To Love Marie

By sadloveletterssigned

154K 6.4K 1.6K

Marie knows she is beautiful and she just thought men couldn't handle her. She was too much for them. Until... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: End

Chapter 4

9.5K 327 97
By sadloveletterssigned


"Well, Ms. Philips you had a very amazing interview and you were one of our top candidates but we have found a more capable candidate for the position . We are sorry and we wish you the best of luck on your job search." The woman spoke over the phone. Marie pinched the bridge of her nose and turned around face the wall. This was the eightieth denial this week she wanted to cry but she was at work and she wasn't trying to let these people see her cry.

That was it she was moving but she would plan it after the annual Low Worker's party.

"Thank you," Marie said and hung up the phone. She put her cart back with the others and got on the elevators to go on the fifth floor. Just to wipe the windows down and leave she didn't feel like staying long tonight.

She had walked past him without saying a word. Did she even see him? Why would she want to even look at him after what he had done? He had broken her heart but he still loved her and he couldn't figure out why he couldn't just move on. Xavier and Marie the model couple now two separate people. His mom still asked about her to this day and she still fusses at him for doing what he did.

She looked up from her feet and accidentally made eye contact with Xavier she rolled her eyes and pressed the closed doors but he had run and stop the doors from closing and joining her on the elevator.

"Beautiful, How are you doing today?" Xavier said trying to break the silence. It was how he used to greet her when they were dating.

"Didn't I tell you not to talk to me?" Marie said snapping at him.

"I want you back Marie, and that's never going to change," Xavier said and inched a little closer to her in the elevator.

"Well, that's going to have to change because I don't want you back," Marie said stood closer to the doors.

"We had a good thing, Marie," Xavier said and got behind her. She could feel his breath on the back of her neck. "The feelings we had, and the love we made was amazing. I could have sworn I could have lived off the taste of you."

"If that was really true you would have never cheated." Marie turned to him and said. He was dangerously close to her and his lips were inches away. Then the doors opened on the third floor she got off to take another elevator car up but someone had grabbed her hips and pushed her back on the elevator. Pushing Xavier out the way as well and she felt shocks go through her body once again.


"My Marie," Tanner said and hugged her then started to kiss her neck. Marie almost forgot Xavier was in the elevator. "I miss your presence, why won't you let me take you out?"

"Great, is it the day of annoying ass men?" Marie said and pushed him off. Tanner furrowed his eyebrows and looked to the other side of the elevator.

"Mr. Crest, didn't I tell you to stay away from Marie?"

"Well, Mr. Ayers what I do with Marie is none of your business."

"Why do you insist on disrespecting what's mine?"

"She was never yours, to begin with."

Marie went to the other side while they started to bicker and pressed all the buttons to each floor. She waited till five and she listened to them.

"I can take better care of her than you did," Tanner grabbing her hand and pulling her closer to him. "I should kick your ass for treating my sweet Marie that way."

Xavier grabbed her other hand pulled her towards him.

"I made my mistakes but I believe in second chances," Xavier told him and then looked at Marie who avoided his eyes. "I deserve a second chance Marie, I know at one point of time you had your whole life planned around me. Now, that I've found you I can plan out everything for us."

"I told you I was through with you," Marie told him and pointed at him in his face. "I told you I was done with you when you decided I wasn't good enough." Xavier looked at her with begging eyes. His eyes traveled from her face that showed anger to her hand that was in his face. Then he gently grabbed her wrist and started to suck her finger that was pointed.

She lost her train of thought. He pulled her closer and snaked his arms around her waist.

"Please, I need you, Marie," Xavier whispered. Tanner pulled her away from putting her on the other side of the elevator with him. He put his forehead against hers and their eyes connected.

"Remember, he broke your heart, Marie," Tanner said whispering in her ear. Then he nibbled on it and he started to kiss her on her neck and he even licked her on her cheek kissing her. She looked at the elevator number it finally reaches 5 she pushed through and got off. Leaving Xavier and Tanner on the elevator.

She didn't care if they tore themselves apart. Tanner looked in confusion and once he saw that she was on the other side of the door he tried to get off but the door closed before he could. She got up and breathed it should give her some time before they end up on the fifth floor again.

She had another co-worker take care of the trash cans and another to do the bathroom. She just needed to do the windows of the conference room.

