To Love Marie

By sadloveletterssigned

159K 6.6K 1.6K

Marie knows she is beautiful and she just thought men couldn't handle her. She was too much for them. Until... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: End

Chapter 7

6.6K 269 55
By sadloveletterssigned


Tanner woke up feeling the sensation of Marie still under him, his precious Marie. Tanner lifted up to observe her sleeping face. He still was fascinated by her beauty, he started to trace his finger on her skin. After the dreams he had about her and all the times he had imagine talking to her for the first time. He imagined conversations with her in his head the times he would watch her. Even though he has her he still likes watching her observing her. He felt himself slip when he didn't see her for a month. He would talk to a picture of her like she was there with him it took him a long time to pull himself together. His Goddess back in his arms maybe he had to tread carefully with his beauty.

Marie woke up feeling Tanner's hands all over her she fluttered her eyes open to find Tanner looking at her. His pupils dilated when he saw her open her eyes and he looked out of it not tired or anything but like he had checked out. It was like he was in some type of trance looking at her. She sat up coming face to face with him she could feel his breath as he started to breathe heavy.

"My Marie," Tanner traced his finger on her neck. "My beautiful Goddess." Tanner laid her back down and started to kiss her neck and he started licking her. Like he was some type of kid enjoying ice cream. Then he lifted up and looked at her again.

He got to have some phycological problems or something.

"I want to go home," Tanner said in a strained voice. It was like Tanner wasn't talking it was like someone else was talking to her. "Let's go home." Marie lifted up and touched his face trying to read it.

"Tanner," Marie called for him. He didn't answer only stared at her. "Tanner, are you alright?" Tanner cleared his throat and blinked she furrowed her eyebrows when his eyes got lighter but still dark.

"I'm fine baby, let's just go," Tanner said and got up pulling her up with him. He didn't leave any room for arguments. Her dress shirt was in shambles on the floor she could only put on her skirt and her tank top. Her purse and phone were still on the floor. She slipped on her shoes picked up the shirt she couldn't button anymore. He had got dressed and grabbed her hand to go.

Once they checked out she walked outside to see her car on the back of a trailer. Tanner didn't give her a chance to gawk. He grabbed her wrist about pulled her to the truck.

"Tanner, I can drive my own car!" Marie snatched away from him. "I know the way back to my apartment."

"Not when you don't have one," Tanner said and pulled her in the truck scooting over and shutting the door and locked it. "Drive."

"Tanner, what the hell did you do?" Marie asked staying on her side of the truck.

"You'll be staying with me now," Tanner said. "In a much better space."

"I have a job! I have to come back here tomorrow all my clothes were there."

"You don't have to worry about that now," Tanner said. "As of this moment Marie. You are fired from this moment on."

"What?!" Marie started to grow upset. "You think you can just do this to me!"

"I think you underestimate me," Tanner said looking at her with daggers. "I have way more power than you think Marie."

"I know that! I'm not made of money like you! I gotta live too!" Marie started to argue. "Now I have to get another job."

"If you get another job I will buy that company and fire you all over again!" Tanner yelled at her. Marie yelled.

"You can't do that!" Marie yelled back.

"I can and I will! You think you could leave me and think I wouldn't be upset?! I'm doing anything I can to prevent that so you not working is apart of it is perfect in my eyes." Tanner yelled and looked with anguish at her. Marie's eyes started to weld with tears. She didn't say a word to him the rest of the ride. Marie cried silently her voice burned in her throat.

"We are here boss." The driver said as the car was put in park. Marie felt her door come open and was greeted by an old man.

"Your hand miss." The old man said. Marie took it cautiously and stepped out. "I am Truman the lead butler of the Ayers household. I've already had the house staff set up your room. Now, we have a house tou-"

"Sorry to interrupt," Marie said. "I'm pretty tired, do you mind just taking me to my room."

"Of course Madam," He said putting her arm out and she latched on to it. "Right this way." Tanner followed in behind them as his people unloaded his things out the truck. Tanner furrowed his eyebrows. Why was Truman taking Marie upstairs when dinner was on the table?

