The Only King (RWBY x Betraye...

By -_Rafael_-

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Ner'Zhul has been bound in the Frozen Throne for too long but he is just waiting for his champion to be born... More

Chapter 1: The Mission and Beacon Academy
Chapter 2: Meeting Team STRQ
Chapter 3: About The Legendary Sword
Chapter 4: Love is not Worth it
Chapter 5: It's All a Lie! (Story Trailer & End of Volume 1)
Chapter 6: The Confrontation
Chapter 7: Ship Battle
Chapter 8: Menagerie
Chapter 9: Y/N's Sudden Change
Chapter 10: The Attack of The Scourge In Menagerie
Chapter 11: Enemy or Ally Reinforcement?
Volume 3 Coming Soon!!
Chapter 13: Onward To Northrend!
Chapter 14: Prepare For The Worst
Chapter 15: The Mission To Lordaeron
Chapter 16: Before Claiming The Sword
Chapter 17: Death Knight's Arrival
Chapter 18: The Rise Of Y/N
Chapter 19: Fall Of Lordaeron
Chapter 20: The New Lich King (End Of Volume 3)
Volume 4: Coming Soon!
Chapter 21: The Frozen Throne
Chapter 22: The Alliance Of Scourge and Grimm
Chapter 23: Anduin Will Never Be Yours
Chapter 24: The Future Warrior Of The Scourge
Chapter 25: ???
Chapter 26: The Two Guardians
!Important Announcement!
!!Great News!! I got it Back!!

Chapter 12: Death Of Kel'Thuzad (End Of Volume 2!)

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By -_Rafael_-

3rd Person's POV

Prince Arthas, Lady Jaina and Rebecca are at the house of the leader of the White Fang... Ghira. Y/N entered the house last with the help of Liam who assisted him there then left...

Y/N:"Sorry for making all of you wait" he said as he sat on a nearby chair as Rebecca glare at him before being nudge by Jaina as she motion Rebecca to stop it as she sighs then nodded...

Arthas:"It's fine, Y/N. The man beside me is Ghira, he is the leader of the White Fang. Ghira, this is Y/N L/N, my father's Royal Guard and my most trustful Paladin of the Paladin Order" he said as Ghira nodded before shaking hands with Y/N

Y/N:"It is a pleasure meeting you, Ghira" he said

Ghira:"It's a pleasure meeting the King's Royal Guard" he said with a deep voice and has a tone of authority

Arthas:"Now, we all gather here about our same problems... This Kel'Thuzad is leading the undead, so killing him will probably broke the chain of command through everything" he said

Y/N:"Kel'Thuzad? I thought that this Banshee Queen is the one leading the undead?" he asked a bit confused

Jaina:"I think Kel'Thuzad is the one leading their operation, and luckily for us, they didn't plan to spread their infection further throughout Menagerie" she said as Ghira is rubbing his chin while thinking

Ghira:"Aren't the other kingdoms knew about our current situation? Or even contact your own father about the undead here in Menagerie?" he asked Arthas as he shook his head no

Arthas:"The undead made a blockade fleet around Menagerie. Jaina could't use her teleport spell to my homeland after the escaped we made and at her current condition, she has not enough mana to do and other spells to aid us" he said

Jaina:"Sorry, I never thought that-" she said but got cut off by Ghira as he raised his hand

Ghira:"It isn't your fault, Lady Jaina. But even if the undead are at the gates, the White Fang are not made for making an army. We are a peaceful organization that only wants equality to the other humans" he said as Arthas and Y/N nodded in understanding

Y/N:"I will lead the knights... Prince Arthas, you should lead the army to attack at the front of the scourge, I will attack to their flanks..." he said as Arthas nodded

Rebecca:"Wait, when did you get the time to order us around?! The Prince is the-" she is about to finish until Y/N cut her off

Y/N:"The undead wants me dead! Surely that Banshee Queen has an arrow with my name on it to kill me... Surely if I am the one to flank, they would surely going to target me instead of the Prince..." he said as Rebecca caught off guard by this sudden information

