My Stupid Senior (Troyler AU)

By SoobinsEuphoria

565K 21.3K 20K

Would you know that you and another person are meant to be if he lived in the same room as you? In most cases... More

Chapter 1//Troye
Chapter 2//Troye
Chapter 3//Troye
Chapter 4//Troye
Chapter 5//Troye
Chapter 6//Tyler
Chapter 7//Troye
Chapter 8//Tyler
Chapter 9//Troye
Chapter 10//Troye
Chapter 11//Troye
Chapter 12//Troye
Chapter 13//Troye
Chapter 14//Troye
Chapter 15//Troye
Chapter 16//Troye
Chapter 17//Troye
Chapter 18//Troye
Chapter 20//Troye
Chapter 21//Austin
Chapter 22//Tyler
Chapter 23//Troye
Chapter 24//Troye
Chapter 25//Troye
Chapter 26//Troye
Chapter 27//Austin
Chapter 28//Connor
Chapter 29//Troye
Chapter 30//Tyler
Chapter 31//Troye
Chapter 32//Tyler
Chapter 33//Troye
Chapter 34//Troye
Chapter 35//Troye
Chapter 36//Troye
Chapter 37//Tyler
Chapter 38//Troye
Chapter 39//Troye
Chapter 40//Troye
Chapter 41//Tyler
Chapter 42//Connor
Chapter 43//Troye
Chapter 44//Troye
Chapter 45//Tyler
Chapter 46//Troye
Chapter 47//Troye
Chapter 48//Troye
Chapter 49//Tyler
Chapter 50//Troye
Chapter 51//Troye
Chapter 52//Troye
Chapter 53//Troye
Chapter 54//Troye
Chapter 55//Troye
Chapter 56//Tyler
Chapter 57//Troye
Chapter 58//Troye
Chapter 59//Tyler
Chapter 60//Troye

Chapter 19//Troye

11.3K 340 315
By SoobinsEuphoria



Tyler speed walks away at the sight of Austin and I look away from Tyler back to Austin. He locks his fingers with mine and starts walking me towards the mess hall.

"How was class?" Austin asks rolling his shoulders like they might be stiff. He's so precious. I just want to spend all the time I can with him because he's so funny and sweet and Austin.

"Acting is always interesting. I had to waltz with Tyler then we had to do a little improv acting scene. We are by far the best actors and dancers." he doesn't look too happy at the mention of Tyler's name but he lights up when I say that Tyler and I are by far the best.

"Both of you having been acting and dancing for a long time and both of you have a natural talent that I can't even fathom. Especially you. I wish I had your talent all I can do is sing and run with a football." I roll my eyes at him shoving him lightly with my shoulder. Does he really think that's all he can do? Does he really not know the effect he can have on people? Or how funny and sweet he is? He has to know that he has that effect. How could he not notice everyone swooning over him. He's so poplar even if he didn't notice the swooning his friends would and they'd tell him.

"I don't know you're pretty good at making people like you." I say and now it's his turn to roll his eyes. He smiles at me and its his charmer smile.

"Whatever you say, Troye Sivan." Austin says as he squeezes my hand tighter. We walk into the dining hall and Austin leads me to our table. We sit down and start filling our plates immediately. Austin is loading his plate and I'm guessing this is his way of preparing for tomorrow.

"You better win tomorrow." Makayla says and the way she says it almost threatening. Everyone always tells her that she should be a cheerleader but she says that's a disgrace to her 13 years of gymnastics. Plus she's usually quiet except for around her friends. She also thinks our cheerleaders are very shallow and I agree with her.

"We are playing DCA. That's an almost guaranteed win. They lost all their good players last year and they didn't gain anyone that's even remotely close to Varsity level." Jonah says his mouth already half full of bread. He takes a drink of his water raising an eyebrow like he thinks he's absolutely right.

"Darren Catherine?" Ricky questions running a hand through his dark hair. "You guys have this. I'll be waiting at the bonfire with all your favorite things."

"You are going to have Troye and pepperoni pizza?" Austin asks and I hit him in the chest lightly. He is such a cheesy smooth mother fucker. That was literally the smoothest thing I have ever heard.

"You are really cheesy." Jason says pushing his food around with his fork. He's not really eating but he doesn't seem to eat lunch all that much. He always eats a huge dinner though.

