Sawyer's Life Turned Upside D...

By PeanutbutterUSA

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"What all did you know before she came?" "To always kill my enemies..." Sawyer McLoughlin was born with thre... More

Le Prologue
Alerted To Be
Learn How To Calm Down
Who We Meetin'
Why Are We Greetin'
Excuse Me But
Change Is Key
How's This For Trying
How About No
How To Be a Professional Child
The Art of Silence
Welp, Im Screwed
How Long Since
Well, Well, Well
That's a Nice One
Who's This Kiddo
Does She Sleep
Since When
This Was The Beginning
Fight or Flight
Who Is It
How's Life My Dudes
Beginning of the End
Trying Out Hope
Cutting It Close
Comes From Within
Deadly Encounter
Dead Ended
The End

Sincerely Me

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By PeanutbutterUSA

Dear my Inner Darkness,
I'm sad that you feel this way about our relationship. But I can assure you that I had reevaluated my schedule to fit your personal interests. The date you requested for the spotlight has been provided to you from the counselor and is well prepared.

Though the schedule has been reconstructed, I have to warn you that not everything was changed. The date planned for this Thursday couldn't be budged. It would be greatly appreciated if you could wait out then.

Your choices of snacks is quite odd, but me and my friend got your favorites and put them in the fridge in the basement. We also got some instant noodles and green tea, unsure of your opinion on them but we tried.

I understand that you're personally annoyed and seem hurt by my lack of using creative wording. I have attempted expanding my vocabulary to suit your feelings. If you couldn't tell by my synonyms for changed and looked over.

You seem to liquidate a lot in your world, so to compensate, I have took the empty room upstairs and put in some androids that you could kill as pleased. They will generate themselves so don't worry about taking care of it.

We also set up a corner in my recording room dedicated to your recording videos. Since you like that soooo much. I understand that you have too much to handle in your world so I am attempting to make this world a calming place just for you.

I hope our relationship can improve over the course of this new schedule and that you enjoy your stay here in my home, and in my body.

Sincerely, Me

(Wait, that isn't mature)

Your's Truly,

(Now that sounds awkward)

Yourself in a different body,

(Does that sound ok?)

Fervently yours,
                       Seán Mc'Loughlin

Anti's POV

"Why did Jack write this letter to me?" I mutter to myself and toss it to the side. I woke up earlier in his body, in the real world. He was sitting in his gaming chair when I came here.

I look into the corner and, true to his word, there is a green screen along with a camera and lighting. I walk over to it and examine the corner. The static effects from my hand mess with the green screen as I glide my fingers across it.

"How nice, to think that I would want something like this. Maybe it could be of use," I mutter to myself before walking away.

I head to what I remembered as the storage room and open it up. The room is dim. I turn on the light switch to see the room in all its Glory and robots, androids I guess, without any skin. I walk up to one and tap the light in the side of it's head.

"Hello," it says. I give it and awkward look.

"What are you?" I growl at it. It's expression remains silent.

"I am an android. What were you expecting?" It asks me.

"A robot with skin," I tell it examining it's body.

"I can have skin of anyone you desire. Even fictional characters," it states matter-of-factly. I nod and tap my chin with my finger.

"Can you turn into Darkiplier?" I ask it. It nods and changes into Malus, tuxedo and all. Dark 3D effect is also clearly visible.

"I can be anyone you desire. Even a deceased family member, a long lost friend, even your significant other when-"

"Okay that's enough!" I yell at it. It steps back in slight shock," I would rather not hear Dark say that."

"Fair enough," it says and steps back into position. I smirk grows on my face and pull out a knife that I keep on hand.

"What would happen if I stabbed you with this knife?" I ask it, ask him.

"It would certainly be, inconvenient, to finish my life before the estimated time," he informs me. I growl at it and stab it in the heart. It grabs my hand, trying to remove my arm.

"Let go of my arm, you stupid piece of useless metal!" I yell and pull it to the side to knock it over with my knife lodged into it and my arm to my side.

"Why would you hurt me? I have an infinite battery supply, I can give you anything! I can-" I pull my knife out of its chest and notice it pulled out it's heart. The Android's skin disappeared and I see a blue liquid pour out of it. It holds its hand out to me. I pull it's heart off of my knife and toss it across the room.

I walk out and close the door behind me. He actually wasn't being stupid about something for once.

I head to the basement and see the fridge he mentioned. I open it and see everything that I like. I pull out the first thing I see, which is a box of fish sticks. Nice.

I head upstairs, grab a tray, and rip open the box. I drop the bag on the tray and throw the box somewhere away from me.

I rip open the bag next, some of the fish sticks go flying but I catch them all and drop them into the tray and dump the rest onto it.

I throw into the oven and wait for it to cook. I decide to explore the house a little more for anything new. In the living room, I see a random magazine on the coffee table. The front cover is of some dude that is pretty hot, because it's me.

"Irish Man Caught as an Ego, Is Anyone Safe?"

I open the magazine and find the page of the story.

"The Irish YouTuber, most commonly known as Jacksepticeye, or Jack, was found in an unusual setting. He kept calling for someone named Staci at a salom. Anyone who approached him and claimed they don't know where Staci is was hit in the face with a Nerf bullet. Fans claim that he is acting as the proclaimed Chase Brody. This isn't the first time he's acted like this. He is well known for having other egos such as..."

The alarm to take out my fish sticks goes off and I toss down the magazine and head in. I open the door and pull them out, forgetting about a glove. I feel a burning sensation in my hand but it doesn't hurt. Seán is just gonna love that!

Just as I put the fish sticks on a plate and pull out some mayo from the fridge, I hear the doorbell ring. Ohhhhh frriiicccckkkkk.

Hey. I decided that this one needed and author's note at the end of it. I just like how it started. Well, I hope you enjoyed it, if you did fabulous, if you didn't, feedback would be appreciated. Have a nice day!

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