"You are the type of white man that I detest." Xavier started. "Live off of Daddy's money until he passes the business to you. You think you can have anything or anyone that you want. You don't understand the word 'No'. You are just going to use her like she isn't worth anything. Another white man just wanted to use a black woman for his sexual purposes, disgusting."

"You don't know me or my family to judge me," Tanner said. "My father worked his ass off starting this business. I was fifteen and I worked with him when he first opened and I worked just as hard as he did."

"Still doesn't change the fact that you just want to use Marie," Xavier said facing him.

"I love Marie, she is not just an infatuation," Tanner said looking at him. "I've been wanting her for months and when I finally get her she is afraid. She is afraid to love again because of you and I won't let you sit here and judge who I am."

"I don't care how rich you are, she can't be bought."

"You don't think I know that," Tanner said. "She is priceless and the only one I want. There is no one like Marie. The feeling that we have between me and her is most likely way better than what you two use to have."

"You don't know what I and she had!"

"I know it's not like ours though," Tanner said. "I can still taste her on my time from the first time I finally had her," Tanner watched Xavier's face showed anger. He smirked "And I must say you were a fool to ever cheat on her. Who would ever want to trade such sweetness for something else? Now I must admit we skips some steps but I know what I want and that is a lifetime with her."

"I know your corny ass didn't sleep with her," Xavier said in disbelief. "You probably don't even know how to handle Marie."

"That night with her was so amazing and I'll be damned if you have her heart again after you broke it. I would fire you but I don't need a lawsuit for false fire, and you are one of my best employees so I'm not going to let this get in the way. Just know this if you ever over step with Marie I'll make your life hell and that's a promise."

They had been bickering for so long the finally made it to the top floor. Tanner press the button to go back to the 5th floor.

It was a long silence going from the 25th floor to the 5th floor. Marie was finished cleaning the windows and she was on the other side of the floor when she heard the elevator. Tanner and Xavier both stepped off the elevator and scanned the room. She had already made it to the emergency steps.

Tanner ran to the steps and open the door and yelled.


Marie felt her feet move faster than the speed of lighting. Tanner laughed but it sounded off and dark. Marie felt a chill go down her shoulders and she felt a breath of relief come out of her body as she reached the 1st floor. She never ran from a man before but two guys had her on the run. Everyone had gone home it was 10:15pm. All she had to do was clock out and get out of there she ran into the room where she clocked in and out at.

She cut the lights off and watched as Tanner ran pass the her door in the hallway. She sighed a breath of relief and then held her breath again when she heard a voice.

"Marie, Chile, Are you alright?" Her boss Mr. Salmon said while he sat at his desk. She turned around to she only his face in the dark behind the computer screen. Mr. Salmon was a middle aged Black man. He was kind but also sturdy and could always count on Marie to do her job and he had been worried about her. He knew her mother back in the day and didn't like her no good father.

"I'm sorry," Marie flipped the light back on. "I was just trying to clock out."

"That's in the next room over," Mr. Salmon said. "Are you running from someone?"

"Well I," Marie paused when she heard footsteps. She hid in the coat closet he had in the room. He stared in confusion and then his eyes widen when his door opened and Tanner Ayers was standing before him.

"Mr. Ayers!" He stood up in surprise and paused when he saw Tanner sniff the air. "I wasn't expecting to see you tonight."

"You are Mr. Salmon, the head of my custodian department," Tanner smiled at him and shook his hand. "Thank you for running the department so smoothly."

"No problem sir," Mr. Salmon raised an eyebrow. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"You have a sweet smell in here," Tanner said. He could smell her presence was here. How could she move so fast? It didn't matter he could feel that she was still in the building or near by. "I'm looking for Marie Philips, did she come in here by any chance?" Mr. Salmon chuckled to himself and shook his head. Tanner raised an eyebrow and looked at the old man.

"No, I haven't. Did she make the wrong impression on you sir? I can talk to her about her behavior if you need me too. She is one of my best workers in this department."

"That's not it Mr. Salmon," Tanner smiled at him. Did she bring joy to everyone she encountered? If so he fell in love with her more and craved her more than ever now. "She has given me the most lovely...impression that you can imagine." Tanner started to have flashbacks again from the night he finally had her and then back to where he first saw her.

"Mr. Ayers, not meaning to be invasive but your face is turning red." Mr. Salmon said cautiously.

