Heaven ~ Supernatural Book 4

By StineSkar

36.7K 640 68

'Book 4' Continues on with fem!Castiel. Season 12 - 13 More

Season 12
12x01 - Keep Calm And Carry On
12x02 - Mamma Mia
12x03 - The Foundry
12x07 - Rock Never Dies
12x08 - LOTUS
12x09 - First Blood
12x10 - Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets
12x12 - Stuck In The Middle (With You)
12x15 - Somwhere Between Heaven And Hell
12x19 - The Future
12x23 - All Along The Watchtower
Season 13
13x01 - Lost And Found
13x03 - Patience
13x04 - The Big Empty
13x05 - Advanced Thanatology
13x06 - Tombstone
13x07 - War Of The Worlds
13x12 - Various & Sundry Villains
13x13 - Devils Bargain
13x14 - Good Intentions
13x18 - Bring 'Em Back Alive
13x19 - Funeralia
13x21 - Beat The Devil
13x22 - Exodus
13x23 - Let The Good Times Roll
Book 5

13x16 - Scoobynatural

1.3K 28 8
By StineSkar

Bunker – Real World

Castiel walks into the bunker, calling out to Dean and Sam "Sam? Dean? I'm back from Syria with the fruit from the Tree of Life. The tree was guarded by a pack of djinn" as she is talking she is walking through the bunker trying to find them.

"I killed most of them, bargained with the rest. Think I'm...technically married to their queen now. Sorry, Dean. Hello? Sam?" she walks into the Dean-cave, and she hears voices.

"Hey, why don't you guys follow us up to the Colonel's mansion?" Fred from Scooby Doo tells Sam and Dean.

"I don't know, Freddie. I'm not sure Baby can go that slow" Dean taunts him.

"Dean?" Castiel questions as she sees the cartoon playing on the television at the scene where Fred and Dean race to the mansion.

"Well, the Mystery Machine is a lot faster than it looks"

"Oh, yeah? Well, let's see who can get there first. Or are you...chicken?"

"Well, I'm game if you are"

As Castiel watches, the television starts to flicker with purple light. A purple beam shoots out of the screen towards Castiel and she disappears, her bag of fruit dropping to the floor.


Mansion – Cartoon

As Velma is talking she walks around the room. As she passes a large window, a lightning flash illuminates the outside and shows a woman approaching the window. As she gets closer, the wind blows her coat around and Scooby sees her, "Huh?"

"So once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth" Velma finishes.

"Look!" Shaggy points to the figure outside.

Sam and Dean stand on either side of the window and get ready. As the woman pushes open the window, Fred jumps her and pushes her to the side, "Gothca!"

The woman gets wrapped up in the curtain and stumbles into the room, eventually falling. Dean runs over and leans over to punch her, "Uh! Aah! Uh!"

"Not today, freak!" Dean pulls the curtain off the woman on the floor, it's Castiel. "Cass?" Sam and Dean asks.

"Like, you know this girl?" Shaggy asks them.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. She's a – she's a friend of ours" Sam tells them, as the lights comes back on.

Dean helps Cas of the floor, "Neato!" Daphne says.

"Castiel, the Scooby Gang" Dean introduces them to her.

"Castiel? It sounds like a great Italian pizza place" Shaggy laughs, thinking about food. He holds out his hand to Castiel, who takes shakes it.

"Uh, it's a pleasure to meet you" Castiel hesitates.

"Nice to meet you, too" Scooby says, walking up shaking her hand too.

"Sam, Dean...this dog is talking" Castiel tells them, shocked.

"Yep" Dean nods.

"Cas, how did you get here?" Sam asks her.

"Well, I was looking for you at the bunker, when..." and she goes on to tell them what happened as she ended up here, "I saw purple sparks, then a flash of light, and the next thing I knew, I was in this strange world. I saw you race off and I've been trying to catch up ever since"

"You saw purple sparks? Dean, that's like with the killer stuffed dinosaur. And they were both in that pawn shop. Maybe this is all connected" Sam says.

Velma walks up to Sam, Dean and Castiel, "Um, killer stuffed dinosaur?"

"Oh, I – I didn't mean a real..." Sam stutters.

"It's a book we're writing. Yeah, about...killer stuffed dinosaur. It's called..." Dean struggles to come up with a lie.

