Rewrite the stars

By HollyBowden4

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When Perri Met Holly whilst on the genesis tour he never imagined that they would fall in love but fate decid... More

Flashback to the day we met
Dreams really do come true
A heart full of love
Why can't you be happy for me
Smile through the Pain
I'm ready to Dance
I love you with all my heart
Everything is Lost
Dance with me

The sign of three

182 0 0
By HollyBowden4

Holly's POV:

I was woken by the sudden feeling that I was going to be sick I jumped out of bed and dashed into the bathroom and fell to my knee's in front of the toilet and emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet, Perri came in a knelt down beside me and pulled my hair back before gently rubbing my back. I flushed the toilet and made my way back to bed Perri handed me a glass of water which I sipped slowly, Perri kissed my forehead and said 'How are you feeling now my love' I smiled and said 'I'm ok my love I think I just ate to much last night', I looked at my phone and said 'I can't believe we haven't got long until we have to get up to go to the studio'.

Perri sat up and positioned himself on top of me and started kissing me passionately on the lips I blushed as he said 'We could stay in bed and have some fun', I smiled and kissed Perri back before saying 'As much as I would love to stay in bed I think we need to be at the studio on time to hear what Ashley has to say'.

Perri's POV:

Myself and Holly managed to get five minutes more in bed before her alarm went off I had a quick shower and got dressed and then went downstairs to make myself and Holly some of my famous chocolate chip pancakes. Whilst I was waiting for the pancakes to cook I got a text off Starr telling me she wanted to speak to me about Holly's relationship with her parents particularly her dad, so I text her back saying I would speak to her after Ash had spoken to us all.

Holly's POV:

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off whilst doing so I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I couldn't help but think that my stomach looked slightly swollen, I didn't think anymore of it and walked into the bedroom to get dressed. After looking through my wardrobe for hours I decided to wear my black Nike pro shorts and my baby pink top, I grabbed my bag and put in it my phone, purse, Nike foot wraps and a bottle of water I also grabbed my trainers and made my way downstairs where Perri was dishing up the pancakes for breakfast I smiled and said 'These look lovely Pel, you do spoil me'. Perri walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and said 'Your my beautiful wife I enjoy spoiling you'.

Perri's POV:

Once we'd arrived at the studio we were met by Danielle who was so excited to have us back as we went into studio 1 myself and Holly saw Jordan stood with Naomi nestled in her arms was their beautiful baby boy who they'd named Cassius and I thought it was a perfect name for the little Banjo. Myself and Holly sat with Jordan and Naomi and had a turn holding Cassius and then Ashley came down from the chill-out zone he sat down with everyone and started the meeting.

Ashley's POV:

I started off this meeting by congratulating my brother and his girlfriend Naomi on the birth of their beautiful son Cassius and then I moved on to the exciting stuff, I looked up and said 'Okay so I've had a lot of meetings recently with our tour manager and we have finalized the dates for our next tour'. Sam looked up and said 'Well don't keep us waiting Ash when is it and what is it called', I smiled and looked around at all the excited faces before saying 'So it's going to be October, November and December and I've not come up with a name yet I wanted to see what you all wanted it to be called. So does anyone have any ideas'.

Mitchell's POV:

I stood up and said 'I think this tour needs to be personal to each and everyone of us, we need to include stories which mean something to us individually. Which is why I think we should call this tour Up close and personal, but it's not just my decision to make'.

Jordan's POV:

Mitchell had literally described in a nut shell what our new tour needed to be called I looked at Ashley and nodded. Ashley stood up and said 'Mitchell I couldn't have put it better myself, I think that's a brilliant name for the tour so if everyone's happy then our new tour will be called Up close and Personal'. I looked around and everyone was cheering and getting really excited.

Perri's POV:

After the meeting had finished I went to find Starr and as usual she was in studio 3 dancing, we sat down on the crash mats. I looked up and said 'So your concerned about Holly's relationship with her dad', Starr nodded and said 'Yeah at the wedding I asked her who was giving her away and she said nobody cause her parents weren't there, so I asked her why and she told me she thinks it was because she upset her dad', I nodded unsure of what to say I'd not actually met her parents yet I smiled at Starr and said 'I'll see if she'll tell me anything but I'm not going to push her into telling me'.