"Are you sure you haven't seen her tonight Mr. Salmon? I would love to see her." Tanner asked putting his attention back on Mr. Salmon.

"I'm afraid not but I'll send her the message when she clocks out." Mr. Salmon said and shook his hand once more. He never thought he'd be shaking hands with a billionaire anytime soon.

"Thank you, You have a good night Mr. Salmon." Tanner said and left. Mr. Salmon waited a couple of minutes after he left.

"You can come out the closet now Marie." Mr. Salmon said. "You have that man sprung or something?"

"He is crazy!" Marie said breathless. She ran in the next room and clocked out and returning to the room

"He turned red as a damn strawberry thinking about you."

"Look, can we drop the boss act for a sec and talk to you as my Uncle?" Marie said sitting across him after coming back from clocking out.

He nodded. "You are off the clock."

"Uncle Sal, you know I don't like attention much. The last relationship I was in was trash and between me and Mr. Ayers...He'd been watching me months before he even spoke to me. We had a one night stand but even I can't flirt anymore with guys it doesn't feel right. Every time we get close to each other it's intense body heat."

"My God! Wait till I tell yo mama." Salmon laughed. "Got this Caucasian Man sprung. I know you heard everything in that closet and I know for a fact that he is the last one that leaves this building everyday even after me. That's because he gets a notification of who clocks out at least those he deem important."

"Oh no!" Marie said and grabbed her purse and things.

"He just met me today, yet he knows when I clock out. From the looks of it he is probably looking at all the cameras to see which door you are leaving from. Have a good night sweet girl and tell yo mama I'll be by later to beat her ass in spades." Salmon said as he watched her retreating figure leave the room.

Marie ran to the elevator that led to the parking garage and got on pacing back and forth. She never ran so much. For him to be trying to not scare her Tanner was scaring her. Xavier had his sites set on her again now that he found her. She had to get out of town, she had to leave. There was no other choice.

Marie made it to the parking garage and walk to her car fumbling with her keys. She drop them and picked them back up then she felt a arm snake around her waste. She stop breathing...this was just too much stress.

"I need you, I'm going to fight for you everyday until you become my wife, and after that some kids." Xavier told her in her ear. "Can't you imagine it like you use to do? I can see that vision everyday." He turned her around and stared at her and he could still see the anger in her eyes. She didn't believe him and he wanted to prove to her that his love for her was stronger than Tanners.

Then Marie felt another energy it was bad and dark and goosebumps going up her spine.

"That vision is gone, Xavier." Marie ripped away from him. "Do you know how long I cried over you? I wasted perfectly good tears over you because you were my everything. I'm over you Xavier just move on."

"I CAN'T." Xavier said and pulled her back. "You were the first one to ever give me a chance and I destroyed that and I understand." Marie didn't know what to say they just stared at each other. Then Marie felt someone lift her which was a damn miracle because she was on the plus size scale. Soon she was looking at someones back and she realized it was Tanner. She knew it was him she still felt the waves go through her body when he touched her.

"Get in the car, Marie." Tanner said in a dark tone and he unlocked the doors. When did he grab the keys. She just stared at him for a few seconds worried about what was about to take place in front of her. "I don't hear footsteps..."

"I n-n-need the k-k-keys," Marie was shocked at her self stuttering like her life depended on it.

"That's because you aren't driving tonight honey, now get in the gotdamn car." Tanner said but it was still in that cold tone. She moved her feet so fast after he said that. She climb in the passenger seat and waited and watched.

"You thought I wouldn't try after the elevator? She'll always be mine, Mr. Ayers." Xavier said.

"I don't have time to kept playing 'the girl is mine' game. You are not Micheal Jackson and I'm damn sure not Paul McCartney. She said move on so do that. Next time you come near her or come near anything of mine I'll bury you. Literally or metaphorically. Your choice." Tanner said and they stared at each other. Marie watched the two

Tanner turned and walked away and got in the car and Marie stared at him for a few minutes as he made the tire screech out the parking lot.

"Where are we going?" Marie ask. He didn't say anything, he was trying to calm down. She just stared at her hands she never thought she would feel so small. Soon, after looking at the turns he was doing she knew he was taking her back to her apartment. He parked in the parking space close to her door which was on the bottom floor. "Thank you, I know you live far out and you probably are tired from today. If you want to stay the night let me know."