Ghira:"Who is this Banshee Queen that you're talking about, Y/N" he said as Y/N looks at him

Y/N:"Sylvanas Windrunner, I never knew her but it seems she wants me dead for some reason" he said as Arthas and Jaina is now surprised by this

Jaina:"Sylvanas? Isn't she our childhood friend?" she said as Arthas smashed his fist on the table

Arthas:"Damn it, what the hell is going on? If this Banshee Queen is really is our childhood friend, then why would she joined the wrong side!" he said as Y/N stood up and put his hand on Arthas' shoulder

Y/N:"We need to be quick, Athas. There's no time to rethink of something... Let's go, I'll go and gather the knights... See you outside the gate..." he said before leaving the three behind

Ghira:"He seems a man with a hardened will?" he said as Rebecca shook her head in disapproval

Rebecca:"He's not the man who he once was... His stupidity in the battlefield will be his downfall" she said

Arthas:"Rebecca! Mind your language! He may be not the Y/N we knew, he is still a great soldier in the battlefield... losing him will be a great lose for Lordaeron's military might" he said as Jaina sighs before walking up to Arthas and whisper something to him

Jaina:"Arthas, I will be here to stand by the gate. You will going to join Y/N to flank and let Rebecca to be the one to lead the rest of the troops... Lets see if her tactics in battle will prove her worth and title to be a Paladin..." she whisper to him as Arthas nodded before sighing

Arthas:"Rebecca, I want you to lead the rest of the troops to attack the front of the scourge. I'll go and help Y/N to flank the undead, I will also going to bring my best warriors from the army... Understood, Rebecca?" he asked to her as she is clearly shock by this

Rebecca:"B-But, Prince Athas!" she tried to reason but cut off by Arthas

Arthas:"You are a daughter of Lord Uther The Lightbringer, a man who is the very first Paladin of Lordaeron... Now, you are a well trained and well studied Paladin as also a tactician in the battlefield... Now, do you understand, Rebecca?" he asked with venom in his voice as Rebecca felt a chill feeling through her spine

Rebecca:"I-I-I understand, Pri-Prince Arthas" she said while bowing her head

Arthas:"Good, you're dismissed" he said as she left with a sad look on her face and now walking through the streets deep in thought

Rebecca:'So, this is what it feels like to be shamed by her own superior...' she thought as she then remembered what she did to Y/N. "Y/N, I hope you're still going to make it back safe and sound" she said as she then walks to her troops and began ordering some of them to gather each of Arthas' army


I was behind the walls with a small group of knights that are getting ready, I noticed Arthas on his horse is now making his way to me...

Y/N:"Prince Arthas?" I said with a confused look on my face

Arthas:"There is a sudden change of plan, Y/N. I will assist you to flank the enemy, I also made Rebecca to be the one to lead the rest of the army to fight the undead army at the front..." he said as I then just noticed a large group of knights behind him, riding their way to me and Arthas' position

William:"Captain William and the Knights are ready for your orders!" he said after saluting to Prince Arthas as he returns the favor

Arthas:"At ease, Captain. I will entrust the field of command to Y/N. Everything he says or commands to any of you must follow... Understand?!" he said with a commanding tone as everyone nodded in agreement

Liam:"Lord Y/N, it seems our knights are now ready and itching for a taste of battle" he said as I chuckled

Y/N:"Good. Everyone, ready your swords! Onwards!" I commanded as we all ran out of the gates on our respective horses as we are then position to a triangle formation after getting some distance away from the main group of the army...

Kel'Thuzad's POV

Sylvanas:"What do you mean the Dark Lord wants me to return to Northrend immediately?! I am not leaving my prey and let you kill my prey!" she said in anger as I look at her seriously

Kel'Thuzad:"There will be punishments waiting for you and Mal'Ganis will be the one to punish you personally" I said as she walked up to me with the look of pure anger on her face

Sylvanas:"Listen here, Old man! I don't care if that Dreadlord do something to me, I am not afraid of him! I will easily kill him if I want to! He's lucky that he is being protected by the Dark Lord! So if you dare try to lay a finger to my prey... I will hunt you down like any other people that I killed like a prey being hunted down by a predator!" she said in a raised voice before stomping away towards the location of the ships... I sighed as I noticed that she also brings her army with her...