"The killer stuffed dinosaur in love" Castiel finishes for Dean.

"Huh, great title" Fred compliments them.

"Yeah, great title" Scooby agrees.

"Well, if she isn't responsible for Cousin Simple's death, who is?" Daphne asks.

The lights start to flicker on and off, "Huh?"

"Like, somebody turn up the heat in here, man. It's getting cold" Shaggy says, shivering.

A menacing roar is heard throughout the mansion. Velma lights an oil lamp and Sam and Dean have flashlights. Sam, Dean and the Gang walk through the hallway of the mansion. As they pass an open window, the wind blows through and handprints appear on the glass.

"Huh?" Scooby and Shaggy says.

A door in the hallway is cracked open, light shines from behind it, "No! No! Aah! Oh!"

"Sam" Dean gets his attention as all the doors slam shut. Sam goes to grab the doorknob and a ghostly, purple hand reaches through the door and tries to grab Sam, knocking a flashlight out of his hand. Then the entire ghost materializes through the door.

"Ph-ph-ph-phantom!" Shaggy shouts and Scooby jumps into Shaggy's arms. "Aah!" Shaggy and Scooby jump into Castiel's arms.

"Come on, Sam. We're on" but before Sam and Dean can do anything Fred runs up between them and jumps at the ghost.

"Yah!" Fred leaps at the ghost and goes right through him, "Uhh!" Sam and Dean run towards the ghost and he swipes at them, leaving large claw marks on the wall. "Gotcha!" Fred tries again to catch him, but he disappears through the wall. "Uhh! Huh?"

"Wait, what?" Dean says confused.

"G-g-g-g-ghost!" Scooby stutters.

"Guys, no. It's not a ghost" Velma disagrees.

The lights flicker back on and Castiel drops Scooby and Shaggy to the floor. "Oh, yeah? Then, man, how did he just walk through that wall?" Shaggy asks Velma.

"Well, there's probably a hidden door"

"Well, whatever it was, it's gone now. It looks like he was coming out of here" Fred opens a door and they find the dismembered body of Cosgood Creeps in the room, "Well, that's not good"

"I think I'm gonna be sick" Dean chokes out.

"Come on, gang!" Fred says and the gang leaves the room as if no one had just been murdered there.

"So do they always just walk away from dead bodies or..." Sam asks Dean.

"Sam, the cold spot, fritzing out...that was a ghost – our kind of ghost. I think this cartoon is haunted" Dean tells him.


"All right, Prepmeister Fred, what's your plan?" Dean asks Fred as they join them.

"We should all split up and search the house for clues" Fred tells them.

"That's a plan?" Castiel asks confused.

"Mnh-mnh" Dean hums disapprovingly.

"I – I don't think we should separate. It'll be easier for Dean and me to keep you safe if we're all together" Sam tells Fred.

"Really, Sam? I wouldn't expect such a big, broad-shouldered fella like you to be as chicken as Shaggy" Velma places her hand on Sam's shoulder, "No offence, Shaggy"

Shaggy peeks out from behind a suit armor that him and Scooby are hiding behind, "Like, none taken"

"If this is a real ghost, these guys are in trouble. We can't let anything happen to them" Sam tells Dean.

"Exactly. So, for now, let's follow ascot boy's lead" Dean runs to Daphne, "I call team-up with Daphne!" Dean seems to be thinking before turning to Castiel, "Don't take this the wrong way"

Castiel cocks her head, looking at Dean confused "Why would I take it the wrong way?"

Dean just smiles fondly at her, "Never mind"

"Great! It'll be just the three of us" Fred says standing with Dean and Daphne.

"Sam and I will check the attic. I mean...unless you're too scared" Velma asks Sam.

"What? N-no, I – I'm...Let's check the attic" Sam stutters.

"Like, man, I guess that leaves me and old Scoob with you, Castiel" Shaggy says.

"Wonderful. I once led armies, and now I'm paired with a scruffy Philistine and a talking dog" Castiel comments. The teams each go a separate way.


Shaggy, Scooby and Castiel are walking through the mansion. "Like, did someone open a window?" Shaggy asks.

"Yeah, it's cold in here" Scooby agrees.

