Shirou Kotomine x Reader

By OnyxWolfsbane777

10.4K 175 66

You had an ability that rivaled the powers of the ruler servant class. Although you barely had control over i... More

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565 13 12
By OnyxWolfsbane777

The servants stood before you on their knees, chanting their vows in unison. After they've finished, and Arjuna stood beside you, the servants stood up attentively. The first to speak, was your caster. "Well well, I have a woman as a master. A good looking one at that..." He winked.

The other chuckled as you blushed. "Indeed, a female's beauty increases moral at rare moments..."

"What?" You blushed embarrassingly, as Arjuna sighed. You shook your head. "Never mind that-!"

"Wait!" Cu cut you off. "You summoned both of us?"

"Yes, I did. I have an overflow of mana, as I'm sure you know by now." You nodded towards Diarmuid, who was flexing his hands.

Diarmuid took a deep breath, smirking to himself. "Yes, I feel... powerful. Why is that?" He raised a brow.

You held back a sigh. "It's a long story. Just know that I'm special in a sense and..." You glanced behind you, feeling a presence. Arjuna and the others did the same. "As long as I'm here, you'll be feeling that way."

"Why do I think that's a bad thing?" Cu whispered in amusement.

You turned to face the caster queen, as she came towards you with an annoyed smile. You wondered what she wanted. She looked about the servants. "I see you're starting to build something here... all the more reason for the master to suspect you. But dare I ask, did you really give yourself to him out of desperation for mana?"

"Excuse me?" You glared. "I don't recall that to be any of your business."

"I can't help it when my master is a little TOO happy in the throne room. Yet, he was annoyed he couldn't stay longer." Caster wrinkled her nose in disgust. You stared at her face. Was she...?

"Sorry to interrupt, but as a servant, shouldn't you be with your master?" Diarmuid stood before you in defense. He had a gentle smile, despite the hostility in his eyes. "From what I'm understanding here, you don't want our master anywhere near yours. You wouldn't want to waste time here, would you?" 

"Your charm magic won't work on me, lancer." She smirked, watching the lancer. "That aside, I merely came to deliver a message. The master wishes to see you, privately." She glanced at the other servants. 

"He does?" You blinked.

Arjuna glared annoyingly, holding back the urge to summon his weapons. "He seriously think we'll allow that?"

"If you don't want your little master to suffer from mana depletion, then I'd let her have a moment with the pastor." The queen narrowed her eyes in challenge at the archer. 

"Mana depletion? Am I missing something here?" Diarmuid glanced at you. Arjuna did the same, with an exasperated look. 

You sighed. It hasn't even been 2 hours, and the pastor already wanted you. "Fine, let's go." The queen smiled, when you put your hand up. "Only if my servants come with me."

"Can't you follow a simple order while you're in these gardens?" The queen held back an irritated sigh. You nearly wanted to smile at her irritation. She really despises the relationship you have with Shirou. She came closer, Diarmuid and Cu raising their weapons in defense. She smiled into your face. "I wonder how long you can keep this up."

You made a face, wondering what she meant. Nevertheless, you were curious in why he wanted to see you so soon. When she moved away, you glanced at your servants, who watched you expectantly. You nodded. "Let's go."


"Why am I not surprised?" Shirou gave a bitter chuckle when he saw your servants walking along with you into the throne room. His face betrayed how annoyed he was. "And they're men..."

"Indeed they are, father." You nodded, standing some feet away, as the queen went to sit at her throne. "What did you need to see me about?"

Shirou looked over the other servants, when the dark servants he summoned had entered the room as well. You glanced at them, as well as your servants. Archer leaned against the wall, crossing his arms, watching you carefully. The dark saber, well, you couldn't tell her expression with the armor on her face. You turned to Shirou, who was now smiling pleasantly. "We're getting closer to enemy territory. I wanted to give you something."

You raised a brow, watching him pull out a chain. Your eyes trailed to the blood red jewel at the end. You were drawn to it, ignoring the faint smirk on the queen's face. You came closer as he held it out to you. However... 

"Master, don't." Arjuna warned you. 

You blinked, now having the chain in your hands. You stared at the jewel, feeling it's smooth surface. "What's wrong Arjuna?"

"The archer is right, I have a bad feeling about that jewel..." Your caster stepped forward, holding his staff closer.

The dark saber stepped forward, sword at the ready. Diarmuid turned to her, summoning his weapon. When the dark archer stood from the wall, Cu glanced at him.

"Nonsense, I created that jewel for my master as a gift. My master wouldn't do so much as harm her. He loves her." The queen glared at them, even though she was disgusted by her own words. "Besides, it's charmed to protect her."

"Oh really?" Arjuna summoned his bow and arrow.

Shirou ignored them as I looked over the necklace. His manipulative smile was ever present, as I unlocked the clasp. In the next moment, I wrapped the necklace around my neck. The chain fit perfectly around me, yet nothing seemed out of the ordinary. "Do you like it?"

I gave a small smile. "I like it, thank you."

"I'm glad." He smiled softly. He reached up to rub a thumb over the jewel. "It suits you."

"Apparently." The queen muttered. 

Arjuna glared in suspicion, when Shirou lean close to kiss the jewel. "Now."

The queen reacted quickly, muttering a spell, just as the dark servants clashed with Diarmuid and Cu. Arjuna leaped towards you, hoping to rip off the necklace. "Master!"

You gasped, a sly grin faintly appearing on Shirou's face, as command seals glowed over your body. You groaned in pain, eyes changing color, with a dark aura surrounding you. Shirou moved away when Arjuna came in contact with you. He then screamed in pain as the dark aura had also transferred to him.

"What the-?!" Diarmuid widened his eyes, dodging an attack from the dark saber.

"I knew this was bad..." Cu narrowed his eyes, sending the dark archer flying to a wall. 

"My, I didn't expect that to happen..." The queen smirked towards Arjuna, who now stands as a berserker class. His hair had change, as well as his stance and appearance. "Well done master." 

Shirou kissed your parted lips, smiling at your darker form. You were now under his control. "Now, where do I begin?"

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