Riverdale: Serena x Sweet Pea

By camilalia9898

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Serena is a cheerleader from Riverdale High School, she is a straight A student, and she loves giving a secon... More

How Far I'll Go
The Merging
Enter the Southside Serpents
Music Heaven
Hanging out at Pop's
The Disagreement
The Club
Study Date
Serena Won't Say She's In Love
Asking for Advice
The Date
Bruises and Cuts
The Outsiders
The Promise
The Threat
Body Double
Picken's Day Part 1

Search Inside

395 24 23
By camilalia9898

Then after when Serena have told Jughead and the Serpents about what really happen between her, Betty, Veronica, and Chuck, they were a really shock that Serena have actually help Betty and Veronica reveal Chuck his true colors, but Sweet Pea was shock the most.

"And that's what really happen when me, Betty, and Veronica made chuck reveal his true colors." Said Serena as she explains." I knew that it might be a bad idea, but I had to help Betty and Veronica, and reveal Chuck's true colors so that everyone know what Chuck and his posse do to those poor girls."

"Serena, why didn't you tell me or Archie?" Asked Jughead as he look at Serena.

"I just didn't want to let you know and get involved, I should've told you but I was afraid that you will see me as a bad girl." Said Serena as she feels so nervous.

Then the Serpents and Jughead have all started to look at each and understand why Serena never told anyone about this. Then Jughead took Serena's hand which got her attention and Jughead have started to speak.

"Serena, you are not a bad person." Said Jughead as he looks at Serena." We'll be honest, we were shock about what you said, but we now understand why."

"Yeah, you have no choice but to help Veronica and Betty to get Chuck reveal his true colors." Said Toni as she looks at Serena." We could never think that you are a bad person."

"Yeah, I'm fact that was kinda awesome for helping Veronica and Betty." Said Fangs as he smiles." I mean, the way you made Chuck drink his drink and get him to feel out cold is kinda cool."

"Well, to be really honest, I wanted to do that to him from the moment he did those horrible things to the girls." Said Serena as she smiles slightly and saw Viper looking at her with a strange look." Are you okay Viper?"

"Sorry, it's just that I'm kinda imagining you in that swimsuit you were wearing when you were in that hot tub." Said Viper as he keeps looking at his body.

That kinda got Serena to get really shock about what Viper says, that she tried her best to her body with her jacket, and then Sweet Pea have slap Viper at the head.

"What?" Said Viper as he rubs his head.

"Dude seriously, learn some manners in front of a girl okay!" Said Sweet Pea as he glared at Viper.

Then the bell have began to ring, meaning that school is over, and then all the Serpents, Jughead, and Serena grab their stuff, and Jughead started to look at Serena.

"Serena, the Serpents and I are still keeping our promise, that no matter what happens, we will protect you no matter what the cause is." Said Jughead as he looks at Serena.

"Thanks guys." Said Serena as she smiles.

Then Serena have started to leave as well as the other Serpents and Jughead but Sweet Pea started to go to Serena.

"Oh hey Sweet Pea." Said Serena as she smiles at Sweet Pea.

"Hey Serena, do you need a ride home?" Asked Sweet Pea as he smiles at Serena.

"Sure." Said Serena as she smiles.

So as Sweet Pea have started up his motorcycle, he gave Serena his helmet for her to wear, and then they both got on the bike and drive to Serena's house. As they have arrived at the house, Serena give Sweet Pea his helmet and then he started to speak.

"Say Serena, when you explain about how you help Betty and Veronica get Chuck to reveal his true colors, I have to admit I was shock." Said Sweet Pea as he look at Serena." But why didn't you tell any of your friends what really happen?"

"I guess I was afraid about how will they react if I told them." Said Serena as she feels a bit uneasy." Plus, I keep having this feeling inside, like there is this darkness inside me that kinda makes me feel there is something missing inside of me."

Then Sweet Pea have started to see that Serena started to feel a bit confused and upset about who she is and what she is suppose to be. Then he started to grab her hands and look at her.

"Serena, you are not a bad person, you may have some darkness inside of you, but we all have darkness inside of us, and we can try to control it." Said Sweet Pea as he looks at Serena." And no matter what happens, I will always be there to protect you Serena."

"Thank you Sweet Pea, that really means a lot to me." Said Serena as she smiles at Sweet Pea." I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Okay." Said Sweet Pea as he smiles.

Then before Serena was about to head inside her house, she kissed Sweet Pea right at the cheek, which have gotten him to blush really red, and then Serena have started to go inside her house. Then Sweet Pea have started to drive back to the Sunnyside Trailer Park. Meanwhile inside at Serena's house, Serena have finished doing her homework and decided to go for a walk.