"Troye likes me when I'm cheesy." He glances towards me and we lock eyes for a second before I mutter,

"I like you all the time." Austin's eyes light up at my words and he squeezes my knee underneath the table. We look back to our friends and continue to talk and eat like that didn't happen. We finish after a while and Austin and I walk out of the dining hall leaving Ricky, Jason, Jonah and Makayla.

"Has Mr. Yovanna told you guys what the big production of the year is yet?" Austin asks walking us towards his dorm building. We have our arms wrapped around each other and he keeps touching my hair. Why does he even care about that?

"Apparently it's a play that he wrote himself. It has ball room dancing that's all we know and the main characters are in love." He seem to think about what I said for awhile. We walk into his dorm room and sit on his bed.

"Ew that means if you get the lead role you'll probably have to kiss a girl." I don't say what is really on my mind because I know it'll make him uncomfortable. I'm almost positive he changed the story to fit Tyler and I as leads. He said he needed to change something right after he saw Tyler and I acting as a pair. I don't really think that that is a coincident. Mr. Yovanna is changing just so that Tyler and I will have to act together. He wants a gay couple in his story? That would be quite an interesting and not over done topic. It would be great for our big production.

I go along with his statement making a face as though I thought that I would really be kissing a girl. Austin doesn't even seem to notice my highly apparent not focused thoughts. I keep spacing out and not paying all that much attention to him. He just play with my hair or my fingers waiting for me to come back out of my Tyler/Theatre haze.

"You are really something special." Austin tells me as he pulls my hand to kiss mouth so that he can lay a tender kiss on my knuckles. "Troye Sivan you make the sun shine brighter." He is so cheesy but it is too adorable not to love. He keeps talking for awhile about how special I am and I roll my eyes. I only make occasionally comments about how cheesy he is or about how untrue something is.

"Austin I have to get to class." I say looking over at his alarm clock to see that lunch hour was almost over. Austin's arms grip around my waist tighter holding me in place. I struggle against him for a second before realizing that he is not going to let me go. He kisses the back of my head then nuzzles his head into the crook of my shoulder. A little giggle escapes my lips and his grip loosens slightly, I take this opportunity to get out of his arms. We both know that we have to go to class even if we don't want to.

"I'll see you after class or at dinner." I say and Austin stands up throwing his arms to the side demanding that I give him a hug. I take no time to debate whether or not to hug him. I step into his arms and we hug. He's warm and smells good. His arms make me feel safe, yet as much as I hate to admit it I somehow feel safer in Tyler's arms.

"Okay." he whispers in my ear letting his breath purposefully wash over my ear making me shiver. He chuckles as he steps away from me and I turn to walk out of the door. Austin doesn't find me between classes leaving me bored as fuck as I walk from class to class. He meets me outside of the English room, greeting me with a kiss on the cheek. I scrunch my nose up still smiling. I want more of his kisses.

Austin glances into the classroom and sees that the only empty seats are ours. He takes my hand and pulls me into the classroom and we take our seats. English is quite boring today. Ms. Ryder is droning on and on about some book that I have already read. Austin and I keep staring at each other. After about ten minutes of that I rip a sheet of paper out of my notebook and I make him pass me notes. We talk about normal stuff, or normal for us, and we thankfully don't get caught by the teacher. We are anxiously waiting for the bell to ring and Austin now has his arm slung over my shoulder. I look in front of us to Tyler and Alfie and they seem to be discussing something serious. They both look worried and a bit stressed. Aw what's wrong? I really hope this isn't about me. Why would it be about me? I have become so arrogant over the last few days. Why do I keep immediately assuming that all of the things that stress/worry Tyler have to do with me? For all I know their conversation could be about something Zalfie related and not Troyler related. Fuck I can't start referring to us as a ship like everyone else does. No. No. No.

The bells rings and I pick my bag up off the floor and follow Austin out of the door of the classrooom. Austin gives a quick peck on the cheek then turns and starts jogging for the football feild, only turning to call, "I'll see you at dinner, Troye Sivan."

I have a pretty big smile on my face as I walk across campus to my dorm. I stop at the ivory fountain soaking up what would probably be one of the last days of sun. I basked in the sun for about ten minutes before I finally go inside to but my things away. I'm really craving some cool ranch chips right now so I plan to go to the tree house as I unlock the door to my room.