Holly's POV:

Meanwhile whilst Perri was having a catch-up with his sister Starr I decided I would start working on a new solo I asked Jordan if studio 2 was free he smiled and said 'Yeah it's free till this afternoon', I made my way across reception and into studio 2 I stopped when I saw Danielle sorting out stuff for her ballet class this afternoon. Danielle looked up at me and said 'Did you want something Holly' I shook my head and said 'No I was just going to work on a new solo but your busy in here so it can wait', Danielle sat down and said 'No it's okay I'm finished in here anyway, would you show me your dance'.

I kicked my trainers off and placed them under the bench before walking over to the music player and plugging in my I-pod I clicked on the song and then walked into the middle of the studio and stood in my opening pose.

(My solo)

Danielle's POV:

I was so amazed by what I had just seen Holly had some serious talent and someone with  so much talent needed a chance in the spotlight at the next tour. I stood up and started clapping Holly looked up and said 'So what did you think' I smiled and said 'Holly that was absolutely amazing, infact it was so amazing I'm going to recommend to Ashley that you do a solo in the next tour because your amazing'. Holly ran over to me and gave me a massive hug just as Perri walked in with a massive smile on his face he walked over and said 'That dance I just saw you do was incredible'.

Holly's POV:

Whilst I was talking to Danielle and Perri I got another sudden wave of sickness I ran out of studio 2 and across the reception into the toilets and vomited into the toilet, I heard the main door open I came out of the cubicle and saw Naomi stood there she looked at me and smiled. Naomi smiled back at me and said 'Are you feeling okay Holly' I looked up and said 'This is the second time I've been sick today and I've been having other symptoms' Naomi looked up and said 'Come with me to the chill-out zone we can discuss it up there'. I followed Naomi up to the chill-out zone we sat down on the sofa's Naomi said 'So you mentioned other symptoms, what other symptoms have you had', I looked up and said 'My period is late, I get this strange metallic taste in my mouth, I've also had loads of cravings and I'm feeling tired more than usual'. Naomi nodded and said 'Is there any chance that you could be pregnant have you taken a test' I looked up and said 'I've not thought about it. Maybe I should take a test'.

Naomi nodded and said 'Okay this is what I'm going to do, I'm going to go out and get a pregnancy test I'll bring it back here and I'll stay with you whilst you do the test and then if you want me to I can be with you when you tell Perri'. I hugged Naomi and said 'Thank you so much'.

Naomi's POV:

I walked the short distance into town and headed into Boots to buy a pregnancy test for Holly after that I walked back to the studio, I smiled when I walked into reception and saw Perri sat on the sofa making funny faces at Cassius, I walked into the toilets and handed Holly the pregnancy test she looked so nervous so I gave her a reassuring smile and a hug.

Holly's POV:

I took the test and went into the cubicle, after waiting for what felt like an eternity I looked at the pregnancy test and smiled when I saw that word come up on the screen, I was 8 weeks pregnant.

I was pulled from my thoughts by Naomi knocking on the cubicle door I smiled and opened the door Naomi looked at me and said 'Well what does it say', A massive smile grew on my face as I looked up and said 'I'm 8 weeks pregnant I'm so happy I could burst with excitement'. Naomi hugged me and said 'My dear that's fantastic news I'm so happy for you, I think it's time to tell Perri don't you think', I nodded and made my way out into the reception Danielle looked up from her laptop and said 'Is everything alright Holly you look abit pale' I smiled and showed Danielle the pregnancy test she smiled and gave me a massive hug before saying 'Holly I'm so happy for you, have you told Perri yet'. I smiled and said 'I'm just about to go in and tell him now'.

Perri's POV:

I was just working on some Choreography with Sam and Mitchell when I saw Holly come in she looked absolutely stunning and she had a beautiful angel like glow surrounding her. She walked over and said 'Could I borrow you my love I have something exciting to tell you', I followed Holly up into the chill-out zone and said 'Is everything alright my love' Holly looked up at me and smiled before saying 'How much do you love me Perri'. I smiled and said 'I love you with all my heart and soul' Holly took my hands in hers and said 'Well I hope you will have a little love to spare', I looked up and said 'For what' Holly smiled at me like a Cheshire cat and said 'For our child'.