Tanner grabbed her wrist.

"We have dinner on the table, you haven't eaten sin-"

"Let go of my wrist," Marie said in a cold tone but she still had tears in her eyes. She didn't want to look at him. The tone of her voice went through Tanner's body. "Right now."

"Marie," Tanner went in front of her and his heart broke and when she looked up at him fear struck his heart. "Baby, I-"

"I don't want to hear it," Marie interrupted. "I just lost everything tonight."

"I almost lost you!" Tanner said placing both hands on the side of her face.

"I HAVE NOTHING OF MY OWN!" She yelled at him. Tanner winced. "But you have everything right?" Marie said and looked back down. "Please, Mr. Truman take me to my room." Truman nodded and took her up the steps.

Tanner stood there frozen, he rubbed his face in frustration.

"Marie, baby," Tanner called after her. "I'm sorry! Please just sit down and eat! We can talk this out!" Tanner put his hands on his hips it's like his feet weren't moving how he wanted them to move.

"You didn't give me an option to talk," Marie said and continued walking up the stairs. Once Marie made it up the steps Truman led her to two huge double doors.

"I didn't know what colors you preferred so, I hope you like emerald and gold," Truman said leading her in. It was beautiful she smiled and wiped her tears.

"It's beautiful Mr. Truman," She turned to him and hugged him. He froze awkwardly. "Thank you." His eyes widened when he heard that.

"It was my job, Madam," Truman said.

"Thank you for doing your job." Marie patted his should and let go.

"Madam, if you don't mind me asking," Truman started. Marie looked up at him and saw the old man blush. "Is it true you haven't eaten? If so if you don't want to join Master Ayers I could bring you something."

"If I need anything I will let you know," Marie said. Truman nodded and closed the door softly.

Tanner sat at the table eating slowly not really wanting to eat at all. Yet, his staff worked hard to cook it for him and... Marie. Her anger cut through him and the tears in her eyes when she looked at him. Truman walked in on the tail end of Tanner eating waiting to be noticed by Tanner.

"Truman," Tanner said and got up from the table finally finishing his meal. "How is she?"

"Madam Philips is in her room she plans on calling it a night, sir," Truman said.

"But she hasn't eaten anything," Tanner said worriedly. "Please tell her that dinner is ready."

"I have sir but she told me she would let me know if she needed anything," Truman said. Tanner's face went pale when he heard that.

"So, she won't come down." Tanner sat in defeat and sat back. "I've made my Marie upset with me."

"Sir, if you don't mind," Truman said.

"Go ahead, Truman," Tanner said turning to him.

"Give her some time sir," Truman said. "She is hurt and I know why but it seems you don't know."

"Please tell me!"

"She wants her own."

"She has her own, her own clothes, and her own room."

"You are still missing it, sir," Truman said. "I'll clean up here sir. Goodnight." Truman bowed and cleared his plate and picked up Marie's.

"She hasn't eaten," Tanner said stopping him. Truman looked at the sadness in his eyes.

"Oh, she'll eat sir, I'm afraid just not with you," Truman said and turned back around walking into the kitchen. Tanner hung his head and walked out of the dining room. He walked up the steps and didn't even think about stopping by her room. Her anger radiated throughout Hallways.

Tanner looked at her doors wanting to burst in and beg for her forgiveness. How could he beg for forgiveness when he didn't know what he was apologizing for?

Later Truman knocked at Marie's door.

"Madam Philips, I have the dinner you requested," Truman said. He heard some shuffling and then the doors opened up. She looked up at him with a smile and gestured him in.

"Thank you, Mr. Truman," Marie said. "I bet you've been standing on your feet all day today, do you want to sit and talk." Truman looked at her in shock.

"Madam are you sure?" Truman asked.

"I'm sure and please call me Marie," Marie said sitting on the couch that was in front of the TV.

"Marie," Truman said. "You can call me Truman."