So Serena have started to grab her coat, then as she goes downstairs, she saw her mom in the living room reading a book, and then Serena started to get her mother's attention.

"Hey mom, I'm going to go for a walk." Said Serena as she looks at Sabrina.

"Okay Serena, just please be careful." Said Sabrina as she smiles.

"I will mom." Said Serena as she smiles and was about to head out." Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it sweetie?" Asked Sabrina as she looks at Serena.

"Do you ever have a darkness in you and ever wonder what you can do to control it?" Asked Serena as she looks at her mom.

"Well, lot of people have darkness inside of them and some times we have a hard time trying to control." Said Sabrina as she looks at Serena." But sometimes our darkness is a part of who we are and it sometimes help us keep the balance inside us."

That got Serena to think that her mom is right about having a bit of darkness inside of you. So after she thank her mom, she started to go for her walk. As she was walking down the sidewalk, she have started to remember the day when she, Betty, and Veronica have gotten Chuck to reveal his true colors.


The girls were getting the drinks, when Serena and Veronica saw Betty putting something in Chucks drink.

"What is that Betty?" Asked Serena as she looks at Betty putting something in Chucks drink.

"Muscle relaxer." Said Betty as she explains." Mix it with booze and it lowers your inhibitions.
Hello, truth serum."

"Maybe we should slow it down a little?" Asked Veronica looking a bit concerned.

"I kinda agreed with Veronica here Betty, maybe this might be a bit extreme." Said Serena looking also concerned." I mean, we are here to try to reveal Chuck's true colors not to drunk him."

"It's fine." Said Betty as she looks at the two girls." Right, Chuck?"

The girls have turn to see Chuck in the hot tub looking relax and look up to see Betty walking up to him with his drink.

"You don't want to slow down, do you?" Asked Betty.

"Oh, I'm 2 Fast 2 Furious, baby." Said Chuck as he smirks at Betty.

"Good." Said Betty as she looks at Chuck." Good boy, Chuck."

Then Betty have look at Serena to motion her to give Chuck his drink. Then Serena have started to walk up to Betty, then Betty give Serena the cup with Chuck's drink, and Serena have enter the hot tub to give Chuck his drink which have got Chuck to smirk at Serena thinking that she wants to have fun with him.

"Here is your drink Chuck." Said Serena giving Chuck his drink as she acts sexy.

"Oh thank you Serena, how about you and me have some fun?" Asked Chuck as he smirk at Serena.

"First have your drink and then we can have some fun." Said Serena as she flirts with him.

"Well alright then baby." Said Chuck as he smirks at Serena.

Then Serena have started to give Chuck his drink and Chuck have started to drink. Then after Chuck had his drink, he started to get all dizzy and he fainted. Then Serena saw that Chuck is out cold and looks at Veronica and Betty.

"Okay, the muscle relaxer work, Chuck is out cold now." Said Serena as she looks at the two girls.

"Good." Said Betty and she handed Serena two handcuffs." Now handcuff him, I think it's time we get him to reveal his true colors."

Serena have started to get really shock at what Betty told her to do, but then she started to handcuff him, and then she started to get out of the hot tub. Then after thirty minutes, Chuck have woke up feeling really hot, and can't move because he was handcuff.

"What?" Said Chuck as he tried to move." What the hell?"

"Start recording." Said Betty as she looks at the girls and Veronica started to record.

"Hey, guys, it's really hot in here." Said Chuck as he started to feel really hot.

"And getting hotter by the minute." Said Betty as she rises the temperature." Time to squeal, pig, tell the truth about what happened between you and Veronica."

"We had a good time." Said Chuck as he lied." She had a good time."

"The truth, Chuck, or so help me, I will boil you alive." Said Betty as she rises the temperature more.

"What?" Said Chuck I'm confusion." We made out."

"And then?" Asked Serena as she glared at Chuck.

"And then I took her home!" Said Chuck as he tells the truth." And I didn't give her a Sticky Maple."

"That is all you had to say, you ass." Said Veronica as she stop recording.

"And now, everyone will know." Said Serena and Chuck look like he was busted.

"You like shaming people, Chuck?" Asked Betty as puts her foot at Chucks head and pushing him down at the water.

"Whoa, hey. . ." Said Chuck as he tried to breath.

"You like dehumanizing them? Prissy prude by day, freak in the sheets by night?" Asked Betty as she glared at Chuck.

"No!" Said Chuck as he tried to get some air.

"Apologize." Said Betty in a bit of anger.

"Hey, get this. . ." Said Chuck as he tried to breath.

"Betty." Said Serena looking worried.

"Calm down." Said Veronica as she tried to calm Betty.

