Knight In Shining Staff ❄️Jel...

By stalrysky

30.5K 608 238

It was a cold night in a beautiful little city named Burgess. The Frost family have a new neighbour, the Summ... More

Knight In shining Staff
Chapter 1 (Adoption)
Chapter 2 (Gloves?!)
Chapter 3 (My Best friend)
Chapter 4 (H-How-- Anna?!)
Chapter 5 (Pieces of Memories)
Chapter 6 (An n Em 's Good News)
Chapter 7 (First Kiss? whoa)
Chapter 8 (Treatment)
Chapter 9 (Life finnaly begin)
Chapter 10 (broken)
Chapter 11 (his hair)
Chapter 12 (grandpabbie)
Chapter 13 (Freeze?!)
Chapter 14 (broken heart)
Chapter 15 (mysterious visitor)
Chapter 16 (cousins?!)
Chapter 17 (words hurt)
Chapter 18 (Aunty Delle)
Chapter 19 (liar)
Chapter 20 (It's breaking)
Chapter 21 (Arrow-words)
Chapter 22 (scaredy cat-- no, frost!)
Chapter 23 (Pascal's Technique)
Chapter 24 (Truth Or Dare?)
Chapter 25 (Best Memories?)
Chapter 26 (Mother Gothel)
Chapter 27 (Eugene)
Chapter 28 (Mrs. Petrov)
Chapter 29 (The Tower?!)
Chapter 30 (Uncle Ombric)
Chapter 31 (be quiet!)
Part 32 (Tale of the Snow Queen)
Chapter 33 (Rapunzel)
Chapter 34 (the North Mountain)
Chapter 35 (Sacrifices)
Chapter 36 (Rage)
Not an update. Please read
Chapter 37 (crazy trust exercise)
Chapter 38 (Snow + blood?)
Chapter 39 (The night of the broken dam)
A really important A/N
Chapter 40 (To The North Mountain)
Important note
Please read!
Ending 1 - Tangled up Ending (Part 1)
Ending 1 - Tangled up Ending (Part 2)
Ending 2 - Metanoia and Hiraeth (Part 1)
Ending 2 - Metanoia and Hiraeth (Part 2)
Ending 3 - Mist Passion (Part 1)
Ending 3 - Mist Passion (Part 2)
Ending 4 - untraced (Part 1)
Ending 4 - untraced (Part 2)

Chapter 41 (Hadozz and Mezza)

437 11 14
By stalrysky

Punzie's POV

We climb and climb

This one is steeper and we can easily slip on it

I struggled to keep my head up and ignore the pain on my legs

my head ached real bad, I didn't get so much sleep this past days, my body temperature is not normal again, I think. since I'm always on snow, and my body is used to warmth, not cold

and I perfectly know that Jack didn't bothered by the cold, you know, 18 years. Anxironia. Cold. yeah. he's used to the cold

my teeth chatered and the temperature dropped by the minutes. just a tiny scratch feels 100x more painful than it actually is. meh, can't imagine how hicc felt his bac -

wait, hicc's back is....okay?

"hey hicc, I thought your back hurt"

"it stopped...somehow"

"yea, so you're telling us after punz here sing and her magic wig glows to your back and voila! good as new!" mer said sarcastically making us laugh, but our laugh didn't last long because of Jack

"it does makes sense you know" he said

"dude, this is reality. not some imaginary world you use to imagine" euge rolls his eyes at jack

"shut it. it does"

"you know jack, being isolated from the world with elsa doesn't mean you didn't grow up" anna said sarcastically making us laugh more

"guys, remember. it's from ombric" jack said, facepalming. wait - no. he's not actually facepalming. he's hiding his blush!