I looked down as Holly encompassed my hands with hers and placed them on her slightly swollen stomach I looked up at Holly and said 'Oh my love I couldn't be happier, how far along are you', Holly smiled at me and said 'I'm 8 weeks pregnant, I need to book a scan would you be able to come with me' I kissed Holly passionately on the lips and said 'Of course I can come with you. Shall we tell the others' Holly smiled and said 'Yes let's'.

Sam's POV:

I was just practicing my B-twists with Mitchell when Holly and Perri came down from the chill-out zone both looking incredibly happy about something, Holly looked up and said 'Can I have your attention just for a moment, me and Perri have something very exciting to tell you all. Myself and Perri are expecting a baby'. We all cheered and gave Holly and Perri a big group hug, I walked over to the music player and searched through the playlist until I found the right song I clicked on it and turned around before saying 'Right let's dance'.

Holly's POV:

I was woken this morning by a bout of morning sickness I dashed into the bathroom and vomited into the toilet, Perri came in and gently pulled my hair back and rubbed my back soothingly. I stood up and made my way back to bed and climbed in and cuddled up next to Perri, Perri gently rubbed my stomach and said 'Come on little one go easy on your mummy'. After a nice long lie in myself and Perri went to the hospital for our first scan I was so excited to see our little one for the first time and I could tell Perri was excited because he couldn't stop talking or eating, once we arrived at the maternity unit I checked in and then joined Perri on the chairs next to the right room. After a bit of a wait the midwife called us through to the ultra-sound room.

Perri's POV:

I held Holly's hand as the midwife performed the ultra-sound scan we were both so excited to see our baby eventually our baby came up on the screen and we were both filled with Joy, I smiled and said 'How's our baby looking is it healthy' the midwife nodded and said 'Your baby is a picture of health your due date will be mid November'. Holly looked at me and then said 'Will I be alright to keep dancing' the midwife nodded and said 'As long as you take it easy and rest when you can it should be ok but if you get any pains or bleeding then you must stop', I smiled and said 'Don't worry I'll make sure she takes it easy' the midwife handed Holly an appointment book and said 'If you speak to the receptionist on your way out and make an appointment for 6 weeks time' Holly smiled and said 'Thank you I'll see you again soon', the midwife smiled and said 'It was nice to meet you both'.

Ashley's POV:

I was just giving Sam a quick 1-1 session when Perri and Holly walked in both smiling like Cheshire cats I smiled and said 'You two have good news I can tell by the smiles on your faces' Perri took a ultra-sound picture from his coat pocket and said 'Ashley, Sam meet our little baby we won't find our what sex it is for a while yet but we're both hoping for a girl', Sam looked at the picture and said 'Look it almost looks as if your baby is waving at you it's so cute don't you think Ash'. I looked down at the floor and nodded before walking back up to the chill-out zone where I carried on looking at the music for our next tour, I looked up when I heard footsteps I smiled when I saw Perri walking towards me he sat down on the chair opposite mine and began spinning around happily on it he had so much energy that it made me smile.

Perri's POV:

Ashley was a grown man there was no denying he could take care of himself but right now I was worried about him I looked up at him and said 'Ash is everything alright', he didn't make eye contact with me he just nodded so I said 'Something's up Ash please tell me'. Ashley looked up at me and said 'Sorry Pel I don't want it to seem like I'm not happy for you and Holly because I am, just seeing you both so happy is making me really anxious to start a family with Francesca', I took a deep breath and said 'Ash take a deep breath. Your anxious you just need to relax and take everything one step at a time and maybe talk to Francesca just tell her how your feeling. And remember you can talk to me about anything'. Ashley stood up and walked round his desk and pulled me into a massive hug and said 'Thank you Pel for everything your amazing'.

Ashley's POV:

After having a long training session with the lads I went home, on the way home I stopped off at the florists and bought a nice big bunch of flowers for Francesca. I walked into the house and placed my gym bag in the cupboard along with my coat and trainers, I walked into the kitchen and saw Francesca cooking but she was also dancing as-well and it filled me with love. I smiled and said 'Good evening my love, how was your day' Francesca kissed me on the lips and said 'Yeah it was good I went in town and bought a few bits and pieces, I've made sausage casserole for tea I hope that's ok'. I smiled and said 'That sounds lovely' Francesca smiled back at me and said 'You seem very quiet my darling is everything alright', I sat down and said 'Perri and Holly went and had their first scan today they came into the studio and showed us the scan photo I've never seen them so happy and I'm just so keen and anxious to start a family with you'. A couple of tears fell down my face Francesca wiped away the tears and hugged me.