Kel'Thuzad:"She will never learn..." I whisper to the air as I then noticed that the lands around us are still not decaying. "She didn't spread the infection? This will be a problem..." I said before walking my way to the open field... As the rest of my army are gathered for the last siege

Necromancer:"Master, the humans are planning to attack us instead of defending their walls against us" he said as I am a bit surprised by this

Kel'Thuzad:"They have some guts to think they'll win, but still foolish..." I said as I raised my staff to the air as it glows with the dark powers. "Abominations! To the front! Let them taste the might of the Scourge!" I shouted  a war cry as the ghouls roars as the army began marching simultaneously forward towards the front walls...


I saw the undead are now charging forward as I raised my hand to the air as a signal as Captain William saw my signal as he blew the horn and alerts the knights of Lordaeron...

Y/N:"Charge! For King Terenas!" I shouted a war cry as I lead on the charge as we ran out from behind the trees that acts as our covers

We charge down the hill and now heading our way to flank the enemy army as the ghouls noticed our incoming charge as they separated from the main group and began charging right at us and that made their first mistake...

Arthas:"Alright! 2nd Group, Form up with me! We will charge and lend support with Rebecca's counter attack!" he shouted a command as Captain William relay the command and then half of the flanking group is split in half as I lead the rest to the enemy that leads the army

Liam:"Triangle Formation!" he shouted as I am amazed by his style of leadership

Y/N:"You know, Liam. If you ever survive this battle, I am surely going to promote you to be my Personal Captain..." I said smiling as he is shock by the sudden words from me

Liam:"I-I... Thank you, Lord Y/N. It is truly an honor" he said as I chuckled before facing the enemy as we mow down each ghouls who tried to attack us or even stopping their inevitable doom

Y/N:"Ride on, Knights Of Lordaeron!" I shouted as we are now just several feet away from the undead main army

3rd Person's POV

Y/N's group are now charging in with their lances and swords ready... Kel'Thuzad already knew of what is going to happen to him after the Dark Lord whispers to him about his future...

Kel'Thuzad:"For The Lich King!" he shouted a war cry as he raises his staff in the air and it began to glow... Kel'Thuzad uses the fallen ghouls corpses to summon a group of skeleton warriors to try and repel the incoming doom...

The skeletons are no match for the Lordaeron's mighty horses as Y/N didn't pay no mind about the ghouls around him as he is heading his way towards Kel'Thuzad with his sword ready... But, his horse is suddenly got impaled by a spear from a skeleton warrior as Y/N saw this he jumped off the horse and kept on charging...

Liam:"Lord Y/N! Damn it! Everyone, we need to get to Lord Y/N fast or he will be overrun by these foul undead creatures!" he shouted as the knights mounted or not, they all are now doing their best to group up with Y/N before he is going to be overrun...

Arthas on the other hand is now fighting off a group of Abominations with his knights... He assists Rebecca's army to keep on attacking and pushing forward. He noticed that Y/N is charging towards Kel'Thuzad on foot... He groans before raising his hammer to the air then lower it to the direction of where Kel'Thuzad is as his knights saw the signal and began charging with Arthas at the front...

