Destiny: Volume 2

By Kaito_Tokisaki

136 5 3

Long Live The King The guardians have another challenge to face in this installment of the Destiny series. Th... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

41 2 1
By Kaito_Tokisaki

I watched in confusion as this weird presence of light and dark, no, corrupted light surroundd me. I was too shocked to really focus on much of anything as the rifts began to open up and the giant floating Hive like ghost began flying over and swinging at me with lethal force. I dodged and moved to safety and I began to see Cabal but they weren't normal Cabal. They had been corrupted and turned into something else. I had no clue what they were but they were multiplying like crazy and soon I got a call from Zavala. "Guardian! You need to get off Phobos now! We are getting reports of these weird creatures and disturbances all at once across the system. Get out now!" He said. I picked myself up and ran our of the room and towards the nearest exit. Alex floated next tot me and shined a light on my path. "The Cabal were running away from this and sending a distress signal for an evacuation, not for help Zavala. I saw one of them struggle and reach out to me before vanishing into a gateway. Reaching or for me to help it rather than harm me. That's not normal." I said. I got to a locked door and gestured Alex to try and unlock it.
"The Cabal are not ones to flee from a fight."
"Then whatever this is, it has them scared to the bone. And these colors and markings along the base represent a different faction than what we see anywhere else. Whatever this is, its enough to send the Cabal running home. That's a problem." I said. Alex opened the door to reveal the rest of the Cabal trying to escape only to be shot down and beamed up by the various opening gateways. I ran along the edges of the base to try and get to a safe spot. "Alex, see that platform over there? Bring the ship that way and be ready for an emergency evac." I said. Alex vanished and soon the ship could be seen flying overhead and giving some supressive fire to the massive swarm of corrupted Cabal soldiers before flying away for another pass. I ran along side the Cabal who were ignoring me to make it to their ships and escape pods. Some even joined me in gunfights to try and get a clear path although these small friendships were shortlived as they closed gates behind them and leaving me trapped in areas but I managed to make my way out of them. Soon I made my way over to the landing zone while avoiding any of the corrupted and even the normal Cabal and Alex pulled me into the ship and within seconds, we left the orbit of Phobos. I looked back as it faded from view and sighed. Making my way back to Earth a little worried about the current situation. Soon I got a call from Zavala. "Guardian, meet us the moment you land. We need to discuss something we've learned from Eris." He said. "Copy. I'll be back in Earth's orbit in around 10 minutes." I said. I looked over at my phone and noticed that no one has called me. Not even Mara. I sighed and tried to call a few times before I arrived. "You don't think that me calling her over and over again is being demanding or clingy does it?" I asked Alex who was floating around the ship. "How should I know? I don't date anyone." He said. I looked back at my phone and put it back on the counter before I made another phone call.
"If you were to fall in love, considering that you could feel emotions like that, who do you think you'd have a crush on?"
"We are really having this conversation right now aren't we?"
"C'mon. Out of everyone in the Vanguard who woudl it be?"
"Who said I liked someone in the Vanguard?"
"Aha!! So you DO like someone! Is it a human? Another Ghost?"
"None of your business!"
"Let the record show that there is no denial here folks."
"I'll turn this ship around and leave you on Phobos."
I laughed and soon we arrived back on Earth. I hopped out of the ship and rushed over to the Vanguard table where Ikora, Zavala, and Cayde were having a conversation. It was their usual bickering back and forth on how to handle a situation. "We need a Warlock inside the Dreadnaught Zavala." Ikora stressed from across the table. Cayde rolled his eyes and sighed as things were about to heat up. "Our first priority is to protect the city. Our Guardian got a good look on Phobos. Whatever happened out there, it turned Cabal against Cabal and wiped out their base in minutes." Zavala replied. I tried to interject to make my presence known, but then Eris took everyones attention away once she launched her small rock like orb onto the table. She stepped passed me and towards the Vanguard.
"They...are Taken." She said. Cayde looked over at her and cleared his throat. "Eris. Get your rock, off my map."
"It hasn't spoken since Crota fell. It speaks now because Oryx has arrived. Come to fufill the final covenant of his son." She said. I listened in to notice the name Oryx. Something about it stood out to me and it gave me an chill. I noticed Cayde beginning to try and squeeze on the rock that is on the table. Messing with it and trying to see if something will happen to it. "Then we attack his army. Kill of these Taken until theres nothing left." Zavala said.
"Whatever you kill, Oryx will replace."
"The Dreadnaught then," Ikora spoke. "How do we get past that weapon?"
"Without ending up like the Awoken." Zavala interjected. I paused and came back to reality once I heard that statement and looked at the group. "What do you mean, ending up like the Awoken?" I asked. They all looked back at me; almost like they finally acknowledged my presence as I stood near the entrance listening in on the conversation. Cayde suddenly stepped away from the table and walked past me. "Cayde! Our conversation has not yet concluded." Zavala shouted. "Oh I know. That's why I'm leaving." He said. In a flash, he was gone. I walked over to take his place and stood at the table. Ikora wouldn't look me in the eye and Zavala hung his head. My curiosity soon turned into worry as I suddenly thought about the times that Mara didn't answer my calls. Something happened to her people that would prevent her. right?
"Ikora. Look at me, what happened to the Awoken?" I asked again. All was quiet but soon Ikora pressed a button on the small table projector. Rewinding everything that was displayed today in front of them. I looked to see the entire Awoken fleet and the massive ship that Mara ws in. I looked back at Ikora and Zavala as they said nothing. I watched the attack and Eris comes over with the audio file she recieved. It was Mara. "We fought to keep our beautiful creations safe. And now this beast has come, claiming to be King. Mara Sov bows to no one. You and I both know how this ends. We've known since you escaped from that...pit. The awoken have played their part. This was all part of the plan. Guide them, my Hidden friend. It is all up to you know." She said. I watched as they began an assult but just as fast as it began, they all were destroyed. The entire Awoken Fleet. A few smaller ships escaped but Mara did not make it. Her and her ship were obliterated along with whoever was inside. I took a step back. Then another. My work just stopped and I could have sworn that my ears were ringing. I looked at Ikora and Zavala and they both had different reactions to me. Zavala just went back to the window while Ikora came to me to try and comfort me. I didn't accept it. I couldn't accept it. I pushed away from her and ran to my ship. Once I was inside, I put a course towards The Reef and started spamming phone calls. trying to reach her. I was in denial and refused to accept the reality that Mara had been killed but by the time I arrived, the place was empty. A few soldiers walked around but all was quiet. I quickly ran to the throne room to see Petra on her knees in front of the throne.
My heart sank deeper than I thought would be possible. I was not ready to face the fact that the love of my life had been killed. I slowly walked over to Petra and the sobbing could be heard from her. I then stopped as my final footstep echoed throughout the throne room. Petra looked at me over her shoulder with a face of defeat. A once strong and proud woman broken down at the loss of her Queen. Or at least the impact has hit her harder than I thought. She didn't even say a word. Her face and the way her eyes shot through me made me finally come to my senses and believe that she was gone. Really gone. I walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder and stayed for a few minutes. Then I made my way back to the ship and stood there for a moment. I didn't know how to react but suddenly my soul was filled with rage. I grabbed the nearest thing in the area and threw it in the ship. Then another. And then another. My ship was a mess by the time I got all of the emotions out of me. I rested against the wall and slowly sank down to the floor of the ship. All of the anger and rage suddenly turned into sadness and grief. I hit the ground. Completly inaudible yet my mouth wanted to cry out in sorrow. I felt the cold touch of the metal flooring hit my face and touch my skin. Only then, would the tears begin to fall.

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