should have...➝bbh

By pyonsuke

1.3K 74 47

🌸kissed you longer🌸 A fluffy valentine's special from me to you💖✨ enjoy! More

🌸should have kissed you longer🌸

1.3K 74 47
By pyonsuke

His palm felt slightly sweaty and hot against yours as you stopped in front of your house, from the corner of your eye you could see that the boy was at all costs ignoring any type of eye contact with you- his cheeks were painted in a faded shade of pink, yours were no different, however, when he stole a glance at you: you were caught staring and you did the same as he had and snapped your face in the other direction as you felt how the blood became hotter around your cheeks.

Two shy teens who liked each other very much, that was what the two of you were classified as. 

Still too shy to come out of their comfort zones. 

Baekhyun had recently taken the habit of walking you home back from school, people found it amusing to see the school's shyest people bond together- it hadn't been something too demanded, it had happened very spontaneously. Neither of you liked to talk, especially you, yet, from the very moment you saw the boy, you hadn't been able to help it but to feel drawn to him. Always stealing glances at him in the corridors, getting heartbeats whenever your eyes met-hence, it was a period of your life where you found yourself satisfied with the whole day after sharing even a second of eye contact with him. It had been very odd...The way your body reacted to it, the first time your heart had made jumps inside of your chest, 

 To be true, getting close to him hadn't been easy either, Baekhyun didn't trust easily, and your lack of words made it hard for him to understand you. But somewhere in the middle of your journey, you found yourself speaking way more than you'd usually do. Around Baekhyun, you wanted to smile, laugh and express your feelings with every muscle you had. 

Even though you were now dating Baekhyun was still very stubborn in showing his feelings, and while to others', that could have occurred to be something very frustrating you never found it in yourself to mind it because deep down you were the same, you rarely ever smiled unless you were in the company of this one boy or your few close friends. You understood that Baekhyun wasn't being that way on purpose, he just needed more time than the other's to completely warm up. Already, the fact that he had started dating you proved that even though the rare smiles, he felt something for you and he wasn't faking it.

"I-I'll walk you home," His voice had been very low, almost muffled by the way his lips had been pursed into a shy pout while the blush spread greatly all the way to his ears, shiny eyes staring down at his feet and a bashful hand scratching the back of his neck. That had been how it all began, and ever since, he'd been the one to keep you company on the usually lonely way home. At first, there had been a certain distance between the two of you- but without realizing it, you had started walking closer and closer. It had started with small shoulder bumps that Baekhyun's hand had started urging to hold yours, however, he had ignored the embarrassing thought for several weeks. Then...His knuckles felt yours and before he had known it; his orange fingertips had curled around your pink ones, sending a wave of warmth to spread into both of your chests. Heartbeat echoing in his ears as he felt the heat radiate in front of his face.

Progress was made, because now he was holding your hand without feeling like his heart was going to explode (mainly when there weren't many people around) and instead of feeling all too shy, he felt mainly happy, because your hand was always so warm and inviting that whenever you had to part, he would find himself feeling disappointed and cold.

Today, his hand held yours in a clamped way, it was an unusual manner of holding your hand that he had never used, it was sweaty and nervous, you wondered if something was wrong. When you stopped in front of your house, Baekhyun didn't let go and you took that as a clue that he had something to say. But for that, he needed to gather up his courage, you could tell from the way he was balancing on the ball of his feet and puffing up his cheeks with a troubled expression displayed on his face. After a good while, he cleared his throat and absentmindedly reached with a hand behind his neck, turning his face to side- giving you a full view of his profile. Baekhyun shyly glanced at you from under his lashes, cheeks flushed as always.

"Want to go on a date this evening?" His voice had a soft tone to it, it was a silky sound that never failed to soothe your senses, soothing and smooth like the petals of a rose. The question was short and had no elaboration, but that's how he did it, he knew that he would start sputtering nonsense if he let his tongue roll to say everything that he actually wanted to, but he didn't want to come off as weird and overwhelm you with his many words. Although he didn't show it, he had so much that he wanted to tell you, he didn't like to talk, but you, with you he felt like he would never be able to shut up if he ever was to start that kind of conversation. You woke up such an enormous amount of feelings within him that he sometimes still came to wonder how it was possible, that one single person could make him feel so many things at once.

