7 Universes of Love

By TaleTellerCat

166 12 7

"hey bucko, let's say we were in a different universe with random, new rules, what would you do?" "Marry you... More

The amazing Spider Gril
A skeleton's moving castle
Sans' bizarre adventures
A song of blue and red
Under the stardew
Valentine's day

Frisk Potter and the surprises of Christmas

19 2 1
By TaleTellerCat

     The Dreemurrs of New Home were a perfectly normal family, thank you very much. As much as the two of the most powerful goat monsters in the wizarding world, with 3 feisty, very difficult to manage sons could be called normal. They had a small, brick house with a purple tint to it, right in the middle of nowhere. Its roof was more straw than tiles and seemed in need of a repair constantly while the small chimney would emit a thin, continuous strand of smoke as it was the end of a chilling December. All the green, beautiful grass with small ponds at the bottom of mount Ebbot has now withered and frozen, while being covered by a tick, sparkly blanket of snow.

Except a dim, very warm light coming from the small, wooden windows of the cozy hut, a few pleased laughters and giggles could be heard from the inside as well.

"Paaaaps, give it back!!!" a very annoyed exclamation rang through the small living room while a 17 year old, goat boy was running after his youngest, skeleton brother, chasing him all over the house while his pointy horns would sometimes poke at the decorations around, hence the height of the young goat monster would soon surpass even his father's.

Most of the times he had to hunch down while entering their small home, scratching at his fluffy ear, looking around with two very careless, bright green eyes, yet always widening his smile at the sight of his most loving goat mother, probably about to stuff some more pie into his mouth.

The same tall, well built teen was struggling to catch his younger, 13 year old brother, while wearing some comfy looking, straight pants and a bright green sweater with one yellow stripe in the middle and a big A standing out on the chest, probably knitted with great love and care by a certain goat mother.

The feisty, smaller skeleton, running away swiftly, dodging the old couch on the way, was holding a hawthorn wand in mid air, teasing his older brother, wearing his designated, orange pullover with the letter P in the middle.

The goat lady, only watched briefly as she was busy to the bone with preparing the grand, Christmas meal, even magic was not helping enough with how many chores she had to deal with. Despite the rather strict, useless nag she yelled out at her youngest, hyperactive son, she couldn't help but smile joyfully at the playful atmosphere the two dorks were creating in the entire home.

"It's been a while since the two played around like this, hasn't it, fluffybuns?" she asked her husband with a rather amused, soft voice while mixing up some of the cinnamon-butterscotch filling for her most craved pie.

The rather tired looking, big goat monster had to shift his gaze from the newspapers with funny, moving pictures in it, just to fix it onto the back of his lovely wife for a brief moment. She didn't see, but his blonde, rich beard moved a little, especially because a happy smile was induced by her joyful words.

"Indeed, my dear." is all he let out with a very deep, slightly hoarse voice.

Asgore Dreemurr was not much for a talk after long, hardworking days at the Ministry of Magic, especially when issues hit the inter-racial department he was the leader of. Being the eve of Christmas unfortunately didn't exempt him from the duties, therefore all he did when arriving home was finally sit at the dining table, indulge into the newspapers with a cup of golden flower tea, while keeping his wife company, somewhat.

Toriel, on the other hand, never minded the silence of her husband, mainly because she knew he worked day and night to sustain their living and not having adopted two boneheads would've probably eased his burden, but none of them ever regretted the deed for one second.

Sans and Papyrus were two skeleton brothers orphaned at the mere age of 3 years and 2 months respectively. Because Asgore and their late father, W.D. Gaster were almost like brothers, the newly wed couple couldn't help but want to adopt the two, besides, their small, 4 year old son could've used some company.

After Frida and Iskren Potter passed at the hands of the most evil, thought to be dead wizard, they were all about adopting little, newborn Frisk as well, the goat mother even urged on it, seeing the poor, human baby crying simply broke her heart, but the Headmaster insisted she be given to the muggle family, the only family she had left at the side of her deceased mother and nobody could go against him.

They were more than awful, the goat lady thought. Keeping the small girl away from all magic, making her feel like a freak, lying about her parents' death and demeaning her in front of her older cousin all the time.

She shook her head briefly, trying to ward off all the sad thoughts the memories would bring, causing her fluffy, white ears to dangle funnily from one side to another. Now a rather happy smile was being drawn on the goat mother's face, mainly because her younger, 16 year old skeleton son promised to bring the little lady over for Christmas.

