Unexpected Late Night

By rachel_dulay

329K 6.3K 502

{completed} cover by @ mahgadahling Chloe Fisher, The radiant, talented up and coming ballerina preparing fo... More



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By rachel_dulay

📍San Jose, California
chloelane spent the beginning of love week with my girls. It's been a while since I've posted with these girls and I miss having us all together, thank you for bringing me into the family like I always belonged. I'll never forget what you three have done for me. The gang's all back and we've gotta meet up more.💙💙
tagged stephlachancee lucygardiner_ christina.marleau

unknown28 the fact that christina and Lucy aren't a TML wag anymore makes me super sad, but the fact that steph, chloe, Lucy and Christina are still super close makes me even more sad😭😭.
unknown49 I've been waiting months for this reunion😭😭
kalanileblanc love week😂😂 I love how you added me in there somehow.
jgardiner272 glad we were able to come see you guys for a bit, Henry misses you guys.
joellane have fun at dinner ladies! Take care of my girl!💙
stephlachancee We is cute. You've always been family Chlo! And I agree we've gotta meet up more often.
lucygardiner I've missed my baby girls!!! Glad we were able to set this up!💙
christina.marleau I've missed my favourite people. It's been a while since our family has been reunited.
marner_93 so like someone bring me back leftovers??

I lower my glass of water back onto the table "You Okay there dear?" Christina asks me, she was sitting across from me. I nod quickly.

"You don't look too well Chloe is everything okay?" Steph asks, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine"everyone looks at me. And I sigh. "I can't hide anything from you guys can I?"

"What is it?" Lucy asks.

"I guess since I can't keep it from you guys, I might as well tell you. But you guys have to promise not to react"

"We'll do our very best"Steph assures.

"Promise me"

"We promise"Christina smiles at me.

I sigh and play with my ring "There's no other way to say it but I'm uh"

"Jeez Chloe spit it out, I'm not getting any older"Steph sighs and I roll my eyes.

"I'm uh pregnant?" Lucy and Christina's eyes widen.

"Your what?" Steph asks.

"Pregnant"I say slowly.

"Your kidding?" She asks again, I shake my head.

"How long?" Lucy asks.

"Found out earlier this month"

"And you haven't told anyone?" Christina asks.

"Joel's been so busy we don't know how to tell people"

"Congratulations chloe"steph smiles and pulls me into a hug. I chuckle.

"You'll be a great mother"Lucy smiles.

"When do you plan on telling everyone? Because right now your not showing but like"Christina smiles.

"I don't know, probably when we head back home. We hadn't really decided"

"Well whatever happens, Lucy and I will be one of the first people to hold your baby"Christina smiles and I chuckle.

"Counting on it" I smile.

Later that night back at the hotel, Joel was still awake by the time I came back from dinner with the girls. I take off my heels as Joel sits on the chair that goes with desk "how is Lucy and Christina?" He asks turning around slowly.

"Their really good, they say the boys miss us"he chuckles.

"Missin my boys too" I walk over to Joel and sit on his lap. I grab my makeup wipes and my phone, going to my camera to take off my makeup. "What else is new with them?" He asks wrapping his hand on my knees.

"They knew something was wrong" I could see in the camera he gave me a weird face.

"What do you mean?"

"They noticed I was looking a little sick" he continues to look at me. "And so I had to tell them"

"You told them your pregnant?" I nod slowly. Joel leans up and kisses my cheek "and?"

"Steph is super excited, she was gushing the whole ride home and Lucy and Christina want to be there after I give birth"

"I know this wasn't the way you wanted to tell everyone" I shrug

"I couldn't keep it from them, especially to two women who have kids and know the signs" he nods. "So like, how do we plan on telling everyone?" I ask, setting my phone down and continue to wipe away my makeup.

"When's your next appointment?" He asks.

"The day after we get back"

"Well we'll think of something to do"I nod and look down at him. Joel squeezes my knee before placing his hand on my stomach "I love you"I smile down at him and wrap an arm around his neck.

"I love you too"he looks up at me.

"And I love that baby in you"I chuckle and lean down to kiss him.