"aww loverboy over here is blushing" euge said in a childish manner making us laugh

"guys. he got a point there. it is from uncle ombric" hicc said seriously

"way the go ruining the mood, hadozz" mer said but quickly slap her mouth, "*cough* Hiccup"

"NICKNAMES!" anna said, nearly yelling

"so, what did you call mer?" I ask eagerly

"shut it we didn't give each other nicknames" hicc said and I can't help but notice merida's frown

"stop your stupid lies, hadozz" I rolled my eyes playfully

"mezza" hicc said quietly

"OOO HADOZZ AND MEZZA" anna almost yelled again, earning a shush from everyone

"kristoff why don't we have nicknames?" anna ask, pouting making kristoff blush hard

"couples" jack rolled his eyes

"owh don't worry lover boy, I'll build you a snowman to kiss" kristoff said making us laugh

"why don't you just make an ice castle like back there in the pit" anna said sarcastically

and the mood completely change. this negativeness comes from Jack.

there's a wave of awkward silence between us, "uhm... jack? man, you okay?" hicc said, breaking the awkward silence

yes. hiccup and jack are practically all buddy buddy now, haha! just funny, before hicc would be so mean to jack. using his smartness against him, I remember completely in my mind, when hicc rage in front of jack. it's still fresh in my mind

"yeah, guess so" jack said, his voice barely a whisper

"you're wearing your hood" kristoff said

another awkward silence, it's so awkward I felt awkward. did that even makes sense?

"come on guys, we have to focus on climbing this" eugene said, a hint of.... uneasy? in his voice

and so we all climb, with a feeling of uneasy.

i felt to the cold. like the cold is somehow different than the north mountain

it's ridiculous, stop it punzie, I think to myself

"guys! get ready, we'll be there in just a few steps away!" eugene said, excited

and the aura around us completely change, we all gained our streght again and started climbing again


we are now at the top of the one and only. north mountain. this feels nice... afer all those journey and we finally get here, "guys, I can't believe this actually happening!" I said, completely excited

"I know, right!" anna said, joining me in my sing-off a little. what? don't judge I love to sing so that's what I do

( A/N it's something like punzie's song on the movie tangled haha! )

"girls" euge said, rolling his eyes

"ah-hem" I fake-coughed, "what did you say again, mister?" I said, completely annoyed. "uh... yes *cough* uh... yes, ma'am" eugene said, straighting up his back in a soldier way. "come again?" I ask

"uh....nothing?" eugene said, not looking at my eyes. I just smile mischiefly and rolled my eyes. I pull him towards me and kiss him, funny, our position isn't right, he was suppose to be holding me in his arm, supporting me by my back. but nah, it's the other way around haha!

as I broke the kiss, eugene smiled his true smile. "been a while before our last kiss eh?" he said making me giggle

"guys, stop the PDA now" hicc said

"whatever hicc, I know how much you want to kiss mer now" I rolled my eyes playfully making hicc and mer blush furiously. Mericcup is a very cute couple actually, they're still shy with each other, but at times they'll be cute. and mer only act like that whenever hicc's around. the merida I knew is never shy, or anything but with hicc, everything chane. not all lovey dovey, tough. mer is still herself, just the fact of her revealing her shy side is different.

"I do not -" hicc said, but mer cut him with a fake cough and an annoyed face, "uh.. I mean, yes I want to kiss he - wait!" hicc said, facepalming only to hide his blush of embarrasment

merida then pinch hicc's nose

"see? PDA!" I said

"guys, we're not even in public" euge said

"well technically euge-bro, we're not in public, like you say. but were not in private either since you're not alone" Anna said, while kristoff's arm around her

I was about to reply her but Jack's groan got in the way "come on guys stop with the PDA, not PDA, but ADIOJF aka Affection Display In Front Of Jack Frost" jack grunted

"aww come on lover boy, we're so close to saving elsa" euge said childishly making us laugh

but then our eyes widen, and we realize about elsa's condition worstening by the minute. "the crystal! hurry guys!" Anna said, breaking from kristoff's embrance

we ran to the rock, a pointed rock with a...hole at the top?

"guys, what's with this...hole?" I said

and there's an awkward silence between us, we all frozen in place and I think I just heard the wind blows

"I'll peek inside" jack said and eugene nods, representing all of us

as jack touched the rock,the hole became bigger. jack hesitate a bit, and then he peek his head inside and I swear I just heard a gape coming from jack direction, aka inside the cave

"jack! what'd you see?" hicc ask and jack finally let out his head again, "guys! you wont believe it!"

"okay we wont" anna said blankly and turn away to leave, and then turn back again with a funny face making us laugh at my cousin's silliness

"guys this is serious! there's this cave-like thing, it's freaking awesome!"

