Daily riddle challenge

By bakugohasnochill

56 0 13

(Is a daily riddle, you can tell what the answer is in the comments or wait for the next day to see if you ar... More

Day 1. (Spades and hearts)
Day 2 ( more power)
day 3 kittypet!!
not a riddle

How to play

12 0 1
By bakugohasnochill

Every day or other day I will give you a riddle by me or my friends. I will ask you 2 questions you can pick ether one, the first one to get it right gets there name in my bio for a week. Remember there is a giveaway every 5 rhymes, like free art! But you must put your answers in the comments or no reorganization!!! And if you have riddlers DM me and it may go in as a challenge with your name and you picking who is right.

Fang wants to play "riddle me this"
Do you expect?

(If yes)
Ok friend, there is NO TURNING BACK NOW

(If no)
Ok, come back when you grow a set.

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