"Come on Lane, you've got a game tomorrow. Let me change quickly"I say and stand up.

joellane throwing it back to before chloe and I were married but I wanted to wish my best friend and wife a Happy Valentine's Day, sadly I'm playing a game tonight but I love you princess, thank you for every single thing you do for me.
tagged chloelane
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📍 Bahamas, Caribbean
chloelane To my best friend and husband. Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for loving me and being your supportive self. Spending the night cheering on my fav team in the stands!💙
tagged joellane
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We had won in San Jose and after another night in California we headed home that morning. Joel and I had slept most of the day, considering we were both tired from the busy couple weeks we had on the road. The next morning Joel and I headed to the doctors for an ultrasound.

"Have you two talked about if you want to know the genders when the time comes?"

"We wanna know"Joel nods, I roll my eyes at him and Doctor Lisa chuckles. "When is that?" Joel asks standing up and walking up beside me.

"Between 16 to 20 weeks which is four to five months"

"That long?" He asks.

"Joel honey, I'm pregnant. I don't need you to be a kid as well"I joke and he rolls his eyes.

"Alright, Ready you two?" Doctor Lisa asks. We nod and I grab Joel's hands. I watch as Doctor Lisa looks up at the screen. She smiles over at us "congratulations you two, your having twins"
After we had found out we were expecting twins we had came up with ideas on how to tell our family and friends. We didn't want to do something extravagant because we were both busy, so our plan was just to send out cards to our family and friends which seems kind of stupid and not as exciting but like I said were busy people.

Joel is ecstatic about having twins, he never stopped smiling since we found out and quite frankly it's adorable, so while I was doing paperwork and checked my phone I wasn't surprised to see that Joel was the one that posted first. Our cards had most definitely been sent out and we had reminded almost everyone to check their mail boxes today.

joellane surprise! And you thought the Lane family couldn't get any cooler.
tagged chloelane

benpatrick OH MY!!!
marner_93 AHHHHH!!!!!!!!
williamnylander PLOT TWIST
auston_matthews wOah!
samanthalane IM COMING OVER ASAP
luciefisher mom just called me and Cassidy and we're all freaking out!!!
kalanileblanc the card idea was adorable.
unknown100 #lanebabies
unknown30 IM SO EXCITEDD!
stephlachancee is it October yet???
lucygardiner_ Christina and I are Ready to book our flights.


chloelane considering mostly everyone had already seen Joel's post and our family and friends had received our cards. It's official! We're having twins! We had found out at the beginning of February but Joel and I wanted to have this special moment for ourselves.
tagged joellane
comments disabled

I had been doing paper work at home because Jane had dropped some things off, suddenly I hear the door handle rattle and the door swings open "so when the hell were you gonna tell us that your pregnant?" Sam says, Alex walking in behind her.

"Hello to you too"I chuckle

"Cut the shit Chloe, we're family. Why didn't we get a notice?" Sam asks. Alex walks to the fridge.

"Like I said, Joel and I wanted this moment for ourselves"

"The girls are freaking out"

"I assume their coming over"they nod. They both had gotten into Queen's University, and their roommates. Lucie got in for nursing and Cassidy got in for psychology.

"Yea they'll be here soon"Alex says.

"So how's Joel been with all of the kid news and stuff?"Sam asks sitting beside me.

"Honestly he's been nothing but sweet"

"Okay we are not talking about all of that right now. Where is Joel anyways?" Alex asks.

"Gym with William. He'll be back soon"

"Are you finished work?" Sam asks.

"I can be, how was work you too?" Sam is a journalist for Sportsnet and Alex is like an interviewer thing for the Toronto Argos.

"Great"Alex says "Lucie says their gonna pick up vegan burritos"

"Their still going on that vegan diet thing?" I chuckle.

"No, but they say vegan burritos are fucking amazing so"Alex shrugs. I nod and clear the counter.

Alex and Sam go on to tell me what they had been doing the last few weeks seeing as I hardly saw them in a while, the door opens and in comes Joel "what do you have in your hand?" I chuckle as he kisses me before greeting his sister.

"Well seeing as you haven't actually made the official announcement of being a retired ballerina, your mom helped me with this"he hands me a wrapped box.

It was true, I was retiring from being a National Ballerina of Canada, I had been having knee problems since last year and if I continue to dance or even do another show it will most likely end up in surgery. I wasn't gonna risk anything so my days of performing were over, sadly. It was sad to think that my career started three years ago and ended three years later but sometimes I remember that I've been performing my whole life so I'm okay of being retired.

