Drarry Instagram // Eighth Ye...

By Drac-hoe-no

762K 17K 19.8K

Harry sent an Instagram friend request to Draco Malfoy the night before they had to return for Hogwarts Eight... More



38.4K 830 2.4K
By Drac-hoe-no

Draco groaned when his phone alarm went off that morning. Rolling over, pillow across his face; he reached blindly to turn it off.

"Turn it off!" Blaise grumbled from the other side of the room.

"That's what I'm trying to do," Draco huffed and stretched, he replied, "Time to get up, lazy bones." He checked his phone before getting up and heard the bathroom door shut as Blaise went inside, the Italian boy lugged his duvet with him which was now halfway across the room.

HarryPotter has sent you a SnapChat message!

"Oh Merlin, why?" He asked to no one in particular before opening. Really, why did Potter think it was okay to keep messaging him? Sure, VideoChatting and talking to each other every once in a while was fun but they weren't friends! Draco didn't even recall a time where they agreed to be civil with one another let alone friends!

Those glasses were the most annoying thing. Although, now that Potter was wearing his contacts a lot more than his actual glasses, Draco found they were growing on him. He also silently sent a curse to whoever made it possible for Potter to look that good before 9am on a school day.

DracoMalfoyy sent you a SnapChat message!

Harry laughed and shook his head, already saving the picture to his camera roll. Sure, one could argue it was a bit creepy but Draco looked positively adorable.

"Hey Ron," Harry called to his best friend who was on the other end of their room, digging through his unorganised trunk for clothes, "it's okay if Pansy and Blaise come with tonight, right?"

"Yeah sure," Ron replied distractedly, "Hermione likes Pansy and, as much as I hate to admit, Blaise and Malfoy are actually not that bad."

"I know what you mean," Harry replied, "And we call him Draco now."

"Draco? When did that happen?" The redhead asked, pulling a plain white t shirt over his head and messy up his already messy bedhead.

"We were VideoChatting last night," he answered vaguely with an offhand shrug.

"Where was I?"

"Snogging face with Hermione." Harry deadpanned and Ron had the decency to blush and look away.

DracoMalfoyy is typing...
Message from DracoMalfoyy.

DM: Oh and Potter? You should wear your glasses tonight, I hate to admit it but they suit you :)
HP: *Harry x

Smiling to himself and holding his phone close to his chest, Harry put on his glasses which he hadn't worn, outside of the odd selfie (for the aesthetic) and met up with Hermione at the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Why are you wearing your glasses?" She asked as soon as the boys sat down in the chairs opposite her, Harry presumed she had been saving. "Did you loose your contacts again?"

"No," he laughed, "I just... fancied wearing them today." He said looking over to a certain blonde boy, who nodded his approval before turning his attention back to Pansy and Blaise.

The only thing that got Draco through the days lessons was knowing that he would be able to go out somewhere with his friends where nobody knew who he was. He'd never really been to Muggle London, well that was a lie. He used to go with his father all the time when he was younger when his father had business in the Ministry. But never on his own, the prospect was quite daunting but he knew that he'd be with Potter. For some reason unknown to him, that made him feel rather safe.

"Pans." He whispered to catch the girls attention, they were in Potions and Slughorn was going on about an ingredient he had studied in the summer so he wasn't particularly bothered.

"What d'you want?" She replied, putting her elbow on the table and leaning into it so she could face him without causing too much attention.

"Potters invited us to go clubbing in Muggle London with Granger and Weasley."

She gasped loudly and had to smother it with a cough, "Oh my!" She whispered cheerfully, "This'll be the perfect opportunity for you and Potter to, y'know, get to know one another-"

"What is that supposed to mean?" He hissed.

She rolled her eyes, "Please. Blaise told me the two of you were VideoChatting all last night."

"It wasn't all night." He grumbled under his breath but Pansy didn't seem to care.

"I think it'll be fun." She answered, "Salazar knows I'm always up for a good party and a drink, plus Granger and I were talking last night and, surprisingly, she's not all nerdy and horrible."

"Oh God, you've gone soft, my dear!" Draco gasped dramatically and clutched at his chest.

"Unlike you with Potter." She winked and Draco received a glare from Slughorn for the surprised squak that came out of his mouth.

DracoMalfoyy posted a pic!

Liked by HarryPotter, PansiePark, HermioneJean and 36 others.

Tagged: PansiePark, BlaizeZabi, HarryPotter, HermioneJean and RonW

DracoMalfoyy: Stars in the hair are definitely a thing for tonight ⭐️💚

PansiePark: L I V I N G xoxo

HarryPotter: See you soon :)

The Subway. Apparently they were getting into London through a transport system called a subway. It was very similar to the Hogwarts Express except dirtier, busier, nosier and it had a depressing lack of magic. Somehow though, Draco didn't really mind; he looked around and saw Blaise and Ron chatting about Quidditch as they waited in line for beer which was being served at the platform. Harry and Hermione were... somewhere, Draco heard them mention something about tickets. Pansy was sitting next to him, they were waiting on one of those cold metal benches as they waited for the Tube to arrive.

"You know Potter literary hasn't taken his eyes off of you." Pansy pointed out, picking at her nails.

"I did not know that." Draco replied, shocked, "why would he be starring at me?"

She rolled her eyes, "You're literally dressed like sex on a stick. Man, if you were straight." She shook her head and sighed longingly.

"I am dressed impeccably, thank you very much."

"Of course, darling." She answered off handedly, "I just mean your arse looks really good, plus they really don't leave much to anything to the imagination in the front."