When the little pun lover came by with the idea, spitting it out in the most abashed, unsure manner, asking for permission from his mother, she couldn't help but think that the real reason was not as much because he felt bad for his friend and classmate, which had to sit all alone in the dorms during the holiday when all families must unite, simply because her only family didn't want her back for Christmas, she could also feel a strange, excitement from the lazybones and affection towards the little lady, one that appeared instantly on her oldest son's expression as well at the news.

She was now wondering, how come the daughter of her best friends managed to become best friends with her sons, to add to the cauldron, she was more than sure the little lady was swaying both of their tender, young hearts and it reminded her of the teen years, when she would swing between a young, blonde goat kid and a tall, dark haired, human one.

The entrance door closed gently and the small skeleton's happy "NYEH! THEY'RE HOME!" ringing through the entire house made the woman drop whatever chores she had and grab onto a small, wrapped up package, decorated with a red ribbon and storm right towards the entrance of their small home, taking her husband slightly aback.

"Howdy, Frisk!" the oldest brother was already at the spot, giving a small, brown haired teen the widest, most excited smile and his mother surely noticed that faded tint of red coating his furry cheeks.

"uh, bro, i'm here too ya know?" the bonehead she came with let out, giving his older brother a very dull, annoyed gaze while he hid his hands deep within the pockets of his black pants.

"Hi Asriel, hi Papyrus." she let out with a rather shy, girly voice, hiding her closed eyes behind some thick, messy, dark brown bangs.

"Oh!" she let out when suddenly, the youngest one hugged the tiny, young lady's torso with all the strength in those bony arms.

The goat mother couldn't help but let out an adorable "Awwww" at the view, before the small woman hugged back with great care.

"Welcome home, Frisk."

Those very soft, extremely alien to her, words made the girl look up at the tall goat mother. Her lips parted in pure surprise as she's never heard a soul letting out such comforting utters towards her. She froze for a moment, slowly worrying the rest before she snapped out quickly and lowered her gaze once again.

"I umm...th-thank you... I'm sorry, i didn't want to bother, but Sans insisted... I know it's more of a family thing..."

"Nonsense, my dear!" the mother reassured her with a happy smile, pacing a comforting paw on her small shoulder.

"These dorks have stuffed our ears about you so much that you can consider yourself part of the family now, hehe!" she added with amusement, making both her older sons avert their gazes in pure fluster while a sparkle of joy and hope appeared in her tiny soul.

"m-mom..." the lazybones let out with abashment while scratching at the back of his skull in sheer embarrassment.

"Ah, speaking of family, here, take this!" with those excited words she handed the little lady the small package, making her look down at it with surprise.

"O-oh? A gift? Missis Dreemurr, you didn't have to! Plus, it's too early for gifts, isn't it?"

"Take it dear, it's a family tradition." she said with a faint giggle. "Come on, open up!"

Everyone looked at the girl with suspense, although they all knew all too well what was in that small package. She ripped the wrapping up very carefully, like the gentle soul she was, slowly revealing a small, hand knitted, light blue sweater with pink stripes. Her small face was shifting to more and more excitement as the little lady let out an soft gasp once holding out the sweater, presenting it to everyone, inspecting the big, majestic F letter, knitted right in its middle.

"W-wow it's..."

She barely uttered before looking up at the goat mother with a wide, joyful smile.

"Thank you so much, missis Dreemurr!! It's amazing!"

Her sudden, very excited words of gratitude made the goat monster's soul waver as she never truly received such a reaction from her sons, mainly because they were used to getting affection from their mother all the time, or having a mother in the first place.

"you should wear it, frisk." her friend suddenly let out with a gentle, deep timbre towards her.

"C-can i?" she asked, giving an unsure glance to her friends.

"You have to! Mom makes these every Christmas, look even the bonehead has one." the young goat man let out in amusement, pointing at his very annoyed brother.

She now inspected the skeleton with a rather surprised gaze. Indeed, he was wearing a very soft looking, blue, knitted turtleneck with the letter S on his ribcage and she wondered previously, how come he traded his most beloved, blue hoodie for this clothing choice? Now it was more than clear. No matter how cold and careless Sans the skeleton seemed, he still loved his mother enough to wear the clothing she made for him and her heart tingled softly at that thought.

She gave them all a sincere smile and took off the small coat which was still hanging on her dainty shoulders.

"Oh, i'll get that!" The goat teen rushed in and grabbed at her outer clothing, hanging it neatly on a tilted hanger in the hallway, making the blue dressed skeleton avert his dull gaze with annoyance.

