Be Alright(Sequel to Our Arra...

By -novacaine

69.9K 2.1K 166

Joanna and Justin just got married. They just got back from their honeymoon, and Justin's about to leave for... More

Be Alright
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33

Chapter 32

1.6K 54 1
By -novacaine

Chapter Thirty Two

Hi guys. I know, I realized I haven't updated in a really really long time. And I feel really bad about it. I'm going to skip the rest of the tour for the story though. So they are now in Miami, like were Justin was a couple of days ago. If you're confused, listen up.

No tour anymore, they're in Miami.

And if you're confused about the last chapter, Justin hasn't made anything up to Joanna yet. Okay? Comment on MY PROFILE if you're still confused.


That morning I found myself alone in bed, I don't even remember Justin ever coming back. I sighed and sat up slowly, I looked down at my stomach and realized that there was a bump starting to form on my stomach. I brought my legs out of bed, and stood up. I walked out of our room, and ran a hand through my hair. I walked out and realized, Justin wasn't here either. Where is he? Only Pattie was here, sitting down at the table drinking her coffee. "Hey Pattie"I said and smiled. She looked up and smiled back.

"Hi sweetie, how are you feeling"She asked. "I'm okay. Where's Justin?"I asked. Her smile dropped from her face. "Well"She said. My smile dropped as well. "I don't wanna scare you"She said. "I don't know if you should know, yet. Cause I don't wanna any stress"She said. I was scared to know what happened to Justin. "Just say it"I said. "Are you sure"She asked. I nodded. I took a breath and held it, pressing my lips together. Waiting for the news about what happened to Justin.

"He's in jail"She said.

My hand shot straight to my mouth. I felt the tears come to my eyes. "What happened"I whispered. "Apparently, he was drunk and he was driving. And he got pulled over"She said. I looked down. How could he be so stupid? "How long is he in jail for"I asked. "He's been there over night, and he gets out today. In about an hour"She said. I looked at the clock on the microwave and it was 1:30. So 2:30, he gets let out from jail. "I'm just going to say, that Justin is going through a lot right now. So I wouldn't say anything to him yet"She said. I nodded.

"And he's going to get A LOT of hate, so I would be really supportive to him"She said. "I know, I was planning on doing that"I said. She nodded. "Okay sweetie"She said. I looked down. I walked back into our room at the hotel, and sat down on the bed. I ran a hand through my hair, thinking of why Justin didn't call anybody, or ask anyone for a ride home. I got up, and walked over to my suit case. I grabbed some white jean shorts and a soccer shirt. I put the shirt on and looked at my stomach.

I looked really fat. Like I gained a lot of weight, what if someone says something to me? I bit my lip, and walked into our bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and put my hair up in a ponytail. I heard a knock at the door, and then it opened. "Joanna?"It was Pattie. "I'm in here"I said. I heard footsteps, and she walked in the doorway. "Are you coming with me to get Justin"She asked. I nodded. "Okay, we should leave in about ten minutes"She said. I nodded and she walked out the door. I put a head band in my hair and tucked my shirt in-in the front.

"Joanna!"I heard Jaxon call. I walked out of the bathroom, and saw him running down the hall towards me. I smiled, and picked him up. "Hi buddy"I said. Jazzy ran in and she hugged my leg. "Hi Jazzy"I said. "Where's Justin?"Jaxon asked. What do I say? "He'll be back soon"I said. He nodded and smiled. "I missed you"He said. I smiled. "I missed you too Jaxon"I said. "Hi Joanna"Jeremy said walking to get Jazzy. "Hey Jeremy"I said. "Are they coming"I asked. He nodded.

I walked down the hall, and slipped on my shoes. "Are you ready"I asked Jaxon. He nodded and we walked out the door. We walked down the hallway, and into the elevator. The elevator zoomed down, and Jaxon looked through the window in the elevator on our way down. It was actually really cute. The door dinged, and Jaxon wrapped his arms around my neck and we walked out of the elevator. "Joanna I'm scared"Jaxon said. "It's okay buddy. Just keep your head in my shoulder"I said. He hid his face in my neck, and Jeremy picked up Jazzy and Pattie pushed open the door.

