The Lost Princesses [Complete...

By kristen_wong

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Note: This is the Revised Version of my old book so if u had read that, just forget what happened there and r... More

The Lost Princesses
Chapter 1: New School, New people
Chapter 2: Talented Girls
Chapter 3: Secret
Chapter 4: Bullied
Chapter 5: Secret Admirer
Chapter 6: Revealed
Chapter 7: The Plan
Chapter 8: Rain
Chapter 9: The Shift
Chapter 10: Preparation
Chapter 11: Happy Or Sad Night
Chapter 12: Kidnapped
Chapter 13: Two Heartbeat
Chapter 14: Homecoming Ball
Chapter 15: Hurt
Chapter 16: Curse
Chapter 17: Death
Chapter 18: Angel & Demon
Chapter 19: Heat
Chapter 20: Demon
Chapter 21: War
Chapter 22: Velvet Box
Chapter 23: Babies?!
Chapter 24: Coronation

Chapter 25: Unexpected Realationship (last chp of TLP/introduction chp of HTL)

64 0 0
By kristen_wong

tips for the reader:

"....." conversation

'......' thought

*......* mind link

Author note here, this is the last chapter of the lost princesses and the introduction chapter of the sequel, Hatred — to Love. It is about Xu Kun and Haru. So do check it out. There will be a new book coming out soon. Do let me know if u are interested in the new story. Happy new year to everyone!! 

Chapter 25: Unexpected Relationship

(Pic of the reception diners)
After the ceremony, The Maid in the palace is busy again to prepare the wedding dinner and party in the ballroom. They have it all set up. Soon guests started filling the room and seated at their seat. The two individual couples come in and have their place, and the feast begins. Everyone is enjoying their meal. EXO has a performance ready for the married couple which Kai is also performing. EXO performance universe, sing for you first with chanyeol play piano. Than chanyeol, Baekhyun, d.o and Chen stay behind and perform miracle in December, SBS Gayo performance. After the performance, Chanyeol and d.o stay back and perform for life English Ver, elyxion concert ver. (Play the song and listen.)

After the beautiful song that EXO brought to the guest. It's time for the bride to throw their bouquet. All the unmarried female guests gather in a crowd behind the bride that crowd included Isa, Sarah and Eliza. Everyone wants to get the bouquet as it means that you are going to get married soon or you are going to find your other half.

"One, two, three!" The bouquet is thrown. Everyone is in a busy trying to catch the bouquet, but Sarah catches it. The rest of the guests in the crowd was disappointed that it wasn't them. But something isn't right. They look back to the bride and kristina still has her bouquet. She walks towards Isa and her eyes look only at Isa. When she reach Isa, she passes the bouquet to her. Isa was so shocked that she cried. Lay than come over to her and gave her a quick kiss before kneeling on one knee.

"Isabella Barrett, will u be Mrs Barrett Zhang and spend the rest of your life with me?" Lay ask.

Isa was so shocked, and she is still crying that she couldn't speak. She just nodded her head. Lay saw and stood up and put the beautiful ring of her ring finger. Lay than have a Long passionate kiss.

(Note: I know a lot of you are confused. Why Barrett Zhang. It's is because Barrett is the royal last name now and Zhang is lay surname. So Barrett Zhang becomes their new surname.)

Everyone claps for them and congrats them. The girls are happy for Isa and Sarah. Isa already know that she doesn't have time to have a wedding ceremony, so they decided to go simple, and they have a week, and they go travel before their high duty start. Sarah also didn't want to have trouble to plan for a wedding ceremony, so they travel and have fun which is their honeymoon. Lawrence already has the trip all plan out. Sarah also doesn't need Lawrence to propose to her but Lawrence already had prepared the ring, and he just gave it to her. She wants everything to be simple. The boys had a few drinks before going back to their room.

After the wedding dinner, everyone went back to their room and rested up. Kylie is also packing her things. She and Kai are going to travel around the world and enjoy herself before she takes places like the moon goodness. Kylie and Kai will leave in a few days while They are travel around the world. They are also on a mission to look for other places that also have supernatural being.