She put the fluffy sweater over her white, very thin, buttoned up shirt and although slightly baggy, it simply looked like it was meant for her and the goat mother couldn't help but gasp in excitement.

"Oh, Frisk! You look beautiful!" she let out with joy, making the tiny lady lower her gaze as she could feel blood rushing to her cheeks soon enough.

The little lady was now sitting at a quite big, dining table. She nibbled at her lower lip in complete puzzlement and hunger, unsure what she should start with, the steaming, glazed ham and potatoes with delicious brown sauce or skip it all and dig straight into the cinnamon-butterscotch pie which was clearly the star of the evening, filling the entire room with a ravishing smell.

But just when she finally made up her mind and mustered the courage to extend a small hand towards the desired meal, the goat dad suddenly addressed her, making her flinch and retract her hand quickly.

"Frisk! You've grown so big. The boys say you are doing quite well in school too!" he said while popping another hot potato in his mouth, munching on it with a pleased aspect.

"Oh um...y-yeah...i guess." the little lady answered dimly while tucking away some of those stubborn, dark brown locks behind her ear, lowering her gaze with abashment. Yet her best friend, sitting right next, wearing his blue, knitted turtleneck couldn't help but get a glimmer of pride in his lazy eyes, as if he's achieved something in front of his parents because she was being complimented.

The goat lady on the other hand looked at the girl briefly and it caused her smile to widen instantly. She was slowly turning into a very beautiful, young woman and it was certainly not surprising that her boys were all out for her.

"You have your mother's eyes." she let out with a very soft, caring timbre while placing some spaghetti into her youngest son's plate, cooked specifically for him as the Great Papyrus, would not accept any other grub.

Those words pierced right through the girl's heart as she's never seen her mother, at least she couldn't remember her. Photographs never truly felt the same. She looked like a complete stranger in them and that was the reason she would cease inspecting them.

"Wh-what eyes?" she let out dimly, averting her gaze in embarrassment.

"pf!" the skeleton sitting next almost spit out his ketchup while utter silence drenched the entire room.

"Pfffhahahahaha!!" they all suddenly let out in unison while her best friend looked at the tiny woman with a very wide, amused stare.

Who could've thought Frisk Potter was so skilled at self deprecating jokes? It only intensified his fondness towards the shy girl.

Her face lit up in an instant and soon enough they all dimmed down, showering the small lady's aspect with merry smiles and gazes. The goat mother even got up and placed a few slices of ham and potatoes in her empty plate, patting her dainty shoulder with a wink, making sure the girl does not go to sleep on an empty stomach like the caring mother she was.

Frisk watched how the evening slowly unraveled, how gentle giggles and loving smiles were shared between husband and wife, how a bonehead dressed in a blue, fuzzy turtleneck kept spitting out exasperating, bad puns, making his mother laugh her bones out and a younger skeleton let out extremely annoyed "NYEH!" -s. She inspected with a wide smile how two brothers kept nudging at each other, annoying one another to the marrow while the soft sound of self washing dishes and the gentle cracking noises the dim fireplace would emit crawled right into her ears, only intensifying the tranquility she felt in the loving heart of this family.

The small lady lowered her gaze, her tiny hands tightened into fists on her thighs while a strange feeling started overwhelming her little soul. It felt too good, she felt too happy, too cozy, she never felt this much affection and love in her entire life, the poor child was never needed, wanted, cherished, she was lucky to live in the first place and that's all she had to be grateful for. Her thin, rosy lips started trembling and she could feel the thumping of her soul become stronger and louder, ringing in her ears while she shifted her rather scared gaze between all of their faces as more and more anxiety started to take over. A few drops of tears formed at the base of her shiny eyelashes and that was the moment when the goat lady finally noticed something was off.

"My child, are you alright?" she asked in concern, making all eyes fix onto her trembling self, only intensifying her nervousness.

"I...i'm sorry!" she suddenly exclaimed while tears started pouring down her cheeks and she covered her mouth with a dainty palm.

But before anyone could let out a worried gasp, she jumped right off her seat and stormed towards the entrance hall, hiding herself on the small, wooden stairs leading to the second floor, sitting her small rear on one of them.

Silence followed as they all stared at each other with baffled, pained aspects, only hearing dim sobs from the hall's direction.

"frisk!" the short bonehead suddenly exclaimed with pure worry, as if the situation finally hit him and he got off in the blink of an eye, running towards the hallway.

"D-did i...say something wrong?" the goat woman let out with a very sad tone, glancing at the other two sons remaining, exchanging some very worried gazes.