"Sure," Marie said and bowed her head to pray. Then started to dig in.

"Mada- I mean Marie," Truman started. "If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean when you said 'You have nothing of your own.'?"

"Did Tanner send you her to ask me that?" Marie said taking a bite.

"No Ma'am. I assure you that he didn't." Truman said. "He did seem pretty worried that you didn't eat though. I just repeated the words you told him and I still didn't get it."

"Truman, I'm sure you get paid," Marie said. "How does it feel buying things that you want with your money?"

"I don't know Marie," Truman said. "It makes me feel satisfied I suppose."

"Truman, my father left me and my mother when I was sixteen," Marie said. "He held the fact that he was running the show and that he was the breadwinner over our heads. Then my mother said enough was enough and kicked his sorry ass out. He was physically abusive and he was constantly cheating. Treated us like punching bags for his anger."

"I'm sorry that happened to you, Marie," Truman said.

"I made a promise to myself that I would make something out of myself. Without a man's help or him controlling me. I want to do that for my mom and me it's like a personal challenge to myself. Now, that challenge is cut short." Marie said looking down from Truman. "I just wanted something to show that I didn't need no one to make it on my own."

"Master Ayers has taken that joy away from you," Truman said. "Do you want me to help him figure that out?"

"Sure if you want, just don't give him my whole life story," Marie said smiling. "But I still need more time I'm still pissed."

"As you wish, Marie," Truman said standing up.

"Thank you for being a listening ear," Marie said smiling at him.

"I am more than just a butler," Truman said. "It seems you are the first one to see that."

"You are human, Truman," Marie said. "Your life isn't just to serve, you deserve to live your life as you please." Truman stared at her and she smiled at him again. She just kept surprising him.

"Hmph, Goodnight Marie," Truman said. "I will be on call if you need me."

"Of course," Marie said looking back at the TV in her room.

Tanner tossed and turned as usual now when Marie wasn't in bed with him. He hit his head a couple times. He kept screwing up with her, how could he understand her if he kept screwing up? Damn it. He pressed the button by his bed and Truman entered the room.

"Yes, Master Ayers?"

"Did she eat?" Tanner ask sitting up.

"As we speak."

"Thank God," Tanner said pushing his head back.

"She is really unique," Truman said.

"I know isn't she?" Tanner said smiling to himself.

"Have you thought about it, Master Ayers?" Truman asked.

"I have over and over and I'm still confused," Tanner said looking at his hands. "Did she tell you?"

"I'm afraid not sir," Truman said. "Let me know if I could assist you in any way possible."

"Thank you." Tanner nodded and laid back down.

Marie never came out when Tanner was around she didn't want to run into him. If he was at the dinner table she wasn't. When he would go to his room she walked around with Truman learning the house.

Tanner would watch her from work through cameras around his home to make sure nothing went wrong. Except in the bedrooms and bathrooms. She would walk around in the most comfortable yet revealing clothing. She still held a sad expression on her face though and it broke his heart. Every time he knocked on her door she would just close it in his face. At least he saw her before he went to work. He felt alone in his own home he thought he would lay next to her every night three weeks after that incident. His beautiful Marie hadn't talked to him in 3 weeks. God, how could he be so dumb? How could he hurt the woman that he wanted for so long? This isn't what he wanted. He wanted her to be happy with him, he just wanted to take care of her and love her. He hadn't even got a kiss from her it was killing him.

Marie rolled out of bed when she heard a knock at the door she looked at the time 9:00 am. It was Tanner and she knew he wouldn't go away until she answered. She facepalmed and walk to the door. She got angry all over again when she saw him, she could forgive him all over again and when she saw him she just kept being reminded about her dreams being crushed.

Tanner let out a breath of relief when the doorknob twisted and the door opened. Marie opened the door and looked down from him at his feet. Tanner let a groan slip when he saw her in a matching crop top and shorts set. Seeing her smooth legs and her exposed mid-drift made him frenzy. He craved her, he wanted her. He couldn't help himself his hand lifted up her chin he just had to see those eyes. They still had anger in them they burned him yet they were still beautiful. She was still sexy when she was angry he couldn't help but be turned on at the site of her.