"Say you're sorry!" Said Betty as she demanded.

"Okay! Okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for all of it!" Said Chick as he apologize and got some air.

"Good job, pig." Said Betty as she grab a bottle of maple syrup." Now, time for your reward. A Sticky Maple of your own."

"Wait! What, what?" Asked Chuck in confusion.

"Apologize for ruining Polly." Said Betty as she held the maple syrup.

"What the hell?" Asked Chuck as he look at Betty.

"Do it, Jason!" Said Betty as she squirted the maple syrup all over Chuck which got Veronica and Serena to get really shock.

"Oh, my God!" Said Chuck as he got maple syrup all over him.

"Say you're sorry for destroying me." Said Betty as she glared at Chuck." Apologize for what you did to me!"

"Look, I'm not Jason!" Said Chuck as he look at Betty." I'm not Jason!

"Betty, that is enough!" Said Serena as she stops Betty and grabs the maple syrup bottle from her hands." Stop, it's over!"

"We did it." Said Veronica." You did it."

Then Betty have started to realize that she have gotten to far and she have started to calm down and then Chuck have started to freak out a bit.

"You are crazy." Said Chuck as he tries to get out of the jacuzzi." Oh, my God! You're crazy as hell!"

"Betty?" Said Serena as she looks at Betty.

"I'm fine." Said Betty as she calms down." We're done here."

That got Serena to get really shock at how Betty is acting, then the next day at school, Betty have exposed the playbook to the whole, and that's how Chuck and his posses have got kicked out of the team and how Chuck started to target Serena.

End of flashback

"Man, that day was kinda creepy, but we had to get Chuck reveal his true colors." Said Serena as she looks at the sky." I mean, what he did to those girls was very awful."

Then as she kept on walk, she started to place her hand on her chest where her heart is, keeps thinking about why Betty has this darkness inside of her, and realizes that she might have some darkness inside of her, but she realizes that she is missing something inside of her.

"But why do I keep have this feeling that I'm missing something inside of me, I mean I have great friends and a great mom here at the Northside." Said Serena as she smiles." But I made some great new friends from the Southside, but I just don't know what side should I be standing at, but if I really want to know, I have to find my own path, and maybe I can search inside my heart so I can find out what path I should take."

Then as soon as Serena have said, all of a sudden, she started to keep on walking down the streets as music began to play and then she started to sing.

Serena: Seems so close
But yet so far
Reaching out
Towards the stars
Try and try
But I can't catch hold
There's a fire that
Burns inside me
Everywhere that
I seem to go
I end up empty handed
Have you seen
What I'm trying to find
I've been looking far and wide
High and low
Low and high
In the dark
Can't find the light
Maybe I've been
Looking in the wrong
Place the entire time
Maybe I
Maybe I
Should search inside

As Serena continued to walk down the streets, she have seen many girls having a great time with some of their boyfriends, while some girls were talking to each other, and it made Serena smile at how happy they.

But then she looks at the Southside of Riverdale, seeing some that look angry and some so poor, she felt so bad for them, even though she is from the Northside, she feels like she doesn't know which side she should take, and the she continued to sing.

Serena: Was a long dark road
And then there's light
What once was lost
Now is in my sight
Only right that
I leave behind
The limitations made
By my mind
It's in the past
And I'm satisfied
I think I've finally found it
Have you seen what
I'm trying to find
I've been looking
Far and wide
High and low
Low and high
In the dark
Can't find the light
Maybe I've been looking
In the wrong place
The entire time
Now I'm fine
Cause I can
Find it deep inside
Here I stand
It's about time
I looked high and low
To see what's mine
I believed that it would be
Now I see
Now I see
There's a voice
Inside of me

Then when Serena have arrived at the forest, she have started to see so many stars shiny bright at the night sky, that she have started to twirl a bit and smile at the sky, and continue to sing.

Serena: Now I've seen what
I've tried to find
I've been looking
Far and wide
High and low
Low and high
In the dark now
I've found the light
I guess I've been looking
In the wrong place
The entire time
That maybe I
Should search inside

Then after Serena have finished singing her song, she started to look at the stars at the sky and then she started to smile.

"You know, I don't care what everyone say that I'm from the Northside or Southside, I can be whoever I want to be, as long as I search inside of me." Said Serena as she smiles.

Then Serena have started to realize that it was getting late and she had to go back home, then as she heads back home, little did Serena know is that once her mother told her who her father really is, she will choose a path that not only will help her protect her friends but the Serpents as well.

Riverdale belongs to The CW Show

Serena and Sabrina belong to me

The song Serena sings "Search Inside" is from the movie "Monster High: Boo York Boo York"

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