"Perhaps that's what I was going for." He said cooly and winked at her, causing the dark haired girl to cackle loudly.

"Hey," Harry greeted, walking up to them with Hermione. Draco could see Ron and Blaise coming up behind them. "Here," he said, handing everyone a white and orange striped ticket.

It was a bit embarrassing, as the purebloods struggled to work the gates with the tickets. But there was a silver lining, Harry called Draco cute and stretched across the blonde to do it for him, giving the youngest Malfoy the perfect opportunity to admire Harry's smooth, taut stomach where his shirt had ridden up.

"Oh good," Hermione said when they got onto the correct platform where the Tube was, "We got here just in time." They piled on, it was a squeeze but it meant that Draco and Harry were pushed up almost painfully close to one another. Draco was so close he could feel Harry's heartbeat through his clothes and he had to strike up a conversation with Granger so Harry wouldn't notice his blush.

PansiePark added to her SnapChat story!

Viewed by HarryPotter, RonW, BlaizeZabi, DracoMalfoyy and 98 others.

DracoMalfoyy is typing...
DracoMalfoyy sent you a message!

DM: Fuck you.
PP: <3

They all decided to get something to eat before going out. Hermione said it was a good idea to have something in your stomach because it kept you from getting sloppy drunk.

"So Draco," Harry said from opposite him and stuffing a fry into his mouth. "How're you liking London?"

"It's ... certainly different from what I expected." He grinned and Harry chuckled.

"Oh yeah?"

"But so far I've had a really nice time, thanks for the invite Potter."


"What I can't figure out though," Draco shook his head and sighed, gazing down at the cheeseburger on the table in front of him. "Is why the fuck don't they have these things in Diagon Alley?!"

Harry threw his head back and laughed, exposing his throat and Adam's apple. Draco bit his lip hard, to stifle a lustily moan.

HarryPotter added to his SnapChat story!

Viewed by PansiePark, DracoMalfoyy, HermioneJean and 103 others.

DracoMalfoyy is typing...
DracoMalfoyy has sent you a message!

DM: Worst photo of me ever taken and I hope you die :)
HP: Love you too <3
DM: You wish, Potter
HP: *Harry x

When they got into the club it was eleven at night, they had lessons all day tomorrow but when they entered the stuffy, dimly lit, crowded one room dance floor with a grim bar and toilets that had the smell of vomit leaking out of them, Draco knew they'd spent the rest of the night here and wouldn't regret it.

"Busy for a Monday night!" Pansy yelled over the music, "C'mon let's get drinks." And so she dragged him over to the bar, flirted with the bartender and unbuttoned her top ridiculously low all in an attempt to get drinks on the house. It worked.

The rest of the group had found a circle table by the jukebox in a corner somewhere. Harry scooted over so that Draco could sit next to him and Pansy sat with Blaise.

"Where's Hermione and Ron?" Pansy asked loudly.

"Toilets," Harry answered, "But I don't really want to think about what they're doing so can we please not talk about it?"

They all laughed and pretty soon after Ron and Hermione came back with messy hair and crumpled close, they got on the dance floor.

Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me

"Harry!" Draco shouted drunkenly, "Dance with me!"

"I'm coming!" The dark haired boy said.

I said you're holding back

"She said shut up and-" they were singing over the music. Draco's body pressed closely against Harry's for the second time that night. He couldn't tell wether it was Harry's phone or Harry's cock that was poking him in the back as he swung his hips in circles against Harry's crotch.

"Dance with me!" Harry sung loudly, his voice was deep and throatier than usual and the way he grabbed Draco's waist tightly enough to leave marks made Draco gasp over the music.

"They look like they're having fun," Pansy smirked to Hermione, pointing to the two bodies of their best friends on the dance floor. Draco had his back to Harry and Harry had his hands on Draco's hips which moved back and forth in time with the music over Harry's crotch. It was clear, even from where the girls stood, that both boys were hard.

"Oh my god," Hermione replied faintly, "they're drunk, they aren't thinking straight. Should we stop them?"

Pansy shook her head, "No way! Besides, it'll be fun to watch them figure it all out tomorrow."

Hermione just laughed.

"Hey Draco!" Harry slurred, reluctantly pulling away from the blonde as the song died down. "I think you're really fucking sexy!"

Draco giggled, "I think you're really fucking sexy too!"

For a moment they just looked into each other's eyes. Until Harry broke the silence by whispering lowly, "Should we make out?"

In response, Draco grabbed Harry's neck and pulled the black haired boy closer to him and smashed their lips together. It was a battle of dominance between the two, all tongues and teeth and breathy moans. Harry eventually won and Draco succumbed to the tongue in his mouth, exploring every detail over and over again. Draco nibbled gently on Harry's lower lip but when Harry didn't let up, he bit it hard and Harry opened his mouth for Draco's tongue. His breath tasted like alcohol and something resembling strawberries and it made Draco weak.

"We are definitely doing that again." Harry breathed when they had to stop for air.

Draco nodded fiercely and connected their lips again.

HermioneJean added to her SnapChat story!

Viewed by PansiePark, RonW and 45 others.

RonW is typing...
RonW sent you a message!

RW: Wtf when did that happen?!

By the time the group got to Hogwarts it was four A.M. Draco had practically fallen asleep on Harry on the train back and they were all a bit drunk so it took some difficulty getting into the school quietly.

When they did, Ron said he wanted to sleep with Hermione that night. He said it in a way which made Hermione blush.

Since Pansy was kicked out, she went to room in Draco's bed but with Blaise.

And by the time Draco's head hit the pillow, he didn't even notice that it was the same bed as Harry Potter.

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