Shaggy, scooby and Castiel are walking and the ghost is directly behind them, unnoticed. The ghost starts to growl and the three turn around as the ghost rises up and glows purple. Shaggy and scooby run leaving Castiel in a cloud of dust as she observes the ghost.

"Never seen a ghost wear such a ridiculous costume" Castiel pokes at the ghost and her finger goes through him, "Huh?" the ghost rises up menacingly as Shaggy comes back to grab Castiel and run away. "Aah! Run! Run!"

Shaggy, scooby and Castiel are chased by the ghost as the Scooby Doo theme starts to play. They run past Dean and Daphne.

Sam, Dean, Castiel, the gang and the ghost end up in a hallway where they run back and forth through the bedrooms and across the hallway going in and out of different rooms in various combinations of people. Even Scrappy Doo makes an appearance. The chase heads out of the hallway and into the main part of the house.

The whole group ends up colliding in a pile in the middle of another hallway. The lights flicker, and the ghost comes around the corner. They run into a large room and lock the door.

"We have to stop this ghost" Fred says.

"We almost did. Dean had him by the thigh" Daphne says.

"He what?" Castiel asks confused.

"I almost caught him. That's the point" Dean tells her.

"Guys, come on. For the last time, there's no such thing as ghosts" Velma's breath turns cold and her glasses frost over, "Oh, no!" The lights flicker again as all the windows frost over. There is a banging on the other side of the door. The doors slam open and the ghost is standing there. "That costume looks really...real"

"I'll get him" Fred announces.

"Fred, don't!" Sam tries to stop him, but Fred again runs towards the ghost and is thrown across the room, hitting a sculpture before falling to the ground.

"Fred!" Daphne shouts as she and Velma are levitated off the floor, "Huh?" The girls are then pinned against a wall, while still in the air.

"Like, that's our cue to get out of here! Aah! Run!" Shaggy tries to run but is held in place. Then the ghost flicks his hand and Shaggy is thrown through the window. "Aah!"


Sam looks around and grabs two large candle holders. He tosses one to Dean, "Dean! Iron!"

Sam and Dean take the candles out of the holders, toss them aside and hit the ghost with them. The candle holders stick into the ghost's back and purple sparks emanate from its back. As the sparking continues, the ghost shrieks as if in pain and then disappears in a flash of purple light, as the candle holders fall to the floor.

The light comes back on as Fred wakes up and Daphne and Velma fall off the wall towards the floor. Sam and Dean are there to catch them.

"What just happened?" Fred asks, shriveled.

"Where's Shaggy?" Scooby asks.

"Over here!" Shaggy yells. The gang looks towards the window and see Shaggy hanging from a metal beam from the balcony. The beam is swaying back and forth, "Like, little help?" the beam gives way and Shaggy falls towards the ground.

"Shaggy!" Scooby runs towards the window and jumps out to grab Shaggy's foot. Castiel follows him, "Scooby!"

"Scooby!" Dean shouts.

"Gotcha!" Scooby says as he grabs Shaggy.

"You've got me! Who's got you?!" Shaggy screams.

Castiel is "flying" towards Scooby. She grabs Scooby's tail and her coat billows out to form a makeshift parachute. It slows their descent as they crash through a tree and land on the ground.

Shaggy is lying on the ground, moaning and holding his arm. The remainder of the gang come running outside, "Shaggy! Are you okay?"

"Like, do I look like I'm okay?"

"It appears his arm is broken" Castiel tells them.

"What? That's not – I have jumped out of a biplane in a museum and was fine! How did this happen?!" Shaggy panics.

"I – I don't know. I...something threw me across the room" Fred says.

"Wires. Probably just wires" Velma tries to come up with a logically explanation.

"Like, hello! Broken arm here!" Shaggy gets their attention again.

"Shaggy, brace yourself"

"Uhh! Fred, give me your ascot" Daphne makes a sling out of Fred's ascot and her scarf for Shaggy's arm.

"Dean, we have to tell them the truth" Sam whispers to Dean, but Daphne hears them.

"What truth?"

"The truth about the phantom" Sam tells her.

"Look, this phantom isn't like other ghosts you've faced. He's real. He is a real ghost" Dean tells them.

"Huh?" None of them gets it.

"Um, I'm not totally following you" Fred tells them.

"Look, that isn't a guy in a mask and a costume. It's a vengeful spirit that's come back from the dead" Sam tells them the truth.