"wait,jack if it's a cave there wont be any lights... how the hell can you see anything down there?!" hicc said as the matter of factly actually

"one word. crystal" jack said, wanting to smirk but it came out as a... smirk wih a cheeky grin, so... smrin? *mentally facepalm* da heck I'm thinking here, stop it punz we have to save elsa,







"guys stop babling around ike a baboon here we have to save elsa quickly and babbling here ewont get us any far" Anna said

"heyy! i was gonna say that" I shoved anna's shoulder playfully, making her fall dramatically in slow motion failed, "oh hu hu hu! my cousin has shoved e! kr - kristoff save me! oh no!! too late..." anna said as she fall to the ground with her hand in her forehead dramatically

and after like, 1 minute anna open her eyes and when she sees us staring at her she close it again, making us laugh even more. "drama booooom!" mer said, trying to copy lumpy space princess's voice. and it's actually pretty good, "good job mer, it sounded just like her!!" I said

"why thank you, my dear princess Rapunzel" mer said, copyinig a british accent but fail miserably

"that's not how you do it mezz- *cough* I mean, mer. this is: would you care to join me in the dance floor?" hicc said, in a perfect british accent, as he put mer in his arm

mer giggle, "why of course, good sir" mer replied and started dancing with hicc

"well I can't say I'm good, I can be a bad boy for you" hicc said

"you're not a bad boy, hadozz"

"but I'm not a good guy either, mezza"

they're so cute!! I'm squeeeeeeliiiiiiing!!!

suddenly I heard anna's yell of happiness, well kristoff just swirl her around, and I saw.... a ring?!?!

"just come here and dance with us!" hicc yelled, still dancing with mer, but hey, they both can't dance so... yeah they just move around messily, still cute though

"um.. me way? uh.. I mean *cough* may we? I mean, it's okay if you don't want to, but yeah I -"

kristoff was cut of by anna kissing his cheek, "we may" anna said, her eyes full of adoration. kristoff smiled and lead anna to the dance floor

"come on big guy" anna said as she and kristoff join the dance

aww, they're so cute, when can euge be like that? I look over at eugene, who is already looking at me, adoration in his eyes. "I can't dance" euge said, "just follow my lead, then" I say

and we all dance together until jack ruined everything, "guys! *cough* P D A?" jack said, raising a brow

we all ignored him until anna yelled, "THE WEASELTON DANCE!"

and we all, including jack, dance like idiots, monkey, chicken and all until we end it with a bow. we laugh hard after that, "at least our wig didn't fall off!" anna said between laughter

"well we don't even wear wigs" I said

"yeah but Mr. Weaseton does. remember at school dance?"

~ le flashback ~

Anna's POV

today is school dance, this morning I have prepared myself with elsa, emma, punzie and merida! we didn't really buy new dress since this is not prom dance, this is just! I have no idea why teachers think this is a good thing to do, I mean, this doesn't do... anything. and the whole school is invited meaning we will have to slip in the crowd and I don't freaking want that but we're forced to go, yes. our school's principal is crazy. he's north's uncle so that explains much.

at the dance, we just spent our time at the food table, which is surprisingly empty, everyone is dancing around like this is prom dance but no, this is just a school dance that I don't freaking care but is forced to come so whatever.

"wanna dance?" eugene said to punzie. "euge, there's no space left for us to dance" punz giggled. what a cute couple. I wish kristoff will be romantic to me sometimes... haha!

"guys, why don't we all come to my house and dance in the ballroom?" punz said

"can we do that?" elsa ask, and yeah. jack's not with us, he's so busy with the guardians

"psssh! no ones'll notice -" hicc said, but is cut off by Mr. Weaselton's voice trough the microphone

"everyone please, no getting away now, you can go away after this for all I care, but please. *cough* I will present to you one dance, a very beautiful dance" he said and started dancing around like a complete maniac earning a laugh from everyone

"come on guys, let's head back to my house" punzie said and we started heading to her house

and the rest of the night we spent it by dancing all around in the ballroom of punzie's. we ended up sleeping there together with our sear friends. and guess what?

jack didn't even notice we were gone.

