ain't nobody checking fa you"

"Keep thinking dat sis."


After their quick lunch they went back to school and went about the rest of their day. It wasn't as bad as Summer expected and she was thankful for that. She still couldn't process the events that happened to her because truthfully..she didn't understand it.

There were so many girls at that party that wouldn't have thought twice about having sex with Rell. So Summer wondered why he took it open himself to drug her and try to force something to happen.

Sighing she shook her head trying not to think about it anymore while she sat in her last class. As the teacher lectured on she received a text message. She made sure the teacher wasn't looking her direction before pulling her phone out of her purse to check it.

Vonte🙄💞: Aye I got caught up with something with Maeko, Yung will be picking you up so be out front after class.

Mentally rolling her eyes she sighed and texted him back.

I don't want to ride with him..I can get a ride from a friend.

Vonte🙄💞: He's already on his way, don't be difficult.

Smacking her teeth she locked her phone placing it back into her purse. Internally she was thankful August was there to save her that night but something about him didn't sit right with her.

Maybe it was his arrogance or his nonchalant attitude, she didn't know but she wasn't fucking with it at all.

Once the school day was officially over Summer grabbed all of her belongings before taking her time to get outside. She remembered the car August had  her in from the last time so she spotted it quickly and made her way over there.

Once August noticed her walking towards the car he clicked the side button unlocking the door. She opened it sliding inside and placing her backpack on the ground.

"Bout fuckin time" He lowly mumbled.

Summer said nothing not in the mood to argue or bicker

They rode in silence as he started to drive off and she couldn't help but glance at him a few times. Although they've met only twice she never really got a good look at him. Mainly because he was always wearing either sunglasses, a hat, or shades.

"You got a staring pra'lem or sum?" He twisted his lip after catching her look at him for the third time.

He was fine..grown man fine. He couldn't be a day over 21 but his sculpted jaw structure made him look a lot older. Besides that he had caramel skin, pink plump lips, and small almond shaped eyes. She could tell he had a lot of tattoos because some peeked out from the top of his hoodie on his neck and he had a couple behind his ear.

Summer licked over her teeth with her tongue looking away "Please don't flatter yourself"

August lowly chuckled rubbing under his nose "Ion get it"

"Get what?" She frowned tapping her fingers against her thigh.

"I guess I expected you ta' be a little nicer to the nigga who saved yo ass and is na' takin' the time out of his day to pick ya' young ass up from school" He said shaking his head "Iont kno' how it is up in them hills but you not gon get along wit a lot of people down hea acting like dat."

Summer bit her lip tapping her foot against the ground "You don't know me it's quite funny how you think you do."

"Neva said I did' I've just seen the way you act and it's fucking ugly"

"Am I supposed to care about what you think?" Summer snapped "Because I think you're a ignorant self-nacarrcistic asshole but you don't see me pointing it out do you?"

August tucked his bottom lip in not saying anything else as he pulled up to her Aunts house.

Summer shook her head grabbing her backpack and getting out of his car.

"If a thank you is what you want so bad THANK YOU and THANK YOU for making me feel like shit about my situation just because I didn't applaud you for stopping someone from harming me" She snarled "Don't do shit for people if you're just expecting gratitude."

She left it at that slamming the door and making her way inside the house. If August didn't rub her the wrong way before he definitely did now.


Imma just list a few things just incase you're lost.

-Trevor had nothing to do with what happened with Summer..

-Summer does not know August's real name yet, just Yung

-No one in Summers family knows about the rape incident besides Davonte.

If you have any questions or you're lost feel free to ask ❤️

•things are about to take a big ass turn the next few chapters so get ready.

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