Who's in charge?

By Jaceemerson

604K 19.3K 3.3K

What happens when a shy, submissive girl goes into a school made only for dominant and submissive people? Whe... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 77
chapter 78
chapter 79
chapter 80
chapter 81
chapter 82
chapter 83
chapter 84
chapter 85
chapter 86
chapter 87
chapter 88
chapter 89
chapter 90
chapter 91

chapter 24

7.7K 224 32
By Jaceemerson


Demi led me off campus and into the parking garage that was a few hundred feet from the campus itself.

We walked up a set of stairs and into the second level.

Demi took out her keys as we got towards the end. She pressed the button to unlock her car, the sound of the little beep went off and her lights flashed.

I was kinda shocked when I saw her car.

I was new...and it was nice.

It was a blue Honda Civic, and it was still clean as shit. Demi chuckled as she led me over. I went to open the door but she beat me to it.

She quickly opened it and motioned for me to get it. I smiled and got in, she slowly closed the door, making sure my foot was not in the way.

She went to the drivers side and got in, putting the key in and starting the car.

She turned towards me as she was putting her seat belt on.

"I ain't driving til you put yours on as well." I nodded and quickly pulled it over and clicked it in.

She smiled and started to back out, making sure to avoid the parked cars.

She drove out of the parking garage and turned into the street.

"So I was thinking just the mall, seems easy, lots of different stores." I looked over and hummed an 'okay' as she drove.

I looked out the window as she drove, watching people walk their dogs and other people drive on motorcycles.

Every time a motorcycle went by I watched it intently.

Eventually we pulled off the road and into a parking lot. I looked up and saw that we were at a pretty big mall.

Demi found a place to park and shut off the car.

She got out as I was trying to get the seat belt off.

She came around to my side and opened the door, I was still struggling and it was evident.

She chuckled and unbuckled it. She stood back up and waited for me. My face heated up and I felt quite dumb.

I got up and stood to the side, Demi closed the door and locked it, turning on her heel and taking my hand in hers.

We walk to the doors and went in, a big breeze of cold air hit us. We both shivered and kinda huddled together.

"Where to first?" I turned to Demi, kinda shocked she'd be asking me.

I hadn't really ever been to a mall so I just shrug.

Demi looks at me for a moment before taking my hand in hers and leading me around. We got to the center of the mall and boy was it busy.

There were mothers and babies and teenagers and just so many people.

Demi noticed I was a bit unnerved by all the commotion. She led me into a small store and brought me to get some new t-shirts.

Out of all the ones she held up, which was about twenty, I only like two of them. I wasn't trying to be picky, the other ones just had weird things on them.

Demi sighed and put the shirts down, she pulled me into her arms and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"You know when I took my money and credit cards my plan was to get you stuff....like a lot." I shook my head and stood up.

"I don't want you wasting your money, you worked hard for it." I swear her eyes went red and smoke blew from her ears.

"I am in no way, shape or form wasting it on you. I didn't work hard for it and I can use it as I please, thus I'm using it to get you stuff." I was kinda scared but nodded.

I mean, she was right. Was hers and I guess if she wanted to use it on me she could.

She bought the two shirts and we left the store. As we were walking around I saw a tiny pet shop and saw a little kitten looking out the front window.

I chuckled and went to keep walking but Demi stops me.

"Why you laughing?" I pointed to the tiny kitten in the window.

She stuck out her bottom lip and smiled a little.

We went back to walking which I was thankful for, the last thing I needed was her possibly buying me a kitten.

We made our way over to the food court cause why not.

I was also sorta hungry again but Demi didn't mind.

We get to the food court and Demi pushes me forward a little. I looked back and see her motion for me to chose where and what I wanted.

I moved myself back a little and leaned against her, she wrapped her arms around me and held me close.

I very shyly point to the little burger king place. I look up and see her smile.

"What do you want?" I shrugged, not really having ever ordered from there.

She nodded and led me over, we got in line and waited. Once it was out turn she simply ordered the chicken nuggets.

I smiled to myself, knowing full well that I haven't had chicken nuggets in years.

Within minutes she paid and took my food and led me to a table.

I sat down and waited patiently as she placed the tray down and quickly ran off to get her own food.

I sat and took my phone out, playing a small game as I waited. I looked up when the table jiggled and saw Demi placing not only her food down but a box of munchkin doughnuts as well.

I made a tiny gasp and smiled as she sat down.

Demi chuckled and began to eat. I took that as cue to eat as well.

As we ate I could feel Demi tapping her heels against my shin.

I looked up and saw her smiling. "Do you just want to walk around for the rest of the time we're here?" I thought for a minute and decide that it wasn't the worst idea.

I nodded and saw her face light up.

I finished my food and got up to throw my trash away. As I heard Demi's voice.

"HEY!!" I turned around and saw some boy who looked no where more that fifteen yank her purse. The chain was so small and thin that it broke right away.

He turned and ran, everyone's attention was now on Demi.

I looked real quick and saw her get up and make her way over. I looked back and saw the boy was still in sight.

Without really thinking I took off after him.

Now, I'm not the fastest person alive but I sure as hell ain't the slowest.

I basically sprinted after him, I had to jump over a few things but I got behind him very quick. He took one quick look behind him and the color from his face drained.

He turned back around and took a sharp left, I simply jumped over a huge stack of stuffed animals and kept my pace.

He looked back again and tried to trick me again.

Didn't work.

I took a deep breath and pushed myself to run faster, within seconds I was right on his heels. I quickly reached out and grabbed the collar to his shirt.

I used all my strength and yanked him down.

My force alone to stop him from running made him fall backward.

Everyone around was crowding around as I held the kid down.

"GIVE ME THE FUCKING PURSE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" he snarled at me like a rabid animal as I yelled at him, and literally attempted to bite me.

It took all my might not to punch the kid in the throat.

I put all my weight on him just to make sure he wasn't going anywhere.

I looked up just as the security guards came running over. The crowded lessened and soon dispersed all together.

I yanked the purse out of the kids hand but he started yelling saying that it was his mothers and I had stolen it.

The guards didn't believe him.

I huffed and turned and didn't see Demi. I pulled out my phone and quickly called her.

"RY! Where are you!?" I sighed and sat down against the wall.

"Ummm sitting with your purse in my hand." Demi went silent, most likely shock.

"if you don't want it I can give it back to him." I kept my mouth shut, waiting for a reaction.

"RY! Don't fucking start. Make your way back to the food court." I sighed and saw my leg was shaking a little.

"Give me like three minutes to calm my body. Haven't ran in a while." Demi chuckled.

Little did she know I wasn't joking. I haven't ran since high school, I was on the track team and wasn't too lousy at it.

Demi agreed and we ended call.

I looked over just in time to see the boy being stood up.

The guards were walking him past me, I gave a smile which he didn't return. What he did do was spit.

I glared and got up, making my way back to Demi.

Once I got in the direction of the food court I could see Demi.

It didn't take long for her to notice me either, she stood up and made her way over as fast as she could.

I held out her purse which she gently took.

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me like I just saved her life.

She pulled away and looked so done.

"Lets go back to campus." I nodded but stopped short in my tracks.

Demi looked at me and seemed confused.

"Where the doughnuts?" Her eyes went wide and she walked back over, they were still in the same place, untouched.

She came back over and held out the box, I smiled and leaned my head on her shoulder as I took one out and popped it in my mouth.

Demi chuckled and just shook her head.

"Thank you by the way for getting my purse back...might have to thank you again at my personal dorm."

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