Tanner looked at her and saw how she couldn't look at him, he practically wanted to break Xavier's neck. His touch all over her and not his he just wanted to strip her clean and replace Xavier's touch with his. He felt himself boil back up and he got out the car. Marie got out and he followed her to the door of her apartment.

Tanner pressed a few numbers on his phone and she heard some mumbles and then he hung up. She shook the feeling of fear off but it kept coming back because she still felt the anger radiating off of him. Tanner walked in and looked around the comfortable home she had made of this apartment. Soon there was already a knock at the door Tanner answered it. Marie stared at him surprised he'd already felt comfortable to open the door.

"Thanks." He said and when he closed the door she saw a bag in his hands.

"What's that?" She asked.

"Some things I need for tonight." Tanner said and placed the bag on the couch.

"Are you going to be alright?" Marie asked. She could still see a hint of red in his face. Tanner just breathed for a few minutes. The apartment was full with her scent all sweet smells that calmed him. Then he looked at her and how tense see was he had scared her once more.

Marie watched as his jaw clenched and unclenched, maybe she shouldn't have said anything. She just raised her hands and started to go to her room but he had tugged her arm.

"I'm going to be just fine, since I'm close to you. Thank you for letting me stay the night." Tanner said and kissed her on her temple. "I just don't like when other men touch you the way I should. I'm sorry you had to see me like this tonight." Tanner just held her finally letting go of the situation as long as he was with her.

"Well, you can get relaxed the bathroom is just right there and the guest room is right next to it." Marie said and scratched the back of her head and turned to go in her room. He could only watch her as she walked.

Marie closed the door to her room gently, how does she ended up in situations like this? She took off her shoes and placed them back on the shoe rack and she took off her uniform since she was off for the weekend she could wash it. She went to the bathroom in her room and did her nightly routine. Shower, lotion, teeth, and hair the usual thing she did before she went to sleep. When she got done she stepped out and found Tanner sitting on the bed. It look like he had recently showered and he smelt really good from what her nose could tell. He had no shirt on but some jogging pants.

"Why are you in my room?" Marie ask squinting her eyes.

"I had knocked on the door to see what kind of dinner you wanted tonight I was going to leave back out but this picture caught my eye." Tanner looked at her and smiled. He turned the picture and it was Marie in a old band uniform. "You look absolutely adorable, Marie."

"That band uniform was hideous, and I have a Red Baron Pizza in the freezer we can eat." Marie said taking the picture from his hands and placed it on her dresser. Tanner found himself always staring at her like he had seen her for the first time. She was wearing a big t-shirt that came over her knees. Her hair was tied up and her skin seemed to always be glowing to him.

She felt a little bit embarrassed at her appearance but it was her apartment damnit. Where else could she feel comfortable? She scratched the back of her neck awkwardly even when he looked relaxed he was just too much. When she started to walk past him he gently grabbed her hand and Marie felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. He sniffed her hand trying to get as many smells aquatinted with her as possible. Then his kissed the back of her and looked up at her with admiration.

She darted her eyes away from him and looked up at the ceiling. Her eyes always seemed to run from him and her eyes never ran from anyone but her mother.

"Your eyes always run from me, Why?" Tanner said standing up and guiding her face to his. "I love your eyes from the first day they looked at me."

"Look at you trying to make me feel beautiful again," Marie laughed a little. "Come on." Marie said and released her hands from his. She opened the door to go into the living rom and went into the kitchen. He sat on the couch and watched TV and waited for her to sit next to him. Instead, she came and sat in her chair she had next to the couch.

"Why are you so far away?" Tanner asked. It seem the night was filled with questions.

"Didn't want to invade your personal space." Marie said keeping her eyes steady at the TV.

"I want you." Tanner said. "I want you close, and near me. I'll never understand why you are so timid around me. I know this is a weird way to start over but are we really meant to be normal?"

"I've never had a normal life, I'm apart of statistics that people would deem not normal in their lives but normal in ours." Marie said leaned back in her chair. Tanner raised an eyebrow and got up to get something to drink. Marie got up to try and intervene him going to the fridge but it was too late.

Tanner opened the fridge to find it practically empty only some sandwich meat and water. It wasn't even in a bottle but a pitcher. He found a couple of Kool-Aid Jammers and some fruit. He felt his blood boil and then he went to the freezer only to find a pack of hot-dogs and the ice maker making ice.