"That's the truth" Dean adds.

Velma takes off her glasses, "So everything you told me, it's true?"

"Mm-hmm" Sam hums.

"Werewolves? Vampires? Demons?" Velma questions, starting to freak out.

"Mm-hmm" Sam, Dean and Castiel hums, nodding.

"I thought I was blind without my glasses, but I was just blind. Oh, how could I be so stupid?" Velma snaps at herself.

"Uh, well, I mean..." Sam stutters.

"We've been stopping real estate developers when we could've been hunting Dracula?" Fred bangs his head against the tree, "Are you kidding me?!"

"Ooh. Ah, uh..."

"My life is meaningless!"

"If there are ghosts...that means there's an afterlife. Heaven. Hell. Am I going to hell?!" Daphne freaks out.

"We told you every freaking time! But did you ever listen to Scoob and me? No!" Shaggy tells them.

"We're doomed" Scooby says.

"All right knock it off! Come on! Scooby Gang does not have nervous breakdowns. Now you may not have tangled with the supernatural, but you've fought monsters, real freakin' psychos. Well, you stopped Zeke and Zeb. Shaggy figured out that the sharks Old Iron Face rode were really just torpedoes disguised to look like sharks. And what about the Black Knight? Huh? Mamba Wamba?" Dean tells them, sternly.

"The Space Kook" Sam inputs.

"I knew it! You love this show, too" Dean turns to Sam, triumphantly.

"Mm" Sam shrugs.

Dean turns back to the Scooby Gang, "Space Kook, ghost clown, miner 49er. You guys have all jumped into danger with no thought for yourselves. You're heroes, and together, we're gonna take down this phantom. Are you with me?" Dean asks them.

The Scooby Gang raises their fists in the air, "Yeah!"

"Let's do it!" Fred says.

"But how? We don't know the first thing about fighting real ghosts. We don't have the proper tools or weapons" Velma reminds them.

"That's okay. We do" Sam tells her.

The gang is now standing at the back of the Impala as Dean opens the trunk, showing all their weapons. "Ooh. Whoa"

"Here, Velma, take this" Sam hands Velma a shotgun.

Dean takes the shotgun from Sam before Velma can, "Sam, are you crazy? They can't use this stuff. That's a Scooby-don't"

"Dean, we've gotta do something. I mean, you guys are amazing!" Fred tells him.

"Thank you, Fred"

"But we can help. We have to" Fred says.

"(Bleep) Right you can. You're gonna do what you do best – build a trap" Dean gets bleeped when he curses.


Inside the mansion

Daphne is laying salt lines. "Ahh. That should do it" Fred sighs in satisfaction, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Lay it on me, Freddy" Dean says.

"Well, you see, Daphne's covered all the exits except that one with salt. So, the phantom will enter there, tripping the iron chain that'll activate the ax, which cuts the rope that holds the coconuts" Fred explains.

"Where'd he get coconuts?" Sam asks Dean.

"Shh!" Dean elbows him.

"The coconuts are gonna roll, tripping the phantom, sending him careening down a slide of soap, right into the washing machine which we'll secure with those iron chains"

"And with the ghost captured, we can finally find out what's going on" Sam says.

"Now all we need...is bait" Velma says.


Shaggy, Scooby and Castiel are tip-toeing through the mansion. Castiel is in the lead, holding a flashlight. "You think the phantom decided to leave?" Shaggy asks.

"No, it's still here. Don't worry" Castiel assures him.

"That's what I'm worried about" Scooby says.

The lights start flickering and Shaggy and Castiel can see their breath. "Hmm. Mm-hmm?"

Castiel turns around and the ghost is right in her face, "Aah! Run!"

"Aah!" the ghost starts to chase them through the mansion. Castiel is carrying both of them. Everything is going according to Fred's plan except Shaggy, Scooby and Castiel end up tripping on the coconuts, going down the slide and get trapped in the washing machine.

Sam and Dean peek out from behind a stuffed bear where they were watching the action. "I told you it wasn't going to work" Sam tells him.

"Yeah, Fred's traps never work," Dean tells him before yelling, "Daph, Plan b! Operation Bookworm is a go!"