~ le end of flahback ~

Punzie's POV

"yep. exactly" anna said after she tells her flashback story

"you know guys, I kind of misseed that day, maybe sometimes we can dance around in my ballroom and sleep there together again" I said

"what? what ballroom? sleep together? what do you mean? what?" jack ask like an idiot

"yeah, that day you didn't even notice we were gone to punzie's house, you don't know were not in house, so you missed the whole thing jack" anna said and I could've sworn jack frown a bit, although the pain in his eyes remains there. but I couldn't care. he never invites us to the guardians, so we don't invite him. simple

i know, it's actually pretty mean of me, but hey, he didn't seem bothered by it that time so I didn't care

"guys, focus!" jack said, annoyed

"okay, geez no need to be a kill joy" mer said rolling her eyes

"I only said that because I care about elsa" jack replied nonchalantly

"you're the one didn't care about elsa" mer replied, annoyed

"excuse me, little miss perfect?!"

"if you truly care about elsa, you wouldn't do that to her"

"do what?!"

"you dump her like trash. and then you came back to her life just so you can be happy. that's what I'm talking about" mer said

"shut up you don't know anything. I've known elsa all my life"

"at least I'm always there when she needed me and I did not treat her like trash" mer said and I can see her words shoot arrows to jack's heart

but that's the truth. and reality hurts. it's better to tell him the truth than tell him lies only to comfort him now, even though he'll be much more hurt in the future. that's merida's way of life. and it is cool.

"at least I'm her first kiss" jack muttered under his breath









( A/N yeah, they kissed when emma and anna tell them about the cure of anxironia, right? yep. first kiss. it's sucks I know, but I'm too lazy to edit it so yeah )

"you're her first freaking kiss?!?!" hicc said, almost yelling

merida groan, "how the hell did elsa let this - this thing! her first kiss?!" mer said

and I know perfectly that jack is offended. but mer's only joking. I know her too well for not knowing that.

"nah joking, lover boy" mer said teasfully

"whatever mezza" jack said, only to make his cheek met hicc's fist

"don't. ever. call. her. that"

"okay whatever haddozz" jack never really learn, eh?

and... well, mer's fist is stronger than hicc so I think jack will come home with a broken nose

"guys, we still have to get in the cave" kristoff said

"right" anna said

and we all climb down. euge's the first to jump down, being the guinea pig for us. and when he's down there, "guys! haha! this is amazing! come down here! hahaha!" eugene said as she laugh in happiness.

"see?" jack said with an evil smirk and jump down, holding the rope

"wooooo!" I said as I jump, mer and hicc jump too but they're like, professional, they didn't use the freaking rope that we have tied so hard for like, 20  minutes

anna and kristoff jump down messily....together.


"yep. thanks a lot for untying the rope anna" eugene said. "guys check this out" hicc said

hicc is holding some crystal. yep. this cave is like a crystal alley. with big and small crystals. it's so beautiful, what amaze me the most is, there's a few crystals. not only the snowflake crystals.

"guys, this is amazing! we just discovered something new! this is bizzare! hahaha!" hicc said, laughing happily

"this journey didn't come to waste afterall" mer said, "we really do it! we find the crystals! hahaha!" she laugh in happiness

"I can't believe we're doing this! I can't believe we did it!!!" I said, happily

then we heard a crack, coming from Anna.


heyyo guys! you are currently talking to FrozenBurito!

how you doin'? I'm sorry I updated late

my friend broke my IPhone again, so yeah. I'm too lazy to open wattpad from my laptop so it's been a while!

sorry for the cliffhanger I am truly evil I know HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

by the way guys, I'm confused. I have some endings for this story and I have no idea which one I should choose

1. sad ending

2. happy ending

3. goodbye ending

4. TFIOS ending (of course you know what'll happen in this one haha!)

5. die ending (this include pitch and mother gothel)

6. sacrifice ending

7. acceptance ending

8. ombric's cliffhanger ending

yep. that's it. 8 endings I should choose and I don't fucking ( *cough* language ) know which one I should choose

and next chapter will be a delay cause I have to choose the ending.

the part on the next chapters are already combined with the ending so yeah. I won't update for a while since I can't choose

maybe you can help me!

please vote via comment which ones you like best!

so I guess this is it from me guys! stay awesome!

please don't forget to



and keep reading my fanfiction! it helps me a lot you know that


- FrozenBurito -

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