The Cursed Alpha

By GoldMoona

2.4M 78.3K 8.8K

- Although this story is being rewritten, there won't major changes to the story just the grammar and the st... More

(0) Epigraph
(1) The Beginning
(2) The first werewolf
(3) More tragic than Romeo and Juliet
(4) Goodbye for now
(5) 30 shirtless Alphas..
(6) werewolves that can read minds?
(7) Day 1 at a rogue pack: not dead yet.
(8) Attempt 1 of trying to escape:Fail.
(9) The Renegade
(10) Just like beauty and the beast
(11) Retail Therapy
(12) What?
(13) Marked
(14) Connecting the dots
(15) Two weeks later
(16) The truth
(17) Nice to look at
(18) The Beast
(19) No Take Backs
(20) Close as strangers
(21) Magic comes with a price
(22) Alpha Heath POV
(23) Fate is a funny thing
(24) The side effect of kissing
(25) Surprise, I'm kidnapping you!
(26) cameron POV
(27) Let's give US a chance
(28) On My Mind
(29) Mate?
(30) Do you realise what you've done to me?
(31) Pack Meeting
(32) Thank you?
(33) Mated to the alpha of rogues
(34) Goodbye Again
(36) I'm a monster
(37) Closer
(38) Always expect the unexpected
(39) I was in the dark so darkness I became
(40) The worst is yet to come
(41) Brotherhood
(42) Luna of the rogues
(43) I've got the scars from tomorrow
(44) This is war
(45) It's a mate thing
(46) In the eyes of a teenage crystallised
(47) The Blood Moon
(48) Take all of me
(49) wake me up when it's all over
(50) Oh, sister, I will help you out
(51) What a heavenly way to die
(52) On top of the world
(53) Alpha And Luna
(54) The End
Author Note (read if you want a sequel)

(35) Going for a run

36.7K 1.2K 41
By GoldMoona

Chapter 35 (EDITED)

Going for a run

After Ibenez and Cameron left it was just Iris and me in the house, I couldn't help but feel depressed.

I went into Andrés and I room and tried to sleep, I need to sleep but my mind is racing thinking about everything.

I miss the way-heaven pack, my pack. Can I even call it my pack? I am not part of it anymore, I'm a night-walker now.

I can't help but feel like everything has changed since I left, if Heath did become alpha now then it's possible that both packs joined forces. that means my dad is no longer alpha and my mom is no longer luna...

My dad is the best alpha, everything he did even though a lot of people didn't agree with it, was for the pack and now that Heath is the alpha I don't know how he will rule the pack, especially since I'm not there.

I hope he doesn't take his anger on the pack, it's not their fault that I am missing. My chest felt heavy.

I haven't shifted in so long I think it's starting to affect me. I sigh and turn to my side "ahh WHAT THE HELL!" I scream when Iris face comes to view


I sit up and place my hand on my beating heart " how did you-"I cut myself off, I know how she got here " why are you in here?"

"you look like you could use some talking to," she says  "I happen to be a great listener"

"I really just want to run"I admit

Iris seats up "i - I don't think that's a good idea"

Does she think I might run away or something?

" I am not going to try to escape or something-"I start off but she cuts me off

"I know you won't run, but the Night-walkers are out there, and I'm not talking about our night-walkers I'm talking about the night-walkers that went rogue" Iris explains " the ones that attacked you"

"didn't Andrés kill them?" I ask confused

"he did, the ones that tried to hurt you but there's more of them" Iris answers

" half of his alphas couldn't shift back and with time they transformed into actual wolves"

that makes me frown, I remember Cameron telling me that there's a chance that once the curse is broken they won't shift back.

" Okay, don't worry," I tell iris,

I repress the urge to run, I don't want to cause any more harm, there's a chance those wolves will attack they can't help themselves and if they do, Andrés will most likely kill them.

"Actually, I think there's a way we can go for a run" Iris speaks after a moment of silence "grab some clothes we can change into, and meet me in the kitchen in five"

my eyes widen " really?" I ask her

"yes" iris nods

"how?" I squeal

" easy, I will block a small area with magic, no one but us will be able to enter it and exit" the witch/wolf smirks


"this is it," Iris says and starts to unzip her hoodie "the run will only take an hour depending on how fast you are"

this area is so close to the castle that I could see it from here, but I can't complain. I lift my head to the clear blue sky and let the sun warm my face.

" let's have a race" iris says

i take my shirt and pants off "okay, the loser makes dinner"I challenge her

iris gives me once over "nice granny panties" she winks before shifting into a huge brown wolf, I am taken back at her size.

I can't help but walk towards her "Woah, you're so big, is that because of your age?"

Iris snarls offended by my comment. 

I jump backwards "okay, fine," i laugh

okay here we go, time to shift. i feel the familiar feeling of my bones shifting that i missed as soon as i feel my feet cement to the grass i know i have fully shifted.

birds chirping happily fill my ears and the susurration of leaves in the gusty wind.

Iris howls before she speeds off, 'cheater!' i growl as I run after her. She is fast, like really fast, she was out of sight just like that.

I'm not surprised but I am angry at myself for suggesting the loser cooks dinner clearly I'm going to lose.

I am going to enjoy this feeling, enjoy the fresh air and the feeling of being free even if it's for just an hour, I am going to ignore everything else going wrong in my life.

who knew running could feel this good? not me, I used to hate it.

finally, I make it to the end, it doesn't take an hour, it takes me two hours and when I get there iris has shifted and was now wearing shorts and a tank top.

" you're so slow," she mocks shaking her head

I grab my clothes with my teeth and walk towards a huge oak tree, I shift to my human form and put them on. " I'm sorry i'm not a thousand-year-old alpha witch" I sarcastically say walking towards said alpha witch

"don't worry, after you mate with Andrés you will be an immortal lycan " iris pats me on the shoulder

I freeze, what did she just say?

" wh-what?" I stutter

iris eyes widen as she realises what she just said. "I thought you knew"

"no, of course I didn't know!" I shriek "how is that possible I can't, no, I can't become an immortal"

"you have no choice" she shrugs

" being an immortal is who you are, Andrés can't live without you, and he can never die that means you can never die"

i couldn't speak, the thought of me never dying is not a good thought, i mean being immortal has it perks but it's not for me. 

I can not handle living forever, everyone I know will be dead, i - it's too much. I don't want to live for all eternity.

I run towards the castle, towards the doorless frame and into Andrés room. I lye back on the bed and the tears start to flow, not because of the immortal thing but with everything changing. 


I don't know when I fell asleep but I wake up to a dark room, slowly I swing my legs over the bed and walk to the light switch, I notice the food tray on the nightstand, I must have missed dinner. I am not hungry though.

I walk to the bathroom, brush my teeth and wash my face, I looked refreshed, sleeping the whole day will do that to a person.

I examine myself in the mirror, and my eyes widen, I haven't looked at myself for a while but I am pretty sure I gained weight, i Look different, more fuller, taller? ...i looked good.

I sense Andrés and i tie my hair in a high ponytail as I make my way to the gym room Andrés build for me.

"Luna" four alphas bow as they pass me by, I bow my head in response feeling awkward, no one ever bowed to me.

I finally reach the gym room, I don't know what I am going to do first, maybe practice punching- I close the door behind me and when I turn around I come face to face with none other then-

"Andrés" I gasp

Authors note:

the brown is iris wolf and the dark blonde wolf is amma's wolf.

I'm sorry about the long wait but writer's block is a bitch.

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