Your lips curled into an unexpectedly bright smile and for a second Baekhyun felt like his feet were being lifted from the ground. His mouth was left agape at the beaming beauty in front of him, at that moment the first thing he did was connect you to flowers- sunflowers to be specific. He was sure, you were the brightest of them all. His heart swelled at the view of your glistening crescent moon and couldn't help but have his own lips lift into the boxy smile of his that you loved so much, with his pearly with teeth showing.

I'm so happy I could die. He thought.

"Yes! I want to go!" The enthusiasm seeping from your words gave him a sweet sensation and he nodded in approvement.

"Then I'll come to get you at seven, okay?" When you nodded he flashed another small smile and immediately left without another word. Happily, you stepped inside your house, already wondering what outfit would be the best for this occasion, simple maybe?

                                                                                          ♡    ♡   ♡

You had no idea whether the movie theatre being almost completely empty was a good thing or not, but Baekhyun also had an unreadable expression on his face which told you that he was probably thinking the same thing. It occurred to you that it wasn't an important detail so you decided to forget about it. 

Your thoughts wandered further to Baekhyun, and how different he looked this evening. Seeing him in clothes proper for school was one thing and you had never imagined that a casual thing as an outfit could make one look so distinct.

He looked taller, manlier but still gentle thanks to his soft features, you reasoned. Baekhyun's legs were hugged by a pair of light blue jeans and the outfit was completed by a pastel yellow sweater, the collar of a white shirt peeked neatly from the hem of the sweater. His ashy brown hair fell into waves on his forehead and it wasn't even fair to say that he looked perfect, he was much more than that, you could've sworn that his figure felt like a magnet to your eyes because your gaze would always end on him no matter how much you tried to stop yourself from being that way.

Once you had double checked the ticket the two of you started walking up the stairs to your assigned seats. The room was already dark and the commercials were being played on the big cinema screen before the movie itself. People in their seats were by now just dark silhouettes. The soft material of the chair sunk down under your weight as you carefully sat down and a relieved sigh heaved from your lips. Although it wasn't the first time that you and Baekhyun sat so close to each other, you couldn't help but feel extremely self-conscious. Millions of thoughts were running through your head and it was making you feel dizzy. Baekhyun wasn't doing anything and yet his sole presence was having such a strong impact on you all of sudden, how were you going to survive a whole movie when his shoulder was so tightly pressed against yours? When his fingers were dangerously close to yours, how were you going to calm down your furiously beating heart? The sound of it was so loud in your ears and you feared that the boy next to you could hear it crash against your ribs.

Helplessly, you squeezed your eyes at the warmth radiating off your cheeks.

This was no good, huh.

"Are you okay?" Baekhyun's whisper came so swiftly that you found yourself almost flinching away from him, waking up from the panicked daze, his warm breath was fanning your ear as he spoke as quietly as possible- so that he wouldn't disturb the other people in the room, who also seemed to be couples. His care should have been something that calmed you down and that made you feel reassured, however, this time it was having a completely different effect. Neither of you noticed that the movie had already started playing, Baekhyun just wanted to make sure that you were fine, you had been making painful expressions ever since you had sat down and to say the least, it was starting to worry him. Frantically, you gave him a quick nod, maybe a too quick one because to him it seemed as if you were doing it just to not make him worry.

A crease formed on his pretty face and he forgot about his incredibly shy persona, gently clasping his thumb and index finger around your chin, turning it to his direction. His glittering orbs dilated once they met your dark ones, you could see the genuine worry flashing through them- it made you feel slightly guilty because he was worrying over nothing really. You were fine, but just today your body had to act up like that, it was frustrating. All you had wished for was a sweet evening, intertwined fingers and soft conversations but your nervousness was keeping you from doing so, even regular glancing made your heart squirm with a helpless feeling that you couldn't quite put your finger on. 

"Are you sure? You look pale," He insisted softly, absentmindedly moving his hand to cup your cheek. You wondered if he knew what he was doing to you, what he was doing in general because you were sure that an every day Baekhyun would have turned into a flame at this point, but now there was not even a hint of blush on his cheeks. Maybe it was the different environment that also made him feel different. 

This time you gave him a slower and hesitant nod, and that didn't go unnoticed by Baekhyun as he gave you a troubled look while trying to figure you out. Baekhyun was a complicated person but in the end so was you, in your own odd way.