Eliza and D.o, they have kept their relationship secret for so Long from their friends. They have also decided not to have a wedding ceremony and keep everything simple. They will travel back the ground of the royal clan of witch where they found each other. Daniel, Eliza's Younger Brother already knew of their relationship, but her parents don't know so they will need to visit her parents and let them know.

(Small note: this is the end of The Lost Princesses. The sequel will be in a new book, do check it out. From here onward is the sequel, Hatred — to Love. This is will be the introduction chapter for it. )
Four years later...

Now jun xing and haru are already 18, they can sense their mate, and It will soon be their birthday, so kristina had planned a party at the palace to celebrate their 18th birthday. Isabella and yixing will be bringing their children and xu kun to the party. Gracial has been staying with her dad for the past months. She will move back to her mother when she is back for the party. Gracial knows who is her parents are, and she enjoys running around between her mother and father, and also her dad used to be her mother's mate. Gracial and Evelyn are now four years old; they are more mature than other kids of their age.
Isa and yixing had a twin, a daughter and son, and they are three years old.

Their daughter, Ashley is a full pureblood vampire and their son, Maxwell is a full pureblood werewolf with healing power. It is a miracle that they are not hybrids. Even at the age of 3, Ashley thinks of herself as a freak because her sibling and her half-siblings are both werewolves, but she is the only vampire other than her mother. But little did she know that she will be the queen of vampire and her blood is unique because of her dad. She can heal the injury with just a drop of her blood.

Everyone in the palace is now busy preparing the party for their prince and princess 18th birthday. The party is tomorrow, and prince jun xing is preparing his suit, and princess haru is getting her dress. They are both excited as they can sense their mate from tomorrow onward. haru is out with her mom, aunt and her best friend getting their nail and hair done. Her mother also wants to get some new jewellery for her since it is her 18th birthday and she is going to be an adult, finding her mate. Kristina has found a ring that is make of white gold and is planing to give it to her on her birthday.

Elena had already found her dress that she is wearing to the party, but Haru still hasn't seen it. Haru told her mom and aunt to head back first as they will continue to search for the perfect dress at the excellent price. After a few hours, Elena is so tired after looking through so many dresses for haru, but Haru is still not happy of their find.

"One more stop pleases..."

"Fine fine."

As soon as Haru walk Into the next store. One dress caught her eyes, a white dress. (Our dress pic below) Immediately she fell in love with the dress, and she just got her size and bought it.

time skip to the party and jun xing and haru 18th birthday...

It is their birthday, everyone is so excited for them, and they are thrilled too. Haru is getting her hairstyle and her makeup done, wearing her dress and what her mother bought for her the day before. When is getting ready, her mother came into the room and gave her a box.

"Here, this is my gift for u. Open it."

"Oh my goodness. Eomma! Thanks i love it!" Haru exclaim. Her mother has gave her a beautiful but simple white gold ring.  She is so happy that she is 18. Little did she know she will not be as delighted later...

The party has started, everyone is eating, dancing, drinking and having fun. Isa told haru that xu kun is here, haru picked up two glass of vodka for herself and xu kun and went looking for him. She is excited to see if he is her mate or not. She found her across the room, and she felt a connection. She walks nearing to xu kun and passes him the drink. As she is the birthday girl, xu kun doesn't want to reject her, so he took the glass. When they took the glass from each other, their finger touch. They both felt a rush of electricity ran through them, that is when haru realise that the connection she was feeling is her mate and she knew who her mate is now. Everything is moving in slow motion; they were so shocked that her grip has loosened Which the glass drops and shattered on the floor. Everyone in the area is looking at them. The sound of the glass dropping brought them both back into real life.

Xu kun is also shocked as vampire need to have contact to know is the people is it their mate. Xu kun is now 21, and he has a girlfriend, and he wants planning to marry her even if he has found his mate because he loves her. But now everything is ruin. He still didn't want to believe, but it is a fact.

Haru just turn and ran off. Elena Xu, her best friend, saw and ran out to check on her. But she had a shock of what she saw and heard. When Elena ran out, Jonathan also Haru's best friend also follow, he is too shocked after what he had heard. His fist clench, it was so tight that his hand had got white. He just left the scene. He told himself to forget about what he see or hear. He has a feeling for Haru since the beginning, and he wishes to be her mate. He is obsessed with her.