(A/N: I know Francesca wasn't pregnant around the time of the UCAP tour but this is the way I've written the story)

Francesca's POV:

I'd never seen Ashley cry before I pulled him into a hug and said 'Come on my love don't get upset because I've got some news which is going make you incredibly happy', Ashley smiled at me and said 'Is everything alright my love'. I took Ashley's hands and placed them against my stomach and said 'I'm pregnant Ash, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I wanted to make sure everything was going to be okay, I went to see the midwife today and she said our child is healthy', Ashley was so happy he picked me up and spun me round smiling the whole time he said 'I am the luckiest man in the world, you cannot begin to know how happy you've made me today'.

Perri's POV:

Myself and Holly were snuggled up in bed watching some episodes of the Simpsons whilst having Pizza hut, Holly looked up at me and said 'You never told me what was up with Ashley today is he alright' I kissed Holly on the forehead and said 'Yeah he's okay he basically told me that he's just anxious to start a family with Francesca', Holly smiled and kissed me on the lips before curling up into my chest. I took her hands and said 'Can I ask you why didn't your parents come to our wedding', Holly looked at me and said 'I get on with my mum really well but not so much with my dad we're always arguing and shouting at each-other, before I came on the genesis tour me and my dad had a massive row he told me I could not make a living on dancing and that I needed to find a proper job', I shook my head and said 'That's ridiculous you can make loads of money from dancing, and now that we're married I can take care of you. Have you spoken to your mum or dad since then'. Holly shook her head and said 'I sent them a picture of us on our wedding day but I didn't get a reply', I decided that I really needed to ask Ash if me and Holly could have some time off to go down to Plymouth and see her parents.

Holly's POV:

The next morning I woke up early and had a nice hot bath I'd just finished washing my hair when I got a message from Ashley asking me If I would like to do a solo and a duet with Perri in the next tour so I text him back with loads of excited emoji's, I walked into the bedroom and saw Perri beginning to stir from his sleep I walked round and kissed him passionately on the lips which woke him up.  Perri stood up and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist before saying 'You look very happy this morning' I smiled and said 'Ashley has asked if I would like to do a solo and a duet with you on the UCAP tour'. Perri looked at me and smiled before saying 'That's good I thought you'd be happy' I nodded and said 'No I am happy trust me, but what about when I get bigger', Perri hugged me and said 'Don't worry, speak to Ashley about it today I'm sure he'll come up with a solution. Now before I get in the shower I want to see that beautiful smile'.

I got dressed into my black and white fitness outfit and applied a minimal amount of make-up before fixing my hair into a ponytail with a braid on the side.

(My hairstyle for today)

(My outfit for today)

(Still Holly's POV:)

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and put some food in Barry's bowl and refreshed his water bowl before making Bacon sandwiches for her and Perri, Perri came downstairs and sat down at the breakfast bar I looked up at him and said 'Are you alright Perri' Perri smiled at me and said 'I just can't stop looking at you, you look unbelievably beautiful'. After having breakfast myself and Perri left home and made our way to the studio I was nervous about talking to Ashley I didn't know if he was going to pull me out of the tour I walked into studio 1 with Perri Sam walked over and gave me a hug I smiled and said 'Is Ash around' Jordan nodded and said 'Yeah he's up in the chill-out zone', I walked up the stairs and said 'Ash could we have a quick chat'.

Ashley's POV:

I was just ordering the costumes for the UCAP tour when Holly came up stairs and asked to speak to me I smiled and said 'Of-course take a seat is everything alright', Holly smiled and said 'Yeah I'm really pleased you asked me to do a solo and duet, but what happens when the baby get's too big and I can't dance' I nodded and said 'I've thought about that, so what I've decided is you'll call the shots you can keep doing the solo and duet for as long as you feel able and if on the day of a show you don't feel up to it we'll just take it out of the show and put it back in when you feel up to it'. Holly smiled and said 'That's perfect thanks  Ash, the midwife say's the baby will be born around mid November and I can carry on dancing for as long as I feel able but If I get any pains or bleeding then I need to stop', I nodded and said 'Yeah that's fine' Holly looked up and said 'You seem really happy today Ash' I nodded and said 'Francesca is expecting a baby I'm so excited I could burst like a balloon'.