The cameras flashes got brighter as we walked out, and the fans started screaming even louder. The paparazzi shoved the cameras in my face, and tried to position me with Jaxon in my arms. I moved away and tried to ignore all the questions. "Hi Joanna"A fan said. I waved and they all giggled. A car was waiting for us, and I put Jaxon in his seat. I got in the car, sitting next to him and sighed. I closed the door, and buckled my seat belt. People were tapping on the window, and once everybody got in and settled the driver started driving.

About a half an hour later, we got to the jail. There were police officers trying to hold off the paparazzi and I sighed. Once we parked I unbuckled my seat belt and unbuckled Jaxon's. I saw fans screaming over at the window and they were singing Justin's song 'Be Alright' I smiled and picked Jaxon up. I closed the door, and started walking towards where Jeremy and Pattie were standing. "Jaxon do you wanna go say hi to some fans?"I asked. He shook his head, and I nodded. "Alright"I said. I gave him to Jeremy and I walked over to some of the fans. They were blocked my a fence, but I could still talk to them.

There were about a hundred of them, and it was pretty crazy how they skipped school for this. "Joanna!"A girl screamed. She started running over and she was smiling. "Hi Joanna, I love you so much"She said. I smiled. "I love you too!"I said. "I can sign some stuff, but you guys have to be quiet"I said. They all nodded and smiled. The holes in the fence were big enough so the girls could slip there phone through. One girl slipped her phone through the hole, and I held it up and pressed the camera button. "Thank you so much!"She said. I nodded.

I signed about a dozen more, before Pattie called me over. I turned around, and she waved me over. "Sorry guys, I have to go. It was nice meeting all of you!"I said. They all waved and smiled. "Bye Joanna!"They all shouted. I walked back over to Jeremy and Pattie in front of the jail. Jeremy gave me Jaxon back, and I held onto him tightly. "Joanna what are we doing"He asked. "Waiting buddy"I said. "Waiting for what"He asked. "Waiting for Justin"I said. He nodded, and looked around.

I heard a buzzing noise, and everything became silent. I saw the door open, and I saw Justin walk out. He had tears staining his face, and he looked like shit. I bit my lip, and he walked over to us. "Justin!"Jaxon smiled. Justin smiled lightly. "Hey buddy"He said. Justin walked over to his dad, and stared at him for a couple of seconds. Then, he bursted into tears and hugged his dad. My mouth dropped slightly, and I put Jaxon down, and he walked over to Pattie.

I felt a tear drip down my cheek, I hated seeing Justin like this. I felt so bad for him. He let go of his dad, and hugged Pattie. She hugged him back tightly, and I heard him sigh. He let go of Pattie and looked at me. "Hi"I whispered. He sniffed from his tears. "Hi baby"He said. I felt more tears drip down my cheek, as I saw how hurt and tired he looked. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He started crying in my hair, and I felt more tears drip down my cheek. I really really hated seeing him like this.

"Justin"I whispered. "It'll be okay"I said. "No, it won't be"He said. "I've probably just ruined my career"He said. "You didn't Justin"I said in his ear. "This is when the true fans will come out"I said. He started to cry harder and hugged me tighter. "You need them now, more then you ever did. Did you see those girls over there? They're all here for you"I said. "I was at the top"He whispered. "I was doing well, and I just ruined it for everybody"He said. "No Justin. You're still at the top"I said. "You still have everybody"I said.

He let go of me and looked me in the eyes. His normal brown chocolate eyes were now, puffy and red. He looked exhausted, and I could tell he just wanted to go home. "Are you gonna leave me?"He asked. The thought of that actually made me cry harder. I let a couple more out, and shook my head. I could never leave Justin. "No baby, I'll never, ever leave you"I said. He smiled through his tears, and I wiped them with my thumb. "I love you J"He said. I hugged him, and sighed.

"I love you too J. I'll always love you. No matter what happens"

Hi guys again, I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a while I feel really bad. And I'm sorry if you didn't like this chapter, I just felt that it was needed. I felt that Justin and Joanna needed a moment.

If you are still confused, leave a comment on my profile.

Sorry, again.


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