Alright, he had his time.

"No, Wait, Please!" Tanner stopped the door with his hand. "Baby, I miss you." Marie turned her head away from him and leaned in the doorway. Tanner let out a breath and went back in a trance. She was just beautiful in every way he couldn't help himself he had to touch her. He placed a hand on her hip and pulled her in. Her body against his that natural feeling was back.

Marie placed her hands on his chest only to push him away she turned around and started to go back in the room. Tanner just followed and shut the door watching her flop on her bed crawling back inside the bed covering herself with the blankets.

Tanner walked around the bed and sat by her observing her face her eyes still wouldn't touch him though.

"You've been cooped up in this house at least go do something today," Tanner said. She just rolled over ignoring him. "I've been trying to figure this out please," Tanner went on the other side of the bed and got on his knees. "I've hurt you my Goddess and that wasn't my intentions. I'm too dumb to figure this out please tell me. I only want to make you happy my beauty."

"Truman," Marie said. "Talk to him." Tanner felt his heart speed up when he finally heard her voice.

"That beautiful voice of yours," Tanner felt himself unravel a little. "I haven't heard it in so long."

"Go away, talk to Truman," Marie said and rolled over. Tanner felt his heart clenched and he got off his knees. He reached in his pocket and Marie felt a tap on her shoulder. She thought it was this finger she grabbed it but it was flat. It was a card she looked at him in shock. "This is a fucking Black Card."

"I know," Tanner smiled at her. "Please, Go do something today get out of this house."

"You still don't get it," Marie said and place the card back in his hand but he just refused it.

"I don't get it," Tanner said. "Have a nice day baby." He grabbed her hand and kissed it and walked out of the room. Truman was about to knock on the door when he opened it.

"Good morning sir," Truman said. "Progress?"

"It seems you are my Progression," Tanner said closing the door. "She told me to talk to you." Truman was about to say something but then he knocked on Marie's door.

"Marie," Truman called.

"It's okay, Truman," Marie said. Truman nodded and guided Tanner down the steps. He waited for Tanner to sit at the table. Tanner didn't want to eat until he understood what was wrong. Yet, Truman stood there and waited till he took a bite of his food.

"Sir, She wanted things of her own," Truman said. "More than physical things, she wanted to win at her own game."

"Her own game?" Tanner asked.

"She wanted to prove something to herself," Truman said. "She wanted success just like you."

"She has that now," Tanner said growing irritated. "I'm here to take care of her."

"Yet, not of her own doing sir," Truman said. "She wanted to be successful without anyone else doing."

"I don't understand, do you know how many women would love to be in her position?"Tanner said dropping his fork.

"She isn't like other women," Truman said. "She is unique remember? She has goals, ambitions, and dreams. You crushed them."

"How dare you say I crush my own Goddess dreams?!" Tanner said angrily.

"Marie," Truman stopped. "Her story isn't mine to tell. She wanted to be successful without the help of a man. She feels like she can't achieve that dream with no job. She wants a business like you, sir. Made from scratch and belongs to her and whether you'd like to admit it or not you've to crush that possibility. Now if you excuse me, sir, I'm going to have my morning chat with Madam."

"Morning chat?" Tanner questions.

"Yes, it's apart of my schedule now, it's quite enjoyable," Truman said and left the room.

Tanner sat to himself and Truman's words ring through his head.

'She has goals, ambitions, and dreams.' 'You crushed them.'

Did he crush her dreams? If anything he wanted to make her dreams come true. Saying that he crushed her dreams is like saying he ruined her life. She couldn't even look at him earlier. He was selfish with his beauty. The beauty he wanted at his side with his success he had made her upset with him because he crushed her dreams in front of her eyes. He was scared of losing her and he let his selfish emotions crush her dreams.

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