(Still Ashley's POV:)

Since Holly was here I decided to give her some input on her costumes for the tour and after looking for ages she was happy with the costumes she'd chosen. I looked up as Perri came upstairs he said 'Holly Jordan want's to run through some of the choreography for the opening number, you go down I'll be down in a second', I looked up as Perri walked over and sat down opposite me and said 'Francesca told me she's expecting a baby, I'm so happy for you Ash' I smiled and said 'Thank's Pel that means a lot', Perri smiled and said 'Have we got anything on this weekend or have we got it free'. I looked at the calendar and said 'No we've got it free next weekend we've got the photo-shoot for the UCAP tour, why do ask' Perri nodded and said 'Holly opened up to me last night about her relationship with her parent's mainly her dad, it's not good and I just thought maybe if myself and her went down to Plymouth to see them it might help mend it and I just wanted to check with you that it was alright to go before shooting off'. I smiled and hugged Perri before saying 'Of-course it's okay for you to go, infact why don't we all go down and have abit of a break'.

Perri's POV:
I smiled and said 'Yeah that would be really good, we deserve to have a break' Ashley agreed with me and said 'Cool I'll look at hotels and book somewhere, we could go down tomorrow ', I nodded and said 'Yeah that'll be fine,  I'll go and tell Holly'. I walked downstairs smiling as I saw Holly learning the choreography for UCAP tour opening routine, I watched as she did a double back flip and landed perfectly. Holly walked over to me smiling she kissed me on the lips and said 'What we're you talking to Ashley about my love' I picked Holly up and spun her round and said  'So I thought we'd all take a trip down to Plymouth and see your parents and just generally have abit of a break', Holly looked at me and smiled before saying 'Perri that sounds perfect and I've just had a really good idea, do you remember me telling you about that exercise class I used to go to when I lived in Plymouth'.

I smiled and said 'Yeah I remember it sounded really fun' Holly smiled back at me and said 'How do you think the lads would feel if we all went to the Friday evening class it would be really good publicity for them', I kissed Holly on the lips and said 'I think that's a great idea, if you think you can get us all a space'. Holly smiled and said 'I'll go and give my friend Lynn a ring it's bank holiday on Friday so a lot of people will have cancelled '.

Holly's POV:
I went out into reception where it was a bit quieter I searched through my contacts and clicked on Lynn's number.

( H = Holly and L = Lynn )

H: Hi Lynn it's Holly

L: OMG it's so good to hear from you how are you?

H: I'm really good, me and Perri got married last month and we're expecting a baby. 

L: oh Holly that's fantastic news

H: anyway I was wondering if you had any spaces on Friday for myself and diversity '

L: Yeah I've got plenty of spaces it'll be really good to see you, I'll ask Ros to come along but I'll keep it a surprise that your coming'

H: Brilliant we're coming down tomorrow so I'll see you on Friday'

I ended the call and walked back into the studio where the lads were deep in conversation about what they wanted to do and see in plymouth  Mitchell wanted to go on the moors and climb some of the torrs which I thought was a good idea, Jordan wanted to find a nandos and Sam wanted to go swimming in tinside I don't think he realised how cold that pool is but he soon will do. I sat down and said 'Ok guys on Friday we're all going to an exercise class it's one I used to go to and it's such good fun', Jordan smiled and said 'Cool sounds fun'. Ashley looked up and said 'I've not been able to find us a hotel to stay in' I smiled and said 'don't worry we can stay with my friend Ros she said myself and any friends would always be welcome'.

Sam's POV :
I smiled and said 'This is going to be so much fun, so when do we leave' Perri looked up and said 'We leave tomorrow, we're meeting here at 9 we're only taking my car, Ashley's car and Mitchell's car'. I nodded and said 'Yeah that's fine, right I'd better head home and start packing I need to ask ellie if she can watch ope whilst we're away'.

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