"What in the hell, Marie!" Tanner turned to look her and Marie wanted to hide. "Don't tell me this is all you have? How are you even able to survive off of this?"

"I cook when I can, and when I can afford grocery, rent is high around here." Marie told him. "This is the only apartment that was close to the office and that I could afford."

"So you eat like a rabbit so you can live here?" Tanner said slamming the fridge door. Marie jumped grabbing her chest. Tanner walked towards her and she ran backwards from him but he caught her. Then he got down on his knees and lifted up her shirt and put his ear to her stomach. He heard it growl and he felt his anger shoot through the roof. "I can take care of you, Marie. You won't let me! Why is that?!" He stood up and looked at her. "This isn't where you belong!" He started to caress her face but he noticed how she winced he paused.


"Why are you wincing?" Tanner asked. "Do you think I would hurt you?"

"No," Marie did have a flashback though. After Xavier, she did end up with another guy. He was a good looking asian man. He was an angel to her out in public but in private he was a demon that she managed to escape. She was engaged to him and she left him out of the blue on her own strength. He doesn't know where she went and hopes that he never finds her. He would beat and torment her and one time she was knocked unconscious.

"No..." Tanner waved his hand in front of her face he noticed she had blanked out. "Marie, Baby, I would never lay a finger on you. I only want to love and cherish you not hurt you." Tanner pulled her in a warm hug. He saw how her eyes turned glossy and she lost her beautiful color.

"I'm fine. You don't have to take care of me," Marie reassured him. "Let me get the pizza out the oven."

"You just put it in. Do you need to talk?" Tanner said pulling her back to him.

"Some things you can't talk about..."Marie said. "I'll be okay."

"I understand," Tanner said still looking at her but her eyes weren't on him. "Hopefully, you can tell me. Come on, lets sit down and watch some TV." Tanner guided her to the couch he sat down and she sat next to him. He pulled her closer and put her legs in his lap and her head rested on the arm rest on the other end.

Tanner didn't care that her apartment was so small, it felt cramped but he didn't care. He was here with her and she didn't even confront him on how he knew where she lived. It bothered him though that she didn't tell him what made her freeze like that. He turned his head to look at Marie at the other end who just focused on the TV. Her smooth legs were on him and he couldn't help to take in her features.

She was absolutely stunning to him and he didn't know why his heart belonged to her the first moment he laid eyes on her. He believed in soul mates and so did his mother. His mom would always set him up on dates with women who Marie believed to be his 'Type'. Every time he could smell her, hear her, or even touch her he got hot. Shocks would run down his body and the urge to just hold her and talk to her raced through his mind. Tanner placed a hand on her calf muscle just to see if she was as smooth as she looked. Enjoying it like the first time he felt it from the night they slept together.

Marie felt her skin grow hot as Tanner rubbed her legs. Shocks is all she felt going through her body she didn't feel this with Xavier or Ang (Her ex fiancé). Still, the thought lingered if she was an infatuation or not.

"I can't wait till you finally get comfortable with me, Marie." Tanner said. "I know I still creep you out and everything."

"It always takes time to get use to new people, can't push it." Marie said. She sat up and looked at him. "I've never had trouble talking to anyone just so you know but with you something is different and I don't exactly understand it."

"I didn't understand it at first when I saw you but something told me to chase you," Tanner said pulling her closer to him. "I never chase a woman I'm so use of them chasing me. I lost all train of thought when I saw you and I couldn't even breathe. I can breathe now knowing that I can talk to you finally and that this connection is real. I don't know exactly what I have to do to convince you but I'm going to be on you like white on rice, and I'm not giving a man any chance to have you. You are mine to enjoy and to be with for a lifetime. Marie," Tanner was on top of her now in between her legs. He moved fast Marie was stunned that he could move her so easily. "You are the paradise that I need in my life and that I refuse to lose. I don't care if we end up separate for a period of time as long as you are with me in the end."

Marie finally looked in his eyes she saw how they darkened and how his body responded to her. There was so much heat between them and it was intense and she almost couldn't breathe. She didn't believe this was real she took her hand and put it on his arm and she felt how hot he was. She noticed how he reacted to her touch he had taken in a sharp breath. He wrapped her legs around his waist. This was home for him being right with her and being one with her.