"Oh Joel, this is beautiful"Alex walks up and looks over. He chuckles. It was a shadow box of my pair of ballet slippers when I performed Swan Lake with my company, that was the performance that made me the new eye candy of ballerinas. After that performance, everyone wanted me to dance with them. "Thank you"I smile up at Joel and he smiles, leaning down to kiss me.

"I guess it's official. I'm officially retired"I joke with a sad smile.

"Where are you gonna put it?" Sam asks me.

"How about we put it by Joel's hockey puck"I smile and stand up, grabbing the shadow box and placing it beside one of Joel's first NHL pucks, which I had gifted him randomly after putting it into a glass case.

📍Canada's National Ballet School
chloelane It's official officially, after my years of blood sweat and tears I'm tying up my ballet shoes one last time and hanging them up. I want to take the time to thank every single teacher I ever had during my years of training, I couldn't have done it without you. To my classmates, you are the ones that continued to pick me when I fell and I couldn't have imagined spending hours with anyone else. To my family who've sacrificed a lot to get me to where I am today, thank you for everything. It's been a pleasure being on stage and I appreciate everyone who supported me for all these years. I am truly lucky to have gifted my talent to all of you.
tagged Bloch

Bloch we'll miss you on stage but so excited to start our next project with you😉
joellane That's my wife.
kalanileblanc I can't imagine you not being a ballerina, it's definitely gonna be weird.
auston_matthews it's weird to think that the sport of ballet brought us together.......
travisdermott I hope your pregnant with girls so your legacy keeps on going because frankly I didn't mind going to watch a ballet performance.
liamken the meaning behind this picture is so moving, I'm crying.
katdilucia this is a beautiful picture, gonna miss you shining on stage.
stephlachancee I take good pictures.

Later that evening once Lucie and Cassidy showed up with of course vegan burritos, which I got to hand it to them. They were pretty good "Can Cassidy and I throw the gender reveal party?" Lucie asks. I roll my eyes.

"Hold your horses alright, we've got quite a few months before we find that out already" I chuckle at my sister.

"But can we?" Cassidy asks. We laugh.

"We'll talk later"Joel chuckles, leaning back and throwing an arm over my shoulders. We were sitting at the dinning table. "So how's school you two?" Joel asks. They go on to say how school is and such.

It was very much later into the night when Joel and I were in bed watching tv when I heard a wailing noise "what the hell?" Joel asks, lowering the volume on the tv. I hear tiny feet moving "is that chestnut?" He asks. I slowly push the covers off of me and walk out of the room, Joel following me. To our surprise chestnut was laying down in the middle of the hallway, I kneel down beside him, petting him. I look up at Joel.

"I'll call an animal hospital, see if their still open"I nod.
The animal hospital closet to us was open thank god and we rushed there immediately, Chestnut curling up on my lap the whole ride there. I was worried, I had gotten chestnut when I was 11 and now being 21 I couldn't help but worry that something was wrong.

Joel opens the door for me as I slowly lift Chestnut from my lap and cuddle him to my chest as we walk towards the animal hospital. Joel had checked Chestnut in as I sat down. I pet his fur, kissing his forehead. Joel and I were taken immediately to the back.

The doctors had ran test and by the time he came out to inform us, I knew by the look that something was wrong. He explained that Chestnut has a kidney disease and it was spreading. We made the decision then and there that we had to do what was best for him, and I didn't want him to suffer any longer.

As the doctors prepared to inject him, Joel and I were able to say our last goodbye, I was kneeling down beside Chestnut as he laid on the metal stretcher thing, petting him.

I couldn't help but cry as I reminisced all of the memories I was retelling him. He was always the one friend at the end of any day I ever had that was able to make me cheer up. He was always able to put a smile on my face and I was sad to know that my childhood dog wouldn't be around to play with my kids.

"I love you Chestnut"I whisper and rub behind his ears, kissing him. I look up a bit to the doctor and nod.


chloelane After an emotional and dreadful night I said goodbye to my best friend of 11 years. There wasn't a day that went by where he couldn't make me smile. I love you Chestnut, thank you for all the cuddles and love, thank you for making sure that I'm okay everyday. I'm going to miss you, love mommy.
tagged chestnutfisher

📍Cambridge, Ontario
joellane gonna be missing this boy greeting me after games by the door. Thank you for always taking care of your mother while I was gone. You were the best first dog, we love you.
tagged chestnutfisher

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