The gang all run in different directions. The ghost, visibly agitated, starts searching for them. He upends a couch in the library and finds Fred, Velma and Daphne hiding behind it. Suddenly something gets thrown through the ghost, gaining it's attention.

"Good shot, Scoob old buddy" Shaggy is on the balcony looking over the library. Purple sparks emanate from the ghost's back, "Give him another one"

The ghost turns toward Shaggy and is hit with a book in the back. He turns around and runs towards Scooby, who is standing next to a bookshelf, holding a pile of books.

"Scooby, now!" Daphne shouts. As the ghost, approaches, Scooby hands him the pile of books and uses his tail to pull out the "booby trap book" on the bookshelf. The floor opens up and the ghost slides down the slide into the basement. He finds himself in a circle made of salt. He tries to escape by flying out of the circle but hits an invisible barrier each time.

"That's a salt circle. You're stuck" Sam tells the ghost.

"Let...me...go!" the ghost shouts.

"Happy to, sparky, soon as you tell us who you really are" Dean says.

The ghost tries several more times to escape and then finally, collapses to the floor, morphing into a small boy on the way. "It's...a child" Castiel states.

"Yeah, creepy ghost kid. You get used to 'em" Dean comments.

"But...wait. Why are you trying to kill us?" Sam asks the kid.

"I'm not. I never wanted to hurt anyone. But the bad man, he makes me"

"The bad man?" Castiel asks.

"His name is Jay"

"The dude from the pawnshop" Dean realizes.

"When I died, my soul was tied to a pocketknife" as the boy talks, the scene changes to the pawn shop where Jay is slipping the pocketknife into the back of the dinosaur costume. "My dad gave it to me. It meant everything. When Jay found me, he used me to...sometimes, I get so angry I break things, hurt people. But I don't want to" the boy is now floating in the salt circle, hands wrapped around his knees as if he was siting. "I just wanna see my dad again"

"I'm sorry. It was wrong of him to do that" Castiel apologizes to him, feeling bad for him.

"None of this was your fault" Sam assures the boy.

"Look, if you get us back to the real world, we can set you free" Dean tells him.

"Do you promise?"

"Cross my heart and hope to d—Well, you know what I mean" Dean opens the door and peeks into the room where the Scooby gang is freaking out. Sam and Castiel joins Dean at the door. "Okay, okay, hey, give me a minute. We can't leave 'em like this" Dean tells them.

They go back into the room where the boy is, "Kid, we need a favor"

The Scooby Gang pile into the basement. "Did you send it back to the fiery pit from whence it came?!" Fred asks.

"Look, everything's under control" Sam turns to the ghost in the room, under a blanket and tied with rope.

"Aah! Kill it with fire!"

"Whoa! Slow your roll, guys. We were wrong" Dean tells them.


"What – what are you – what are you saying?" Daphne stutters.

"Velma...w-was right" Sam lies.

"Like, she was?" Shaggy asks.

"This wasn't a real ghost. We were fooled" Sam tells them as they walk towards the ghost, "But you never were, right, Velma?"

"I, uh...I don't know" Velma stutters

"Hey, guys, do your thing" Dean tells them before whispering to Castiel, "This is my favorite part"

Velma and Fred walk over to the ghost. Velma reaches out and pulls its mask off, "Cosgood Creeps?!"

"But...the flying" Daphne says.

"Wires" Sam tells her.


"What about the walking through the walls? And the bodies?" Shaggy asks.

"Well, that was just a projector. As for the bodies..." Sam trails off not knowing what to say.

"Were they...dummies filled with corn syrup?" Velma asks.

"Exactly" Sam agrees.

"Of course! Cosgood was trying to drive everyone from the house so he could get the money for himself" Fred says now back to himself.

"Right. But the joke is on him because the money's worthless" Dean opens a suitcase filled with money, "It's all confederate dollars"

"Aw! Oh, well. Easy come easy go" Scooby laughs.

Velma laughs, "So...I was right." She punches Sam's shoulder, "I told ya, ya big lug. There's no such thing as the supernatural"

"Looks like you were right, and now we know" Sam tells her.

Castiel touches Shaggy's arm from behind and heals it, without him knowing. Shaggy takes off the sling, "Hey, my arm's feeling better. Don't think it was really broken after all"

"This is great news! Let's meet at the malt shop and celebrate" Fred says as he puts on his ascot again smooths his hair down.