 Had you already mentioned that he looked perfect? Because from this angle he was looking even more breathtaking, and it wasn't helping that the pad of his thumb was so delicately grazing the apple of your cheek, hitching your breath inside of your throat as your teeth dug desperately into your lower lip. His scent reached your nose and the flower-like fragrance was making you fall into endless dizziness.

"Y/n," Baekhyun called, his voice sounded distant and you noticed how his stare was wavering, eyes not resisting to steal a quick glance at your pursed lips. The legs were trembling together with your hands and you were sure that your poor heart would stop functioning if it went on in this way. His knee bumping into yours was way too warm for you not to notice it and the dazed glances Baekhyun gave your lips made you wonder how you were still alive. You noticed how the blood had been forming on Baekhyun's cheeks, warming them up at his own actions.

"You should..." He murmured, "Breathe-" his thumb tugged your lips away from the grip of your teeth and somehow you managed to let out a little sigh even though it felt like your lungs would stop working right away. He was too close for you to reason properly. You had never been this close before- it was something so odd and intimidating, but at the same time it woke up a certain curiousness inside of you and you just felt how you wanted to know more about it. With your faces so near, noses bumping against each other and eyelashes kissing your cheeks, warm breaths mingling in front of your mouths, what awaited you if you choose to stay in this position? What was going to happen if you for once forgot about who you were and the fact that you were too shy for such close proximity?

Could Baekhyun's lips promise you a world of wonders that you would never forget?

And those were the last words leaving your thoughts before you shut everything else out and let your sleepy eyelids fall close, lips coaxing ever so slightly open and Baekhyun felt his heart in his throat as he inched closer to place his lips on yours.

And then it happened, at first, it was your lips flatly pressed against each other because neither of you knew what to do, but it didn't feel wrong either. His lips were soft and warm, so incredibly warm. You felt his hand move from your cheek and chills traveled on your skin when his fingers spread across your neck and before you knew it; his mouth was slowly moving against yours with uncertain movements. Only after a small while of contemplating, you did the same, clumsily trying to follow the rhythm of his own and you felt how his mouth twitched for a second as if he was holding in a laugh. Soon after your lips were already locking perfectly with each other, low sounds echoing when your mouths detached ever so slightly.

Your chest was heaving as you parted and while the moment had felt so slow then, now that it was over you realized how much shorter it had actually been. With your cheeks flushed, you absentmindedly reached with your fingers to touch your lips who were still pulsing with Baekhyun's pressure. What he had just done finally sunk into his skin and his eyes widened greatly and his cheeks turned into a color you hadn't thought had been possible for a human. With an awkward clearing of throat, he sat back against his chair and pretended to watch the movie although it was already too late for him to try to understand anything about it by now. After all, the sole fact that you had kissed felt like a movie to him.

And the rest of the evening continued like that, with a blooming feeling tickling your chests.

By the time that you were back in front of the door to your house, the night was as dark as ever, with small glittering lights spread all over it and a bright moon shining down on the roads. The spring air was a nice kind of chilly, it wasn't too cold but just perfect for anyone to walk around without any extra clothes. In that blooming night, Baekhyun's hand was still in yours and the wordless minutes spent in front of your house passed by fastly. 

From under his lashes, he gave you a shy glance and although it was hesitant, in his eyes was such a loving look that your heart reacted crazily to it, flipping inside of your chest, making butterflies tickle your belly.

A gasp left your lips when his lips were suddenly pressed against yours, Baekhyun's squeezed eyes flashed in front of yours and before you could react and kiss him back, he had already stepped back, a hand covered the blush on his face as he looked away bashfully.

"Goodnight Y/n," Biting your lip you muttered the words back and entered the house, leaving Baekhyun with his thoughts. Signing loudly, he reached out for his temple, rubbing it slightly while a little smile grew on his lips, though, it disappeared soon after as he bent down into a crouching position, hands covering his face. His heartbeat was furious and painful, the way that you made him feel.

Slight regret filled his thoughts.

"I should have kissed her longer.."

 ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡♡ ♡ ♡

aaaanndddd that's it! I hope you enjoyed this and that it could make your valentine's day even better! Please tell me what you think ♡ 

(sorry in advance for weird sentences and stuff that don't make sense)

Anyways my loves, have an extraordinary day filled with love and great company with a smile on your faces! And if you don't have anyone to spend it with I still hope that you can on this day give yourself a lot of appreciation by treating yourself to nice things! Much love, your P.✨💖🌸

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