"It's never been this intense with anyone," Marie said then she tried to feel the rise and fall of her chest. "It's hard to breathe when you are close to me like this." Tanner lowered his head for his lips to hover over hers. As soon as their lips touch they moved in sync and shocks ran through like a wild fire.

Marie moaned in satisfaction and made Tanner want more he was craving her more.

"Marie," Tanner said while starting to move down to her neck. "I'm hungry."

"The pizza in the oven," Marie start to raise up but he pushed her back down gently.

"I'm hungry for you, Marie." Tanner said. Marie stared at him. "I'll always want you." The timer on the oven went off. Marie and Tanner both looked back and Marie lifted up and went to the Kitchen and got the pizza out and turned off the oven.

Then she just stood there and placed her hands on her hips she could breath again. If she would have stayed under him any longer they would have never get off the couch. Then Tanner walked in the Kitchen and walked in front of her blocking her site of the pizza. He place his hands on her hips and guided her up on the counter to were she was sitting on it. He continued what he started on the couch.

"I told you, I was hungry," Tanner said and kneeled in front of her. "I need to be feed." He scooted her hips towards him and the next thing Marie knew. Everything is hot down south and his mouth was doing wonders. Tanner growled in satisfaction this sweetness that he was tasting he could live off of. She was so ready for him and it made him wild that he could have such an effect on her. Marie clinched the counter so hard her knuckles turned white. She looked down and saw that he had his eyes closed until he opened them looking straight at her. Then she felt him do more with his hands pushing her more and more. She started to shake she felt something build up in her.

"T-T-Tanner," Marie called out to him. "Tan- Shit."

"Feed me, Marie." Tanner said and continued on. "I need your sweet honey."

Paradise is what Tanner was in. He had craved her so much after the first night it almost drove him mad. She was his and her taste was made for him and no one else.

Marie couldn't take it anymore he was driving her wild and next thing he knew she was all over his tongue. Her sweet moans filled his ears and he felt himself loosing control of his senses. Marie was in another world and then she felt long thickness push inside of her bringing more pleasure.

When did he take off his pants? It didn't matter now Tanner was banging her into the next century. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moans filled the apartment. Who knew she would be getting some tonight.

Tanner moaned at the fact of how hot and tight she was around him. He never felt this intense with other women. She was his all his and he would kill any man to keep it. He held her hips as he entered further. He had earned a whimper from her.

"Never. Letting. Go. Oh God baby, you are amazing. " Tanner said in between thrust. They started to become faster and harder. "This mine, Marie. You belong to me, you are my queen."

"Tanner, baby," Marie felt something build up again but it was bigger than the first one. "You are fucking me so good." She managed to moan out.

"I'm the only one that's going to make sweet love to you," Tanner said breathlessly. "I'm the only one that's going to be fucking your brains out. Who does your sweetness belong too, Marie?"

"Tanner," Marie paused when she felt herself about to let go. "Tanner, Tanner, it's all yours."

"That's right baby, say my name," Tanner said kissing her on her neck. "You are so beautiful, Look at this body I could go insane looking at you. This beautiful face and you are just a goddess that deserves all of me. I live to serve you and only you."

"I'm about to-"

"Bring it. I want to feel you on me. All over me," Tanner said and he heard her scream his name one more time before she tightened around him. He had eye contact with her the whole time and she looked absolutely beautiful when she came. He would sell his soul to see her come but he wouldn't have to since she was his. Soon not long after that, he came right after her with spasms and all. "Fuck, look what you do to me."

The room was filled with pants and Marie was still hanging on. Tanner didn't want the leave the warmness that he was surrounded in. Marie ran her hands down his body and pushed him away gently. She groaned when she felt him leave her body. Mind-blowing, earth-shattering, out of this world sex is what they just had.

"What are you doing to me?" Marie said. She had to clean herself up again but she didn't want to get rid of his touch. It felt good to her and then she thought about it. Then she turned to him and laughed. Tanner raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"What's so funny?" Tanner asked getting that look in his eye again.

"You're right," Marie said. "You don't play fair." Tanner gave her a devilish smile.

"You are all I want, and I'm going to achieve you."

"Well Mr. Achievement, do you want to help me in the shower?" They both stared at each other for a moment and then Tanner quickly ran up to her and kissed her and they both laughed and enjoyed the night with each other. Maybe They weren't supposed to be normal after all.

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