The goat kid suddenly fixed his puzzled eyes onto his younger brother. He only nudged his skull to the side, hinting that they should come out into the living room and all of a sudden, they got up in unison with the words "We'll come back soon!"
And so they stormed off towards the living room, hiding behind the couch back mischievously while leaving their parents utterly stunned and confused.

"Hey Paps....what are we doing here, why are we hiding?"

"SHHH!!" his younger brother suddenly shushed the young goat monster and pointed at the two lovebirds at the stairs with a rather mischievous, wide grin.


As soon as he appeared in front of the small lady, she got up in an instant, wiping her tears with her soft sleeve while pressing her small back into the wall right next, lowering her gaze greatly, trying her best to hide the sorrow and tears, but to no avail, as the skeleton noticed those tear streaks on her rosy cheeks in an instant and it only shifted his aspect to more sorrow.

"frisk...are you ok? why did you cry...?" he asked, approaching the small lady with caution.

"I just...i guess i felt too...happy?" she barely uttered with a trembling voice.

"what?" the skeleton tilted his skull at the small woman in pure confusion.

She averted her gaze in an instant, starting to fidget at the edges of her soft sleeves in nervousness, understanding all too well how crazy her utters sounded.

"It's just that for the first time....it finally felt like i belonged to a family...and i guess uh...it all sort of overwhelmed me...i know...it sounds weird.." she finally specified, looking up into his lazy, halfway closed eyes with a hopeful stare, seeking for some kind of approval.

"no it doesn't." he gave her the desired words while his aspect softened into affection and pity.

The skeleton placed one comforting, bony hand on the lady's dainty shoulder, giving her the much needed strength and that was the moment when the goat teen couldn't watch anymore from behind the couch, averting his gaze with pain.

"Paps, i'm done, do what you want i'm going to mom and dad." he let out dimly, about to shift away when suddenly, his brother grabbed onto his sleeve and jerked him right back, almost making the goat monster fall down.

"SHH! WATCH THIS...." the little troublemaker added, making his brother stare at the scene intently, though a concerned, furry eyebrow did raise on his aspect.

The spaghetti lover felt at the back of his pants before taking out a thin, oak wand, pointing it at the two with a mischievous grin.

"Paps..what are you-"

" VISTUM EXTO." he almost whispered, taking the goat kid completely aback as a small, beautiful mistletoe appeared over their heads, making both the brown haired girl and the skeleton she was talking to gasp in sheer surprise.

The oldest brother couldn't help but raise his paw towards his fluffy forehead in disappointment.

"M.K. taught you that one, didn't he?"

"MHM!!" the little bonehead nodded with a wide, playful and very pleased grin.

"wh-what the-" the shortie swallowed his words in utter astonishment as his eye sockets hollowed out at the small piece of a floating, slightly glowing mistletoe.

"aw shucks...s-sorry frisk, i think the boneheads are playing around..." he said with a slightly trembling voice while averting his gaze in fluster.

"O-oh...a mistletoe.." she said, completely surprised and somewhat mesmerized by the sudden appearance and at that innocent, adorable voice his cheekbones took on an even brighter tint of blue.


"And people kiss under it!" she specified with even more purity while staring at the small thing intently. The skeleton shifted his hand uncomfortably, grabbing at the back of his skull in nervousness.

"uh-huh" he affirmed somewhat.

"l-listen frisk, don't take it serious, it's probably just paps and asry pranking us and-"

He certainly swallowed his words in an instant once he could feel a set of very soft, pouting lips pressing on his cheekbone as the woman stood on her small tiptoes, leaning forwards, feeling her hot cheeks redden by the second.

"wh-" his eye sockets hollowed out once again at her abrupt action as she quickly parted away, hitting the skeleton with a pleased, sincere smile.

"Thank you Sans." she suddenly let out in mirth.

"Thank you for making me feel at home..."

"h-hey..." the flustered bonehead lowered his gaze, covering his grin with a bony palm.

"don't sweat it...you paid me pretty well..."

She only let out the most amused, joyful giggle at that one, causing his soul to tingle with happiness once again.

"Uhhhh..." a very exasperated sigh escaped a goat teen's mouth as he leaned on the back of the couch, sinking both his shoulders and head down in sheer defeat while his brother kept chuckling, looking at the amusing scene with a cunning grin.

"You bonehead!" he almost exclaimed, giving his skull an annoyed, rather tough knock which caused a sound of emptiness to emit from it.

"N-NYEH!!" the small one let out in pain, grabbing at his skull and piercing at his older, utterly upset brother with a vexed gaze.

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