After haru ran out of the ballroom, xu kun who is a vampire ran out with his super speed to catch up with haru. Xu kun pulls Haru's arm to stop her from running off or teleporting. He then slammed her to the wall and stared into her eyes and said, "do not tell anyone about our relationship or that we are mate. I'm already planning to get married to another girl that much more beautiful, powerful and talented than you. So please stay away." after he said that he disappears.

haru is a little taken back when xu kun follow her out and stop her, but she didn't expect what he had just said. She is heartbroken but his words and actions, as running away or marrying someone else that is not your mate is a form of rejection.

haru was so shocked from what xu kun has said to her then she drops to the ground. She then teleported herself to her secret place and cried. Yuri knew where she is going, so she spends to harts secret place and looks for her.
She opens the door of the place; mirrors surround them. It is a dance studio. haru sat in the corner.
"why are u here?" haru could feel Elena present.

"I heard what he said; I thought u want some company. You can cry on my shoulder, but after this, we have to go back out. U still haven't cut ur cake, and we can't cut it without our main character today." Elena said as she walked toward haru and sat beside her. haru hug her and cried. After a while of crying, Elena fixed haru makeup and her dress and brought her back to the ballroom.

"My dear, I was starting to worried when I didn't see you. The other guest told me you ran out. what happen?"

"Nothing mom, just need a bathroom break."

"oh really? If you need someone to talk to you can always come to find me, ok? let's cut the birthday cake!"

Jun Xing was already on stage and in front of his cake, and he noticed something is not right with his sister. He is going to ask her about it when haru told him she is okay. haru stand on the stage in front of her cake, and everyone sang the happy birthday song to her. There she sees xu kun with his girlfriend kissing. Her heart just broke again. She wanted to cry, but she can't.

"happy birthday to jun xing and haru! happy birthday to you!" everyone sang.

*happy birthday sis.* jun xing mind link haru.

*happy birthday oppa.* she mindlink back.

'yes, really a happy birthday...' she thought.

"Mom, I want to go to Australia to study interior design, and it's is a 5-year course. It includes the foundation study. Can I go? Maybe I can find my mate there?" She smiles at her mom.

"Oh ok fine, bring Jonathan and Elena with u. Then I will not worry."

"Ok! And also mom don't tell anyone where I'm going. Just make it seem that I disappear."

"Ok, I will."

Haru called and told them they are going to Australia with her. They are all excited to leave their home and study overseas.

But the main reason when Haru want to leave is that the place where she called home has too many sad memories. She wants to go to a new place to move on. She hopes she can move on. Not a lot of people can survive Long without their mate.

Jun Xing knows something is wrong with his little Sister. Usually, she is not this quiet, and she has been to her studio and drawing a lot. Jun Xing decided to find out what happened and why she suddenly chose to go overseas and study. He knocks on her door but has no reply, so he opens the door. There he sees Haru with an earpiece in and she is drawing again. He slowly walks over and stands beside Haru and sees what did she draw. She always draws what is on her mind. All jun Xing saw on the table is drawing of Xu Kun.

"Haru are u alright? I know something is wrong. U can tell me."

Haru jumped when she heard her brother's voice. "Oppa! What are u doing here?!"

"Want to check on u because u are not like ur usual self. You have been dazing Too much these days. Tell me what happen I know something had happened. Is it about Xu Kun? I told u last time u should be too close or u will get hurt."

She sighs, "I have found my mate at our party."

"Let me guess it's Cai Xu Kun?"

"Yes, please let me finish. Xu Kun has the plan to marry someone else, and you know he hates werewolves. He *sobs* said hurtful things to me. I don't want to think about it. But all I can think here is him that's why I can't stay here. I need some time away from here to move on."

"But, u will not be the same again without your mate u know that."

"Yes I know, most of the people will die after they face rejection but some people survive, and moon goodness gave them a second chance mate, like Uncle yixing. I know I can get over this period. I know. Please don't ask anymore."

"Oh come here." Jun Xing gave her a big hug. "We will always be here for u. Even if u are oversea call home if u need help or comfort, ok?"

"Ok. I know."

After a few days, Haru has left for her study with her two best friends. No one other than her family know where they went. They just disappear.

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