Y/N:"Get out of my way, foul creatures!" he shouted as he decapitated a necromancer as this necromancer is just about to summon a skeleton warrior but failed in the end

Kel'Thuzad:"So, you're still not going to give up?" he said as he is now standing a few feet away from Y/N

Y/N:"I will have your head! And put it on a pike and show every undead that their so called leader is dead!" he shouted in pure anger as Kel'Thuzad laughs

Kel'Thuzad:"Boy, I am not the leader of the Undead... If you want the undead to be stopped... Seek out to the cold wasteland of Northrend, and seek out the name 'Mal'Ganis' the Dreadlord..." he said as he then saw Y/N stomping his way to him

Y/N:"Leader or not, your head will be on a pike!" he shouted as he raises his sword up in the air

Kel'Thuzad:"Naive fool. My death will make little difference in the long run. For, now, the scourging of Remnant... begins" he said as he let himself to be decapitated by Y/N's sword

Arthas:"Y/N! NOoooo!!!" he shouted from afar as he tries to stop Y/N from killing the old necromancer but failed in the end

The Undead felt the sudden change and saw that Kel'Thuzad died by the hands of a human... The undead scatters in panic but killed by the rest of the Knights of Lordaeron...


I breathe heavily as I saw the lifeless face of the old man... I look around the field around me to find a spear as I saw one and grabbed it and then I saw Arthas sprint-walk his way to me

Arthas:"Y/N, that is enough!" he commands me

Y/N:"Not yet..." I said with a cold tone as I grab Kel'Thuzad's head and impale it on a spear as I then stab the other end of the spear on the ground as every other humans that fought in the battlefield can now see the decapitated head of Kel'Thuzad and I know that Jaina can see it from the walls

Arthas:"Y/N! This is too much! What you've done is brutal!" he said as he grab each of my shoulders and face me to him

Y/N:"Brutal? I did what it needs to be done, Arthas! Look around you! This is what they've done to this peaceful lands and the peaceful Faunus people!" I shouted at him before removing his hands off me

Arthas:"Y/N... Have you gone mad! You really did  change... What even happen to you?! This is not what you are! The Y/N I know of is a man with honor and love for his people!" he shouted at me as I tried to speak back but failed. "You are even much worse than the Orcs that were in the old days!" he shouted with anger

Y/N:"Arthas! I am no longer the man that you once know of! I am a man that only follows his purpose! No Honor! No more glory! I am now doing it for the sake of our kingdom!" I shouted at him as the men gather around us watching us arguing each other

Arthas:"My father will not take this lightly, Y/N! You know what happen if your words reaches to my father's ears!" he shouted as I then grabbed my sword and then sheathed it

Y/N:"Treason. I am no afraid of it... What I'm doing is for the people of Remnant... Not just us. Not just the King. Not just for our kingdom" I said before walking away as I push aside every Footman that blocks my way as I saw Liam is following me...


I stood on a ship as I then sat on a wooden box and groan...

Y/N:"Why can't everyone see what I'm trying to say" I said to myself until I heard a familiar voice spoke up...

Liam:"Not everyone, Lord Y/N" he said as I look up and there I saw Liam with a large group of soldiers and crews behind him

Y/N:"Liam? What are you all doing here?" I asks as he look disappointed from something so as the other men on the ship

Liam:"Most of us heard that the Prince wants to call off the Expedition... But, if these undead is really real... Then this legendary sword is the key to finish off this curse" he said as I then thought about the days when I wanted to claimed the sword and protect the people I care for...

Y/N:"Then, what do you all want with me?" I asks him again

Liam:"We are ready for your orders, Lord Y/N. If you are still want to continue the Expedition, then me and the others will be glad to join you" he said as the other soldiers and crews cheers in agreement

Y/N:"Well then..." I trailed off as I stood up and the clouds above us began to darken...

???:'Seek the sword, Y/N... Do everything to make your way to the sword and claim it...' the voice whispers in my head after a long time...

Y/N:"Let's burn the other ships and make sure that the others won't follow us... to Northrend" I said coldly as the men roars in agreement as they all scramble around the deck to their positions while also loading the cannons and aiming it to the other ships

Liam:"Cannons, ready!" he said as I walked my way to the top deck and looks at the ships beside us... as the other crews on the other ships notices us aiming the cannons at them

Y/N:"..................Fire.........." I said as Liam repeated my command and the next thing I heard is the loud explosions from the cannons... Then heard the screams of the other sailors on the other ships... "Now no one shall stop me from claiming the sword..." I whisper to myself



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