The room is empty when I walk in and a quick look under the bed tells me where one, though probably both, of them are. I don't grab anything not seeing a need for any of it and start my walk out to the tree house. I'm left alone with my thoughts on the short walk to the tree house and I find that my thoughts are flooded with Austin.

So much could go wrong with us so easily. I don't know why I'm letting myself even try this. This is not like me. I'm letting down my walls for Austin. I'm letting him see the real me that I haven't let anyone see since that one time a long time ago that I don't even want to think about because it will ruin my good mood. I can see the million flaws but I'm looking at the reasons I think it will work and for some reason my mind thinks that this could be a good thing. Maybe even great. Austin treats me like a prince. He's sweet and cute and funny and he's just dreamy. He almost seems too perfect.

I shake my head like that will maybe get the thought out of my head as I begin to climb the ladder to the tree house. Before I can stop thinking about Austin I'm opening the door to see Tyler sprawled across the couch and Connor sitting in the smaller chair. I had been able to hear faint talking when I was coming up here but I couldn't make out any actual words. Now the room was silent. I sigh throwing myself onto my bean bags.

"Hey Troye." Tyler and Connor call almost in unison. We start laughing and I forget that they were probably just talking about me as we all cuddle up to watch movies. We watch movies until we hear the faint sound of the dinner bell ringing. My face lights up with a smile at the thought of seeing Austin and I think both of them can tell what I'm thinking. Both of them give me a look that says 'You're an idiot' but Tyler's is different because he cares for me in a different way than Connor does. He wants more than Connor does. I don't want to hurt him but I don't know how not to hurt him. I'm so inexperienced and stupid.

We walk back to the dining hall together and Tyler speeds up when the dining hall comes into sight probably hoping to not have a repeat of earlier. Connor and I talk quietly about me and Austin until I see Austin. He's looking around for me and when he spots me a huge stupid grin spreads across his face. I look over to Connor and he jerks his head towards Austin telling me that it was alright if I left him. I speed walk over to Austin and he hugs me before pulling me into the dining hall and over to the table where a few of his friends are already eating.

Austin fills his plate with food as I start putting a more reasonable amount onto my own plate. Makayla starts up a conversation with me and by the end of dinner we are somehow talking about the nastiest things we have ever seen. Great dinner discussions we have here at the popular kid table. Austin and I hang out at the cabin for a while before we decide that we should both just call it a night. We both have homework that needs to be done and sleep that needs to be gotten. Austin walks me to my common room holding his arms out for a hug,

"You are awful demanding, Austin James." I say as I step into his arms wrapping my own arms around his waist. I reach up to kiss his collar bone then his kisses the top of my head. He is rubbing my back as he hugs me and that is literally my favorite thing in the world. I love it when people rub my back when they hug me.

"I don't see you resisting, Troye Sivan." He says back quietly pulling back so I can see the smirk on his face. We let go of each other and he gives me one more smile before he walks out of the door. He's so attractive.

The rest of the night is quite uneventful. I shower then do some homework. After that I'm not feeling up for much else so I fall into bed looking over to Tyler who is staring over at my bed. I hear Connor snoring above me and I watch Tyler for a moment realizing that he's pretty zoned out. At least he looks like he is. I snuggle down into my blankets adjusting my pillow slightly before calling,

"Good night, Tyler."

This seems to have the effect that I hoped it would. He jumps out of his daze and slides out of bed to flip the light off. I watch him move, loving the way that I can see all of his body. All he's wearing is a pair of tight boxers and for once he doesn't seem to notice that I am quiet obviously checking him out. Maybe he does and he's just saving it to tease me later. Either way Tyler slids into bed before replying.

"Good night, Troye."



Heyyy guys what's up its me Amanda. Look I'm updating like the day after the last one!! So I am getting wifi at my house on Monday so please bear with me until then. I really hoped you liked this chapter. Its not really much but I didn't want to skip a lot of time. So the next chapter will be the start of Friday! The big game/bonfire/drunk Tronnler part will be in probably the second or third update after this one!! I'm so excited for the next couple of chapters!!! I hope you liked this chapter though you probably didn't because it's primarily Troystin. If you like any part of this chapter please:


Tumblr/Twitter: SmilingTilly

I love you cutie Troyler Tots.

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