"Sure, Fred. And hey, you're not so bad" Dean pats him on the back.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks" Fred says as he walks away with Daphne.

Castiel hugs Shaggy and Scooby tightly, "I will miss your wise words and your gentle spirits"

"Like, we will miss breathing" Shaggy chokes out.

Castiel lets go of them and crouches down on the floor where they are trying to catch their breath, "Thank you. You've shown me the great strength of laughter in the face of danger"

"Danger?! Where?! Let's get out of here, man" Shaggy and Scooby run away.

"Great working with you, Velma" Sam tells her.

"You, too, Sam" Velma grabs Sam and dips him into a kiss, "Mmm. Mwah. Those shoulders. Jinkies!" She raises her arms triumphantly as she leaves the room.

"Should known Velma was good to go. Gah! It's always the quiet ones" Dean teases him.

The Scooby Gang walks away, laughing. Sam, Dean and Castiel are standing around Cosgood. "We're ready" Castiel says as Cosgood morphs into the little boy, who is floating in a purple bubble. The boy holds up a hand and Sam, Dean and Castiel touch the bubble. Purple light flashes and they are transported back to the Dean-cave in the bunker.

"Okay. That was...something" Sam comments.

"That was the coolest thing that's ever happened to me. And that includes the Cartwright twins" Dean comments.

"What did you do with the Cartwright twins?" Castiel asks him confused.

Dean laughs, "Oh, I'll be right back"

Castiel turns to Sam confused as Dean walks away, "I don't think I wanna know" Sam tells her.

Dean comes back into the room and tosses a blowtorch to Sam while he picks up a sledgehammer, "Well, sorry, sweetheart" Dean smashes the television, which crashes to the floor. He looks through the broken pieces and pulls out the pocketknife. He tosses it to Sam as the boy materializes in front of them.

"Time to go, kid"

"What about the bad man?" the kid asks them.

"Don't worry about him. We'll take care of him, all right?" Sam assures him as he places the knife on a metal tray and starts burning it with the blowtorch. The boy goes up in flames and disappears.


Pawn Shop – Real World

Jay hands some paperwork over to Alan. Alan hesitates to sign and the door to the shop opens, "Not so fast" Dean stops them as he, Sam and Castiel walks in.

"Is that an ascot?" Alan asks, and Dean is in fact wearing an ascot.

"Yes. Yes, it is"

"Uh, what are you guys doing here?" Jay asks them.

"Hey, Alan, your friend here, he's been driving people off their property, so he could buy it on the cheap. And he's been using his own personal ghost to do it. You see, he'd plant the haunted object, then let the ghost go to work" Sam explains.

"Then they would possess something, like a big dinosaur or a perfectly beautiful TV" Dean continues.

"And scare people so much that they'd be desperate to sell" Castiel finishes.

"When we got nosy..." Sam says as a flashback off Sam and Dean carrying the television out of the pawn shop, "He sicced his pet ghost on us" Jay, who had been standing at the door, drops the pocketknife into the back of the television as the boys pass.

Castiel holds up the burned pocketknife, "But now, that spirit is freed"

"They're lying. They're...You think anyone's gonna believe that?" Jay asks them.

"No, but that's why we hacked your financials. Turns out you're not so big on paying your taxes, are ya?" Sam asks him as police sirens are heard in the background.

"Good enough for Capone, good enough for you" Dean smirks.

Sam, Dean and Castiel walk out of the pawn shop, "Ha! Velma was right. It was a shady real estate developer after all" Sam says.

Jay is escorted out in handcuffs by the police, "It's not fair. I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids" Jay shouts.

Dean gasps excitedly, "He said it! He said the line!" Dean clears his throat as he imitates Scooby's voice, "Scooby Dooby Doo!" He smiles pleased with himself afterwards.

"What are you doing?" Sam asks him.

"Well, I mean, at the end of every mystery, Scooby looks into the camera and he says—" Dean tries to explain.

"Dean, you're not a talking dog" Castiel reminds him.

"I know that. I..." Dean stops as Castiel walks away.

"Yeah" Sam comments as he follows after Castiel.

"No, but come on, I – I do look cool with the ascot, right? No? Guys? Come on, guys. Look, red is my color!" Dean asks as he follows them.

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